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Taught In Here

Brief But Accurate
B4 Esperience
Pinned Up Memory
This That What?

This trick is based on Andrew Gerard’s Accuracy. I highly recommend
checking out his version; it boasts an ingenious principle with the coin.

Three objects - two folded up bills/currency notes of different
denominations and a coin of even lower denomination is given to the
spectator along with a card box.
While the performer is turned away the volunteer hides one of the
three objects in the card box and the other two objects under their
palm (one under each hand).
When the performer turns back and he observes the spectator and
writes the location of the objects. And it is found to be correct.

What you need

- A box made of paper or anything light weight
- A coin or an antique coin (significantly heavier than a currency note)
- Two Currency Notes of different and higher denominations than the
coin. (folded small enough to be hidden under the palm)
- A business card to write on
- A pen/marker

The following image is how the table looks at the beginning.

The box is near your wallet and on top of the wallet is your business
card other 3 objects are towards them.

A coin & two currency notes of different denominations are borrowed

(I prefer using my own coin)

Instruct them – In a minute, I’ll turn my back and once I do, I want you
to push one of these three objects inside the box and hide the other two
objects under each of your hand and KEEP THEM APART.

Once the performer turns away and covers his ears (in case any sound
hints him) they do their bit of work and once done let you know via a
tap on shoulder or shouting loudly.

The performer looks at the participant as if he is trying to observe


Meanwhile pushing the box with the business card towards the space
between the participant’s hands - this lets you know what’s in the box,
coin or a bill/currency note.

Here is how-holding the business card at the edge push the card box
(with coin inside) lightly you’ll feel a resistance. This resistance will be
significantly lower if the box had a bill/currency note inside.

This happens due to the weight of the coin compared to the bill/currency note,
also because of the gravity acting upon it. Make sure you do this at a hard and
smooth surface, resistance can be easily be distinguished on such surface. While
pushing the box on a soft surface, for example a close-up mat, the surface will
also cause resistance leaving you in a confused state of mind.

Now you know what is inside the box.

(Revealing things here will make the trick look weak, I combine the
revelation of the location of the coin with a small reading)

Sample reading ::
If I find the coin to be in the box and it’s a borrowed coin-
Often or not when making choices which don’t mean anything to us we make
choices based upon our personality. Looking at you, I feel you’re a practical
person, you might not show it but somewhere you care about the uncertain
future and money is the second best weapon* to combat with the future. Since
here we’re dealing with just money, I have a feeling that you have kept the
lowest denomination, the coin away from you i.e., in the box.
*the best weapon is knowledge

If I find the coin to be in the box and it’s my coin-

I use a Chinese (Dollar Size) Coin Replica – Its considerably heavier that a bank
note. I often pitch the effect as if I am showing them the replica coin and perform
with it on the spot)
Often or not..................I have a feeling that you have kept the replica coin away
from you, i.e., in the box.

If the bill/currency note is in the box-
Often or not when making choices which don’t mean anything to us we make
choices based upon our personality. Looking at you, I feel you’re a practical
person; you might not show it but somewhere you care about the uncertain
future at the same time I think you have a generous side too who believes in Live
and Let Live. I believe that you have the coin that is insignificant as compared to
others under one of your hands. Show me which one.
And they lift up the hand with coin.

Revelation of the position of currency notes.

For revealing the location of the currency notes - I prefer asking
pointless questions such as -
Are you left handed or right handed?
Which hand of yours do you think is stronger than the other?

Meanwhile writing down after each answer the following on a

business card in parts (don’t continue writing just after one question,
break it into two halves; you don’t need to write upside down, turn it
end for end and then write, there is nothing to hide as the writing will
be revealed in the end.).

If the box is still in play, push it towards the hand where the coin was
moments ago.

For revelation of the currency notes... Please refer the video.


Everything here is same as in Accurate, except for the part that they
get 2 objects to hide under their hand instead of three. Based upon the
one object which is left behind you perform a short reading and later
reveal the location of the other two objects just like in Accurate.

What you need

Same as in Accurate, except the Box.

Everything works the same way as the last one, except here the object
away from them is already known to you.

If it’s the coin (lowest denomination) is left in isolation. Say -

Often or not when making choices which don’t mean anything to us we
make choices based upon our personality. Looking at you, I feel you’re
a practical person, a person who knows what life might offer, you
might not show it but somewhere you care about the uncertain future.
That’s why you have left the lowest denomination coin and took the

If it’s the 2nd lowest denomination left out. Say-

Often or not when making choices which don’t mean anything to us we
make choices based upon our personality. Looking at you, I feel you’re
a practical person, you might not show it but somewhere you care
about the uncertain future at the same time since you also left out the
2nd lowest denomination it shows you also have a generous side of you
who believes in Live and Let Live.

If it’s the highest denomination left out. Say-
Often or not when making choices which don’t mean anything to us we
make choices based upon our personality. I think you aren’t really a
money oriented person because you left out the highest denomination.
It shows that you are a caring person, sometimes you prefer not to
express your care but deep down you remain concerned. At the hour
of need you won’t think twice before giving out a helping hand to
those who really need it.

And then go on to reveal the rest of the two objects just like you did

I have written a sample reading, use your instinct before you say those
and please donot utter it like a poem, act like you’re working for it.

Months ago I had put out ESPERIENCE. This is what it had evolved

What you need

- 7 business cards
- A marker
- An envelope

Draw all the 5 symbols on the Envelope and any one of the ESP
symbols on any 2 business cards and place it all inside the envelope in
the order below. The 2 business cards will be at the bottom in the
reverse orientation.

Bring out the cards from the envelope and attract their attention to
the 5 symbols on the envelope, saying – I have 6 business cards here
(do not say 7, 7th card is the secret) and on 5 of these card I have drawn
one symbol each and the 6th one is my prediction.

During this time deal down the top 5 cards in a row and keep the
bottom 2 cards in hand (pic below).

Ask the participant to point to one. Once he/she does take that card
and place in-jogged on top of the prediction card in your hand.

And collect the rest 4 cards from the table, make a pile and place it

Push the top and 2nd from top card forward with your middle finger
placed on the 2nd card and thumb towards the shorter end of the top

What this does is that it flushes the top card with the 3 rd card. Now,
pull out the 2nd (upjogged) card and hand it to the spectator without
revealing what is drawn on it.

Reveal the double in your hand (the top card and the 3rd card).

Next ask them to turnover your prediction.

Conclude with – You know I lied to you earlier that all card has symbols
on it’s back, in reality only one had it; the rest of the cards are blank
(turn over the 4 cards on the table)

Please refer the video for vital informations.


This was initially based upon the basic idea of Chris Philpott’s 100th
Monkey but it has moved into a different tangent and now it is a
hybrid of Drawing Duplication (with the drawing in someone’s mind)
and Spectator as Mindreader

I prefer performing this just for couples, with the female reading the
male’s mind. I feel the chances of female spilling the secret to the male
is significantly lower than had the male read female’s mind.

What you need

- 2 business cards
- A marker
- 2 spectators (ideally one on your left and other on the right)

Draw a square inside a circle on one of the cards (you can do this on
the spot, but make sure no one sees it).

Talk about giving your spectator the experience of being a mind
reader and since it’s her first time you’ll help her completely.

Take the business card with the drawing, give it to the person on the
left and say – Take a peek at it, don’t let anyone see it. Now, in your
thoughts break it away into pieces. Since it’s her first time, leave out the
curves and stick with the straight lines. I want you to add one line or
take one away and make a new shape, a solid enclosed shape, something
simple that can easily and quickly be drawn.

Using a solid enclosed shape, something simple in the script bars them
from going to a polygon, asterisk and pushes towards triangle.

Now make eye contact with the person on your right (female) and
explain – I want to look at him (person on your left) and draw.
meanwhile making the actions of triangle on the business card using
your finger/marker. (refer the video)

Once the drawing is done, take it back, check it (meanwhile tell her to
recap the marker) and ask the male to call out the shape in his mind.

If it matches, show the drawing and tell her – you know how you did it,
donot tell him and read his mind as often you want.

If it doesn’t match chuck it off saying -You seriously wished it matches.

Women too can fail at mind reading the first time and move on.

What you need
- 5 business cards
- A marker
- An envelope*
- A piece of paper

*Big enough to fit the business cards in it. If you don't have one, make it, as
magicians & mentalists we all are accustomed to making things from scratch.

Draw / write anything on 4 business cards & make the 5th a duplicate
of one the 4 cards also draw and write on the paper as well as the
envelope. (refer the video)

Place all the cards in the envelope. (refer the video)

Bring out the business cards and spread them a little casually to let
them have a glance
(careful not show the 5th card, personally I don't spread much beyond
the 3rd card)

Run 1 card & then run all the 5 cards again. (it gives an illusion of the
packet being shuffle and also moves the duplicate to either ends)

Spread the cards onto a table & ask your audience member to make
Victory symbol with their fingers & place it on any 2 cards and pull it
towards themselves.

If the member pulls 2nd & 3rd or 3rd & 4th card then you'll be left
with your two cards at the end and a random in the middle, ask them

to do the same again & you'll be left with one card (1st or 5th) - reveal
using the envelope.

If the member pulls 1st & 2nd or 4th & 5th card then discard the rest
of the three and make a pile; now ask them to hover their fingers on
the top of the two cards and ask them to drop their finger on one of
the cards on the count of 3.

If the card they drop their finger at is a random card, follow up by

saying - and join it with the discarded pile.
Bring all the attention to the card left alone and reveal with the paper
in the envelope.

If the card is your prediction card - push the random card to the
discarded pile.
Bring all the attention to the card under their finger and reveal with
the paper in the envelope.

What you need
- 5 Business Cards
- A marker

Write GOLD, POOP, URINE, MUCUS, SWEAT on the cards.
Place it in the same order (when writing side down, the top card being
GOLD and the bottom one being SWEAT).
My mnemonic to the 4 cards (Poop to Sweat) is – most disgusting to
least disgusting.

The reason why I write - Poop, Urine etc. is because it’s kind of funny when you
say, You’ve Poop in your Right Pocket, Urine in your hands and Sweat in your
Left Pocket. You can obviously customize it to anything you feel.

Do remember the order in which the cards are pulled out because
that’s how you can easily figure out the location of the cards because
of the way you put things across :-
Go ahead and pull out any card and place it in your right pocket !!
Pull out another one and place it in your left pocket!! and
One last one and hold it in your hands.
(for me the order Right Pocket, Left Pocket and then in Hands remains
always the same)

It is during the revelation of the 3 cards at an off-beat moment that the

card in gambler’s cop gets square up with the 4th card that was left out.

You can also ask them to look at the card before placing it inside their
pocket, it can convert it into a mind reading effect.

Conclude with the revelation of the card in your hand by saying – You
know I had lied to you only 3 of them contain such words the one that
you left out has GOLD written onto it.

Please refer the video for vital informations.

What you need
- 10 business cards
- A marker

Card\Digit 1st digit 2nd digit 3rd digit 4th digit The 1st digit should be a 10
1st card digit no.# that seems random
8 0 8 8
2nd card and you recall it easily and in
9 1 8 7
3rd card order (in my case it’s a phone
8 2 6 4
4th card no.)
1 3 2 1
The 2nd digit is simply 0 to 9
5th card 2 4 2 2
in order.
6th card 2 5 3 2
3rd digit = 1st digit – 2nd digit*
7th card 0 6 6 0
4th digit = 2nd digit – 3rd digit*
8th card 4 7 3 4
9th card 3 8 5 3 # 10 isn’t compulsary

10th card 0 9 9 0 *treat negatives as positive

Set the 6th card’s number as your mobile pin.

Introduce the set of cards by saying whatever you want, this is how I
sometimes do it - Earlier today I went around and asked 9 people to
write their mobile pins or ATM card pins in any random order on my
business cards and later I added my mobile pin in here. Many have failed
but I believe you’re special, you can find it. Would you like to give it a

Now as I show you the cards.....(refer video)

If it fails once, rebound with – Okay! Let me give you some information
about myself - I was born in July in 90s and I love owning things in 2s.
That’s it! Now lets try again.. (the video has a different suggestion for this part)
As I show you the cards.....(refer video)

If you listen to my scripting, you’ll find that I do not say - SAY STOP
ANYWHERE YOU WANT, I don’t want them to associate the saying
stop with a free choice. Later, during recap, I make it sound like a free
choice – you could have stopped me anywhere but this is where you
chose to stop.

You can conclude in one of the following ways

- hand the chosen card to him/her and write a new one on your own
- hand a new card to him/her
- hand the chosen card to him/her and ask to write their pin on a card
and but you’ll have to throwaway their card and write a new one on
your own because you can’t destroy your set.

The cards are in perfect 0 to 9 order. If one card gets pulled out, you
can easily know just by going through the cards and counting to
yourself 9 to 0.

Once you know the missing digit pause for a moment and act like
you’re trying to recollect something* and proceed with the
revelation as written in the video

*in the video it says immediately say 1st digit is no. 5 - please ignore
that, do not reveal immediately it’s a kind of giveaway that something
is common within the cards


This is just my crude take on the classic This & That card trick. Refer
the video and follow it closely you’ll decode it. Flushtration count* is
being used. Only 1 card has smiley on it and it starts 3rd from the top.

*If you don’t know how flushtration count is done. Google it.

Thank you for spending your time and money on this. I would deeply
appreciate if you take the pain to write a review at the website
you purchased this from.

I don’t claim this work to be my original, the history of Magic and

Mentalism is an ocean & I am a small fish. If you have any knowledge
of this already being out there please contact me.

In case you want to ask or clarify something or have suggestions to

improve anything in here. Please let me know My contact details are
provided below.
ABhyaas Change.................................................................................................................... Video
Ablest Change......................................................................................................................... Video
A Thought Left Unsaid (with AJ).................................................................................... PDF
A Thought Covertly Conveyed........................................................................................ PDF
A Thought Stumbled Upon............................................................................................... PDF
Audacious................................................................................................................................ PDF
Audacious 2............................................................................................................................. PDF
Audacious 3 :: Bi-Fold Mentalism.................................................................................. PDF
Behind My Back (included in Audacious).................................................................. PDF
C.I.A (Challenging & Intensive ACAAN)...................................................................... PDF
ESPerience............................................................................................................................... PDF
Pigment & Pixel (with AJ)................................................................................................. PDF
sharPen..................................................................................................................................... Video
The Blind Faith Collection (with AJ)............................................................................ Video
Whimsical Wallet.................................................................................................................. Video

In my previous releases I had shared different contact information.
Those are still active/ redirected/ merged with
the ones written below.

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