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First Section

 Opening scene (Dialogue is of the confessional box during this)

 Confession box scene
 Paul and the girlfriend wakes up to banging
 Paul investigates the hallway but it feels unfilmilar
 Goes into the living to see the rosery beeds being lifted by nothing
 Paul drops to his knees and prays
 The beeds fall to the ground
 Paul goes back up to the bedroom in shock unable to answer his girlfriend’s questions
 Girlfriend goes back to sleep and paul lays wide awake. (We hear the dialougue to the scene)

Second Section

 We hear the dialogue of the next scene of Paul talking to father john about what happened
 Father john questions paul about his life
 Paul explains that he wouldn’t go back to his previous life
 Father john explains what he needs to do
 Father explains what he’ll do the next night


 Paul and his girlfriend are anxious about father john’s arrival
 Father john arrives and feels that something isn’t right
 Paul find the remote behind the tv and an exploded rosery beed beside it. He is reluctant to
start the process with father john.
 Father John advices that they should all get to work rather than getting tea
 Maria explains that hallway felt cold.
 Father questions if anything else happened.
 Maria feels that she can’t live in the house any longer because she feels too uncomfortable
in house, so she pleas to father john to help her.
 Father john comforts Maria in her vulnerability. (B-roll of him starting the process)


 They get to the top of the stairs, the three stops at once when they feel the drop in
temperature. The priest proceeds to pray and blesses the master bedroom. They feel some
 Father John can't open the baby's room, he tries a couple times. Paul says the room is never
locked. The door slams open. Maria shits herself so Paul stays with her in the hall while
Father John enters the room praying. The door slams shut behind him. Everyone loses their
shit trying to get him out. The door slowly opens to reveal Father John, he looks defeated.
He tells them that they need a stronger priest and that they should leave the house
 Next morning, Maria is packing her shit. Its too much stress for her and the baby. Paul is at
his wits end so he goes back to the prohocial house to speak to Father John.

Cause I have an image in my head that Paul is trying to comfort Maria, but once father John leaves
the house, Paul is left in the hallway by himself while Maria is panicking.
the camera is slowly panning inwards

Paul then goes back into the living room and after a cry from Maria. The camera cuts to the next

Maria then leaves the house with the suitcase out the front door.

 Paul gets to there to be told that Father John has left for a sabbatical. He sees a senior priest,
Father mclaughlin, who is possessed in real life.
 He's invited in to see another priest, who is the priest from the nightmare
 So I don't know whether to leave it as evil wins or make it that Paul keeps his faith strong
 I was thinking of a little boy stopping him and handing him new rosary beads kinda like a
guardian angel
 I was toying with the idea of having him in a couple of the tracking shots at the start but
nothing too noticeable. Then when he stops paul at the end, he hands them to him and

At the start, play most of the ending.

At the end, repeat the shot, but it continues to Paul on a walk but the child appears, to hand him the
rosery beads.

Or flip it

Final scene after father Mclaughlin leaves the house saying his line, 'we'll see what we can do'. Paul
goes on a walk, but he sees that child. The child does his thing saying that he needs the beads more
than he does. Then Paul walks off screen, and then we enter the beginning again.

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