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Questions number 1-6 choose the wrong answer and read another instruction after the

1. Each number is a binary system are formed from only two symbols.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

2. Scientists at the medical centre is trying to determine if there is a relationship between

saccharine and cancer A B C
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

3. On the rim of the Kilauea volcano in the Hawaiian Islands are a hotel called the Hotel
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

4. The deputy officer was charged with looking at after the files to find other evidence of
Wrong doing.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

5. Initial we were very anxious to start the computer seminar, but we found it so difficult
That we eventually withdrew.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

6. Gone through the folders one by one, we were able to find the missing invoice in the
storage drawer.
Giving the correct answer and the explanation?

For questions number 7-8 you have to write with minimum 150 words

7. Could you please to write down some idea using some clauses noun, adjective and adverb
clauses with the topic ‘What is the job of your dreams? Use specific reasons to support
your reasons.

8. Could you please to make some sentences related to the topic of ‘Time should never be
wasted’ using subject and verb agreement pattern.
Questions 9-10 answer the questions related to the text

The Ministry of Foreign Commerce and Economic Progress has issued a business license to
Qua Ping Trading Corporation, Thailand’s firs joint-venture foreign trade company. The
Bangkok-based venture was set up through an agreement between the Eastern Trading
Company of Bangkok, which holds a 52% share in the new venture; the Fidushi Corporation
of Taegu, a 27% share; and the Detroit-based Global Agro company, 21%.

The new venture is being capitalized at $11.5 million and will trade in consumer and
industrial electronics and machinery for both light and heavy manufacturing.

This venture company is a direct result of a pledge mad by Thailand’s Minister of Finance in
Soul at the Asian-Pacific Economic Corporation forum in 1961. According to one economic
analyst, foreign companies will benefit from this new venture company because of a 3%
lowering of tariffs on goods exported to Thailand, while Thailand will have opportunity to
learn from foreign management styles.

9. Please make the conclusion related to this text?

10. Giving your response related about the benefit the deal from the ministry?
1. The wrong answer is B (Are). Because the clause “Each number is binary system” as
a subject in a Singular. Therefore the correct answer should be “Is”. Then, the
sentence become “Each number is binary system is formed from only two symbols”
2. The wrong answer is A (Is trying). Because the word “Scientist” is a Plural. Therefore
the correct answer should be “Are Trying”. Then, the sentence become “Scientist at
the medical centre are trying to determine if there us a relationship between saccharine
and cancer”
3. The wrong answer is C (Are). Because the clause “On the rim of the Kilauea volcano
in Hawaiian Islands” as a subject in a Singular. Therefore the correct answer should
be “Is”. Then, the sentence become “On the rim of the Kilauea Volcano in Hawaiian
Islands is a hotel called the Hotel”
4. The wrong answer is B (Looking at after). Looking at after is a phrasal wrong verb.
Properly use “Looking at” or “Looking After”, therefore the correct answer should be
looking after. Then the sentence become “The deputy officer was charged with
looking after the files to find other evidence of Wrong doing”
5. The wrong answer is A (Intial). The word is a first word and an Adjective, if the word
become a first word should be an Adverb “Initially”. Then, the sentence become
“Initially we were anxious to start the computer seminar, but we found it so difficult.
That we eventually withdrew”
6. The wrong answer is A (Gone through). Because the clause “we were able to find” is
a Past tense. Therefore the correct answer should be “Went”. Then, the sentence
become “Went through the folders one by one, we were able to find the missing
invoice in the stronger drawer”
7. I dreamed that when I graduated from d-3 nursing tomorrow, I wanted to continue my
studies as an anesthesiologist, because in my opinion being an anesthesiologist was a
challenging and exciting job because I could work in the operating room and maybe a
lot of new knowledge I had to learned from an ordinary student nurse like today, and
because I think being an anesthesiologist doesn't interact too much with people,
because I am a person who is very difficult to quickly socialize to many people. But it
seems to be an ordinary nurse is quite challenging and fun for me, I can care for
people who are older than me, can treat cute siblings, and I can find various diseases.
Now that's a common, hard disease. Non-communicable diseases, and all
communicable diseases I got. I feel myself now very much needed by many people,
and makes me very happy and happy.
8. Don't give up when in difficult times. Remember that time will go on no matter what
you are feeling. Don't waste your time lamenting sadness. Because "to use time is to
use it according to what has been predetermined, and to waste time is to waste it
without a plan and carelessly." Anyone who is always on time will be able to achieve
success faster than anyone who can never be on time. And try to always arrive on time
or earlier than the promised hour. Because One of the characteristics of successful
people is to arrive on time. I can get or release money. But time is something that I
cannot get. So I have to spend my time as well as possible. And people who don't
make good use of their time are people who complain how short their time is. So make
the most of your remaining time as well as possible.
9. The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Progress has issued a business license to
Qua Ping Trading Corporation ,Thailand’s firs joint-venture foreign trade
company.The new venture is being capitalized at $11.5 million and will trade in
consumer and industr ia l electronics and machinery for both light and heavy
10. In my opinion this is benefit collaboration for all parties because of a 3% lowering of
tariffs on goods exported to thailand, while the thailand will have opportunity to learn
from management sytles


NIM : P071201180 70

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