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(a*ria} "id-l nfi1'=o;= lr}c

w6,: )cb
tqTF+ wffifu,-r,
ar.fonr; b,c ;iH' : 5 E"E.l

(fr.g. : ET4 qlj}i ,qq=€ :i?e$i .qtXT X"fqn.Ttier+ t ,F ,.Tia'tff',fr qn;r tET qie ri

(;+) s=# '.5ief",--g rtst ?

t?i) c<{b rxlffii ,Flfrl+ w<--ffi--orr q{ql'iefrfs r
(rU <,$+ rs eq$6 uqffif,fi E&i aflo'1q4 ffit -r.T I

$t (T) 5flr-"..-iR nil Flrt

.ft-fr$4lfr,:'olK 1514iqi!

("{} HftqTK q.F fuFr'$"Ftsrl3 :6.6Xcflsrritical) Trds-zaTl f,i I fr.e,x 4EiT11 r3i-+il'5 i

uiFmg *m,fe,,,cgq''er#ut {q4g ft E+ ? fiq4q EEi i€fis6lfiT ftlc{r€1+iiffii fr5'irn'

-slR E-{lsT e!=Ftrs',-.S ffi G'4B xtlr4T :

Et? {EMKBi$ml
tr.,ftq {ir'"fu'5oi
lo r9+
9o s0

\}i (<l) €nfr-{t Sctnl'lqrTlls ft 5t ?

(ql otfr$e1i3.tr1-i ffiA {IJIrfi {f<Rrfr qffi €@lc'ffor'Fffr qeiTsliEI qfRTi +T I 'i
{tf) qfiSUE €eifrrfl r;?{n CeFF ,qrtrsl ,iv1^ 6 Ttfftq1 GNi f':m46i ?FT t 1

8r (+) Fmrre fsfi fuINT t 'cronsistt.rncv and trensiti ritrr of choicc" r5l-if4E *ffi !1

qil4tiT 1q I

(*tl fiq3r-"ls mnazm yT frq3firtrllfuT EF 'rFqI]"{Ti rEI i *

Ef{ fqxnri{ fqi ,"1i3 I
ft *
rrlt Btrdget line ?

(q) n$#vrf,{tc{KErfiErfu € "rf,s*6ffir* r fr,s* rF,T{mi eQ*idsml "*m $


ti (s) r$fT Egflqit{

3gt|cai+qFirf.r q{F'
q':f "r-trfi iqnl =fn
'.9 i
t"l ) Ridge lines ff r Ridge lins foflca' efirsrir rliTi ?
({) qs-A 6q"ilqqq1* .qqr$ftffi "tfirq6ftqfiq-fisra,fir 1fosicET.ssq q'f,br Sqq4pt
qftgq fttffifct qtCA ? ta Sq4pr4 fnq[ e ]TE 1r'trs ';.q3il3 niqlfrT qriq.ri -tr

sr (T) ffF {ffiJ {m tq'E( c{B fiF EFil q?l:!t ft qi+ i

(q) qfrqffiff qIg qft e[fu{5 <IrSR xfqT FiFt<i qr''iFilDq 4-{ I

(ff) tq$safl'f C*rn ft f
il (s) ldaftmutffutrqRwqt'e I

({) 4+-nnnf0ftrrqa<r <t€rrcil ,q-dB

rpT.{a zqorfrq ffirtln crqT i{frqcl E",r I '.h

({) tftffitturymr <Mlrn ftd o'snq carrT qftRe Eai:rl cilFs El ?

6{q IF.6EEcTI rlT \f,rtrffr 'rfi6t ?L]XFI qlq ?arqrT$act qjqfiflrfi':qfi
'n i (qt) ?

(*l) d"t0 &ffi vffq1rqi ',4qqfu4r vTpq ifi$qtq'f' ET{tg eFii I


(ei) w .nv,:g6tfi $?"ffi B nm ffiyqqErrTt vr"l1 qp r-t'r "l.lq'-l- sia "l*lT Fifb:-,9"4 r ilT

€rctiF et EB qFficr ?rFl-qfr{'Ft ?rq {Tl fif r'3 i ?

{ q'iq --l a:
)oEr <o>o
( Engiisir Version 'i
(I'i.B. : Figures itr the margln inriicate fuii marks. Arswer an}- FfVE questions.
l. {a} \trtro are fire clecision maidng agents in an econornl, ?
ib) \\''lhat are the lundamental economic prc,irierns al'a-soois[, .]
ic) Distinguish behveen mit'roecontlmics and marrr(lcc{rnomics.

? (;r) Define pdc* eiasticitl' of demand.

ib) tr\Ihat arc tiru criticrili.'*'itiuus of ihe prioc eiasticirl, of ciemald 'l Illusrltie
fle hclp of figure s.
{c) \&lhat do 1'ou mean bf income-elesticit.'c'f clemnncl'} From the follorving
information calculate irti:ome elasticiry' anci cot:m1t:6t on t1e laftiie of tire
commodin' :

Income (fk. in ihou$and) Demanri (.in Kg,)

?0 3il
3(| "i5
1 (:r) \Vhst clo 1'ou me.ln tx- rn3t*inai utilitl. ?
(tt) l)iscuss the ecluilibrium of oonsu,o*t using the of r,arclinai utilirr'.
{c} Dedve the d*mand cutve o1'a c.onsumcr trom nt.r'gruf utililv clln/e.
+. (a) Erplain the assumption "consistenc..v rnci transirir,'in'of choice,' of the
indifferencc culn's analysis.
{b) E.rplain rvhv tlre indil}-erence curves arc c.on\rex to the nrigin.
{c) \Yhet is a buctget line ? Horv do I,o* obtain it ? :t
(d) $'trat are the nesessa$ and sufficient conrlitions of consumer's equilibriurn
? +

Examine these conclifions graphicalh,.

{a) Distinguish befir,'een technicelly efficient sncl inefficient methocls

(h) \lihat is ridge line '? How a rirrge line can hc t{eriried .r
(c) Horv does a prodttcer determine the lelst cosr irqrut cgrnbinntion
for t
producing a given lEvs'l of output ? E:ipiain witti tho help
of isoquant arxi
isocost lines,

6. (a) What cto,r,'ou tneiln by totrl vatietrie cost rnil tcrri firecl cost .l
{b) Dissuss the reiatianship between a}Erags l.ariable ,;cst ancl marginal cost.
{c) l\,}at is envelope r-"unrc ./
7, (a) Defure perfecr comperition.
(bi Derive the shorl-ntn supply cun'c of a iirm undei ped'ect comperilion. _J.

(c) lVh."" does exc'ess prolit ttot r:xrst irr th* Iong run uncler pertbct iolEretition t)

8. (a) \lhat are the conditior which rnusr be ftilfilled for the irnpiementarion
price discrimina.tiorr ?
{b) Explain the 'price cliscrunination of'the first clegp'ce" rvith lhe
help of a figure,
(c) Suppose that the monopolist seils hi,l procirrct iri'two **gr*grt,
a merket rvith

clifferent price elasticities. How does ire cietennine price-output

in tlrsse trvo markets 'l
fr.eor.{n (nqpit fiU_l
c|frT.t, .lo)o

rdd: 5ol
t:fuFT : bo rrrtr : I u,tT
(fr.q. : ufi efffft W$s qRfi elr1l-{
"Jf{Iq ET+1fl i er-m'Fr firft qE# qT.s ri
) I (F) I =1'-C =S \srs'qF q{i"f r'{ r hq q?brfus s|e,"t{Fr"t I
. (q.f <tplq1 ucF qq( \{efo,firE' q-.{fu Ek.neft qn"ffi qr{ r
("f) qffu \rkKT rrqs't qle di<( <jfu lq6r r"\.,-$ €iF {,T {rl-E i I
a. I (s) <lFtit qts qqR, "Frsi T3 :

(i) rotst-qj.n TE.{s (CpI ) r

1;11 Sqogmi-Trt TF<F tppl t I

(iii) &fuflt fsceDq I

tq t fiCff frqqqtrf1 ;lTtrl q-P6{fc ? s

ii) frr,BrFf 's sqr.s wlf-.ft'{ rrlrT I

. (ii"y+.<tu Eil€Tl.T vrir er1fua {r< rc+mrsr na

eqe. I

tE) qqGE[
qFruFFn ,iffi.Tfr"fu ST €qq qir$ ?pe,rfrpr3 Wiqt y,s : s
<EF eef;l@'q csH qt{ TF-s (CPI ;
Ee.+t|'T-s Efq Tre (Fpli
!:!tt )oo.o )a,t.$ !! t.).
)btq !8o.o )b-).t lbo.g
Sbtr{ Qo1.8 }-bh.} ebo.t
)b,bo t\9). t $1,Q.. Q. at!$. t

"e I (oi Effiqu 's "lsrttf?r,s frfrGrk't3 qcq1 "fpf$j Fpcn.q cq r I

(q) gf{srlqiqFrfurqfr{ftr,oaTr ? q?v.lcrfsifrffu.qirr (ffiT
? ? v
f'rJ fr[T{ wll cqr{s .{eF crrffiqsffit "rtrffr wr GNp 's NNp csil ?Fil : I
6s1t{ = b-to Fisf; crtfi frFr.-rt"f
= troo Br+.t; rnTrnrfr qfi{'.u 4rTr = go tsis.f qE(
qifsur,u {F"TT c(}mpensatii.irr
= h)o E-lTl

8 I (s) qtftm f'vf"f ,?f4"f'-Cf+ 4frFrT"t trm ? p{Tfr*-f fsltf ,rl-4o.i=$ ,qn eilfu;ir F.TrTt pfq"lEJT s
r_Cql {.r66i{, f
iq) frfffif q'frErg ry'sl qT* r qffirc CsfE +f4.1'rl ,qqq FrF;rr-rtef r-rcf54q TIry :ievlqifti, ? ,S

(ut.i fi,'sTfl!$f[E i c : S go+c,.Uy i{qq T: ji ,go I

(i I ls^trirrql qlqv'q fr't*r vq I

(ii) vnqm \rr{'sq fr'fu sq silqs 4ffi frfu^art'r $ lo ft

"tts i
(iii) proFtTf{ ft"fu rps ffi?. qrgnscrg E"fE $ : o _.qq :f$gtr
"tfrfieE frfirfiFf qra_
@,t eniqi e|gr{ c6q}s I

t i (tr) itlc'ffuqF ltf{r rdr6g EFI fs Tqr I ,g

(ql q gqRltf cwq qFr.Tra'SF q-grffu"' qlTr$r,.?Fr cfifdTs et\sFqEr qr'rEs cqqts Gr b
MPC<Apc =rcqs trsnn Mpc-Apc Ec=r
('f) =$qrq

c+lq flr+ enq qE-$qF csffit't c,sttrsq !i{t.f.€Ff r{o-q I

s i (?F) cq-qq rlql< frfi fEp rril ,s q1elfi :p-E

, ,o
(tl) r6EEq frskq $fuff r,s'Ff erq+st (lvpL-) -: 1 4? fi6u {fu ewiT:il ritflln s
ffi-ir idfqm qglFrn rFril[Fr ?

i{ri aA'i
Joa, {o > a

t i (s) *ffr's.fifFfinwf ut6'* /.Deritancl t'-lr real mrlr1c\ bailinc*) llT :j ,rr'---*i b-

aqr"T'nmfu16 j1rylr,a sR. (@;i LM rgqn{ Tilqlc d-.eit-Tg Er7.T .g.l (t.nrFr -yi-.Tt?i :i:;fri
s"{ I

i"il (i) Tm.nRkTH i ;i'"i=is Lh{-f+rf"l-g 4fr}.rE"rfr"f4 =FTf 4"i;r ry,e:n CTFfi;r h{-,.!=it ..j-

:m?t{ ulfu,r Kv-hi i

iii.t LM afi1qif* urrrftr'fTl Tq r

tiii) LM rrfir+fi"f{uiEfr"fFqs qefq k:ii.l eq\h:10: k:0.2 eqrh{0;

k:0' 1 €4 h'=10
(5f ) rFr'T-TfD'fr6151.g', k 4? EFT <qn trT E"l.T L.M rr-+la lTFrn ffiIm j=+n.-f ,fffi
trcF t q"i{ Trrn-{"ter=s urqry h en Era rt6
"flil \s".FT LM ffiqt{ ul[ry{ cqF[q iffi4

:. I i'p; qfifo $ Tmfu qtrs ?,? FF Tqi : s

i*1.1 {.rT{ a'I{, (-TFi, f+Fi{TTef ':i GDP eq Srr* v,l-rraq u1--'r, ;n-+li} wBB qft' ,s },r
frftTrirfu'r .s''f,-,-t"- rfs,q IS-LlvI :TrsTrtq rlqrGi'-. iF+rTtrT F{ |

r'ri i Policr'-mix rp ? t<t

( English \-er*ion i
(),J.8. : Figulcs in drc margfur indicatc iuli marks. ,i;is$si'afi]'Fi"i'E. ciu*siiori;i. i

1. (a) Prove the identiqv I =u'i-{' = S. tr'Icntion its Er:onolllic irnplie ationri, c
(b1 Explain tlte r;onoepts u{ I-}usinr,ss C,'-cic an.1 Ecunorui,.. gro'ir1h. 6
(c) I)efine nalional income and distinsuisfr it lrnrn personal income. :!

2. {a) L..iplain ancl differentitri,r : 3

(i) flcrnsumers' Pdt*. Iriexi CPI)
(ii) Producers' ['i,ir index(PPIi
{iii) GDF' ileflator:
(b) l,i,'hat is the rslationship botr.r,:csln : :, 5
(i) Emplot'ment and real national inconre
(ii) The' rate of gronlh in real national income and the rate of unemplol'ment
(ci Calculate thE cltiirtge in prtce olcrtirne ilnil cotnpiir,;r fhc i'*sults : -r-'

Y*ar [iI]P cleflatnr (.?-I PPI

1972 10r].0 25.3 1 117.2
19'77 .140.0 18r .5 1$il.6
1982 207.4 289.1 ?80. T
19.q5 :31,7 3?: : lg3 ?

3. (a) Dstinguish tretn'een planned and renlized inr:estlnent. .t

(tt) Iloit is equilibriurn ilcorue cletciniined I Is tliis eriuililrriurn stable 'i l"vh.v* 'i fi
(c) Fincl GN? ;rrii \.lhl for a prir.'ate secfor mi:clel fir:in fhe frrllorving clirta :

consrunption : fli. 850; sloss inr,estment=Tli.9f)0r cie*rr,ciatian cosFTii.40: -t

ho usehold compcnsa firin =Tk. 9 1 0.

( ContrJ. pe.*gre--i )
13 1 \o)o

+. (a) \\'hat ctoes the ti,iii gural propensitl'to c.onsume r' \'IPC i measru'e ? $,iriit is tSri'
rt:iatioiisiiip bem'd$fi rn&rginal pi'opeiisitl'io $onsuine a*d iiiat'giiiai pr*ponsiti'Ia
rra\e { h{PS)':
rir) Dr:fine inr,'estm*nt rnrltiplier', illurr is ttre r*hlic,ristrip between t\'[P(] end the r:alue
of invt'stmeni nr:*ltipligr ')
{c} {-iirien fhat :
C :S -1fi-0.3Y ;rni{ I :S 60
(i) Finrl thi equiiibrium lernl ,:f incomr,
{iii Find the ;quilibriurn lsi.'eL of in;oms rvhcn ihure is $ 10 increilss in
auttrnoinous pl annEd in".restment.
{iii)Fincl thc. v:lue af nnrltiplier;rnel strcrv tire multitrrlier effecr of S 10 inctease
autonomous platurcd spendiftg orl i:ncornc.

{a) $,,hat clo 1'au m€an b3' relatii'e inc*rn.' ? 3

itr) In this c{infr.:ii. shurv in tiie ligtrt cf ihc furiti;itnerrfal proi:ositicns of J.imes I
lluesenheny that aithaugir in thp shclrl-tutr S,'[T'{,]':.lPC. in the lans-run
h'fPC = AFC.
(c) In whet respect tliis theory is ciiff";rent fi.otn tir"= Kt 1'nesian +on$lmFiion rh*ory '? t
(j. {e) Stete ancl explain Sl1''s l-arv of market.
I .''.

\ rr,l
r-zLlJ how- rlid Iicynes kivalitlaii Sav's lalv bv irivohing tirc principlc thai
l\{Pt'': 1,

7 . {e) Esplain in rvorils harv md r'.'hv the inc,lme enii interest srnsitivities cif the ri*rnitnd

for r*.al m.onij!' balance.s eitsct the sltpe i:f ths Lh-l-cur"e.
(tr) {i) Find the equatlon tirr l-,j\.f in tenns ol'the rste ol furteresi(i). rvhcn monev supplv

eriuals"hI and tir-:. it"iii.i ft--tr monsv is Kv'iri.

(ii) Find the siupe *f LI\,i *iirration.
(iii) Finct the slr4:e of'LI\,{ rvhen It=0.? anil h=i t}: k=(}.? ancl h=11{}: Ii=-{},I *iiil lr.='=1 {}.
(n|\4,hilt hnplrens to the slope af Lh,{ nrhen the I'alue f'or hshaviori;ri c*efficie*i.
k. deilreasss ? \trhat hapirens to the slope i:f LhI wh,su the valu'. fcr trgi'ie;viora'i
coclfir.rient. lr, inr:reasss'l

:"; {a) \\hat dcr monetatl' snd fiscal policl- ?

-vou undersinnel [r1'

{b) Dissuss the impac.i o{'inct-rme tirr cut. inorcasi, in govt. spencling anil ini,'cstnient I\J

suh.'r,idv on rnter*st rats- consumpiio;r" rrtvcslffi*.ut and GtlP using I$-L.h'f morle.l.
{ei W'hat is policp'mir ?
fr. ..t=i. ,s"t. ( Frril-,ri fiF- I .'fiis'i, t c ) c
mq : )c'3
1sq1'ft3E qa; tr{iis_5 i
rfj.r*f €fie'-Tr"m qlliq t:,f-rJ=l EiqR iE'];i'hTF qef{ q"l's r
' : irpi ; FT €^':n i

) I (S) r$q1qgo6ry-q
"il?ftFl Ffq+i ?F? : g+t+C
trri e$:l'{furF 's g-.{Trs'ifuRs riq-{efffilt
iq-r qTqrdoi t1t1iflqri '3 rlffi+ ETq'ifffir
({ i <rqiq Er{-41'rr ft I u"t. gll fi#F orrF -'rlTrT{-{q Etftn.J .e gqffi rw"Fim'ffi frtmq ,
fld, :285 - 5Pr - I (iP:. Qsi:4Pr - "l4,
Qd: - 37-i - -lPr -- l5Pr (ts: 3F: - 2'i, :
Q, Erdr{ Eom qr$ qft : m-fi T{ -qtrflq ;TTII qE t-g?r 'ii6lr{ rq".HFT} ETd 'g
5_+i "lfoiltffiroa I Q1 'r3 fJr EilqT?:r{tfi ffrrrcf Fdint ?
{E ) qqlrmr.{"s f+ r fuqqE Tttq-JI ?iI-{ I q?FirFgrs €T fs'Fr e{lgrtrr qrq i+ I

t. t (F) ffiEr{"rl-{ ]Ilq ftr-',$TF fr"fu ;Fql qr{T I tq",qtrFH qfurilq ( Q t ,eco L{3r{ C?lrtr c+c+g
ftao qsf,s "tt'rntn nrtB qnr tC r ,Jooo clre Eooo fi,+.fT.t gfu cqorfu I

affrf{Fmr cq|b qFI r(rl-rp-<p fr.fTl =m i

i{.i ol',o" .s .tl,:* qTr ErEl

"ilris flv z
i"f) qqfi q'6efrp4 Fnrqqii s)
t{x):tt q*<FT o{x< i

-:i q?fdI c: X*'-2

= l.rt
qqd 2 .i. H < 3
(qr*ll.gcrt, x:l $:l-l qFlql"lrF-oftTiffifl i

'e I (T) qifs[qlrrl ft I fi"$t ct, ]' : 7r -'- 3x: e;r;iB tffis zrnrEeq ; u+f+t
i*tj t wT urnT'r{ .ghwT "f,+.tfi urrtql+ fifl q*\s w-.l .si$Trs $ ft q.T
qq46i'qtr,T"if.lq >1TTTGI ?Fs.trf(-{.Tf1ft elgq ?F{t ryr.gE ?

i"r i 1 ,.
( 2.r - #,tt qH 4*q7rfi.l r qffi'T fiF fr"hr qrg I

8 t (n) rre,.?f<lai-T GT : . .g+t+t


(i) .r.,=hg 1ii) xi' : ]'* iiiii x] - -3a-ri .- ],1 : i0.

lj'"- - 1

(otj qprFrc$r1.r.ffi q{ffi<i <1F.1-,T ql's iQ == A1 i5 K 85 ,s3Ffr cqrnqi

T(ef'.F;?F q.[FT ilE \s llq?rr;r{ f||fw Sqef,naaqiarei fa"fn q,T I

(tt ) .l6fc"rm Trtriimmci

fr qrKro gqt ? €;Fwr p-t-s;'f{ $ep6:Xrr wTrFqF
u=5qr*2c1=+2Acg,q: 4R 4=: Ii=1. ]':200
ffim 5-a1 "tfu"i ft'm qE
qfrr FK{;ffi B"n=nrf i

e I (.+t rlTr{|tirf q("|nFT ft t are qrft1,FiT qIi:4TI E-i's r pr'rr.:ilfiisrtg aig fs Ttr,r4lrtr c+,b+c
Eq"nq146 TSf.r rroFftr rT.EF i

r c{ j fitT{ \W"f€Fai\ofrff flT,qTATA fuqI ts,"1n zn.g r rifr

W.fin$ qfl. . (q ffl?T ql-qTTi ?

(9, ='l' +.1'-

i i,' ivi] i.,'-lt)q,+ ir,r'.
tr1 ) E-g,q-fl 's qqrsfficj fr l qa -*lsrjr*Il fr.4ffi ,rr{KTl qiF{r sq i
"+- )oGt \o>o
tE-rKT{ i+ : x*'i4flr .+? tr"rT r{7' Trrqi 'siilE' i* l
.r4 i {Fl 's-g
i'4, q"FF rIE:iA -1il,*mT?.#F?F i-) =- u - b'.-! I ifit s|ft-4T'l E-'ll $q+gq"r;'e-g;a
fi{T'* d::i' tig ?iill'uT
.aa# Fi'fr TC : i.l' - iZri: * 3i.rq dq.iri =n'i'F- i

*== aafrqiT ,{qe. rfig q-fl.F- ry+tr tri*'l'l;t E"Fl AC '= t'iC ea I

X,61 $fu-4-
cl {tri ffigqop-q aqgi {l'3 : ,..+.i rr.-*r*nf,.fr.,. *rqrir.i\*
tnatrix ,b*g*ru
i.q)Nuli trtatri:ri iu'll S1'rtrtnrJt'ic ntatt'l]r:- ry :*.:,:t5tetrt
qnftilWr E3lg:lri ET|.lu.g Fr{ ?
("{ l Eir-.',glq ttfr* "rrlc-.s fu Tat t C+l?T f6'f'T
j ffir6ir= :1fiiaq"i q"rfu i?,rl'F 11. ,{r x-i
€ 4T TF
(ur ffi*T{ ; ="* =,z.e
fr"h 4-{ :

*r;-5::1 =R
- 2r' +3x: * 5i = ll
.lrr - 5- *4x:, : 5 q-ftTlq;t ErlP
qfry[ap1qFfii,-.r{ "5figfgq q"l.l qq3qq: ffif;ief atr-Frmm E3TIK
ft I rfl{?
ttF qTqTffi '465 fi{-'ffi -tr= V+{+(
br t*.j EEi f.I:,-ri'l ft i 'rFF.fl ,ff 14" .mr.l*,+
lEpl'.p tfu T'fu "q".t1Ery =rtF;FJ
Pi : 8lt -jQi' €
Tqt*l 'l'L' " 5t} -- i'JQ T'rlr''{ =''qrrfi-<F€t
Yt -- g0 - ].', .4"R, filB *I5
{.*. +rfut'i 's EltTFFi fr"n 'l' := t}-., -_ 20q + 15i}q -i- 1ijfi
i-*t j dafr T*tr{ mF qi:r 514etr'"r
(aTIF .rj]tr'q SHqtr#ii;i cEliiltT'q[fl'$<i C{fr I

trt "rfqftTqtftw qt qFI fr"lr ffi :

{rt) fr6t-{':{ctlrF-.T c?r[s T.* "dF A
Z- e* + ei'+ etul- ]e't - t::-r,'.t
t F.ngtish \r*riian l
*;r;;;iiicnte fi.rrl rurrk:j. -{r.rslver rilJv Frr''E "1u+stiu'ns' ',
tN.Lr. : Figr*es in thc
r''. 6*5+5
i. (n)
' Diitingtrish rr:ith tttuo'i'i* :
(i) Linear ancl non-lincar fiinction
sr"ppiv flurctions in a nvo
it ) u,rror i* morL*tlquili1,rirtm 'l Dem'nd rnei
couuncrcliff rnarkut &ic as folloivs :
aA, : :g] - 5Pr- i{iPr, (J*,-.lPr - f i"
: j7i-ir-r-l5P:- tls:- -iF:- Jfi, .
4r-.r,=.rrililr prices
or, *onnoociitf i)1, fincl equililrtium
If a tax of Tk. J i.*,. gnir is i.nuri-rseri
Wirar is iire rclation betwer;n the
a'ci quantities of botli thr uoirurr.otlitie;.
comrnoditiss (lr ancl lli ',' rv- -, ir ^---
$-1;t is R.i,ctrnguir; inpe,rbcil ? Exi:l;rin n'irh tii:rgi'ern. I-Ies it pni' eppiic'arian
in econornics ']
'l As amoullt of nrrtput {Qri 5+5-6
2. (e) Hcrv tire slope cf a srreigir, I,T: sen t',e cist*$ninE'3
i'cr.eases from 30ti uniti tii 5ii0 urdrs.
t*tai c.+st {c) irtct'eases fioilr taka 3i100 ttr
Tk. +0u(). Fincl orit litear total c'qrst iunt'lton'
ihi t'i'a, attri tf,'.n ?
r\hat is tle diffe.reni,e'be.rrvelen
rvhel c < 'a <-
ti.xt-: i
- ^q ';'l:eil i -- :'; *i l
= l rt rviterr i. i ,\ 3

, -*\...- \-r -l-"- \
{r) ltr'hilt is paraboia 'J Sjroi'i rfili i'': 7:i -"1:n' ;s.rri eciuation of ri parabola. 6+5+5
(b) ln horv miin\'tvirvsa corrruiittce crn be ii;urrecl tx'taking 3 profbssors artcl 5
assistanl pro{cssors out of 5 prot'essc}r's rnil ? cssii;tant prcfessci's.
Finri out the teim rvitltcut .r il lirs cxcaitsion r-r{ t I.v - J- 1t'
1. (a) Differentiate: 6+5-t-5


(i)1'=h-:..._: .,
iiii xl' :.,,tt iiiii xr + 3ax1 * !'tt - lt).
\i.r' -r

{b) Girre econr.rmic inrcrpretarion of partial ilei'ir.'ativc. If Q : AL -15 r. E5

is a prorluction functioru lind orrt nnrgilrai irrochrctir,'ities of lahour anci capital.

(ci [:hat do 1'ou rni,an b]' consrrainEd rnaximum? If utility'function of a sonsurner
is u =5qt+282+20qrc1,: errd 4=i I'r-2. I:2AA. find orit
utilitv marimizirrg rluantities.
5. (ai \{trat is homogeneous function ? Give its economic inteipretation, Is tiiere an1' 5+ti+5
relation tretvl'ee.n homogeniql-antl r'erurns to -(cale.
{b) Determine rrihefher rhe frllowing funcfroni ard hnrnogeneous. If sc. of Mrat
cleg'ee ?
,t -rt
(1.) :='-;---.-1-
;t |,.

(c) \[''hat al'd coffi:exit1'anci conc*'iyi Erpi;iin irs conditions rvith ctirg'irms.

6, (a) l\,1lai is Euinr's tireotem 'l

Iim it rnr' ;rpplicrrion in economic-s ? )-+]+6
(b) I)emancl frrnciion o{ a iirrn is F : a - trQ Hrxv rnucir output shouirl he
procluc.ecl to marirnize total rsrenue '.1

(ci A farm's TC : - l2qt. -1(rc1 is giv;rr,

Show that rn:rrginal cost rsirchei: rninimuin b+firie *rc er,eregc cost anri rvirett
averoge cost is minitnum AC : lt'r(-.

7. (a) Define rvith examplr ; 6*1+6

(i) Null nratrix:
(ii) Sl'mmetrir: matri r:
(iiil Iclempotent matrit,
(b) \l'hat clo 1'ou rnean tr."* inlerse matrix :r \\Jrii;h m;itri;ss har.'''. no inv'ilrs; 1-'
(c) llse Cramer's rule ancl flnd the values of .x1 11 and xj fi'om tlre follorvrng
equation systrrn :

4st + x; - 5x3 = I
- ?rr *-lx: a \i - l:
3xi - xi *'1x3, : li
Is it necessary rir rhc i;o-efficicnt mafrir to hc non-singular lbr rhe exisrcnce of
the solution vrhr,',s of ths r]'$rcln ? \1'h1, ?

8, (n) \\'hat is price di:,crimin;rtion'l A iiiscri:ninerin:r rnonop+lirt sales his tuq:tt in 6*5*5
two markets. IJErnrnri functiqn cd ths Iwc rn;u'ksts are Fi : 80 - 5Ltr, iilt(tr
P: : 180 - 2t12 and tota"l c{)st ibnctiorr is Ti-' : 5{:} - ?0Q . Find ,:ut
proiit marinrizing prices quantities snd protit.
&) If total cost function of a filnr is C : ,-it - ;i;,:11 - l5i)c1 . i00. iind our
sltort iuu supillv tunctiorr ti'tlte fir:n unilcl j-rert'ect comp,;tition.
(c) Find out maxinrum or minunum valuc lrtm lirc lrrliorvhe function
Z- ei; + c:'"{- eto'L 2ctn - ir't-1 t.
{l) l\'hilt is parabola lr Shor"' ilrai ',' ': 7:i -l:.t: ,s ;ru eciuation of a paraboh. 6:5+5
(h) ln horv miim'wfl\'s a ccrruriiitce c;rrr [r* tounecl trv takinE -'l profbssors arrd ]
assistant prof+ssors out of 5 prot'es$ors *nil ? sssi;tant pro.fessors.
Fincl out the tem witirc.r*t .r in lirs espansicn r-rl' r Lr - -L 1t'

,t. (a) l)ifferentiate : 6+5+5

,, .f:'' - 1

(b) Girre econornic inrcrprefarion of pintial cietivative. If g : AL 35 K '!:i

is production function lind out marginal productir,'ities of labotu and capital.
(c) \[:hat do 1'<tu iltsan b1 constrained rnaximurn? If utility'function of a (ior$urrrer
is u -Sqt+2Qz+20c1rc1,, rurd li=i F==2. I':200. find gut
utilin' madtnizirrg quantities.
5. (ai \\rhat is homogeneous function ? Give its ecortomic interpretation, Is titere an1' 5+6+5
relatiott befvveen hc,mogeniry* and rerulns to -tcalr,r.
(b) Determine ntrefher the frltowing fuincfronr ard homogeneous. If so. of rvhat
clegree ?
(1) ;= ' ', ,1

.t "r- |..

(c) \[,'hat ard coil'd:iit-t'ancl canc*'iry '] Expi:rin its conditions rvith cli:rglems.

5, (a) l\,-hai is Euinr's theotem 'l Ihi it m1' ;rpplication in economics ? )-+]+6
(b) Demancl frrnciion o{ a {irm is P : a - trQ. Holv rnucir output shouicl he
procluc.ed to marirnize total rErrrtue ?
(i;) A tarm's TC : ].It - l2qt - -l(lc; is giv;rr,
Shorv thet rnrrginal cost reirchg.q minimriin b';t,rr+r Thc n'eregs cost en.J rvhett
avcreqe cost is tninimttm At' : lt't(- .

7. (a) Define rvith eriampk ; 6+4+6

(i) Null matrix:
(ii) Stfnmetdc matris,:
(iiil Iclempotent matrir.
(b) \llhat you ruean [r.'* inlerse matrix :) \\Jri;h miitri;cs havr. no inrerse '.'
(c) lJse Cramer's rulc ancl frnd tJre values uf .x1 \1 and sj fi'om the follorvrng
equation slstsln :

4sr + x; - 5x3, = I
- 2rr *-1x: 1 \j - I:
3sr - x; *4x.., : 5
Is it necessary rilr rhc oo-etficicnr matrix !o he non-singglar tbr rhe Exisrence of
the solution vahr*s r:f the r]'ijreln'l \\'h-r ?

8. (a) tutllrt in
\I'"hat is price dis,crifirin;rrion'l A itiscriminalin:r rnc'nop+lirf sales his 6*5*5
hvo markets. Demend functiou cd thc tlo markcts ure Pt : 80 - 5qr, -ill(tr
P: : t 80 - 2t12 and totai cost fbnctiorr is TLI : 50 - 20Q . Find *ut
protit maxinrizing qllantities aud prc'fit.
{bi Ifroral costfunction ofa tilnris C : *it - ;i;,il - I5tiq . iOU. ilnd out
short iulr supiliv ftrnction ti'the finn *riilcr' ;rertect courp,;tiriou.
{c) Find out maxinrurn or- minuuum valur lrom tirc foliorvhg function
Z_ cx + e:,'_{- er*,L fctr _ ir{-1.i.
fr.,rr"i.q4. l"r,Efi"i; qY-l 'iffr:"F;, tc)o
CXn : )ot
rsqfiffi.fu{ wn "tfua",*n- 1 ;
+lcftmrko tfrt{tr8Erfrf
ifr.g. : rgFI
"ffrt efF,T Flq,ril r-,t'f:iT
ETef-tr | f,r1 CrFr.T ffi ,?f"=.ta ''SEH Ag .l

)t iai -tqfqa"f.m gF{Tlq{

iij rrotrlteqts rr+-ff:i 1ii) wr.r'st (iiil Fk:r;r (irr) qftT,{t.t r

t.Rt t Ectq$fn'fi16q.fdt }5AF fi1'gp'sz,q1 <.fut ns i

('fl -1-1qqfr1-4 Erfu Er1TT th xrt r

r, I (s) rfiRfu ,ftFT ?4frb.13fi1 ryrnl :pir I 9*t*tt

({-) xr € x: t?F qc;ffi nqqTi TFI fi'?rl's trt,.r rr-r.l.f z It\{ 1 gsFT rl'[E{
q$m fly:raFrqg r
(.{ ) fq[T{ rfq.a$llr f.fiq.lq q6u rp. nqlql 's efF{rs fr.fa =pq :
elftt 5to-!'3o )bo-)to -rlo-)b-o )b'o-!bc ).bo-\oo Q.oc-q3e
{cfqq?fjT : ts )g )g G }o 5o

st (T; ffifrls qrqqP,"Tq qq"rfi ET's I trf\s qIqqItrEI qko .sa rfldqrj f.f' 7 ,g+,g+t
{.1) rflq'f:rlrT uerm r+ ? fi'"il'3 crr isrE .lTT-a Tqrffi' flE '3 {ffis Tr{qm q?frffi
'Idr'$ tflE: t

t, /' t:fr -EFnr+ A eqp. E 5-qwrr,lr;=Fu6;a qE aFT;T eali fi1g-q"f
A: )€ 8f .f ,?(l qlr )or" !L'o bc) tO t, ),)
B : r.t qb ea, )a. Bb f b )b l,s q\9 )o
TFT <!-{t< trF(q El$rrl1,fn T'w..trt? rf.tll tr gqft wri'6qj1:f Tt fr"fu nA I

v I /hl
r. r,t
qfuTto ft FFft ffi€tlr rfftrfsrm SFt 'Tfr"flrqa xlqlm etq'l-.f na | 1+b
r Qclr{
({) fiiilCTFr's EaI] E(g, fr, ,9 l;, fr"fa q,a I fiTr,TqrrFr E-RrEr s qFEt-FE S"rf
{st] :

IIfffi: )c-lo lo-,Jo so-8o 8o-oc fc-,gc 'go-to

sfcfilRqTf : rt )t t,,b )A Q'$ )l

C I (T ) Ffr-+ qq-q-"1-+'rT"{.FlT qrgl rr1t'3 I 8+'V+'{,

({) ffiRf's 6q. Trqrtfd Td$rffi ffi -l C?ni$ + ] oa Elfqr :r<qfn Ff,d t

x € ]' EFItr]dA )o ffi19't qFr CE".3T[!:U-6R :

x: )t )c )e )'g 8 )) )8 b t )e,

!': eg 8g eC L8 ).1. )lr 1.1 ar, I b

Spearman-qil uF.?1q?6ryqq ttaliitt Rtl I

'gr (s) ffiq Trsrq:f, 'lq1fu '|-d5r{-qq..ftJm I #JAJrle


( ?i.) 6q?Il,3 r:q. fu-<el T€fl TT TF -#Ra ft€ Err.fu 6e;6 I fua{6
iuit fttrIl{ -:s(?rl? fq.srq ffiqqq "fkrPf <r-?t (qqlfi x qSIET qEq \' "ETtld Dq{r I

x:) { e I
)':t c '9 h t
tt \Si q'u-+ ;rt{rT{ ;iqEi q'i'3 €Tq. ,iT <rr.r{i-q f.T{i I c+gi{
iqt q:rT"l rni cq, frt ttrg T-T rlqq-fi ,.{T,fr Tqr.f TF-.-F
.eqfiT I

(ttl F5 ry"nT Ef-=rwtt"r* :rqFnlsfT r.5rr'FT|Frf 3Eg I

tWTa.$: t
-i- ) o 8,10 7 o
b' i (F) +.firi-4fr frggnr ?1ETE ft Tnr :' r,fAn- ,',ft3 lqg++fnT a"fu;rA I b.+.b
(*t ) T.rrrrrr <{ efaFsCE ful-"ls'enTlh" nTtrr-{61 tfi-qT FT'f" sT :

)bbt )b'Elr )bbb loo) Q.ooQ i.oo,$

<P-d I
W : )oG )oS ht llo loo }rf 5c6
i E;ieli,iii Vcrsion i
G'i.B : Figures r:: the ntn.jn incircare fuii marks. ,{r'l-srver an,,'FiiG quesrir.rn. 'l

1. (a) Esplain rvitir trranrple :

., g -6*?
(i) Rcctangular co-orcliiiatt:s {iii incqualii-r riii) Funcrion 1ir,'; Eciuatiol.
(b) I)escritre the rules of constructin5: a frerguenc-r' ilistrihLrtron.
(r.) l\hat clo 1,ou fi]ean b1'nercurtile Osirr.- ?

?. (a) Describe the properties of arjfhrnetic mefllr. ;l-j*g

(b) x1 and x2 ilre nvo positir.'e integers. Slu.r, rhaf' .',t-il.{ : If:\!. Irr
rvhich condition all thcse tlue* rirrlans n'ilt irc efluri 'r
(c) Calcutate the.tnEatt. nr.cdian aird iriotle fi'rim lhc tirllor--ina fr*qncii;.\'
clistritrution :

Class : 150-16fi 1r5{i-17i) 1?o-196 18{}-iq0 i90-l(ji,) 100-11.i)

Frer-1uenc1' : S l.t 16 5 'L{j 10

3, (r) Define stantlarrJ ct":r:iation. l)iffrrenfi,rte ii fi'orn m.;rn deviation ? l*(+7

(b) \\'hat is stantlarclizecl vaiiable ? ijholv that a'.rcl stanclartt clcr,'ilitioit of
a standardized is zE:ro and one. rcsp(rctlr,rrlJ',
(c) Runs scored h},'ariab.[r.
trrio batsrnen A anql B in- 1t innings are gi-rr;n as follorvs :
A : 15 -15 5 35 i6 iti2 tiirj tri 1i i :1
B: 72 '28 3') 1? 48 5 S t,B '24 'J6 l()
Find rrJrich of the hto batsrnen is mori L'onsistent irr- :coring.

'1. (a) $Ihat is moment ? Esilress the fust four centl'al mornents in trnns of ran, 7'e
(b) Frbrn the tbllo*'ing infonrrati,.rrr firrct aut p', *nti ;i- . {-'cn:.ueirt c:rr the
skewness and kurtosis of rhe rirsrribution :
Class lirnir : 10-t0 ?0-30 30-+n +0-50 50-60 6A-7a
Fretlrncv : 5 17 2G i ? j3 :t ?

), (a) Define tanl c,;treletlon r:oefficient. -f-6-6

(b) Show tltat thc 'u'iiluu of e,oti'ciirii.iit c,u,ii-fi,;iunr iic.s iiuri"cu.ri -1 aiid , 1.
(c) \
10 pairs ol values r"rf ..\ ancl rr3fi31'ti*g 1s1ir si1,q:p, ;

X:17 15 11 16 -l 11 lr q r 1l
Y : "16 46 15 l{ 1"1 l,q 27 }.?. i s
Calculate Speannln's con'eletion ceefficient.

6. (a) Desctiire the nssunrptions of res;,:"sic,n- moiiei. t+5*6

(b) Sholv that reg'essiott coutlicierrts aio inile.ircrrdeu,i o[ oligin Lrut clepvtrcieiit
on scale.
ici Calculate the regrersion rqueri+ns fi'arn th-t ftllriwing detn where Ji is
clcpenclent and Y is irrcleporrrisnt iabti, :

X:1 ') 3 4 5
Y..2 5 3 I 7

7. (a) Define index nu,-nlrer rn,J stnte its uses. j*6+5

(tti Frovc thal. Fishcr's iiiticx tturiibvt is an i$cal inilc:t iiurniiur.
(c) Discuss 1J1sr prnlrl*ms n.f nreasrrdng inrler ntrmlre:.i.,

8. (l) \l'hat clc 1'ort unii,;t'stanr11r1.. tl.te titn,:-rel'lrs ;inli.-,ris 'l DescdLre tlic B+g
(;olnitoltents of i inrr; sri'i,; s.
(b) [.rsing least squat'es inirtltoct firrcl ihtr scaular lr'i:ncl r'1'lh* i-oilowtrru dala :

)-ear ; 199? 1qq8 19qq :ilO(] ?001 ?00: ?ilitj

Price : 1t)5 105 !),7 i I {} l{^}tl I 35 i fl:1
, fr.,g4.q7i. ( nr{FT) qif-} e;Aiq{, {o)o
rsl"i : 5o&
(qRqrqrH wrfftft-5 ; aTSrqt;
(fr.E. : \flr1 firt qqs 4(qlt q'rJq t:f{r.T stfltr r ci csl"i {Fm €ir*J:r ts<r qT's )

) I EEfuqkTeefot .{qqfEsqTrqffir-en qlql q1eFsifr r qlqarrfirr{ }s

f,q&f"f-K r;1ts'sglfil affi 6q{l'3 €dt qH rf?f.r* qfuiil{q te6 rq\$?TI S{ I

a. I Ttqqtrqrl-s qrnq4ifd E{Ft S4,frtbnlftr ql(qrlEt ffi .l

r{ qq(Iet q-"i'tfua €Tr'q"t"f }'v
. f{qTr|TfilfiTat .{<t qFEqFEI3[tg"fg ES?I]a:T I

'.e I nfrgl ftI 4Rqr'{r* o1f{c'rd qenrT ffib}F,s xnrrirrrT etr{ t qTqEfto-trl u1-'tT )'9
TFFTq tFTf" Frq arqR flftrffiiq f,Tcq ..sT a*'tf{ SrR :lsEI Tq I

8 I qlqqfcqr*n effftq 'qqf.?fua r?ffi rqffiffiI q-g r <I(tll[srf,fffl TfrT TE ?qFBYrq ]'9
qt rrrc$T TttitmT qf.rr s{

c I dqercqr*F c{r'qF1-ar a1fi6Td':ff{r,g;T .s uff.f q.fq +a r qtqqkqrH d'$AT }'s

qtferffiir nnlrrf f{Ffs ? rsr.t
IF{t q$ glq fsfF q$fut stiEq ?

b I qtqrgplpf{ qTerc {ff5{ T'fAI:IT TIIaTIFTT ?F'f, I qTqEK"rr'ffi TJTqS {j?l.{F )'e
qffitr<rq"t ,s
Wt{Rtfifl=t ?.FsI-d qRl+cof <'f-rtsr I

1 I q?fufus q{Elbkrrlf+ I qtqurEqrt qfu 's q'ffi qfr,sa qqFT fi r };

*qt {rr5f, ry{wlfqf,E rrql{ftrr-{ q-{l f<t ffiT f{Trs qTts ?

b I <kHB <q-f,5 6 5i1a ? gp-x 's W*{fita1qqcbT {,r"fu f+ I qtRFrfmrf qTsEffi }'9
Qo5o-)) rq?fdh.ffid rr6qT6T Son EqiTI $s i -

r '$'f{ t: q: ,i
ti\'u': t'lgufes ur the margin iirclicate f*11 rnarks.
Ansivel'afl,vFIVE cluestion e boQrta> a
l. 1[hat is the difference betrveen GDP
al crument pdces ancl GDp at constant
prices ? show the sectoral composifion 16
of GDp in Bangiadesh and ccmment on
the nafure of changes in the coml:osificrn.

) Discuss the principal characteristics

of of Banglaclesh. In this respect
write the important features of labour Population 16
fr*; il;#;?"'to efficiencl.,
3, \I&at is por,'err1' ? Discuss the principai
featuies of por,.erty in Banglacresrr.
lvrtte the paftem of incorne .tiittit ution t6
in nangtadesh and corfin$nt on its
rcrlation to poverh

{. Discuss the importance of rural econonr1i

of Banglaclesh. Discuss t1e structure
along with the main features of agricuidr, t6
,r*ro'. of Banglaclesh.
5. Describe the I'olume and composition
of foreign tracle of Banglaclesh. \vhat
the problems of export trade oinongtr;;rlt'iidffifir
e rl**ruions ro
increase export ?
6. Discuss the structure of financial sector
of Bangladesh, Namate brieflv the
histon of nationalization and clEnafionalization l6
orBanking s1-stcm in

7. \[4rat is economic infi'astntcture

? \\hat are the ma.ior proble*rs of power
energ]'seotor in Banglade'sh ? \trhat ancl L6
can be clone to ,ol-.r* the problems
sector'l of tlis

8. \l'that is meant by budg*t ? l\hat are

the clifference rrefn.een re\.enus and
capital budget. Llomment on the budget t6
of 2010-11 financial vear of the
gorrernrnent of Bangladesh,
fr.qq'qq' (Yrqf'T)'fp-l 1ftfl, {o)o

{. Tgrffir.T,)
{fur: bo vW{ s g.q6f ,

(fr9. : v'F{
"ffrt atrrs
qq$t q6dq 13fi1q spfql I efr'sj?p flt rnr Rr{{rs Tt q.'$f.r6T
6flb tfEF qrgr Esr or-ts )
ofiV-> : lN ,

)t (T) qEFnsF qrrc.o ft fqtt1l t 8+)a.

({) rqrr Tqlqfimn,** 6qreFflrinr
ry* ry:ryffir<'{ I

\r (s) c+))
({) fi@q Wrmrry q{trnrc'f qIraTTDlTIqri[ I ,

\9t (s) Tft"ffb'[FT'r r++fs fi I '9*) o

({) Tffi rfiFtu qilo1ffi g,fdwq fqaalfqf \flrm''il 3q I

8t (rj F,@ Effi-{iFffi qqTr ffijqT-c€ qt-rdTIFTI trf, I ) o*'9

({) q8 qqfrqq':rT{ffttqfr"1f.rrs <IFfiF{ft qqq qsrrq'f<r$qq T,il

: zrfqql6qrl
cr (T) qs qqqftfE z
({) qilqrt cflrq'tdrffd
"trqft 's wrfffi rycw("t rnf6qtFil iffi I

gt (v) qtqtTtfiT''l-{ nqfrftil< qqoq

ryc'fi{fu ptaFrbecrrt qffi <F-{ I )o*9
({) ,qt wrilqfu Elqq{ftfeq e<q ea +lfofq'w{f<F ?

1t (o) \oob wf[dtl rTqqq'FdrcT lrtealfr fin'r< fr' frrqfrrq e<rft qqfiF,E fr<a.l ))+c
gl's I

({) .q frffi?nqqrs+'rbrqFsrFFfqt?D ?

bt (ol crr.T qbs.Frro qRqnnrR q{:r qTqfrs *r{T.qt{ q.r*qTr ? 8+)t

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( English Version )
(N.B.: Figures in the margin indicate'fulI marks. Answer any' FT\E questions
taking at least two from each part. )
Part-l : Theory
1. (a) \Vhat is meant b-v Political Science ? 1+12
(b) Discuss the relationship betrveen Political Science and Sociologl'and Public

2. (.a) What is meant lr1'state ? 5+11

(b) Discuss in brief the elements of the state.
, .trf'- ;
3. (a) What is Presidential form of Government ? - ir,, : 6+10
(b) Dscuss the merits and demerits of the pfesidential form of government,
4. (a) Dscuss the main features of the constitution of the IJSA. 8+8
(b) Analyse the duties and powers of the President acdoiding to this constitution. '

Part-2 :Banglaclesh

5. (.a) What are the Six-Points ? ' '

(b) Discuss. in brief, the background and corygquences of the Six-Points mor,ement.
6. (a) Disuses the main feahre,s of the fifth arnenclment of the constitution of 4+12
(b) What was the significanc.e of this amendment and what is its present position ?

7. (a) Discuss. in briei the manifestoes of Awami League"'for the parliament election of 11+5
(b) Horv fbr these manifbstoos are teasible ','

8, (a) In what context was the fnst manial law in Bangladesh imposed ? 1+I2
(b) \\hat were the main features of this martial law and n'hat were its consequenses ?

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