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1. Create a rubric for assessing a report text and a rubric for an exposition text.

Write a brief description for each indicator. You may use single scores (1-10) or range of
scores (such as 90-100, 80-89, and so on).

2. Use the rubric you have created to assess the following text analytically.

The Joys of an Old Car

When people see my old car, they sometimes laugh at it. But I tell them that owning an old
Toyota car has its good points.

One obvious reward is economy. My husband and I bought the car when we were newly
married. We paid $4,200 for it. That seemed like a lot of money then, but today we’d spend
four times that much for a similar car. We also save money on insurance. In the twenty
years we’ve had it, the Toyota has needed only a few major repairs. It even gets good gas

I like the familiar feel of the car. I’m so used to it that driving anything else feels very
strange. When I visited my sister recently, I drove her new Plymouth to the grocery store.
Everything was so unfamiliar. I couldn’t even figure out how to turn on the radio. I was
relieved to get back to my own car.

Finally, my car is very dependable. No matter how cold and snowy it is, I know the Toyota
will start quickly and get me where I need to go. Unfortunately, one day it didn’t start, and
naturally that day I had a final exam. But otherwise it just keeps on going and going.

My Toyota reminds me of a favorite piece of clothing that you wear forever and can’t bear
to throw away.

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