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Forum 6 Eve Morton

Women throughout the 20th century

Women throughout the 1900’s had significant changes to their independence and potential, throughout
this century, one can see the growth of women’s rights and roles. The 20 th century was jammed pack full
of despair, victory and most importantly turning points in independence for Canada and women. World
war I and II, the great depression, the cold war, Suez crisis, Korean conflict, NATO, and many more
important events. Although the women were not respected and did not participate in fighting in these
battles and hard times, they had extreme breakthroughs and victories.

The first strike of independence; World War I. While the men in the war went off to war, leaving their
jobs behind. Employees were needed across the country, although women were only thought as nurses
or teachers, jobs across the board were given to women. This was an extreme advance in woman’s
rights and equality, but it didn’t last long. Post World War I, ladies believed that they’d keep their jobs,
or at least be able to apply for others. But the men came back and were given their jobs back, which
meant stripping women of their employment. Although this was a step back from women’s rights, the
ladies didn’t give up, this gave them hope, and gave them a stepping stone to fight. This event triggered
extreme amounts of “feminists” and women’s rights movements, women believed that they were equal
to men and deserved to be treated like it as well.

The mid 20th century was packed with battles and government struggles, but also women’s right
struggles. Entering World War II, Canada struggled with high unemployment, and labour shortage,
Canadian government turned to women to help. This meant recruiting women into the industrial labour
force, in which only single women were to register, but later allowed women and children. This was the
first time for large numbers of married women joined the paid work force. By 1945 more than 30% of
women were employed. As well as females participated in helping the war effort by working in factories,
on farms and even on airfields, women picked up jobs in electronics, optics and instrumental assembly
due to great dexterity and small physique. A huge step for feminism, was Elsie Gregory McGill who was
the first woman to graduate as an aeronautical engineer. Her team and her created more than 100
aircrafts a month, and showed men that women were capable of anything.

Post World War II, women returned home from their effort to help the war, one year later, the rate of
woman’s participation in the labour force dropped extremely low. This was caused by the lack of equal
pay, and the fact that women were being extremely underpaid compared to men. Although this didn’t
stop women from standing up for their rights. Throughout the rest of the 1900’s, females pushed for
what was right, like creating a Woman’s program, national committees, and decreased the wage gap,
come women even “out earned” their husband. Although the 1900’s were full of losses and bloodshed,
at least we had one victory, lead by women. The independence and equality people fought for, have
brought where we are today.

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