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Michael young

Mrs. Bazil

English 4


Writing portfolio introduction

The pages I have on my website is the home page and the home page shows a little about

me. Some of the things that I like and what I am interested in and the next page over is education

and Career this shows. What I have created in my English four class and some of the essays I

have written including some of the papers I wrote to put on my website. It shows my resume that

I created in class the next page over Is Activities and awards. And this pages give perspective of

the awards that I have gotten and that I have, gotten accepted into North Central Kansas Tech

collage. The last page that I have is the recommendation, that I have gotten to help me to get a

scholarship and that I am really thankful that the person that wrote this for me.

My reading and writing has evolved over the years because, of the teachers that has

helped me learn the right way. To write an essay and so many other things that I have done over

years of high school. I would like to personally thank the teachers that have helped me when I

needed help over the years. My reading has gotten better over the years because I have exceled in

reading over the years. And the reading and writing has helped me in my early collage career

because it has helped me with two of my classes. That I have taken and it has helped me with

writing journal entries and helped me with writing, answers to questions that took a paragraph to

explain. But anyway it also it has helped me write essays for, scholarships and has helped me to

know what format that I needed to put them in.

The single most important thing that I learned was to slow down a little more. And don’t

make run-ons because I have done a lot of it in the past. With all of the learning that I did over

the years it has helped. Me not to make any more run-ons and so know that I don’t make any

more run- anymore. I feel like I have gay that I have gotten better at writing over the years. And

to the two best English teachers to thank for that, thank you for helping me with this over career

of high school.

The book that I have read that had left the most positive influence on me is the bible.

Even if there are many stories it has left a big impact in my life because. It is all true to what

happened back then and that since the good lord gave his life for ours. That is why I choose the

bible as the book that left the most positive, influence for all of the years that I have read it.

The one thing that I would most likely want to improve would be not to use too many of

the same words. That I usually use over and over again so that would be one of the things that I

would want to change. I use them a lot of the time when I am writing so I would like to change.

That because it would look much better than what I do now when I writ things for class. Or for

something else but I would like to stop using, to many of the same words throughout the whole


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