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Why High school is Important

When is the last time you have been sat down by someone else and asked to relay

every detail about the war of roses or to plug numbers into the quadratic formula? What about

the last time you had to perfectly label every element on the periodic table. We have all had that

moment where we thought to ourselves, what is the point of learning this, I will never use it.

Today I want to dive into the importance of high school and how no matter what career path we

take high school better prepares us for our future. Whether we believe it or not everything we

learn in and out of high school has an impact on our lives in some way.

First I would like to analyze the growing theory of Early childhood education learning

ideas. This is the idea that a child needs to have his/her career choice decided by the time they

reach high school. They will then take classes that will prepare them to have a full-time job at

the age of 18 depending on what career they choose. An article from “The Mental Health Daily”

claims that the brain does not fully develop until the age of 25. This means that someone not

even in high school should not have the pressure and obligation of picking what they want to do

for the rest of their life. Statistics show that more than 80% of students in college change their

major at least once. If a grown adult can not make up their mind about what they want to do with

their life, how could someone 5-7 years younger do so? That just doesn't make sense. This

theory also causes more stress, especially for someone not even in high school. Studies show

that my generation is more stressed out than any other. Even though there is no answer as to

why forcing such a big life decision to be made so young is not going to help. Finally, a study in

2019 from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that only 27 percent of the current

workforce is in a field related to their Major. These are adults making these decisions so the

idea to put the spotlight on a 7th or 8th grader and eliminating the variety of high school classes

we have the opportunity to take is not going to help.

Something that I believe a high school does help with is expanding a student’s general

knowledge. Even though we believe some classes to be useless, having a well-rounded

education allows us to be involved and interact with the world around us. As we learn and

comprehend more and more knowledge we start to form opinions. Opinions about whether the

information was clear and understandable or maybe something felt like a missing puzzle piece

that just would not fit together. This allows for communication and problem solving to occur.

Communication is something you will use your entire life no matter what profession you’re in. In

my opinion and from my experience of talking to others who have been through high school and

been through college. Communication is the most important skill we have the opportunity to

learn while in high school.

Something that goes hand and hand with communication and comes in close second to

being the most important skill we learn while in high school, is problem-solving. I know that

having 30 math problems for homework takes a lot of time, but life is full of problems we need to

solve to be able to grow and flourish. No matter what occupation you decide to go into a

problem is going to come up. Whether you’re working in a factory repeating a process over and

over. Machines and tools break. Or you make decisions for a big corporate office. You are going

to have problems to solve and decisions to make. Learning young how to accomplish what we

might not even interpret as a difficult task helps shape who we grow up to be.

Each class we take throughout highschool helps us to learn such important skills. When

you start to think and really begin to analyze the curriculum that has been put in place for us it is

not about the specific details we learn, but more about challenging and training our brains to

learn and to adapt to the task at hand. I know that you are not going to walk outside look at a

rock and know the specific kind of rock that it is, but maybe learning the distinction between

certain rocks contributes toward learning the ability to discern something correctly. This does

not change throughout your classes. We have such a great opportunity to learn early what we

will need for the rest of our life.

Proverbs 19:20 says Listen to Advice and accept discipline, and at the end, you will be

counted among the wise, I believe this verse speaks to the students learning and looking for

knowledge, that no matter where you are in life attaining knowledge and knowing when to ask

for help can really benefit you. I believe high school is the training ground to prepare you for the

rest of your life.

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