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QP CODE: 202226 Reg No:………………….

MDS Part II Supplementary Examinations - December 2015

( Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge)

Paper II - Removable Partial Prosthodontics & Maxillofacial Prosthetics

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

• Answer all Questions.
• Draw Diagrams wherever necessary.

Essay (2x20=40)

1. Describe the various classifications of maxillary defects and management of unilateral

total maxillectomy patients

2. Discuss the various philosophies of partial denture designing

Short Essays (6x10=60)

3. Surgical obturators

4. Mclean’s and Hindel’s special impression techniques.

5. Antero-posterior strap maxillary major connector

6. The principles and functions of circumferential clasps

7. Preparation of occlusal rest seat

8. Merits and demerits of Kennedy’s classification


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