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Microwave Systems

Assignment 3

Write at least one practical application of the following passive devices in

microwave systems.
1. Clock-wise Circulator
2.  Anti-Clock-wise Circulator
3.  Wilkinson Divider
4.  900 Hybrid
5.  1800 Hybrid

Write in your own words how the given passive device works in the

1. Clockwise Circulator:

Clockwise Circulator is used as a duplexer as it is used for transmitting two signals over a
single cable. In a practical setting, it is used for radars allowing them to use the same antenna for the
purpose of reception and transmission.

As a clockwise circulator connects one port to the next one in clockwise manner, it can
transmit signal from 1 to 2, 2 to 3 and 3 to 1 only.
2. Anti-clockwise Circulator

The only difference between this and the above is the direction of rotation. It can also be
used as a duplexer in radar systems allowing to use the same antenna for reception and
transmission if the frequencies are close to each other.

A circulator can also be used as an isolator as it can only pass signal in one direction. This
circulator can pass signal from 1 to 3, 3 to 2 and 2 to 1.

3. Wilkinson Divider

Wilkinson divider is a power divider that provides isolation between the two
outputs. It can be used in divide a signal. In other words, it splits a signal.

It is used in multichannel radio systems due to its property of isolation of the output
4. 90o Hybrid

90o Hybrid devices can be used in mixers, attenuators and modulators. It splits an input
signal into two equal parts but with 90 o phase difference between them.

5. 180o Hybrid (Rat-trace coupler)

These couplers are used to split a signal into two signals with 180 o phase shift between
them. It can be used to carry multiple signals without interfering with each other owing to the high
degree of isolation between the two.

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