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Sydney Shadle

Trinity Catholic School

23 children

Observed Episode

In this photo, the children were acting out a story they have
listened to. The book is called "The Tug of War." The quietest
children were picked to play the turtle, elephant, and the hippo. I
couldn't get my phone to take a broad enough picture to get the
hippo in the shot, too, unfortunately. The children understand the
story better when it is acted out, and the story has a great moral.
The hippo and elephant will not be the turtle's friend because he
is small and weak, but the turtle is wiser than both the large
In this picture, Parker is playing the turtle, and Taylor is
playing the elephant. The children that are not acting are sitting
on the carpet, and they were all entertained and engaged.
Listening to the story, the children probably did not understand it
as well as after they acted it out. At the end of the story, the
elephant and the hippo allow the turtle to be their friend, even
though he is not strong. That is a good message for pre-K

Involved Experience

In this photo, I am conducting the writing center activity.

The activity was a worksheet where the children had to write
capital and lowercase R. In this shot, I am helping and encouraging
Axel-Gray (blue shirt) and Oliver ( white shirt) to complete the
activity. Every child in the room was to complete this activity, so
the children rotate tables around every 10 minutes.
I learned that some children could write their letters
without a problem, but some can only write the letters present in
their name. This makes sense because the children write the
letters in their name multiple times a day, but rarely write letters
that are not in their name. I can assist the children when they are
struggling, but they have to try before they can receive help
from the teacher so that we know that they are working and not
just being lazy.
Sydney Shadle
Trinity Catholic School
23 children
​Unique Feature

The feature I enjoy is actually outside Ms.

Saucier's classroom, and it is the sensory floor. Ms.
Saucier created this over the summer, and she put so
much work into it. It has hopscotch, the alphabet,
numbers, and colors all incorporated into it. There
are also stickers on the walls for the students to
When the students have a lot of energy or need
to stand, she sends them out to the hall to do the
sensory floor a few times. It is immaculate. Students
of all grades like to use it when they come
downstairs because it is fun for all ages, not just
Sydney Shadle
Trinity Catholic School
23 children

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