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Amalia Asokawati


The Four Types of Love From Ancient Greek Language

The Greeks recognized that love is a rare and complicated emotion that is difficult to
understand. There are different forms and types of expression of love. To order to describe these
forms, the ancient Greeks came up with four words (eros, storge, agape and philia) to symbolize
the four forms of love. The First is Agape. Agape is the noblest expression of devotion in the
Greek language. Agape is not enkindled by the merit or the value of its object, but originates
from its own God-given nature. God is love. It's a pleasure in giving.. The second is, Phileo.
Phileo love refers to a warm, warm and tender platonic love. It makes you want friendship with
someone else. This is the kind of love that gives life to the love of Agape. The Third is Storge.
Storge It's a kind of love of family and friendship. This is the love that parents naturally feel for
their children; the love that family members have for each other; or the love that friends feel for
each other. And the last is Eros. Eros is a passionate and intense love that gives rise to romantic
feelings; it is the kind that sometimes causes "strong" feelings in a new relationship and makes
you say, "I love him / her." It's just an emotional and sexual love.

Thanks to the ancient Greeks, we can learn from all the different types of love in our
lives. We will come to understand how beautiful our human hearts really are. Our hearts are the
only things in the universe that grow bigger the more they give to others.

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