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Coursework 1: Final Project Package (40%) Tomala White

Second Chances

Based on true events - Paul, late twenties, has turned over a new leaf. He has stopped drinking
as his girlfriend, Maria, is pregnant. However, he has been tormented by demons. He is at his
wits end and goes to a Priest for help. He meets a young priest, Father John, who agrees to
come and bless his house. Father John is unable to bless the house as supernatural forces show
themselves. The next day Paul goes to the Parochial House to speak to Father John. The
housekeeper informs Paul that Father John had taken a sabbatical and fetches Father
McLaughlin, an older Priest. Father McLaughlin is the priest from Paul’s recurring nightmare.

Scene 1: Paul’s nightmare

Low key lighting, studio

Paul is in a confessional booth. He is confessing sins from a

dark and violent past. The priest is Father McLaughlin, an
older priest at the parish. He is possessed by a charismatic,
condescending demon. The possessed Father McLaughlin
taunts Paul, “The Devil wears many disguises”.

CONFLICT: Paul has a guilty conscience; he is looking for forgiveness so he can move on with his life.
However, the “priest” in the confessional booth taunts Paul for his sins.

RESOLUTION: Paul does not get the forgiveness he was seeking from his confessions. He is awoken from his
dream by a loud thump.

PUSHING THE STORY FORWARD: This scene introduces us to the protagonist and the antagonist. We get an
insight into Paul’s dark past and the darkness that surrounds him.

EMOTION: Confusion, tension and fear.

Scene 2: Demons show themselves

INT. Paul’s House - night

Paul and Maria are awakened by a loud banging noise coming from outside the bedroom. He
goes to investigate but nothing is there and the hallway is freezing. He remembers that his bible
and rosary beads are in the living room. As he reaches for the rosary beads, they are lifted into
the air and torn
CONFLICT: Paulapart. Hepregnant
and his prays until the he can
girlfriend are no longer by
wakened feela fear.
loud thud. His girlfriend tells him to go check
that no one is in the house. As Paul leaves the bedroom, there is a noticeable temperature drop. Lights
start to flicker. He goes downstairs to check the house. Paul feels uneasy, this feeling turns to fear but he
needs to check downstairs.

RESOLUTION: He tries to lift his rosary beads so he could feel safe but they are lifted by a supernatural
force and destroyed in front of his eyes.

PUSHING THE STORY FORWARD: This makes Paul feels further from God – He needs to seek help.

Coursework 1: Final Project Package (40%) Tomala White

Scene 3: Father John

Parochial House, day – high key lighting to indicate good

The next morning Paul goes to see Father John, a

young priest full of enthusiasm and willing to help
anyone [Fr. John has been changed to an older
priest to have more of an impact on the audience
when he is unable to bless the house]. Paul tells
Father John about the previous night. Father John
asks if Paul has changed his life. Paul opens up
about wanting to make a better life and putting his
dark past behind him. Father John tells him that a
demon or Satan himself is coming after him because he is getting closer to God.

CONFLICT: Paul goes to a priest for advice.

RESOLUTION: The priest tells Paul that he is being tormented by demons due to his change in lifestyle.

PUSHING THE STORY FORWARD: The priest decides to help by blessing the house.

EMOTION: Tension, anxiety.

Scene 4: Father John blesses the house

INT. Paul’s House – night

Father John arrives to bless the house. Paul and Maria agree to pray with Father John as he
blesses the house. They get to the top of the stairs and immediately feel a drop in the
temperature. After blessing the bedroom, they go to what is going to be the baby’s room. The

CONFLICT: Supernatural forces show themselves in front of the priest when he attempts to bless the

RESOLUTION: The forces are too strong for the priest. The couple are advised to leave.

PUSHING THE STORY FORWARD: Paul now feels hopeless.

EMOTION: Fear, panic.

door seems locked but it suddenly opens with great force. Maria does not want to go into that
room. Father John enters alone, the door slams shut behind him. He begins to panic and Paul
tries to open the door but it’s closed so tightly. A sudden calm rush over them, the door slowly
opens to show a pathetic figure. Father John’s head is slumped, his bible is held tight to his chest
Coursework 1: Final Project Package (40%) Tomala White

and tears are streaming down his face. He tells them that he cannot help, they need a stronger
priest and that they should leave this house.

Scene 5: The morning after

INT. Paul’s House - day

Both Paul and Maria are visibly shaken; barely speaking their thoughts are on what happened
the night before. Paul breaks the silence and they talk about it. Paul decides to go see Father

CONFLICT: Maria packs her stuff because she feels that staying is a threat to their unborn child.

RESOLUTION: Paul decides to find the priest to find out what happened in the room.

PUSHING THE STORY FORWARD: Paul does not want to lose his new life so he tries to find some answers.

EMOTION: Sadness, fear.

Scene 6: The Devil wears many disguises

Bertha, the housekeeper, answers the door then informs Paul that Father John has taken a
sabbatical and may not be back for a year. She invites Paul in to wait for Father McLaughlin. As
Paul sees Father McLaughlin he is stricken with fear. Father McLaughlin is charismatic and a little
condescending while he sits down beside him, he tells Paul that Father John explained the
situation to him, continuing to say that he is a broken man now. He does all of the talking while
Paul is frozen with fear. He gets up abruptly and thrusts his hand out towards Paul for him to
shake it. Paul just looks at him, still frozen. He pulls his hand away with a cheeky grin, “I’ll
contact my Bishop and see what we can do for you”. He winks at Paul and leaves the room.

CONFLICT: Father John is no longer here; Paul still needs answers so he sees the senior priest

RESOLUTION: It turns out to be the priest from his nightmare, he is hopeless.

PUSHING THE STORY FORWARD: Evil has the upper hand.

EMOTION: Fear, hopelessness.

Vision Statement: Directing talking points

Coursework 1: Final Project Package (40%) Tomala White

This short horror will aim to keep audiences tense and uncomfortable throughout. The tone and
theme of the film is inspired by The Exorcist (1973) and The Exorcist III (1990) because these
films showcased a significance of evil and religion. Religious iconography will be present in each
location shown to the viewer to symbolize that God is always watching.

A contrast between a bright, comfortable setting opposed to an expected dark, eerie setting will
be translated through the cinematography. A contrast of high and low-key lighting will be used.
However, the final scene will be high key lit to give audiences a false sense of security. Shots and
camera movement will be chosen with purpose to ensure an unsettling tone throughout.

It is important for casting to be right for each role. Actors with on screen experience are desired,
although the dialogue is important in this short, the subtext and what is happening in the
absence of dialogue also needs to be seen on screen.

The Exorcist III – Confession Scene – The tension is built in this scene with the use of dialogue,
the priest’s reactions and soundtrack.

The Exorcist III – Patent X Interview Scene – Brad Dourif as Patent X/possessed Father Karras is a
good reference to the possessed Father McLaughlin.

Fallen – Beware my Wrath scene – Performance ideas for possessed, this film also uses POV of
the demon and a certain song that is either heard or sang highlights the demons presence.

Concept Board:

Final Project Visual References Pinterest -


Development – 27th January

Pre-production – 10th February

Production – 2nd March

Post production – 6th April

Research Abstract:

Why is religious iconography predominant in Northern Irish Horror?

The purpose of this study is to find out why religious iconography is used as much as it is in
horror films. In the dissertation I plan to explore religion in horror and the variations in the use
of religious iconography along with audience reactions to it. The theory will link to the practice
as the main themes in Second Chances are faith and the struggle between good and evil.
Visually, religious iconography will be present throughout.
Coursework 1: Final Project Package (40%) Tomala White

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