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Why You Should Choose to 

Be a Surgeon 
April 19, 2020 

By Clayton Vaughn 

Advantages of Being a Surgeon 


Surgeons are one of the most vital and needed people in 
America. There has always been a huge shortage of 
surgeons to save lives every single day. Surgeons typically 
are employed by one hospital, but they can be called into 
other places to operate on patients. This creates a huge 
demand for all types of surgeons, meaning that you would 
always be busy and making a large amount of money. 

High Salaries 

According to American College of Surgeons, the average 

salary of a surgeon is $265,920. This number is incredibly 
high, and surgeons can make even more money if they 
choose a specialty such as neurosurgery. Surgeons are also 
placed within the top 1% for highest salaries in America.  



Skills for Success 

Surgeons must have a special skill set to complete vital 
procedures on patients. Some skills include: patience, steady 
hands, focus, determination, and knowledge of medicine and 
human anatomy. During procedures, you will work around other 
surgeons and doctors, and need to have good communication 
and teamwork skills as well. Lastly, surgeons need stamina, 
metally and physically, as some procedures take upwards of 
eight hours. 


Surgeons are required to complete an extensive amount of 

schooling in order to earn the title and salary of a surgeon. 
First they must get a bachelor's degree in either biology or 
pre-med. Then they must get both a masters degree, and 
doctorate degree in general surgery, or another specialty such 
as plastic surgery. Then they must complete upwards of two 
years in training and residency before finally becoming a 
registered surgeon and being employed by a hospital or office. 
This education will give you the knowledge and confidence to 
perform surgeries on real patients. The cost of becoming a 
surgeon is expensive, but the high salary will help compensate 
for the costs. 

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