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Weekly Reflection Journal Week 4 (2/10-2/13/20)

Domain One: Planning and Preparation

I am really having a hard time integrating technology into my lesson and making sure that I am

prepared for my lessons. What are some strategies I can utilize to make sure that I am more

prepared for my lessons and to make sure I know my lesson from front to back?

Some things I can do to make sure that I am prepared for my lessons are to create the

materials for them as I go. This way, I don’t have to try to gather the materials last minute as I

have been doing. This way, it makes me more prepared and I don’t have to worry about the

materials. I am going to try to start doing this. However, knowing my lessons front to back I feel

like is a bit much. I shouldn’t know it word for word because it just makes me sound like a

machine and not be genuine about the lesson. However, I do know what I want to do and

explaining it is no problem, but I noticed that I struggle with giving directions for certain

activities. I am always told to “pretend the kids know nothing.” But this is hard to do because I

don’t want them to feel like they don’t know anything, but I know they need to be taught. I think

finding the happy medium by practicing not only what I am going to do, but also to practice

giving directions.

Domain Two: Classroom Environment

When I teach, the students seem to not want to participate in the activities I have planned for

them. What can I do to promote working together, but to also have the students participate and

not just sit there?

This is very hard to do because I feel like I have exhausted many options, but they don’t

work. I have tried to motivate the students by asking them if they need help, walking through the
first couple problems together, and eventually, I tell them that they will receive a zero and it will

bring down their grade that they worked hard for. Some strategies I want to utilize is to use Dojo

to keep in contact with parents. Some other things I want to do is to allow the students to choose

their groups. Maybe this will have the students participate more. Some other things I can do is to

walk around with the grade book and give students points while they do class work. Also

building rapport with the students and being understanding I feel might help with the students

who won’t participate.

Domain Three: Instructional Delivery

I feel like I am doing better delivering my lessons as well as the content of the lessons. However,

there are some that require complex instructions that I just have difficulty with. How can I

practice giving directions?

I tend to have difficulties with giving the students directions. I want them to be able to

see what they are going to be doing in front of them, but I know as soon as I give them the

materials, I lose them and then I can’t give them the directions. But when I give them the

directions, then give them the materials, they forget what they have to do. From now on, I think I

am going to write the instructions on the board for the activity, then if the students ask what they

need to do, it will be on the board. However, some activities I can’t scan into ActivInspire due to

being too big, but I feel like I can somehow utilize the board to show the activity. Other ways I

can practice giving directions is by having them turn and talk about what the directions are. I

think if I use these strategies, I can grow in giving directions.

Domain Four: Professionalism

I feel like I have really grown in my professionalism and I don’t really have anything to say

about it, but I can still reflect a little on how I grew in my professionalism.

I feel like I have grown in my professionalism because I have learned not only how to

dress more professional, but to also be able to step out of my comfort zone and be more

communicative with my mentor teacher. I have also learned to hold myself more accountable

and not make excuses for things that were my fault. I also try to push myself to be the best and if

that doesn’t work out, it’s okay. I am a perfectionist, and I tend to want to make my lessons

perfect, and when they aren’t I get a bit upset, but I have learned that sometimes, all my lessons

can’t be perfect.

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