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Lymphoid System Primary Lymphoid Organs  site of maturation and differentiation


Cellular Adaptive Humoral Adaptive o Main source of hematopoetic stem cells
 T- lymphocytes  Antibodies o Center for antigen-independent lymphopoiesis
 B- lymphocytes  Gamma interferon  Thymus
 Plasma cells  Cytokines o Capable of T-lymphocyte production until 50-60 years old

Types Secondary Lymphoid Organs:

 Humoral mediated  Ab mediated  B-lymphocyte  Spleen: main Ab production, largest secondary lymphoid organ
 Cell-mediated  T-lymphocyte  Lymph nodes: filters tissue fluid
 GALT  Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue: Peyer’s patches  ingested Ag
Humoral mediated  Thoracic duct: increased T-cells
 Mode of action  antibodies in serum  BALT  Bronchus Associated Lymphoid Tissue  inhaled Ag
 Primary defense against bacterial infection  SALT  Skin Associated Lymphoid Tissue
 Blood: most frequent sample
Naturally Acquired Artificially acquired
CD 2 SRBC receptor
Active develops during convalescence form Acquired from vaccination CD 3 Part of T-cell Ag-receptor complex
(Antigen) of infxn CD 4 MHC Class 2 receptor  Th
Passive develops after the placental passage Obtained from injection of CD 8 MHC Class I receptor  Ts, Tc
(Antibodies) of Ab from mother to fetus gammaglobulins for the
CD 21 C3D coreceptor with CD19
induction of an immune state
CD 23 IgE, IL1, IL6
CD 25 IL 2
Cell mediated
 Mode of action  direct cell – cell contact or soluble pdx secreted by cells
 Defense against VIRAL and FUNGAL infx, intracellular organisms, TUMOR Ag-
Development of T-cell lymphocytes
 T -lymphocytes (80%)
o For immune response and Ab regulation
Lymphocyte  key cell involved in the immune system
 20-40% of circulating WBC
 T-helper cells  70% of circulation
 Large rounded nucleus, nuclear chromatin is dense
 CD4
 Agranulocytic
 T-suppressor  30% of circulation
 CD8
** TDT – Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase
 T-cytotoxic cell  CD8+
 Stem cell marker for lymphocyte
 T-delated hypersensitivity
 Double negative thymocytes  young T-cells
T cells B cells
o No CD4 and CD8
 Cell mediated  Humoral mediated
 Double positive thymocytes
 Thymus  Bone Marrow
o CD4 and CD8
 60-80%  20-35%
 Mature T-cell  Either CD4 and CD8  start ng classification
 Longer life span  Shorter life span
 Activated T-cell  by IL2
 Sensitized T-cell  T cells that secrete lymphokines
o Sheep RBC  CD 2
** NORMAL RATIO OF Th:Ts  2:1
o Rosette formation
** HIV patient  1:2
**Autoimmune diseases: Production of antibodies > Ts
Development of B-cell lymphocytes
 Pro-B cells
o Rearrangement of genes coding for heavy chains
o Chromosome #14
 Pre-B cells
o With heavy chains, rearrangement of genes coding for light chains
o Kappa  Chromosome 2
o Lambda  Chromosome 22
 Immature B -cells
o With heavy and light chains, formation of IgM
 Mature B cell
o Formation of IgD
 Activated B cell
o Antibodies are found on surface
o IL2  CD25
 Plasma cell  has perinuclear halo, antibodies found in the cytoplasm

Natural Killer Cells – Large Granular Lymphocytes (LGL)

 Kill infected and malignant cells
 Identified by the presence of CD56 and CD16
 Activated by IL2 and Interferon gamma to become Lymphokine activated Killer

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