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It is saddening that many authors of the past have been unaware, or unconcerned, about the very
great distinction between the Khazars and the Israelites. As is amply demonstrated by the
materials in this research package, the Khazars are no more Israelites, than the Chinese are Irish.
And yet, the Khazar hegemony have successfully managed to carry out all manner of deception
and thievery, treason and upheaval - all behind the moral, cultural, historical, and religious
mantle legitimately belonging to the Israelites alone.

In modern terms we would refer to this as a matter of “identity theft”; especially when it is done
for purposes of criminal deception. In the case of the Khazar mob, however, it has been
perpetrated, or at minimum taken advantage of, in a uniquely wholesale manner. An entire
culture has been hijacked. At the same time, the Khazars have benefited from the largess and
misplaced affections, that Christians naturally have for the legitimate Biblical Israelite Jews.

For purposes of putting this package together, it has been necessary to include many texts which
speak in vituperous terms, and with flagrant overgeneralization, about “the Jews.” Of course, the
relevant meaning of the text is understood only when the reader takes this to mean “the Khazar
criminal syndicate.” The only excuse I can make for these authors is that, at the time these books
were written, they did not know or understand the difference. Such items were included because
they contain information, the value of which outweighed that error. I apologize on behalf of
these authors for any appearance of aspersion this may create toward good-hearted and
legitimate Israelites.

Equally I am aware that merely being descended from Khazar lineage does not make one ‘evil.’
Such thinking would be infantile. The existence of an Italian Mafia criminal syndicate does not
make all Italians evil either. The preponderance of both Italians and Khazars are obviously

But neither does this let the Khazar mob off the hook for their crimes. In fact, the Khazar mob
has been quick to exploit the overgeneralization of anyone using the term ‘Jew’ to unclearly refer
to them. This is a trap. To the Khazar mob this is an irresistible opportunity to employ the
smokescreen of their hijacked identity. It is an opening to project the real sufferings of the
legitimate Israelites upon themselves. Do not let them use it.

The Khazar mob are not Jews in the lineal sense, nor are they in the spiritual sense. They tend
not even to be Jews in the most superficial religious sense, but rather Talmudic heretics. A real
Jew, by lineage or conversion, has written on their doorposts and gates “Love God with all your
heart, all your soul, and all your strength – and love your neighbor as your self” - and takes it to
heart. I dare any of the malefactors discussed, living or dead, to describe how their lives met
this challenge. Nor can the term “anti Semitism” have any relevance to them, because they are
not Semites. To the Khazar mob, no one has to make any apology.

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