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Annotation structure: AB 1

Teo, Stephen.; “introduction” The Asian Cinema Experience : Styles, Spaces, Theory.

Brief summary of content including aims

In this chapter the author provides a comparison of Asian cinemas and World Cinema. He argues that
the world cinema is a factory of industrial, commercial and technological productions, and in this sense
Asian Cinema transcends world cinemas. The aim of the author is to present Asian cinema as a world of
its own.

Most revealing finding or conclusion (identify research method if applicable)

The author finds out that Asian Cinema evolves as a universe of its own due to diversity in many ideas
that exist within the cinema, such as: philosophies, religions, flexibility, and borrowing cultures from one
another within Asia. And, Asian Cinema is not just a national cinema, or third cinema, or art cinema, but
as an abstract force that can absorb particularities of such theories.

Gives a critical evaluation of the article

This article provides a useful rationale explaining the differences between Asian cinema and Hollywood
and other theories of cinema. The arguments are supported by evidences from notable scholars of the
field. The finding that the Asian cinema is not just a national cinema but a universe of its own makes this
chapter an important contribution to the argument of the uniqueness of Asian Cinema.

May include an evaluation of the methodology, findings and conclusions

May identify possible limitations of the article or study

Indicates how this material may be relevant and useful for the writer’s research

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