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NIM : 180102035 / level b

A. After completing the dialogue above, then classify the expressions pertaining the
components of past medical history.

Components of Past
Expressions used in the dialog Client’s data
Medical History
1. Could you fell me about any 1. I had my tonsils out
illnesses you might have when I was a little kid,
had in the past? I remember that
2. Any other childhood 2. Don’t remember, to
illnesses? be honest my mother
3. Regular childhood illnesses, would know, I’d
Childhood illnesses
then? And how has you expect mumps,
health been in general since measles, that kind of
then? thing, usual stuff
3. No, no real problems,
to tell you the truth

1. Any other visits to the 1. Yes, for the birth of

hospital? my son and er then a
couple of years ago, I
had to go in for some

1. Good so, have you had any 1. No. no like I say I’m
operations, apart from the pretty healthy

1. Now, nearly finished this part. 1. Nope, no that I know up.

Um, have you ever suffered My brother always got
from allergies? high fever or pain but not
2. Any food allergies? me.
2. Mm….. strawberries-
weirh, isn’t it?

Immunizations 1. Are you fully immunizerd? 1. I think I am ok, I had

2. What I mean is, how up to most of those when I
date are you with your was at school
shorts, ms martin? 2. Uh-uh (shakes her
3. How about tetanus? head)
1. And I suppose they were 1. No
your favorite fruit, too? Are 2. Ah, yes I was taking
you allergic to any antibiotics, but didn’t
medications some people finish the course, didn’t
are allergic to penicillin, foe seem to be doing
example? anything, I’m not on
2. And finally are you currently anything else
on any medications at all, 3. Oh, I’d had a very bad
Medications ms martin? coid and couldn’t shake
3. Right, can I ask you what it off
you were taking them for? 4. Ahh… laxatives
4. How about medications you sometimes, you know,
buy over the counter? for rhe problems I’ve
been having recently,
Tylenol, occasionally

1. Some people believe in 1. No. no definitely not

alternative medicine, is that
something that interests

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