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Nama : Intari Tiba Raestutien

NIM : P07120118065
Tingkat : 2B
Prodi : DIII Keperawatan


Questions number 1-6 choose the wrong answer and read another instruction after the problems

1. Each number is a binary system are formed from only two symbols.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

2. Scientists at the medical centre is trying to determine if there is a relationship between

saccharine and cancer A B C
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

3. On the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands are a hotel called the Hotel
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

4. The deputy officer was charged with looking at after the files to find other evidence of
Wrong doing.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

5. Initial we were very anxious to start the computer seminar, but we found it so difficult
That we eventually withdrew.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

6. Gone through the folders one by one, we were able to find the missing invoice in the
storage drawer.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

For questions number 7-8 you have to write with minimum 150 words

7. Could you please to write down some idea using some clauses noun, adjective and adverb
clauses with the topic ‘What is the job of your dreams? Use specific reasons to support
your reasons.
8. Could you please to make some sentences related to the topic of ‘Time should never be
wasted’ using subject and verb agreement pattern.
Questions 9-10 answer the questions related to the text

The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Economic Progress has issued a business license to the
Qua Ping Trading Corporation, Thailand’s firs joint-venture foreign trade company. The Bangkok-
based venture was set up through an agreement between the Eastern Trading Company of
Bangkok, which holds a 52% share in the new venture; the Fidushi Corporation of Taegu, a
27% share; and the Detroit-based Global Agro company, 21%.

The new venture is being capitalized at $11.5 million and will trade in consumer and industr ia l
electronics and machinery for both light and heavy manufacturing.

This venture company is a direct result of a pledge mad by Thailand’s Minister of Finance in
Soul at the Asian-Pacific Economic Corporation forum in 1961. According to one economic
analyst, foreign companies will benefit from this new venture company because of a 3%
lowering of tariffs on goods exported to Thailand, while Thailand will have opportunity to learn
from foreign management styles.

9. Please make the conclusion related to this text?

10. Giving your response related about the benefit the deal from the ministry?

1. B = because double verb, therefore the correct answer should be “is”
2. A = subject“scientists” prular,so the verb agreement is prular too, that is “are traying”
3. C = the rim is singular, so verb agreement singular too, should be “is"
4. B = “looking at after” is a phrasal wrong verb properly use “looking at” or “looking after”,
therefore the correct answer should be “looking after”
5. A = should be adverb ‘initially’
6. A = therefore the correct answer should be”going through”
7. My dream job is becoming a proffesional nurse. One of the reason is, I can help people when
they are getting sick. I remember that time when my mother is in sicknes, I was so sad of not
treating her by well. Do to the limitnes of my knowledge of the healty care treatment. The
second is my parents will be proud of me, since the proffetion seems to be one of the most
trimendes carriers that is dreamed by most children. Next, I think that becoming nurse is very
challenging, over the cualification which needs high level of skill and knowledge. So, to afford
this job, I must work and study very diligent. Hence, I have been studying about health care
since high school then continued it to univeristy by taking concentration mayor in nurse in order
to make me a candidate of good and qulaified nurse career.
8. Time is everything. Time is a witness of someone's life. Why? Because whatever we do already
has the time and the lines of each and the time that will carve a memory that deserves to be used
as a learning. Time will go on, no one can turn back time, however not a few people often say
this "if only time could be repeated, I would definitely corect all mistakes", actually it does not
need to be in someone's mind, time will not slow down whatever it is, it's just that we will follow
how time will go along with someone's breath. Everyone must understand the importance of a
time, but sometimes they are too busy with other people's time, so they do not realize that the
time they have arrived, eventually he will run out of time and busy crying over his life that is felt
to be imperfect. What ever it is all about time, enjoy every second, don't get used to saying
tomorrow in everything you should be able to do on that day.
9. Thailand will have oppurtunity to learn from foreign management styles.
10. The benefit the deal from the ministry is:
Lowering of tariffs on good exported from thailand this also means that the cost export product
to thailand is also decreased.

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