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The way advertising portrays stereotypes are greatly noticed and can be harmful.

are ways these ideas get portrayed such as modeling and commercials. Messages like “women
belong in the kitchen” can get taken away and can cause the mental health of one to go down.
The portrayal in which has a negative reaction can lead to many things, like depression. There
are ways we can make advertising and modeling not so stereotypical.
A stereotype is a label in which it allows one to make a judgment form characteristics
that are visible. The characteristics consider age, gender, popularity, and class.
Through the sources I chose, the main ideas are what stereotypes within advertising
cause, what we are doing to stop these reactions, and examples of how these ads are turned
into a derogatory message or provoke negative reactions. There is a common fact in the
sources that show stereotypes are relevant in advertisements and that they can be harmful.
Pavel wrote, “Though society has shown progression toward equality between men and
women, the world of men and that of women remain divided in terms of professions
considered appropriate for some and for others”(Pavel). This shows how easy it can be to
incorporate stereotypes that may not be meant. Any professions in an advertisement can lead
back to this. In many of the sources, it is said that these stereotypes are caused and
incorporated because it appeals to certain audiences, meaning the commercialized object
would have a better sale when pointed to a specific audience. This has been greatly notices, so
there are solutions being made and enforces. In the UK there have been banned ads due to
stereotyping gender. There are many reasons why this is tearing people down, including
women, bodies, and modeling. There is the “stereotypical” young, skinny female with the
perfect teeth, toned muscles, and a tan which can make others think they don’t deserve the
item in the ad or that only the “perfect” people can pull it off. To resolve this, for example,
American Eagle has gained models with different color hair, different height, race, and body
types which have limited the idea of the stereotypical girl and have made others feel more
comfortable in their bodies.
There are disagreements between the sources, escpecially about the benefit of it. In
multiple articles (P&G-Gillette/ state why the stereotypes are used while the other
three go against the stereotypes and demonstrate how it affects the audience. In the article on
“Quartz” they have resulted from an interview, showing how the stereotyped help targets an
audience that can impact the marketing. Also, says the stereotypes can help
increase sales and payback the investment. Although this makes sense, as once it targets a
specific group the item can be used as a gift or draw in the attention it still is not supported.
Other sources show that stereotypes will not be tolerated and can affect others’ personal life.
I also do not agree that stereotypes should be as exaggerated as they are. I think it is
important that the audience is aware of the ideal customers, such as age range. This is
displayed on games and toys which are crucial to the safety and therefore it makes sense for
advertisements however I do not agree with making the stereotypes harmful, as in class, race,
plus-size and such.
This topic shows misconceptions such as the fact that some people may take an
advertisement and interpret it as something it’s not, which might lead to a bigger assumption.
One example would be the statement that “women belong in the kitchen”. There may be an
advertisement that depicts a woman using a cleaning tool which could cause females to feel
that the advertiser was demonstrating the role of women.

Works CIted:

Bolton, Elizabeth. "Why Stereotypes Are Bad And What You Can Do About Them". AAUW:
Empowering Women Since 1881, 2014,
stereotypes-are-bad/. Accessed 18 Mar 2020.
Hassan, Aisha. "The Exec Behind *That* Gillette Ad Says Brands Have A Responsibility To
Challenge Toxic Masculinity". Quartz, 2019,
behind-viral-gillette-ad-talks-toxic-masculinity/. Accessed 16 Mar 2020.
Lazzari, Zach. "Types Of Stereotyping In Advertising". Smallbusiness.Chron.Com, 2018, Accessed
20 Mar 2020.
Pavel, Camelia. "Sinclair College Off-Campus Authentication Form". Eds-A-Ebscohost-
Com.Sinclair.Ohionet.Org, 2014, https://eds-a-ebscohost-
9fab-b5e565d9b4c5%40sdc-v-sessmgr01. Accessed 17 Mar 2020.
Rob Picheta, CNN Business. "Volkswagen And Philadelphia Cream Cheese Ads Banned Over
Gender Stereotypes". CNN, 2019,
banned-gender-stereotypes-scli-gbr-intl/index.html. Accessed 14 Mar 2020.
Siegel, Rachel. "Women Who Can’T Park Cars, Men Who Can’T Change Diapers: Britain Bans
Ads Depicting Harmful Gender Stereotypes". The Washington Post, 2019,
Accessed 22 Mar 2020.

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