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Name : Daisy Aurelia

NPM : 09401911027


Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. Friendship is an essential aspect

of relationship building skills. Friendship arises from a process of knowing one another. Friendship arises
on the basis of sincere intentions for mutual development.

In friendship there must be honesty. Because establishing a friendship must be based on

honesty, so there is no bickering or misunderstanding in the future. Having friendships will be better and
always happier because there are no feelings or words that are covered up. If you feel bad, there are
people who are incongruous in their hearts and thoughts about the actions or actions of your friends,
it's better to say it honestly. But convey it smoothly and gently so as not to offend him.

Honesty is very important in living life especially in friendship. If you always tell the truth then
you will be loved, respected and valued by your friends because of the character and attitude of honesty
that you have. And will get the trust of your friends. Honesty can also increase your bond with your
friends. To say honesty must be applied in everyday life wherever we are and whoever it is. Because
honesty is very important.

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