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실전 모의고사

출제 경향 완벽 반영


실전 모의고사
Test of English Proficiency 2018.02.25
developed by Seoul National University 프리뷰테스트
출제 경향 완벽 반영


[주의] 컨설텝스의 사전허가 없이 본 모의고사를 무단 전재, 복사, 배포, 출판, 전시, 판매하는 것은 저작권법에 위배됩니다.

뉴텝스 실전 모의고사 컨설텝스 텝스식 공부법

컨설텝스는 왜 텝스의 정석인가요? 본 모의고사 문제풀이 강의

노국영 수강생
컨설텝스 수강 후 3주 만에 200점 상승!
조은비 수강생
497 > 653 한달 만에 150점 상승했어요!
이해곤 수강생
컨설텝스 듣고 130점 올랐습니다!
<뉴텝스 실전편> 출시!
단순 해설 강의가 아닙니다.
기존 유형과 뉴텝스 신 유형 모두 텝스식으로 풀이합니다.

커리큘럼 <OT> 뉴텝스 유형 총정리(무료공개)

뉴텝스 모든 유형을 정확하게 파악합니다.
wjawj*** 수강생 이세광 수강생 닐리리야 수강생
425점에서 619점으로 향상 시켜준 컨설텝스! 이해편 수강만으로도 독해를 다 맞았어요! 컨설텝스 듣고 2달 반만에 175점 올랐어요 :)

실제 시험 TIP
시험 전 일주일부터 시험 당일까지 실전에 대비하는 비법을 공개합니다.

Part 1-2 (3,5,6,10,12,13,18,19번 문제)
Part 3 문제상황-입장 유형 (21,23번 문제)

수강생들의 성적표로 검증되었기 때문입니다. Part 3 Correct-Infer 유형 (24,28,30번 문제)

Part 4 (31, 33, 36번 문제)
[신유형] Part 5 (37-40번 모든 문제)

어휘 & 문법
컨설텝스 수강생 어휘: (8번 문제)

173점 문법: (5,15,24번 / 26-30번 Part 3 모든 문제)

Part 1 (2, 7, 8, 10번 문제)
Part 2 (11, 12번 문제)
Part 3 Topic-Idea 유형 (15,16번 문제)

3.1개월 Part 3 Correct-Infer 유형 (19, 20, 22, 24번 문제)

[신유형] Part 4 (26-35번 모든 문제)
컨설텝스: 2017.11.1 ~ 2018.1.29 수강생 후기 기준
타사: 2016년 1-2월 설문

뉴텝스도, 컨설텝스입니다.

자세한 내용은 홈페이지를 참고해주세요!
실전 모의고사, 이렇게 풀어보세요!
프 리 뷰 테 스 트 출 제 경 향 반 영 뉴 텝 스 실 전 모 의 고 사
문법/어휘 · 어휘 1~30번/ 문법 1~25번 문제를 풀 때는 잘 모르겠다면 고민하지말고 넘어가세요!
· 틀린 문법을 찾는 유형인 문법 26~30번은 4지 선다가 아닙니다.
한 문제에 최소 10군데 이상을 체크해야 합니다.
· 다만, 문법적 오류는 무조건 “한 단어 (=1 word, 한 어절)”로 고칠 수 있습니다.
* 그 이상을 고쳐야 한다면 잘못 짚었을 확률이 높습니다.

· 9p부터 43p까지 인쇄해주세요

01 문제를 풀기 전 · 컨설텝스 홈페이지에 무료로 공개되어있는 청해 문제 음성파일을 준비해주세요. 독해 · 텝스 독해 영역의 유형별 문항 수는 다음과 같습니다.

Part I Part II Part III Part IV


02 문제를 푸는 중에 문단 수 1문단 2문단

문항 수 8 2 2 4 6 3 3 5 2
문제풀이 주의 사항 · 무조건 실전처럼 시간에 맞추어 풀어주세요. 문제 번호 1-8 9-10 11-12 13-16 17-22 23-25 26-35
· 실제 시험을 보는 것처럼 컴퓨터용 사인펜으로 OMR 카드(9p)에 마킹해주세요.
· 영역 별 시간을 맞추어 풀어보세요.
청해: 약 40분 (재생시간에 따라)
어휘/ 문법: 25분
독해: 40분

청해 · 모든 문제의 보기에서 소거법 (○△X) 을 적용해보세요! 전 영역 공통 · 비슷하게 생긴 선택지를 주의하세요!

· 텝스 청해 영역의 경우, 유형별 문항 수는 다음과 같습니다. - 오답은 일부러 지문과 비슷한 표현을, 정답은 지문과 다른 표현을 사용하는 경우가 많답니다.
· 시간되면 무조건 STOP! 해주세요. (못 푼 문제는 채점 후에 마저 풉니다.)

Part III Part IV Part V

Part I Part II
03 문제를 풀고 난 후 · 답지(46p)를 참고해 채점하고, 못 푼 문제를 다시 한번 풀어보세요.
· 점수 계산표 (48p) 를 참고하여 점수를 계산해보세요.
지문 대화문 담화문
· 어려운 문제가 있다면 <뉴텝스 실전편>강의를 참고해주세요.
문단 수 1문단 2문단 · 성적 상담을 받고 싶다면, 컨설텝스에서 <무료 컨설팅>을 받아보세요!
(누구나 1회까지 무료로 받아볼 수 있습니다.)
문항 수 10 10 3 5 2 미정

문제 번호 1-10 11-20 21-23 24-28 29-30 31-36 37-40

다음 장부터 실전문제가 시작됩니다

시험 준비가 다 되셨다면 다음 장으로 넘겨주세요 :)

6 7
Test of English Proficiency Born
developed by
Seoul National University 성명
응시일자 년 월 일
어휘&문법 생년월일 성별
청 해 Vocabulary & Grammar 독 해 Birth Gender 수험번호
Registration NO.
Listening Comprehension 어휘 문법 Reading Comprehension Y Y M M D D 남 여
Male Female
Vocabulary Vocabulary
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 a b c d 21 a b c d 1 a b c d 21 a b c d 1 a b c d 21 a b c d 1 a b c d 21 a b c d 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 a b c d 22 a b c d 2 a b c d 22 a b c d 2 a b c d 22 a b c d 2 a b c d 22 a b c d 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 a b c d 23 a b c d 3 a b c d 23 a b c d 3 a b c d 23 a b c d 3 a b c d 23 a b c d 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 a b c d 24 a b c d 4 a b c d 24 a b c d 4 a b c d 24 a b c d 4 a b c d 24 a b c d 4 4 4 4 4 4 내/외국인 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 a b c d 25 a b c d 5 a b c d 25 a b c d 5 a b c d 25 a b c d 5 a b c d 25 a b c d 5 5 5 5 5 5
Dom./ For. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 내국인 외국인 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Domestic Foreigner
6 a b c d 26 a b c d 6 a b c d 26 a b c d 6 a b c d 26 a b c d 6 a b c d 26 a b c d 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7 a b c d 27 a b c d 7 a b c d 27 a b c d 7 a b c d 27 a b c d 7 a b c d 27 a b c d 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 a b c d 28 a b c d 8 a b c d 28 a b c d 8 a b c d 28 a b c d 8 a b c d 28 a b c d 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
9 a b c d 29 a b c d 9 a b c d 29 a b c d 9 a b c d 29 a b c d 9 a b c d 29 a b c d
10 a b c d 30 a b c d 10 a b c d 30 a b c d 10 a b c d 30 a b c d 10 a b c d 30 a b c d
신 분
11 a b c d 31 a b c d a b c d a b c d 11 a b c d 31 a b c d 중학생
11 11
12 a b c d 32 a b c d a b c d a b c d 12 a b c d 32 a b c d
12 12 고등학생
13 a b c d 33 a b c d a b c d a b c d 13 a b c d 33 a b c d
특목고 (자사고 포함)
13 13
14 a b c d 34 a b c d a b c d a b c d 14 a b c d 34 a b c d
14 14
15 a b c d 35 a b c d 15 a b c d 15 a b c d 15 a b c d 35 a b c d
대학생 (휴학생 포함) 전문대학원 준비생
16 a b c d 36 a b c d 16 a b c d 16 a b c d 16 a b c d
17 a b c d 37 a b c d 17 a b c d 17 a b c d 17 a b c d
18 a b c d 38 a b c d 18 a b c d 18 a b c d 18 a b c d 일반인
공무원 외
19 a b c d 39 a b c d 19 a b c d 19 a b c d 19 a b c d
20 a b c d 40 a b c d 20 a b c d 20 a b c d 20 a b c d 기타
1. 답안 작성은 반드시 컴퓨터용 싸인펜을 사용해야 하며, 아래의 'GOOD'과 같이 올바르게 4. 성별, 생년월일, 수험번호 등의 인적정보는 성적처리를 위해 반드시 필요하므로 정확하게 기재해야 하며, 미기재
마킹해야 합니다. 또는 기재오류 등으로 인해 인적정보가 올바르지 않는 경우 성적처리가 되지 않으며 그 결과는 응시자가
Good Bad
유의사항 2. 답안작성 도중 수정이 필요한 경우 반드시 수정테이프를 사용해야합니다.(수정액 불가) 5. 시험이 종료된 후 답안 및 인적사항의 수정 또는 정정이 불가능하므로 신중하게 답안을 작성하시기 바랍니다.
3. 올바른 필기구와 수정도구를 사용하지 않거나 본인의 부주의로 잘못 마킹한 경우 성적 6. 답안지 상단의 타이밍마크(III)를 찢거나 낙서 등으로 인해 답안지를 훼손하는 경우 성적처리가 되지 않을 수
처리가 되지 않을 수 있으며 성적은 TEPS관리위원회 OMR 판독기의 판독결과에 따릅니다. 있습니다.

Test of English Proficiency
developed by Seoul National University

1. In the Listening Comprehension section, all content
will be presented orally rather than in written form.

2. This section contains five parts. For each part, you will
receive separate instructions. Listen to the instructions
carefully, and choose the best answer from the options
for each item.
Part I Questions 1~10 Part III Questions 21~30

L You will now hear ten individual spoken questions or statements, each followed by four spoken
response. Choose the most appropriate response for each item.
You will now hear ten complete conversations. For each conversation, you will be asked to
answer a question. Before each conversation, you will hear a short description of the situation.
After listening to the description and conversation once, you will hear a question and four
options. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers the question.

Part II Questions 11~20

You will now hear ten short conversation fragments, each followed by four spoken responses.
Choose the most appropriate response to complete each conversation.

14 15
Part IV Questions 31~36 Part V Questions 37~40

L You will now hear six short talks. After each talk, you will be asked to answer a question. Each talk
and its corresponding question will be read twice. Then you will hear four options which will be
You will now hear longer talks. After each talk, you will be asked to answer two questions.
Each talk and its corresponding questions will be read twice. However, the four options for
read only once. Based on the given information, choose the option that best answers the question. each question will be read only once. Based on the given information, choose the option that
best answers each question.

16 17

These two sections test your vocabulary and grammar
knowledge. You will have 25 minutes to complete a
total of 60 questions: 30 from the Vocabulary section
and 30 from the Grammar section. Be sure to follow the
directions given by the proctor.
Part I Questions 1~10 Part II Questions 11~30

V Choose the option that best completes each dialogue. Choose the option that best completes each sentence.
1. A: How about playing baseball tomorrow? 6. A: What is your opinion toward the 11. Coordinated Market Economy _____________ 16. John Rawls endeavored to ____________
B: Sorry, I have a whole ________ of stuff matter? welfare states along with the strong unions. utilitarian arguments about justice.
to do. B: I already expressed ___________ to it.
(a) pursues (a) controvert
(a) knuckle (a) contraposition (b) dampens (b) convoke
(b) bunch (b) objection (c) reckons (c) designate
(c) loaf (c) neglect (d) conjures (d) synthesize
(d) lurch (d) preservation

2. A: Where are you going to visit during 7. A: Patrick seems to be under the weather today. 12. Economics is a(n) ___________ academic 17. Locke tried to ________ governmental
your trip? B: I think he feels _____ due to his field which deals with the people’s and the authority so that the citizens would not be
B: Here’s my ___________. Take a look. sleep disorder. states’ economic activities. severely interrupted with their lives.

(a) itinerary (a) drowsy (a) redundant (a) conjecture

(b) anecdote (b) elusive (b) coherent (b) postpone
(c) venue (c) proclaimed (c) explicit (c) recall
(d) expedition (d) skeptical (d) elaborate (d) restrict

3. A: Did you watch the news last night? 8. A: I am not used to work with this new device. 13. The movie star is known for his ___________ 18. This article ____________ how refugees have
B: No, I was ___________ in my work. B: It is always not easy to __________ life; he does not enjoy spotlight of the media. been living in a desperate condition.
to something novel.
(a) absorbed (a) concrete (a) punctuates
(a) agitate
(b) preserved (b) reliable (b) rouses
(b) admonish
(c) classified (c) seclusive (c) illustrates
(c) clamor
(d) deteriorated (d) sectional (d) clutters
(d) adapt

4. A: Could you help me out this Saturday with 9. A: Why is Roger upset? 14. The adventurous nineteenth century 19. Some Critiques argue that Shakespeare’s
the project? B: I heard he was _________ about his architecture concentrated more on the sentences are too ____________ compared
B: Are you in ___________ of the project? colleague. _____________ aspect of buildings. to his contemporaries.

(a) care (a) shuddering (a) lucid (a) feasible

(b) charge (b) clutching (b) erasing (b) collective
(c) sentence (c) muttering (c) experimental (c) unanimous
(d) verdict (d) snoring (d) mowed (d) conventional

5. A: Our boss is a man of his word. 10. A: I could not imagine her ruining herself. 15. The Treaty had no actual __________ 20. Edouard Manet’s works are famous for their
B: Yeah, he is really ___________. B: The __________ was way too fatal for clause to the breaching countries. vivid colors and strong ___________.
her reputation.
(a) confidential (a) binding (a) strokes
(b) imperative (a) revelation (b) pending (b) liners
(c) eventual (b) surveillance (c) instrumental (c) purser
(d) trustful (c) reconnaissance (d) savory (d) consent
(d) sustenance

20 21
21. Cookies tend to _______ easily, so many 26. The city is preparing for a parade,
mothers are frustrated when cleaning up. __________ a historical victory in the war. Part I Questions 1~10

V (a) reign
(b) collapse
(c) crumble
(a) enervating
(b) commemorating
(c) engendering
Choose the option that best completes each dialogue.
1. A: Did you watch the baseball game last night? 6. A: What is your plan for our presentation?
(d) dismiss (d) administrating
B: Yeah, watching the Dodgers _________ B: My plan is __________ it by next week.
the Giants was so much fun.
22. The labor union officially ___________ with 27. Romanticism _____________ Rationalist (a) finishing
the board members about the annual income trends of Seventeenth Century, proclaiming the (a) destroying (b) having been finished
reduction. importance of emotions and irrationality. (b) destroyed (c) to finish
(c) to destroy (d) to have been finishing
(a) repealed (a) conceived (d) having destroyed
(b) imposed (b) cajoled
(c) remonstrated (c) doused 2. A: How often do you play computer games? 7. A: When does your son go to the secondary
(d) enforced (d) ostracized B: I certainly _______________ to it. school?
B: Actually, he _________ a high school
(a) addict student already for about a year.
23. Great artists in the Middle Ages could 28. The comedian is renowned for his rhetorical
(b) am addicted
make ends meet with the _________ of rich ___________ toward the politicians.
(c) addicted (a) has been
(d) was addicted (b) was
(a) waggery
(c) is
(a) occupancy (b) sublimity
3. A: Was Tom punctual with what you asked (d) had been
(b) patronage (c) suffrage
him for?
(c) contention (d) drawler
B: Yes, he brought his work ______ in time. 8. A: How’s the manager’s mood today?
(d) attainment
B: She seems upset about last night. We
(a) so shouldn’t ________ the office early.
24. Christians consider Buddhist rituals as 29. President John F. Kennedy made a (b) just
a kind of ______________. breakthrough with the Cuban Missile Crisis (c) yet (a) be leaving
imposing an arms ________ against the (d) already (b) have left
(a) superstition Cubans. (c) have been leaving
(b) competence (d) be left
4. A: Why isn’t Melanie with you?
(c) proficiency (a) embargo
B: She was requested by the customs officer 9. A: What is the subject of today’s debate?
(d) reference (b) retaliation
that her duties __________ right away. B: It is on the safety of nuclear power,
(c) correspondence
(d) consignment _________ the NGOs have been opposing
(a) pay strongly for several years.
(b) paid
25. Scientists ought to write their __________ 30. Most trees in South Korea are ___________, (c) were paid (a) for which
based on solid facts from repeated experiment. in contrast to those of Canada. (d) be paid (b) on which
(c) to which
(a) indulgence (a) carnivorous (d) which
(b) denomination (b) coniferous 5. A: Do you plan to remain as a player
(c) masterwork (c) delinquent on the playoff next year?
(d) theses (d) collateral B: Yes, and I_________playing 10. A: Why is John late today?
baseball for 20 years next season. B: He ________ in the traffic jam.

(a) will have (a) should be

(b) will have been (b) will be
(c) will (c) must be
You have finished the Vocabulary questions. Please continue on to the Grammar questions. (d) am (d) need be

22 23
21. The students were panicking over the 24. It is __________ that the company will have
Part II Questions 11~25 school’s sudden decision to retake the exam, paid off all the debt by the end of the year.

as __________their homeroom teacher.
Choose the option that best completes each sentence. (a) speculating
(a) was (b) speculated
(b) were (c) to have speculated
11. The company’s effort _________________ 16. The conflict between the Soviet Union and (c) is (d) having been speculated
its stock price was in vain, since it rather the United States reached its peak _____ the (d) are
plummeted. 1960s.
22. Each and every baseball player of the 25. The nearby amusement parks were primarily
(a) enhanced (a) in
team __________ to receive any request of ______________________________
(b) enhancing (b) by
autographs. economic profits.
(c) to enhance (c) since
(d) enhances (d) at
(a) is obliged (a) built not satisfying local citizens but
(b) oblige pursuing
12. Neil has recently realized that he is 17. Experts say that amino acids do contain harmful (c) are obliged (b) to build not satisfy local citizens but
excessively _______________ on alcohol. substances though often __________ by many. (d) obliges pursue
(c) building local citizens not satisfied but
(a) depend (a) overlook pursued
23. These days, children from economically
(b) dependable (b) overlooking (d) built not to satisfy local citizens but to
deprived families are much more
(c) dependent (c) overlooked pursue
malnourished than ____________________.
(d) dependence (d) having overlooked
(a) a rich one
13. The Lord of the Rings series__________ 18. The President is notorious for his ignorance in (b) rich ones
on the screen for about ten years. the economy even though he has __________ (c) those from rich ones
experience in the field. (d) that of rich ones
(a) has shown
(b) is shown (a) a little
(c) has been shown (b) many
(d) is being shown (c) much
(d) little

14. The agents tried to treat __________ very 19. The Hispanics have achieved strong
carefully, considering the importance of it. demographic power in the United State for
centuries, but _________________________
(a) informations politically and economically.
(b) the information
(c) an information (a) nowhere equal status had they been given
(d) the informations (b) had equal status been given nowhere to them
(c) nowhere had they been given equal status
(d) had they been nowhere given equal status
15. Scarcely had her father returned
home ____________________. 20. His mother scared him that he won’t get any
pocket money __________ he studies hard.
(a) when it rained to stop heavily
(b) heavily it stopped to rain (a) unless
(c) when rain it stopped to heavily (b) lest
(d) when it stopped raining heavily (c) as
(d) though

24 25
Part III Questions 16~30

G Read each dialogue or passage carefully and identity the option that contains a grammatical error.

26. (a) A: Do you work out regularly? 28. (a) Jean Jacques Rousseau redefined the
(b) B: No, I hate exercising. concept ‘freedom’. (b) Rousseau’s precedents
That’s why I am in such a bad shape. had defined the concept as freedom from
(c) A: How about begin exercising with me? authority or devastating life. (c) However,

(d) B: No thanks. I will just live like this. Rousseau additional suggested ‘freedom
from inequality’. (d) From his idea, concepts
such as socialism, human rights and welfare
27. (a) A: Why did you miss the lecture last flourished.

(b) B: I was too busy doing the assignment
from another class. 29. (a) The black pepper among many other
(c) A: You have better done it earlier. spices especially affect the cuisine’s flavor.
(d) B: Yeah, cramming has always been my (b) Before the introduction of the black
problem. pepper, Europeans rarely knew about spicy
tastes. (c) After its introduction from Asia
and America, Europeans fell in love with
the spice. (d) They valued the black pepper
so much that they utilized it for the means
of currency.

30. (a) F. S. Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

represents the American society in
the 1920s. (b) The novel displayed the
realization of American Dream through
the economic boom. (c) On the other
side, however, it also signifies a sense of
emptiness from material prosperity. (d)
Through this novel, readers can appreciate
the illusions of American Dream and the
feelings of emptiness.

This section tests your ability to comprehend reading
passages. You will have 40 minutes to complete 35
questions. Be sure to follow the directions given by the
You have reached the end of the Vocabulary & Grammar sections. Do NOT move on to the
Reading Comprehension section until instructed to do so. You are NOT allowed to turn to any
other section of the test.

Part I Questions 1~10

R Read the passage and choose the option that best completes the passage.
1. Cases of speeding and signal violations by drivers of two-wheeled vehicles are ever increasing. 4. __________________________ in the news market where the number of newspaper subscribers,
Even if they violate traffic laws, it is very difficult to crack down on them. This is because two- who actually pay for the news, is decreasing. This is because after portal sites buy news at
wheeled vehicles have license plates on the rear side of the car while the unmanned camera can giveaway prices, they depend on advertisements and distribute articles for free. It is becoming
only crack down on the front side. That is, however hard we try with the current policy, ________ harder to expect high-quality news as the media indiscriminately produces free articles. Also, the
_________________________. monopolization of news services by search engines can hamper the development of the media.
Therefore, regulations are needed on the news distribution services of the internet giants.
(a) we fall short of the labor force to crack down on the rear side
(b) the sense of order by drivers of two-wheeled vehicles is ever increasing (a) The influence of the internet is rather increasing
(c) we cannot improve the traffic laws we crack down on drivers with (b) The newspaper is once again preparing for a revolution
(d) we are not equipped with appropriate tools for regulation (c) Readers should be able to judge a decent media
(d) The unit cost of media advertisements has decreased

2. Fingerprints are the patterns that can be seen on the interior of the finger. Since each individual 5. A consumer organization provides information on products after comparing them in various
has dissimilar fingerprints, they are frequently utilized for criminal investigation. However, ___ aspects. In turn, consumers who accept the information as reliable end up buying the products.
____________________________________. Fingerprints are curved, so this prevents your hands Because such information heavily affects the consumers’ choice of product, it should be
from sliding. In other words, when you grasp a cup, fingerprints help you so that it does not slip thoroughly objective. However, these organizations typically probe only limited lines of products.
from your hand. Therefore, the information provided by the consumer organizations _______________________.

(a) aside from their prevalent usage, they actually exist for a reason (a) can be thoroughly objective because it contains sample errors
(b) they are not prevalently used for investigations these days (b) should be limited in order not to affect consumers’ choice
(c) some fingerprints are not that helpful in criminal investigation (c) has a role in alleviating the consumers’ financial burden
(d) fingerprints are used when grasping objects that are far away (d) cannot be considered unconditionally trustworthy in regards to every product

3. Men cannot easily find a certain object, but women can do so with relative ease. This is due to
_______________________________________________________. Men’s sight has been narrowly
adjusted to spot a target. This is because narrowly adjusted sight is suitable for accurately catching
objects far away, especially while hunting. On the other hand, women’s sight has been widely
adjusted to look around the house because they take care of the children and protect the house.

(a) the difference between the gender roles in the past

(b) the discrepancy in the innate characteristics within each gender
(c) the coercion of men on women to be more feminine
(d) women’s attachment to far away objects

28 29
6. Volleyball players begin their day climbing up on scales because it is crucial for them to maintain 9. People tend to favor others who show similar attitudes or mindsets to them. When hanging out
weight at an adequate level. The preeminent reason for players checking their weight everyday with people who share the same views, people feel a sense of relief that their beliefs and principles
is __________________________________ not to sprain ankles with too much bodily. If they are legitimate. ______________, they feel confident that their decisions are valid. In other words,
weigh too much, the lower part of their body will receive severe stress when jumping. In addition, when the majority of people portrays identical opinions with them, people think their thoughts are
since most players are tall, their average weight tends to be heavier; this could trigger immense justifiable and they become at ease.
shocks especially on players’ knees and ankles when they jump vertically.
(a) Moreover
(a) to prevent weight loss so as not to become fragile (b) In contrast
(b) to alleviate the danger of getting injured from weighing too much (c) Otherwise
(c) not to sprain ankles with too much body pressure (d) In the end
(d) to maintain movement capacity at an adequate level

7. A new system called “Registered E-mail” will be enforced to certify whether important 10. Proofreading is not only about correcting misspellings and redressing omitted words. It’s more
documents such as contracts or notes sent through e-mails have really been sent or received. about adjusting and structuring sentences to meet the eye level of readers so that they can
Through this system, a third party confirms the transmission of e-mails, which _____________ understand the writing more easily. At the same time, proofreaders must retain the novel tone of
_____________________. The current e-mail system can also check whether an e-mail has been the author and maintain the nuance of the work. ______________, proofreading is an intricate
received, but this does not have any legal validity. Also, if the receiver forges the sent documents, process which requires copious knowledge of language and consideration for both readers and
it is hard to verify the truth. On the other hand, because the new system is authorized by the authors.
government, it can not only check the transmission of e-mails, but it can also serve as a legal basis
if any issues arise. (a) Similarly
(b) In the mean time
(a) can settle legal issues that can occur while exchanging important documents (c) Nonetheless
(b) is different from the original system in its ability to check the transmission of e-mails (d) Therefore
(c) needs to be improved because currently the e-mails can be forged
(d) is legally valid but he/she is unable to check the transmission of emails

8. In the late 19th century, a new form of dance emerged as artists sought for liberation from
classical ballet. The performers took off tight costumes and refused standardized motions.
This movement, which did not concentrate on technique itself but rather expressed freedom
and character through dancing, became the Modern Dance of the 20th century. Motions within
Modern Dance were not merely considered to be compositions of a performance such as plot or
music, but they were recognized as a choreographer’s ideology and emotion. The audience, who
was tired of classical ballet, ____________________________.

(a) desired to enjoy classical ballet’s plot through an unconventional perspective

(b) wanted dance that could express the body’s elegance with tight, lavish costumes
(c) raved about the choreography that articulated human emotions through natural movements
(d) preferred simple motions with techniques and group dancing

30 31
Part II Questions 11~12 Part III Questions 13~25

R Read the passage and identify the option that does NOT belong. Read the passage, question, and options. Then, based on the given information, choose the option
that best answers each question. R
11. Since long ago, huge historical events have often begun with declarations. (a) For example, the 13. A few scientists conducted an experiment in which they taught monkeys how to play ‘rock, paper,
French Revolution in 1789 was initiated with the declaration of French human rights. (b) The scissors’ and then observed the changes in their brain activities and behavioral patterns. The result
American Revolutionary War also broke out in full-scale with the Declaration of Independence was that when a monkey lost, it would copy the action of the winner of the previous game. When
by Thomas Jefferson. (c) Similarly, declarations sometimes inform the end of a historical event as doing so, the portion of the brain in charge of memory and emotions such as regret was activated.
was the case of World War II. (d) The March First Independence Movement of Korea and the May This experiment shows that monkeys are able to decide on which action to take through analyzing
Fourth Movement of China were triggered by declarations as well. the past by repetition.

Q: What is the passage mainly about?

12. On paper bills, many devices are installed to prohibit forgery. (a) Each paper bill not only has a
unique serial number on the front but also a picture that appears different from every angle. (b)
(a) Monkeys’ analytical tendency discovered through an experiment
Normally bills have pictures of war heroes or politicians, but some countries have pictures of
(b) Monkeys’ ability to play rock, paper, scissors with humans
novelists or scientists on their bills. (c) Numbers on the back side of a bill are printed with special
(c) A scientific experiment on the emotional expression of monkeys
ink so that their colors look different when tilted. (d) Also, due to special printing methods, the
(d) A game that is repetitively played by monkeys
portrait and the letters on a bill feel bumpy.

14. Coral reefs are not only visually beautiful, but they also function as the tropical forest of the
sea where two-thirds of sea creatures live. Coral reefs normally form a colony where the water
temperature is warm and clear, so they become good habitats for invertebrates such as numerous
fish and octopuses. Various planktons inhabit these areas, which serve as sufficient prey for small
fish. Also, the colorful colors of the coral reefs provide a favorable environment for small fish to
hide in from predators. Hence, they play the role of both sea creatures’ habitat and hideout.

Q: What is the main idea of the passage?

(a) Coral reefs provide a suitable environment for various sea creatures to inhabit.
(b) Coral reefs should be researched to secure the resources of various fish species.
(c) Diverse fish and octopuses regularly inhabit the coral reefs.
(d) Abundant marine ecosystems can be formed around waters with warm temperature.

15. In the near future, humans will also be able to hibernate. Animals like bears and bats lower their
body temperature as the weather gets colder. Those that have lowered their temperature begin
to hibernate as all bodily functions, such as heart beat, blood circulation, and breathing become
slower. They can sleep like a log during the winter and wake up again in the spring, all thanks to
the hormone called Encephalin. If this hormone could be created artificially, humans could also
fall asleep for days and weeks; this is, so to speak, “artificial hibernation”.

Q: What is the writer’s main point of view?

(a) The hibernating method of animals is very different from that of humans.
(b) For hibernation, the lowering of body temperature must take place first.
(c) Humans can hibernate with a hormone produced out of their own bodies.
(d) The same hormone that stimulates animals’ hibernation may also work for humans.

32 33
16. 17. Belts were first invented in the culture of northern nomadic tribes who migrated from place
to place. Nomads hung frequently-used items on belts in order to liberate their hands for other
Multi-cultural Appreciation Day purposes. As humans settled down in one place, the original function of belts, practicality,
gradually dissipated. Instead, they began to embellish belts with decorations, such as gold and
A multicultural festival is being held in Chicago for all people from jade, to make a wish or to show off their wealth. Individuals made their belts larger than others’
abroad including, but not limited to, countries such as Indonesia, and hung long strings tied together to look magnificent and to flaunt their wealth.
Ukraine, Vietnam, and so on!
Q: Which of the following is correct about the belts according to the passage?
Date: Saturday May 4th 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Location: Chicago University (a) Belts were first invented by the settled northern tribes.
Contents: 1. Multicultural concert and recital (b) Nomads wore belts to utilize them pragmatically in everyday life.
2. Multicultural cuisine (c) Even after human settlement, the practicality of belts has still been preserved.
3. Multicultural traditional clothing (d) To flaunt their wealth, individuals hung frequently-used items on the side of their belts.
4. Lunch and dinner for everyone to enjoy

We hope that many multicultural families can join us at the festival. 18.
This will be a great opportunity to enjoy home
Dear Mr. Rogers,
cooking at low prices and look back on the feelings and memories
of home. The consumption and selling of
Thank you for applying for our company’s internship program. Unfortunately,
alcohol is prohibited, and we ask for your understanding.
we are unable to hire you in the human resources department to which you’ve
applied because the position has already been taken. However, looking at your
resume and cover letter, your experience in marketing and PR seems suitable
Q: What is main purpose of this advertisement? for our company’s marketing department. Therefore, we are offering you a
position in the marketing department instead of the position you applied for. If
(a) To give a heads-up on the information of an occasion you are interested, please reply back to this e-mail account within three days.
(b) To notify the postponement of an event Thank you.
(c) To recruit possible applicants to Chicago University
(d) To advertise the chance to experience traditional clothing Sincerely,
Michelle Leeds
Human Resources Manager

Q: Which of the following is correct according to the letter?

(a) Mr. Rogers has followed a career path closely related to marketing.
(b) There was no available position in the human resources department in the first place.
(c) Ms. Leeds offered another position within the human resources department.
(d) If Mr. Rogers replies within three days, he will be accepted at the position he applied for.

34 35
19. 20. Franz Kafka, who was the pioneer of existentialist literature, tried to express conflicts between
Grand Opening Event humans’ inborn characteristics and the social system that suppresses them. He believed that
each individual was endowed with his or her own character from birth. However, it is his or her
The third branch of our store, “New York Steak,” is on schedule to begin business on
household or the society that educates him in a certain frame and ends up eliminating rather than
developing this individuality. Therefore, individuals lose the chance to utilize personal traits
Monday October 20th at the address of 36 Pearson Avenue, New York.
while living within social stereotypes. Even though they wish to live up to their characters, Kafka
argues, they feel the society’s frame is too firm and significant.
With the launching of our third branch, all customers who spend more than $10 at
any of our three branches will receive a complimentary soft drink, and we will be Q: Which of the following is correct about Franz Kafka according to the passage?
holding a special event with meal coupons and prizes available. The event will begin
on October 20th, and it will go on for two weeks. (a) He considered the social system and individual characteristics as complements to each other.
(b) He wished to express the societal conflicts between individuals in his literature.
The first-place winner of the event will receive roundtrip airfare to a domestic lo- (c) The humans he depicted in his literature are stereotypical members of society.
cation of his/her choice. Second-place winners will receive $200 in cash, and third- (d) He acknowledged that the system’s repression undermines humans’ uniqueness.
place winners will receive two free meal coupons that can be used at any of our
three branches.
21. A large glass building looks modern and sophisticated, but its energy efficiency is very low. Since
the heat inside is easily lost outside as sunlight and air hardly reach the center of the building, the
Please come join us for the newly scheduled event and enjoy our unchanging high energy loss is much greater than that of regular buildings. As a solution to these shortcomings, an
quality cuisine and service only available at New York Steak! “Eco-friendly vertical tunnel” can be installed; this is a tunnel in the center of the building that
connects the basement and the rooftop vertically, delivering sunlight and air to every corner of the
Q: What is provided to all customers who spend more than $10 at New York Steak?
Q: Which of the following is correct according to the passage?
(a) Airfare
(a) A glass building is supplied with sufficient air, but it is short in sunlight and heat.
(b) Carbonated drinks
(b) Air can be delivered to every corner of the building through a horizontal tunnel in the center.
(c) Free parking
(c) Weaknesses of a building can be resolved by a cylinder passage in the middle.
(d) Two meal coupons
(d) A glass building is the least energy-efficient type among buildings.

22. From now on, the cancellation process of credit cards will be much simpler. The Federal Reserve
decided to prohibit card companies from delaying ARS phone calls or suggesting an annual fee
exemption or the provision of additional mileage points for the purpose of cajoling customers into
maintaining membership. Additionally, card companies must ask the owners of credit cards that
have not been used for more than a year whether they wish to cancel their cards. If they do not
answer, accounts get automatically nullified after a prior notice.

Q: Which of the following is correct according to the passage?

(a) The renewal process of credit cards will be simplified to remove inconveniences.
(b) Until recently, it has been impossible to cancel credit cards via phone calls.
(c) The number of unused credit cards is expected to increase in the near future.
(d) From now on, inactive cards can be revoked without the owners’ prior consent.

36 37
Part IV Questions 26~35

R Read the passage, question, and options. Then, based on the given information, choose the option
that best answers each question. R
23. Because sunlight vertically passes through the atmosphere during the day, the distance it travels Questions 26-27
down to the ground is relatively short. However, when the sun is near the horizon in the morning
or evening, light travels a longer distance until it reaches us. As a result, more air bumps into light
and scatters it out on the way, altering its color from yellow to orange, even to red. The vapor and
dust in the air add to the phenomenon, reddening light even more.
Recently, there has been a rise in the number of artists using provocative lyrics
within their songs. This shows the strong desire of these artists to garner the
Q: What can be inferred from the passage?
public’s attention. With the belief that bland songs cannot succeed in a bearish
market, performers have brandished more direct and provocative lyrics. How-
(a) Sunlight alters its color because it can vertically pass through the atmosphere.
ever, this isn’t something that should be simply shamed or criticized. Often,
(b) The quantity of sunlight is inversely proportional to how long it interacts with other substances.
direct, aggressive lyrics were utilized during the introductory, developmental
(c) The vapor and dust in the air have a tendency to elude sunlight.
stages of many genres of music.
(d) Reddish sunlight is most frequently seen at noon.
The real problem lies in the practice of repetition prevalent within the industry.
24. Since the late twentieth century, satellite images have been utilized in archeological research, The latest trendy music can be characterized as following the pattern of repeat-
introducing a new concept called ‘Satellite Archaeology.’ After comprehending the shape and the ing provocative lyrics set out by a few hit songs. This might be an inevitable
structure of a landscape through normal images taken by the satellite, researchers meticulously choice made by the artists to survive in the tough conditions presented by the
analyze thousands of infrared images. Infrared satellite images detect heat from the surface of the market. Nonetheless, as this repetition continues to occur, the public will soon
earth and distinguish areas with different temperatures, thus enabling the researchers to clearly grow weary of such provocative lyrics and turn away from the music industry
identify objects that exist under the surface. With this technology that can detect objects down itself. In turn, only a select few artists will gain economic success while the rest
to 30cm below the surface, archaeologists can discover various types of relics, even tiny ones, of the industry will suffer from greater difficulties.
hidden in the forests and deserts.

Q: What can be inferred about Satellite Archaeology from the passage?

(a) Thanks to a new method, researchers are able to discover ruins without a direct excavation. 26. Q: What is the main idea of the passage?
(b) Satellites provide information by detecting the heat of objects that exist under the surface.
(c) Satellite images present the information of sensed heat and geographical features in numbers. (a) The increase in controversial lyrics will further dampen artists’ economic prospects.
(d) It is more effective to directly dig out the relics that are too tiny to detect. (b) The usage of provocative lyrics will aid in the successful sales of artists’ albums.
(c) Many new music genres have been introduced, but the market is still bearish.
(d) Only a select few artists have been able to achieve economic success.
25. Cezanne, an artist in the late nineteenth century, thought that nature was composed in the forms
of a circle, a cylinder, or a cone, so he expressed his subjects in such a simplified way. Though
his works looked somewhat rudimentary and meaningless at a glance, other contemporary artists 27. Q: Which of the following is correct according to the passage?
acclaimed his innovation and followed his method. This was because it was a clue to the new
school of paintings that his works symbolized. The purpose of paintings before was to reproduce (a) The tough conditions of the current music industry come from the excess of provocative lyrics.
nature as exactly as possible on canvas, but with his initiation, the focus of art in the twentieth (b) The style of using direct, provocative lyrics is enjoyed by all members of the public in reality.
century gradually moved towards following the artists’ own logic of shapes. (c) Blunt, sensational lyrics were applied and employed by artists in the past as well.
(d) The repetition of lyrics is not a necessary choice for artists to gain economic success.
Q: What can be inferred about Cezanne from the passage?

(a) Cezanne was not so well-recognized until the twentieth century.

(b) Artists in his period acknowledged the geometrical technique as the development of new art.
(c) All artists in the twentieth century refused to exactly reproduce nature in paintings.
(d) Paintings in the early nineteenth century were drawn according to the artists’ own logic of shape.

38 39
Questions 28-29 Questions 30-31

R The Daily Economist


International Politics Business Technology Culture Sports

In 2009, the U.S. and the E.U. announced plans to send new spacecraft to two moons of
Saturn. The first objective of the plans is to observe and research the atmosphere of

Heated Debate over Class Action Law Titan and the ground layers of Enceladus. From there on, the ultimate goal is to find how
these moons were formed and what changes took place in the process of formulation.
By Martin James

Up to this point, scientists have presumed that Titan has an atmosphere while they have

The latest news reports revealed that airlines have raised freight charges estimated that Enceladus has an ocean beneath its surface. Under the assumption that

through collusive price-fixing. As such, the victims have prepared to enter an atmosphere and an ocean truly exist, these moons are seen as possible habitats for

class action against the said airlines. In this context, the debate regarding the living organisms. Thus, it can be said that the final purpose of these plans to send new

increased implementation of class action law has re-emerged onto the surface. spacecraft lies in exploring and researching living organisms outside of planet Earth.

Class action law stipulates that multiple individuals who have been wrongly
The plans of the U.S. and the E.U. revolve around the goal of launching spacecraft by
harmed by the same occurrence and perpetrator, in this case the colluding
2020, and the spacecraft is expected to reach Saturn after nine years. After that, a four-
airlines, can receive compensation through a process where only one of the
year preliminary research process of examining the moons for the existence of an atmo-
victims files a lawsuit as a representative of the group.
sphere and an ocean is set to take place. If there are no technical difficulties or systemic
problems, the research is expected to be extended.
The immediate benefit lies in the fact that time and legal fees are saved as only
one representative must file a lawsuit. Nevertheless, corporations are against
the active application of class action law. According to them, an increase of
opportunity to use such a measure will lead to systemic abuse by the public
that will eventually hamper the competitiveness of corporations. However, if
the employment of class action law is pushed back again in light of such side 30. Q: What is the best title of the passage?
effects, powerless consumers will never have their rights protected. Class
action law was partially introduced in the stock market in 2005. The increased (a) The Space Race between the U.S. and the E.U. since 2009
implementation to other areas has been delayed for a long period of time. Now (b) The U.S. and E.U.’s Plans to Explore Saturn’s Moons
is the time to fully implement class action law to other areas of society. (c) The Possibility of Living Organisms on Enceladus
(d) The Spacecraft set to reach Saturn by 2020

31. Q: Which of the following is correct according to the passage?

28. Q: Which of the following is correct about Class action law according to the article?
(a) The 2009 arrangements to dispatch a spaceship seek to first sketch the development of moons.
(a) Class action law has not been applied to the stock market yet. (b) The purpose of research beneath Enceladus’ surface is to find resources scarce on Earth.
(b) Firms have cited competency drops to back their resistance toward class action law. (c) The spacecraft’s exploration of Saturn is set to be completed after nine years.
(c) The latest case of airline collusion has led to the sharp rise of plane ticket prices. (d) The spacecraft will return to planet Earth after a four-year process of research is completed.
(d) Class action law is a measure that is generally disadvantageous to consumers.

29. Q: What can be inferred from the article?

(a) Before class action was put into place, it was harder for customers to see their rights
(b) After class action implementation in 2005, securities companies experienced
the hampering of their competitiveness.
(c) Class action law is a measure that harms consumers by placing time constraints upon them.
(d) The airlines lowered freight charges due to the existent competition among multiple

40 41
Questions 32-33 Questions 34-35

The Springfield Times
Marketer Wanted

Editorial: Public Transportation Transfer Policy

****The company’s marketing team is recruiting growth hackers.
Growth hackers are expected to develop marketing strategies through big data
Expected to Bring Deficits
analysis regarding our company’s strategic merchandise coat. Read full article

Job requirements: Comments

1. First-rate Excel, Powerpoint, and computer skills
2. A master’s degree or above and acclaimed thesis in statistics, sweetnsour373 21min(s) ago
industrial engineering, or computer science
Our city’s new public transportation transfer policy entails bus transfer free
3. At least 3 years or above of experience as a growth hacker or marketer
of charge if the transfer occurs within 30 minutes. You have argued that
4. Proficient use of programming languages including, but not limited to, R and Python
this policy will bring huge deficits, derail the city’s finances, and increase
5. Applicants with experience in the apparel industry (especially work experience at
congestion within buses. In spite of this, recent research has shown that the
our competing firms) will receive further priority.
optimal bus fare to maximize tax revenue is approximately $1.50. With that
said, your opposition against the transfer policy holds support for a public
Our company is seeking marketing strategies for our Tiger coat which is set to be
transportation fare well above the rate for maximization, and this will
newly released in the second half of the year. Based upon the data accumulated from
actually lead to a reduced tax revenue.
our past products, the plan has been set to commit hefty investment in the new
product. Through this, we seek to surpass all other companies and attain the top spot
Furthermore, even if the congestion within buses marginally rises, more
in the apparel industry. Accordingly, we ask all candidates who meet the five criteria
people utilizing public transportation not only better fits the original purpose
listed above to apply by August 3rd. Applicants who pass the initial paper screening
of public transportation, but it also works towards reducing environmental
are scheduled to undergo an extensive interview from August 5th to August 10th.
harms. If the number of cars in use can be reduced through this policy, air
The final selection will occur on August 20th, and those selected to work with us are
pollution will be significantly reduced. The air quality of our city has been a
expected to report to the office on August 21st.
consistently worrying issue in recent times, and this policy is a very timely
Send résumé to adjustment at such a critical juncture. Therefore, considering the two points
of the economy and the environment, your argument fails to be persuasive.

32. Q: What is the main purpose of the announcement?

34. Q: What issue has been raised as a problem of the city in recent times?
(a) To employ Python developers
(a) Congestion within buses
(b) To set strategy for new merchandise
(b) Air contamination
(c) To post a job offer for qualified persons
(c) Tax revenue reduction
(d) To attain the top slot in the apparel industry
(d) Lacking public transportation
33. Q: What are the mandatory requirements for the application?
35. Q: Which statement would the writer most likely agree with?

(a) Doctorate degree in engineering

(a) Employing the public transit transfer policy will raise tax funds compared to not pursuing
(b) Excellent Programming skills
such policy.
(c) Understanding of the tiger coat
(b) The transfer policy will cause an excessive utilization of public transportation leading
(d) Work experience at a competing firm
to environmental harms.
(c) The public transportation transfer policy will bring huge deficits and derail the city’s finances.
(d) The primary goal of the public transportation transfer policy is to maximize tax revenue.

You have reached the end of the Reading Comprehension section. Please remain seated until
you are dismissed by the proctor. You are NOT allowed to turn to any other section of the test.

42 43
컨설텝스 텝스식 공부법

문제가 잘 안 풀리셨나요?
Answer Keys

본 모의고사 문제풀이 강의
Listening Comprehension
<뉴텝스 실전편>을 참고해주세요!
1 (c) 2 (a) 3 (b) 4 (a) 5 (a) 6 (d) 7 (b) 8 (a) 9 (c) 10 (d) 단순 해설 강의가 아닙니다.
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21 (d) 22 (c) 23 (d) 24 (b) 25 (c) 26 (a) 27 (c) 28 (c) 29 (b) 30 (b)

커리큘럼 <OT> 뉴텝스 유형 총정리(무료공개)

31 (b) 32 (b) 33 (c) 34 (c) 35 (c) 36 (a) 37 (c) 38 (a) 39 (d) 40 (c)

뉴텝스 모든 유형을 정확하게 파악합니다.


실제 시험 TIP
(b) (a) (a) (b) (d) (b) (a) (d) (c) 10 (a)
시험 전 일주일부터 시험 당일까지 실전에 대비하는 비법을 공개합니다.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 (a) 12 (d) 13 (c) 14 (c) 15 (a) 16 (a) 17 (d) 18 (c) 19 (d) 20 (a)
21 (c) 22 (c) 23 (b) 24 (a) 25 (d) 26 (b) 27 (d) 28 (a) 29 (a) 30 (b)

Part 1-2 (3,5,6,10,12,13,18,19번 문제)
Part 3 문제상황-입장 유형 (21,23번 문제)
Grammar Part 3 Correct-Infer 유형 (24,28,30번 문제)
Part 4 (31, 33, 36번 문제)
1 (a) 2 (b) 3 (b) 4 (d) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (a) 8 (b) 9 (d) 10 (c) [신유형] Part 5 (37-40번 모든 문제)
11 (c) 12 (c) 13 (c) 14 (b) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (c) 18 (c) 19 (c) 20 (a)

어휘 & 문법
21 (a) 22 (a) 23 (c) 24 (b) 25 (d) 26 (c) 27 (c) 28 (c) 29 (a) 30 (b)

어휘: (8번 문제)

문법: (5,15,24번 / 26~30번 Part3 모든문제)

Reading Comprehension

1 (d) 2 (a) 3 (a) 4 (a) 5 (d) 6 (b) 7 (a) 8 (c) 9 (a) 10 (d) 독해
11 (c) 12 (b) 13 (a) 14 (a) 15 (d) 16 (a) 17 (b) 18 (a) 19 (b) 20 (d) Part 1 (2, 7, 8, 10번 문제)

21 (c) 22 (d) 23 (b) 24 (a) 25 (b) 26 (a) 27 (c) 28 (b) 29 (a) 30 (b) Part 2 (11, 12번 문제)
Part 3 Topic-Idea 유형 (15,16번 문제)
31 (a) 32 (c) 33 (b) 34 (b) 35 (a)
Part 3 Correct-Infer 유형 (19, 20, 22, 24번 문제)
[신유형] Part 4 (26-35번 모든 문제)


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46 47
점수 계산표

영역 문제 번호 배점 * 맞은 개수 점수

1-10번 2.5점 * ( 0-15 )개

11-20번 2점 * ( )개

21-23번 6점 * ( )개

24-28번 7점 * ( )개

청해 29-30번 10점 * ( )개

31, 32, 37번 9.5점 * ( )개

33-35, 38, 39번 12.5점 * ( )개

36, 40번 15.5점 * ( )개

청해 전체 (1-40번)

어휘 1-30번 2점 * ( )개

1-25번 1.75점 * ( )개

문법 26-30번 3.25점 * ( )개

어휘&문법 전체

1-8번 7점 * ( )개

9-10번 4.5점 * ( )개

11-12번 7.5점 * ( )개

13-16, 26, 30, 32번 5.5점 * ( )개

17-22, 27, 28, 31,
6.5점 * ( )개
33, 34번

23-25, 29, 35번 10점 * ( )개

독해 전체(1-40번)

전체 총점

성적 상담이 필요하신가요? 텝스 전문 컨설턴트에게

성적 상담을 무료로 받아보세요.
* 수강여부와 상관없이,
누구나 1회 무료로 상담 받을 수 있습니다.
* 무료 컨설팅은 PC버전 홈페이지에서만 가능합니다.


자세한 내용은 홈페이지를 참고해주세요!
48 49
Listening Comprehension

Part I Part II

11. 14.
1. How was the weather in New York the day before
6. I’m calling to cancel my appointment today. M: How was the writing contest? W: Did your move go okay?
W: Actually, I was eliminated in the preliminary M: What? What move are you talking about?
(a) Okay, what time should it be? round. W: You told me you were going to move last week.
(a) The weather is usually fantastic.
(b) Oh, I just got appointed today. M: You really did try your best. I’m sorry to hear M: __________________________.
(b) I am a little bit under the weather.
(c) I’m sorry, but we are fully booked now. that.
(c) It rained a lot.
(d) May I have your name, please? W: __________________________. (a) It’s always hard to start moving.
(d) I should go now.
(b) It was such a mess from the beginning.
(a) It feels even worse that I was eliminated in the (c) I’ve never heard that before.
final round. (d) You seem to be confusing me with someone else.
2. Do you know where Ron is?
7. Have we met before? (b) There were more powerful competitors than me.
(c) Now I have to prepare for the final. 15.
(a) He’s probably in the library now.
(a) It’s a pleasure to meet you. Please come in. (d) I will win for sure this time. M: This is KW Travel Agency. How may I help you?
(b) No, he went to the cafeteria.
(b) Were you at Cathy’s party last week? W: I’m trying to cancel my reservation for next
(c) He told me he was going to leave around six
(c) Yes, we met each other for the first time. month.
thirty. 12.
(d) There was a meeting yesterday. M: Oh, may I ask why?
(d) I just found him. W: May I take your order?
M: I’d like to have one cheese pizza with tomato W: __________________________.
toppings and a bowl of Caesar salad on the side.
W: I’m sorry, but we are unable to serve (a) Yes, please cancel it immediately.
3. How was the meeting with the professor
8. Do you want to grab a beer after we get this done? Caesar salad today. (b) I was just curious.
M: __________________________. (c) Another plan popped up.
(a) No thanks, I have to work overtime tonight. (d) Nothing, never mind.
(a) Well, I guess I’ll figure out after the meeting.
(b) Fine, I will join you. What are we going to do? (a) Then could you give me another kind of pizza?
(b) I had butterflies in my stomach.
(c) No, I actually like beer a lot. (b) Are other types available then?
(c) I should have been there. 16.
(d) Ahh, I should have been there. (c) What’s the difference between Caesar salad and
(d) I don’t want to talk about it again. W: I should go now.
the other salads? M: Really? I thought you were sleeping over tonight.
(d) I’ll change my order to tomato pasta with Caesar W: Wouldn’t your family feel uncomfortable?
salad. M: __________________________.
4. Have you been to the anti-smoking clinic yet?
9. Why do you look so tired today?
(a) Yes, it was quite helpful. 13. (a) They will leave tomorrow anyway.
(a) It’s because I ate too much. M: Which bus do I have to take to go to the modern (b) I told you they are gone on a trip until tomorrow.
(b) No, it’s better to quit smoking.
(b) I slept too much yesterday. museum? (c) Yes, I want you to leave right now.
(c) The cost of cigarettes is too expensive these days.
(c) Well, I had a project to complete last night. W: You’ll probably have to take bus number 303. (d) In that case, I should stay here tonight.
(d) My doctor’s schedule is already full with
(d) I heard you have insomnia. Are you alright? M: Does it stop by here?
W: __________________________. 17.
M: Did you hear that our company is making a new
10. Let’s meet up in front of the company building (a) Yes, you have to cross the street and turn right. investment this month?
5. I called to talk about my rental payment. around one o’clock. (b) That bus does not go to the museum. W: Yes, I heard the investee is an unknown startup
(c) The bus is faster than the metro. company.
(a) I was just waiting for your call. (a) Yes, we could have dinner together. (d) To be honest, it’s my first time around here too. M: Wouldn’t it be too risky?
(b) How much do I have to pay this month? (b) Lunch time is from twelve to one. W: __________________________.
(c) That room is already rented out. (c) I’m sorry, but can we meet in front of the
(d) I’ll call you again next month. company building? (a) Well, we should wait and see.
(d) Okay, I will be there in advance. (b) I guess our CEO has been investing
conservatively these days.
(c) When the M&A succeeds, the company will
become much larger.
(d) Starting a start-up is always risky.

52 53
Part III

18. 20. 21. Listen to a conversation between two students. 23. Listen to a conversation at a parking lot.
W: May I talk to Mr. Rogers please? W: Is there any daycare center near this place? W: Did you return the journal I lent you? W: Can I park here for a moment?
M: I’m sorry, but he’s not here right now. M: There’s one in front of the city hall and another M: Yes. I gave it back to you last week. M: I’m afraid you can’t. This is a parking space for
W: What is the fastest way to reach him? one in front of the community center. W: Oh dear. Now I don’t know where it is. the apartment residents.
M: __________________________. W: Do you know if there’s any vacancy? M: Did you lend it to someone else? W: Actually, I’m a visitor; my parents live here.
M: __________________________. W: Well, I don’t think so. M: Can you tell me which building and room they
(a) He probably has his cellphone with him. M: You should look closely in your locker or your live in?
(b) I know he doesn’t have any SNS accounts. (a) I know there is no job vacancy in the city hall. dorm room. W: They live in Building C, and the room number
(c) I recommend you take the accurate way rather (b) You shouldn’t leave your child home alone. is 506.
than the fast way. (c) It is better for the baby to be taken care of in a Q: What is the woman mainly doing? M: I will grant you permission after I call and
(d) Contact him first and then ask him about it. daycare center than by a babysitter. confirm with your parents.
(d) Unfortunately, neither has any available seats left. (a) Reminding the man that she gave him back his
journal Q: What are the man and woman mainly doing
19. (b) Returning the journal she borrowed before in the conversation?
M: You came early this morning. (c) Realizing that she lent the journal to
W: Yes I did because I thought I would be stuck in someone else. (a) They are looking for a parking space together.
a traffic jam. (d) Looking for the material that she lost. (b) The woman is blocking the man from entering
M: Is there something going on downtown? into the apartment.
W: __________________________. (c) The woman is asking for permission of her
22. Listen to a conversation at an immigration office. parents’ visit.
(a) No one knows what’s happening downtown. M: What is your purpose of visit to the United (d) The man is judging whether to allow her to park.
(b) Well, I don’t think it will be like that. States?
(c) There has been a protest going on since last night. W: I’m here to travel for a month.
(d) I got into a car crash on my way here. M: Where are your destinations? 24. Listen to a conversation between two friends.
W: I’m going to Chicago, New York, and then M: Have you been to the Spanish restaurant in front
to Miami. of the campus?
M: How are you going to travel? W: Yes, I just went there yesterday for the first time.
W: Mainly I will be travelling by bus, M: How was it? I heard they serve traditional
but for some time I could rent a car. Spanish dishes.
W: I guess that’s why it was not to my appetite.
Q: What are the man and woman mainly doing in the M: How was the price?
conversation? W: It was only worth the price.

(a) Planning a trip to Miami Q: Which is correct according to the conversation?

(b) Debating on which transportation to take during
the trip (a) The woman thought that it was not worth
(c) Talking about the woman’s reason for a visit to the price.
the US (b) The restaurant serves authentic Spanish cuisine.
(d) Going to Chicago by bus (c) The man cares more about the price than the taste.
(d) The man has been to the Spanish restaurant near

54 55
25. Listen to a conversation between two friends. 27. Listen to two parents talking about their children. 29. Listen to a conversation at an office. 30. Listen to a conversation between a clerk
W: How was the interview last week? W: I heard your son won the debate championship. W: Don’t you think we spent too much money on and a customer.
M: I didn’t make it, again. Congratulations! advertising this year? M: Is this Santa Monica Daycare Center?
W: Cheer up. You have another one this week! M: Thanks. I heard it’s not a big one though. M: I’m guessing that’s because we started the TV W: Yes, are you registering for your child?
M: I’m losing confidence since I keep flunking every W: I wish my son was as smart as yours. commercials. M: Yes, I recently moved to this neighborhood, and
interview. M: If only my son was as healthy as yours. W: Do we really need television advertisements? I received a recommendation for this place.
W: You will eventually get a job if you keep trying W: Well, I guess we just can’t have it all. I think it will be a better idea to just focus on our W: I see. May I ask about your occupation?
hard. M: Yes, we should rather appreciate what we have newspaper ads. M: I’m a freelance translator.
M: Thank you for your sympathy. now. M: I agree. Should I make an adjustment on that W: In that case, you may be pushed back
part? on the priority list for the lottery.
Q: Which is correct about the man according Q: Which is correct according to the conversation? W: Yes, please do so by this weekend. Also, I’ll need
to the conversation? the information on the participants for next Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?
(a) The woman thinks her son is smart. week’s renewal event.
(a) Last week’s interview was the last interview for (b) The man is not satisfied with his son. M: As you please. (a) The Daycare Center accepts the registration on
the man. (c) The man and woman feel envious of each other’s a first come, first served basis.
(b) The man is optimistic about the next interview. children. Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? (b) The man can get a disadvantage due to
(c) The man applied for employment several times. (d) The woman wishes her son was as healthy as the his profession.
(d) The man flunked this week’s interview as well. man’s so (a) The man has much experience in adjusting (c) The woman has a decisive role in the registration
budgets. of Daycare Center.
(b) The man must be working as a subordinate to the (d) The man lacks skills in taking care of children.
26. Listen to a conversation between two neighbors. woman.
28. Listen to a conversation between two friends.
M: Hello. This is John from next door. (c) The woman thinks television ads are always
M: The doctor told me that there’s a problem with
W: Hi, what’s going on? inefficient.
my diet.
M: Well, your dog frequently comes over to my yard. (d) The man thought newspaper ads were a better
W: Such as?
W: Isn’t there a fence between the yards? idea in the first place.
M: He said my carbohydrate intake is too large
M: I don’t know how, but your dog keeps crossing it.
compared to protein.
W: I’m so sorry. I will leash him from now on.
W: That’s somewhat true. You prefer grains to meat.
M: I should begin to eat more protein-rich food,
Q: Which is correct according to the conversation?
such as chicken breasts, starting today.
W: You shouldn’t abruptly change it; start gradually.
(a) The man is upset that the woman’s dog keeps
trespassing his property.
Q: What did the doctor advise the man to do?
(b) The woman is already aware of her dog’s
(a) To ingest more carbohydrate-rich food
(c) The woman will prevent the dog by setting up
(b) To prefer grains to meat even more
higher fences.
(c) To increase the level of protein intake
(d) The man knows why the dog is coming to his
(d) To gradually go on a diet

56 57
Part IV

31. 33. 36.

Even though the development of the internet and Many think that Gothic philosophy appeared before Though some experts talk about the crisis of fossil
The theories of international relations can largely
the media provides a variety of information, people the Enlightenment, but this is a misunderstanding. fuels, this is merely an exaggeration. The issue of
be classified into realism and idealism. Idealism is
tend to only consume what they prefer. This so- Rather, Gothic philosophy emerged as a response to oil and coal depletion has been raised for decades,
rooted in President Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen
called “information favoritism” has a tendency to the absolute rationalism of the Enlightenment era. but new deposits have repeatedly been discovered.
Points after World War 1. In the Fourteen Points,
make people biased towards a particular medium. Though its irrational and medieval characteristics Moreover, the production of alternative energy
Wilson claimed that nations should nonviolently
Critics believe that this phenomenon may negatively seemingly allude to its emergence in the Middle generates no less pollution than that of the fossil
resolve all conflicts, set international relations
affect our values and mindsets; if one only receives Ages, it was simply born as a resistance in the fuels, so the former cannot always be considered
through negotiations, and establish international
information through one certain medium, then he 18th century to the absolute rationalism and to the better for the environment. Ultimately, the threat of
organizations as a worldwide government. Realism
or she would interpret a social phenomenon from Enlightenment which rejected the Middle Ages. fossil fuels seems unlikely unless a cheaper and more
opposes this idealistic approach to international
that medium’s particular perspective. Therefore, Gothic philosophy emphasized sense over logic environment-friendly source of energy is discovered.
relations. Rather, it argues for the realistic balance
“information favoritism” implies the increased and cared about supernatural phenomena that can’t
of power and the suppression of war through violent
possibility of people gaining more biased views be explained by logic, thus triggering the origin of Q: What can be inferred about fossil fuels
toward social issues. Romanticism in the near future. from the lecture?
Q: Which is correct according to the lecture?
Q: What is the main idea of the talk? Q: Which is correct about Gothic philosophy (a) Currently, fossil fuels are more economically
according to the lecture? feasible than alternative energy.
(a) Realism has its basis in President Wilson’s
(a) The development of the internet and the media (b) Using alternative energy has more negative
Fourteen Points after World War 1.
has led to the overflow of information. (a) Gothic philosophy is a cultural philosophy influence on the environment than using fossil
(b) Idealism argues for the means of violence and the
(b) The inclination of information can generate preceding the Enlightenment. fuels.
establishment of international organizations.
distorted views in people’s minds. (b) Gothic philosophy rejected absolute rationalism (c) The possibility of the depletion of fossil fuels
(c) Realism puts more emphasis on power
(c) The media can only negatively affect people’s and the Middle Ages. issue seems likely in the far future.
equilibrium than on communication.
perception of values. (c) Gothic philosophy opposed one philosophy and (d) If a cheaper and more environment-friendly
(d) Idealism argues that establishing a worldwide
(d) “Information favoritism” develops individual became a source to another. source of energy exists, it could completely
government can suppress war.
opinions about social issues. (d) The philosophy of Romanticism first originated replace fossil fuels.
during the Enlightenment era.

In the society of the future, the “drone”, a human-less 34.
moth plane, will be utilized as a means of logistics. The admissions office is now running a fundraiser
The drone was first developed as a tool for war. for the 110th anniversary of our school’s foundation.
The practical value and economic feasibility of the The office plans to provide an additional need-
drone have increased with the reduction in price and based scholarship for ten selected freshmen. Please
size. Currently, the drone is in the developmental participate in this fundraiser for the scholarship.
stages of delivery. When the development process is On the 17th, a goods auction, featuring items
completed, diverse air routes will be laid out from previously owned by celebrity alumni, and a charity
cities with abundant supplies to remote rural areas, performance will be held. On the following day, the
thus leading to the so-called “Logistics Innovation”. office will provide personally prepared refreshments
to go along with a small donation event.
Q: What is the main topic of the talk?
Q: Which is correct according to the announcement?
(a) The history of changes in the size of the drone
(b) A renovation that the drone will bring to the (a) The admissions office is holding a fundraiser to
distribution industry increase the school’s budget next year.
(c) The decreasing economic feasibility of the drone (b) The participants of the fundraiser will personally
(d) The logistics innovation through utilizing select scholarship recipients.
airplanes (c) A minor donation event will take place on the
second day.
(d) Members of the charity performance are
composed of ten freshmen in need.

58 59
Part V

37-38. 39-40.
The practice of commercializing and selling characters well-known to the public such as Recently, many corporations have been spending massive funds on foreign investment.
main characters of cartoons is the foundation of the character industry. Recently, a point of These corporations have increased the number of their foreign branches, diversified their
focus in this industry is the consistent rise of adult consumers. Accordingly, the characters areas of business operations, and actively sought to scout analysts and experts in foreign
are being sold in diverse locations spreading out from stationery stores to electronics business operations. These forms of business expansion can be seen in a very positive
shops and telecommunications shops. light. However, an unbalanced focus on business expansion may lead to hindering internal
Why is this so? This is because of the sense of alienation felt by modern human beings. business innovations. This situation can be seen as a house of cards.
The implementation and advancement of state of the art technology in modern life has First, it is important to prioritize the cultivation of a flexible internal communication
accordingly increased the sense of alienation felt by human beings. As such, people wish channel. True business innovation cannot occur within a closed and passive structure.
to seek some comfort through emotional and humanistic values. This is the reason why Two things must take place. One, the voices of those in the field or on site must be heard
people choose friendly character items when selecting amongst different electronics by management and the board of directors. Two, the wills and wants of management
products. John Naisbitt, a world-renowned scholar, has been quoted as saying, “People and the board of directors must be put into action in the field or on site. This process of
increasingly tend to humanize technology as it further develops.” Isn’t this quote quick relaying and sharing of information creates a level of flexibility needed to adapt to
representative of human nature? change. Flexibility is the essential factor that allows corporations to move forward without
breaking or splitting.
37. Q: What is the speaker’s main point about the character industry?
39. Q: Which problem should corporations solve before looking to expand business?
(a) State of the art technology must be implemented in the character industry. (a) Labor and management conflict
(b) The character industry has spread to the areas of electronics and telecommunications. (b) Investment limited to the domestic arena
(c) The character industry is developing thanks to more people resorting to the appeal of (c) Too much flexibility in communication system
sentimental symbols. (d) Closed and submissive culture
(d) The character industry will grow with the increase of an adult consumer base.
40. Q: Which statement would the speaker most likely agree with?
38. Q: According to John Naisbitt, what do humans usually do with technology? (a) For the growth of a corporation, the wills and wants of management must come as
(a) Personify it a first priority over the conditions of those in field.
(b) Advance it (b) Technological development can be the engine that drives a corporation’s entrance
(c) Modernize it into the foreign market.
(d) Commercialize it (c) A corporation’s success has its roots in non-rigid interactions between management
and employees.
(d) Restructuring undertaken to adapt to changes is a successful corporate strategy.

60 61
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도중 정기시험 파손 검수
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의衣 2:30pm

시험 식食
set 1 set 2 set 3 set 4 set 5 set 6 TEPS
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학습 學習

TEPS 시험 전 일주일

62 63
동기화 정기 시험

64 65
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425점에서 619점으로 향상 시켜준 컨설텝스! 이해편 수강만으로도 독해를 다 맞았어요! 컨설텝스 듣고 2달 반만에 175점 올랐어요 :)

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컨설텝스: 2017.11.1 ~ 2018.1.29 수강생 후기 기준

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