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Angel Puppo

Dr. Brian Morley

Foundations of Biblical Studies



1. An EER is an Efficient and Effective Researcher

2. On the tabs of “Be and EER: Start Here!” you can find:
a. “Find Journals”
Which is a description on how to find all the journals the Powell Library provides,
whether hardcopy on the shelf or ecopy in an online database.
b. “Use Sources to Find Sources”
Guide on the process of taking what you do know and using it to find what you
don't know.
c. “Get Background Information”
Guide on Getting acquainted with your topic by searching broad range tools like
encyclopedias and dictionaries.
d. “Research Worksheet”
Guide on making research quicker and efficient.
e. “Evaluating Resources”
Guide on making sure you’re not wasting time with a source that’s not right for
your research.
f. “Sighting Citatations”
Guide on how to cite properly.
g. “Glossary”
Key terms for a researcher to know.
h. “Theses & Dissertations: Fee & Free”
List of websites and places to find thesis and dissertations.
i. “Interlibrary Loan ServiceToggle Dropdown”
Section to loan books From Powell Library.
j. “Information Timeline”
Wonderful place to remember the best ways to find our sources and the
information of our helpful Librarian.
k. “Download EBSCO eBooks”
Information on download of eBooks from Powell Library.
3. Step 7 is Librarians are your friends.

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