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SAM’s Eyes

Once upon a time, there was this lost and lonely boy named Sam. Like an ant in
the forest, he felt lost being in a whole different city and a new school. He met
some friends, but they weren’t the best, because he knew real friendships are more
like the ones he has in his hometown. And so, Sam wonders around the school
every day and comes back to his dorm every day feeling the same way- lonely. He
keeps telling himself that he is happy and that he is content, but the truth is that
he doesn’t know what real happiness is like. What does he do? He goes to parties
to bond with friends and try to feel alive and hoping to find excitement.
Eventually, this got exhausting and seemed like a lost cause. One night, his
friends planned to go out and party. Sam felt like saying “no”, but he thought
“why not, what else am I going to do”. So, with zero expectation of anything, he
went. Little does he know, that night, he meets the most pretty and loving woman
that he would ever come across – Shelly Dhaliwal. Yes, they were friends before,
but they didn’t know each other well. They know of each other, but never thought
any would happen between them two. But ever since that night, Sam has never
been alone. He came home every day to a loving girl. He no longer just wonders
around the campus; he went to places with excitement to see Shelly. He doesn’t
have to tell himself that he is happy anymore, because now he truly feels that
way. Every party he goes to, he is happy and always find it worth his time.

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