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Brycen Lamb

Professor Morean

English Composition II

March 20, 2020

Amazing Grace

The song “amazing grace” by Alan Jackson and Jojo/Ozzy both give a similar message of “love

and compassion to all”. Alan Jacksons version of Amazing Grace is slow and gentle. As for Jojo/Ozzy’s

version is more upbeat and ongoing. Both are the same songs and lyrics, but they each have a different

approach of telling the story. Both still giving that common message of “love and compassion to all”. I

like to look at the tune of these two songs. They are different and throughout them you can see a

different story being told. Have you ever been in that dark low place to where you didn’t think you could

see the end of it?

In Jojo/Ozzy’s version it starts out with some bongo drums. The tune starts out at a rising pace

and continues to rise throughout the song. Then focuses the attention on Ozzy the main singer. Ozzy

sings “I once was lost but now am found” portraying that Ozzy has been in a dark place, but with love

and compassion he has come out of it. Ozzy then sings “was blind but now I see” Telling the audience

that he is no longer in this dark period. There is now light and a reason to go on and Ozzy has found it!

The camera then focuses on Jojo singing “no matter what you’ve done or where you’ve been or who ya

are”. Really going into depth about the love in this song. Jojo portrays the idea that it doesn’t matter

who you used to be. As Ozzy sings “saved a wretch like me” meaning that you are no longer strayed you

have found your way and now you will continue in that path. Jojo/Ozzy’s song is preformed outside with

the wind gently blowing in the grass, as the sun beats down on the savannah. You can hear the sound of
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the bongos as they continue to sing the song. The tune is very upbeat and cheerful. With Ozzy being an

older man and Jojo a young boy. It portrays a feeling that this “love and compassion to all” applies to

every age both old and young. By the end of the music video Jojo a white boy meets up with Ozzy a

black man. This is shown as they harmonize and sing together that it doesn’t matter what race you are.

Everyone comes in and harmonizes together as one and all are glad that they are saved.

In Alan Jacksons version it starts out with a piano player with Alan standing alone in a dark

church. The piano starts playing and Alan gently begins to sing very slowly “Amazing Grace how sweet

the sound”. There is a very slow and calming tune that is distributed. The low light that starts out this

video is portrayed in a way of relief. The verse “was lost but now I see” is showing a sense of compassion

that you now can see the right way. There once was darkness, but now there is light and a correct way

to go as it is portrayed here. The camera focuses on Alan as he is the only singer slowly singing this song

in this dark empty church. This allows the audience of this video to have a personal connection with

what is being sung. Throughout the video a little bit more light is displayed, as more musicians and

singers slowly back Alan up. All of the singers joining shows compassion that they are there for their

friend and will support him. Also expressing love towards one another. By the end of the song all of the

musicians and singers are on one accord as they gracefully represent this songs meaning of “love and

compassion to all”. The room gets brighter as they all harmonize together.

Both songs have the same approach of pathos being the main appeal. In Jojo/Ozzy’s song the

camera focuses on the young boy and older man as they sing the song together both sharing different

verses. During the song there is a strong upbeat tune that really grabs the audience’s attention into

finding out what’s going on. They use this with two different races to show a loving and supportive

theme. Both of the singers meeting at the end shows a strong sense of pathos. Jojo/Ozzy’s song is

preformed outside with lots of light which shows more of an exciting position. Alan Jacksons song we
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see the same theme of Pathos. The tune of his version is much slower and less cheerful, but we still see

that overall theme of “love and compassion to all”. The camera focuses on Alan as he is in a dark empty

church giving more of a dramatic scene. As the song goes on the room gets brighter giving the perfect

portrayal of pathos. By the end of the song all the musicians and singers play and sing together. Bringing

in that harmony and self-awareness. Along with support and care for each other.

They both are clearly different song as Jojo/Ozzy’s song was filmed in an open savannah that

brought forth lots of light. As for Alan Jackson’s song was in a dark church. Jojo/Ozzy’s song was more

upbeat and cheerful, as for Alan’s song was more calming and in a way cherishing. Although these songs

have their differences it is very clear that they both share the same message of the song “Amazing

Grace”. A song of freedom and care that portrays a theme of “love and compassion to all”. Both songs

overall show that theme of pathos. Even though they are completely different styles.

Work Cited:

Alan Jackson’s Version;

Jackson, Alan. YouTube, YouTube, 27 Mar. 2013,

Jojo/Ozzy’s Version;
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Rock, JoJo. YouTube, YouTube, 15 Mar. 2013,

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