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By: Emily Palumbo, Megan

Mcdade, Katie Goff, Marykate
Introduction to the Lesson
● Read “How a House is Built” by Gail Gibbons
● Read “A House is a House for Me” by Mary Ann Hoberman
● Display table with a doll house
● Display table with pictures of different houses (apartments, suburban & rural areas, animal
● Bulletin Board: Have the students bring in pictures of their homes
● After reading the books we will go over what is needed in order to build a home
meaning windows, doors, roof, walls etc.
● We will have students parents come in if they are contractors, architects,
interior designers, plumbers, firemen or realtors to talk about building a home
and what is needed in order for humans to live in it
● Then students will either be in groups or work by themself to create a home
using the provided materials.
● Read “Roberto, the Insect Architect” by Nina Laden
● We will make a class unit vocabulary list.
● Presentation of our crafted houses to other kindergarten classes
● Table with the different DIY homes the class created
● Video showing the creation process when they made the homes and what the
students have learned
Gibbons, G. (2016). How a house is built. New York: Holiday House.

Hoberman, M. A., & Fraser, B. (2015). A house is a house for me. Auckland, N.Z.: Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind.

Laden, N. (2016). Roberto: the insect architect. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

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