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1168 Bizovi et al.


The Effect of Computer-assisted Prescription Writing on

Emergency Department Prescription Errors
Kenneth E. Bizovi, MD, Brandon E. Beckley, BS, Michelle C. McDade, BS,
Annette L. Adams, MA, MPH, Robert A. Lowe, MD, MPH,
Andrew D. Zechnich, MD, MPH, Jerris R. Hedges, MD, MS

Objective: To determine whether computer-assisted pre- post-intervention period, there were 7,845 patient visits
scription writing reduces the frequency of prescription with 1,594 CA prescriptions filled for 1,056 patients.
errors in the emergency department (ED). Methods: A There were 13 clarifications, with a clarification rate of
pre–post retrospective analysis was used to compare er- 0.8%, and 11 errors, for a CA error rate of 0.7%. The CA
rors between handwritten (HW) and computer-assisted prescriptions were substantially less likely to contain an
(CA) ED prescriptions. Prescriptions were reviewed for error [OR 0.31 (95% CI = 0.10 to 0.36)] or to require phar-
pharmacist clarifications. A clarification was defined as macist clarification [OR 0.19 (95% CI = 0.10 to 0.36)] than
an error if missing information, incorrect information, in- were the HW prescriptions. Conclusions: Computer-as-
correct dose, non-formulary medication, or illegibility sisted prescriptions were more than three times less
was the reason for clarification. The HW and CA error likely to contain errors and five times less likely to re-
rates were compared using odds ratios (ORs) with 95% quire pharmacist clarification than handwritten prescrip-
confidence intervals (95% CIs). Results: During the pre- tions. Key words: emergency medicine; prescription
intervention period, there were 7,036 patient visits with drugs; medication errors, prevention and control; human
2,326 HW ED prescriptions filled for 1,459 patients. drug therapy; computer-assisted medication systems.
There were 91 clarifications, with a rate of 3.9%. There ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2002; 9:1168–
were 54 HW errors, for an error rate of 2.3%. During the 1175.

Adverse drug events (ADEs) make up a substantial 40,000 Americans die each year as a result of med-
proportion of medical errors and are a major cause ical errors. This estimate has been challenged, but
of iatrogenic injury.1–6 Many of these errors are pre- preventable medical error remains an important is-
ventable.3 The publication by the Institute of Med- sue.7
icine, ‘‘To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health Computer applications are one approach to re-
System,’’ highlights the need for reduction of med- ducing medication errors. Although others have
ical errors. This report suggests that more than addressed the use of computer-assisted (CA) drug
therapy, few published studies address prescription
writing.8,9 Additionally, only a small number of
From the Department of Emergency Medicine, Oregon Health
& Science University (KEB, ALA, RAL, ADZ, JRH), the School emergency medicine studies address ADEs and
of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University (BEB, MCM), prescribing errors.10–13 Computer-assisted prescrip-
the Department of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, tion writing represents a new tool in the practice of
Oregon Health & Science University (ALA, RAL), and the Di-
emergency medicine.
vision of Medical Informatics & Outcomes Research, Oregon
Health & Science University (RAL), Portland, OR; the Leonard The emergency department (ED) at Oregon
Davis Institute for Medical Economics, University of Penn- Health & Science University (OHSU) recently im-
sylvania (RAL), Philadelphia, PA; and the Department of plemented a CA prescription writing system, which
Emergency Medicine, Providence St. Vincent’s Medical Center
(ADZ), Portland, OR.
provided the opportunity for a ‘‘natural experi-
Received March 1, 2002; revisions received June 19, 2002, and ment,’’ studying the potential for reducing errors
July 23, 2002; accepted July 26, 2002. using CA prescription writing. We anticipated that
Presented at the SAEM annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, May 2001, the use of CA prescription writing would lead to a
and the SAEM Western Regional Forum, Newport Beach, CA,
March 2001. reduction in the number of ED prescription errors
The work of Brandon E. Beckley was supported by NIH grant and potential ADEs when compared with hand-
T 35 HL 07890. written (HW) ED prescriptions, but at the time of
Address for correspondence and reprints: Ken Bizovi, MD,
implementation this was uncertain. The purpose of
Oregon Health & Science University, CSB 550, Department of
Emergency Medicine, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Port- this study was to evaluate the impact of CA pre-
land, OR 97201. Fax: 503-494-0615; e-mail: scription writing on ED prescription error rates.
ACAD EMERG MED • November 2002, Vol. 9, No. 11 • 1169

METHODS for patients who weigh less than 50 kg. Previous to

implementing this system, the prescriber would use
Study Design. This was a retrospective pre–post a prescription pad, stamp the patient information,
study of the error rate between HW and CA pre- and hand-write the prescription.
scriptions for ED patients. In the CA system there are some fill-in prescrip-
The study was reviewed by the OHSU institu- tions. Two types of fill-in prescriptions exist, pedi-
tional review board (IRB), which judged it to be atric fill-in prescriptions and fill-in prescriptions
exempt from further IRB review under 45 CFR that allow the prescriber to create prescriptions not
46.101, Category 4. The IRB waived the require- included on the CA prescription list. These pre-
ment for informed consent for this study. scriptions contain the medication, formulation, and
sometimes the dosing interval. The prescriber must
Study Setting and Population. The OHSU ED is
fill in the remainder of the prescription. Pediatric
based in a tertiary care, teaching hospital and sees
fill-in prescriptions are necessary in this system in
approximately 45,000 patient visits per year. This
order to adjust dosages for patient weight.
ED is the primary site for an emergency medicine
Computer-assisted prescription writing was ex-
residency and the hospital is the primary site for
pected to decrease errors related to incorrect dos-
the OHSU medical school. Care providers in the ED
ing, missing information, incorrect information,
include off-service residents, emergency medicine
legibility, ordering of non-formulary drugs, and
residents, nurse practitioners, and emergency med-
transcription (Table 1). These error types are likely
icine faculty physicians. Medical students are su-
to result in a prescription that cannot be filled with-
pervised by senior emergency medicine residents
out the pharmacist’s obtaining clarification from
and faculty and do not write prescriptions.
the prescriber.
The OHSU ED has been using a centralized in-
Pharmacist clarification was used as a marker for
formation system (EmSTAT, CyberPlus Corpora-
the impact of the CA prescription writing. Table 1
tion, Austin, TX) since 1997. The EmSTAT system
illustrates how clarifications correspond to those er-
consists of several modules, including patient
rors affected by CA prescription writing. Each error
tracking, discharge instructions, and communica-
that CA prescription writing is likely to impact
tions functions, and serves as the backbone of in-
should be addressed by pharmacist clarification,
formation systems in the clinical operation of the
with the single exception of transcription errors.
ED as well as a rich clinical database for research
Transcription errors refer to the pharmacist’s look-
and quality assurance activities.
ing at the prescription, transcribing a different drug
On March 7, 2000, a CA prescription writing
onto the label, and subsequently filling the bottle
module was implemented. This program allows the
with the medication on the label.
prescriber to choose from a computer prescription
pick-list. The necessary information for each pre-
scription, such as medication dose, quantity, fre- Inclusion Criteria. Handwritten prescriptions from
quency, and amount to dispense, is contained in May 1, 1999, to June 30, 1999, (pre-intervention pe-
each prescription. The program integrates patient riod) and CA prescriptions from May 1, 2000, to
name, medical record number, account number, June 30, 2000, (post-intervention period) filled by
date of birth, age, sex, and prescriber name with the OHSU pharmacy were identified as ED pre-
the medication prescription. Additionally, the pa- scriptions. The May 1, 2000, date was chosen to al-
tient’s weight is incorporated into the prescription low two months for the ED prescribers to become

TABLE 1. Error Types Addressed by Computer-assisted Prescription Writing and Pharmacist Clarifications
Computer-assisted Prescription Pharmacist Clarification Potential Adverse
Medication Error Expected to Impact Expected to Discover Drug Event
Missing information Yes Yes No
Incorrect information Yes Yes *Some
Incorrect dose Yes Yes Yes
Illegible Yes Yes No
Transcription error Yes No Yes
Non-formulary Yes Yes No
Medication not indicated No No Yes
Medication contraindicated No No Yes
Allergy No No Yes
Medication selection No No Yes

*Incorrect frequency and incorrect route are potential adverse drug events.

familiar with the CA prescribing module. The two- macy formulary. Of the errors affected by CA pre-
month study period during each year was chosen scription writing, incorrect-dose, and incorrect-in-
to ensure an adequate number of prescriptions in formation errors related to frequency or route,
each group based on a 20% reduction in error rate, represent potential ADEs (Table 1).
with an alpha = 0.05 and a beta = 0.20. Clarifications not related to prescription error
were excluded from the calculation of error rates.
Exclusion Criteria. Prescriptions not filled by the Handwritten errors were excluded as errors if they
OHSU pharmacy were excluded. Because the pur- involved medications not included on the com-
pose of the study was to compare HW prescriptions puter prescription list. Non-formulary errors were
with CA prescriptions, HW prescriptions written excluded from the calculation of the overall error
during the post-intervention period were excluded rate but are reported separately.
from the primary analysis. However, because of the
Predictor variable. The predictor variable was
possibility that such an approach might bias the
whether the prescription was handwritten or com-
study in favor of the intervention, a sensitivity anal-
ysis was conducted based on an ‘‘intention-to-
treat’’ approach, as described in the Data Analysis Confounding variables. Analyses were adjusted for
section below. patient age. We defined two age groups, pediatric
and adult. Pediatric patients were defined as pa-
Key Variables tients less than age 14 years. We chose this age cut-
Outcome variable. Using the ED database, pre- off because it corresponds with a typical weight of
scriptions from the OHSU pharmacy were identi- 50 kg or less, and patients weighing less than 50 kg
fied as ED prescriptions. ED prescriptions were re- are likely to receive weight-based prescription
viewed for pharmacist clarifications. When a dosing.
pharmacist requires clarification on a prescription, In addition, adjustment was made for the iden-
he or she documents the clarification on the pre- tities of the ED provider caring for the patient. The
scription and initials the changes. Both HW and CA prescriber type was noted as faculty physician,
prescriptions are processed in the same manner. emergency medicine resident postgraduate year
The paper prescription is filled and stored by the (PGY) 3, emergency medicine resident PGY 2,
pharmacy. Clarifications are documented on the pa- emergency medicine resident PGY 1, off-service res-
per prescription and stored along with those pre- ident, or nurse practitioner.
scriptions that do not require clarification. The in-
vestigators’ review of these stored paper records Data Analysis. The statistical analysis of the clari-
identified clarifications for both HW and CA pre- fications, overall error rate, missing information, in-
scriptions. correct information, incorrect dose, and potential
Clarifications were considered errors if they were ADEs was designed to determine whether there
related to missing information, incorrect informa- was an association between period (pre-interven-
tion, incorrect dose, legibility, or non-formulary tion vs. post-intervention) and the probability of
medication. Missing-information errors were de- one or more prescription errors. Thus, the unit of
fined as clarifications where the medication, dose, analysis was the patient visit. The analysis had to
or frequency was not included in the prescription. take into account ‘‘clustering.’’ In other words, a
Missing information on the quantity was not con- limited number of providers treated the patients in
sidered an error unless the frequency was ‘‘prn.’’ this study, and a given provider might be more
Incorrect-information errors were defined as clari- likely to make errors on one patient if he or she
fications related to drug names, formulations, or had made errors on other patients, violating the as-
doses that do not exist, or incorrect frequency or sumption of statistical independence that is the ba-
route for the drug written. Clarifications were de- sis for conventional statistical modeling. In order to
fined as incorrect dose errors if the medication was take clustering into account, we used a generalized
dosed too high for any patient, too high for the estimating equation (GEE) model to adjust for the
particular patient, or too low for the patient. The dependency of the repeated observations within
incorrect-dose errors based on too high or too low prescriber.14 The analyses of incorrect dose and po-
for the patient were based on the pharmacist’s doc- tential ADEs were not adjusted for individual pre-
umentation on the prescription. Legibility errors scriber because no prescriber was represented more
were clarifications due to illegible prescriptions. than once among these events. All analyses were
Non-formulary errors were clarifications that were adjusted for prescriber type (resident, nurse prac-
due to medication that was not on the OHSU phar- titioner, or faculty physician), patient age group,
ACAD EMERG MED • November 2002, Vol. 9, No. 11 • 1171

and number of prescriptions as possible confound- RESULTS

ers. Data were missing in four HW prescriptions
During the pre-intervention period, there were
where the prescriber could not be identified. None
7,036 patient visits to the OHSU ED. The OHSU
of these four prescriptions had a clarification and
pharmacy filled 2,326 HW ED prescriptions for
they were eliminated from the analysis. Odds ratios
1,459 patients. Figure 1 shows a tree diagram of
(ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were
clarifications, errors, and exclusions. There were 91
calculated using the pre-intervention period as the
clarifications, with a clarification rate of 3.9%. There
referent. Analyses were conducted using SAS ver-
were 37 HW clarifications that were not defined as
sion 8.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, 2000).
errors: unrelated to prescription error (4), not on the
Because of the possibility that the intervention
CA prescription list (12), and non-formulary (21).
would be less effective in patients aged <14 years,
There were 54 HW errors, for an error rate of 2.3%.
who often received fill-in prescriptions in which
Of these errors, three represented potential ADEs,
providers specified a weight-appropriate medica-
for a rate of 0.1%. For patients less than 14 years
tion dosage, we also tested for a difference in the old, there were 244 prescriptions written with 27
effectiveness of the intervention in children com- (11.1%) clarifications and 20 (8.2%) errors.
pared with adults. This was done using the Bres- During the post-intervention period, there were
low-Day test for homogeneity, comparing the effect 7,845 patient visits to the OHSU ED, and 2,169 CA
of the intervention on age <14 years with the effect prescriptions were written. The OHSU pharmacy
on age ⱖ14. filled 1,594 (73%) of the CA prescriptions for 1,056
A sample of HW prescriptions written during the patients. There were 13 clarifications, with a clari-
post-intervention phase was used to perform a sen- fication rate of 0.8%. Two CA clarifications were not
sitivity analysis that evaluated the potential impact defined as errors. Both were unrelated to prescrip-
of these prescriptions. The sample included the first tion error. There were 11 errors, for a CA error rate
15 days of the post-intervention period. These data of 0.7%. Of these errors, two represented potential
were extrapolated to the entire post-intervention ADEs, for a rate of 0.1%. For patients less than 14
period. Then crude ORs were calculated to describe years old, there were 84 prescriptions written with
the potential impact of these prescriptions and were two (2.4%) clarifications and two (2.4%) errors. Fig-
compared with the results of the primary analysis. ure 2 compares HW and CA clarifications.

Figure 1. Tree diagram of handwritten (HW) and computer-assisted (CA) prescriptions. OHSU = Oregon Health & Science University.

Figure 2. Rate of clarifications and errors for handwritten and computer-assisted prescriptions.

The CA prescriptions were substantially less this difference in odds ratios for overall errors was
likely to contain an error, with an OR of 0.31 (95% not significant (p = 0.74).
CI = 0.16 to 0.59), or to require pharmacist clarifi- Although the CA system reduced errors, there
cation [OR 0.19 (95% CI = 0.10 to 0.36)] than were were still some errors in CA prescriptions. Fill-in
HW prescriptions (results based on GEE model ad- prescriptions accounted for five of the 11 CA errors.
justing for differences in prescriber type, number of Two of the CA prescription errors were related to
prescriptions written per visit, patient age, and errors on the computerized prescription pick-list.
clustering by individual prescriber). The error rates The pick-list contained one prescription with a
for each error type fell from the pre-intervention wrong route and another with a drug concentration
period to the post-intervention period, although the that does not exist. One other CA error was due to
confidence intervals for the odds ratios comparing an incorrect route. This prescription was complete
pre- and post-intervention error rates excluded 1.0 and appropriate for an oral antiemetic, but the
for the overall error rate and for incorrect infor- route was changed to rectal. Two of the 11 CA er-
mation on the prescriptions (Table 2). Error rates by rors were due to incorrect information related to
prescriber type for both HW and CA prescriptions duration of therapy.
are reported in Table 3. There were 70 CA fill-in prescriptions written, ac-
In testing for whether there was a difference in counting for 4.4% of the CA prescriptions. Fill-in
the effectiveness of the intervention for patients less prescriptions had a high rate of error (7.1%) and
than 14 years old versus patients 14 years old or accounted for five of the 11 CA errors (45%).
more, the unadjusted odds ratio for age <14 years Among the five errors related to fill-in prescrip-
was 0.27 (95% CI = 0.62 to 1.20) and the unadjusted tions, one was due to a formulation that does not
odds ratio for age ⱖ14 years was 0.36 (95% CI = exist (incorrect information), and the four others
0.17 to 0.76). A test for homogeneity revealed that had none of the fill-in fields completed. One of the
five fill-in errors was for a pediatric patient.
The sensitivity analysis using an ‘‘intention-to-
TABLE 2. Error Rates for Each Error Type* treat’’ principle confirmed the primary data analy-
Error Rate Error Rate Odds Ratio sis. During the first 15 days of the CA period, 380
Error Type HW CA (95% CI) handwritten prescriptions were filled at the OHSU
Overall errors† 2.32% (54) 0.69% (11) 0.31 (0.16, 0.59) pharmacy. There were ten clarifications, with a clar-
Missing infor- ification rate of 2.6%. There were six HW errors, for
mation 0.69% (16) 0.25% (4) 0.28 (0.07, 1.10) an error rate of 1.6%. Extrapolating these data to
Incorrect in-
formation 1.42% (33) 0.38% (6) 0.29 (0.13, 0.63) the entire CA period would give an adjusted clar-
Incorrect ification rate of 1.7% [OR 0.43 (95% CI = 0.31 to
dose 0.13% (3) 0.06% (1) 0.31 (0.06, 6.02) 0.60)], compared with the OR 0.19 (95% CI = 0.10
Illegible 0.09% (2) 0% (0) N/A to 0.36) in the primary analysis, and an adjusted
Non-formulary 0.90% (21) 0% (0) N/A
Potential ad-
error rate of 1.1% [OR 0.48 (95% CI = 0.31 to 0.73)],
verse drug compared with the OR 0.31 (95% CI = 0.16 to 0.59)
event 0.13% (3) 0.13% (2) 0.87 (0.14, 5.39) in the primary analysis. Thus, the sensitivity anal-
*HW = handwritten; CA = computer-assisted.
ysis still shows a clinically important reduction in
†Overall errors includes the sum of missing information, incor- errors with the implementation of the CA prescrip-
rect information, incorrect dose, and illegible errors. tion system.

TABLE 3. Error Rates by Prescriber Type*

Handwritten Computer-assisted
Prescriber Type No. Prescriptions No. Errors Error Rate (%) No. Prescriptions No. Errors Error Rate (%)
Faculty 784 17 2.17 320 2 0.63
PGY3 ED 343 5 1.46 527 3 0.57
PGY2 ED 303 10 3.30 275 1 0.36
PGY1 ED 84 1 1.19 70 1 1.43
Off-service 550 16 2.91 242 1 0.41
Nurse practitioner 258 5 1.94 160 3 1.88
Prescriber missing 4 0 0.00 0 0 N/A

Total 2,326 54 2.32 1,594 11 0.69

*PGY = postgraduate year; ED = emergency department. Analysis using Fischer’s exact test failed to demonstrate any difference
in error rate between prescriber types.
ACAD EMERG MED • November 2002, Vol. 9, No. 11 • 1173

DISCUSSION the anticipated benefits in addition to error reduc-

tion were substantial, including improved legibility,
The use of computers in other aspects of clinical
readily accessible computerized records of prescrip-
medicine has demonstrated the potential to de-
tions for individual patients, and improved docu-
crease adverse events, change physician behavior,
mentation of prescription writing by ED providers.
preserve financial and medical resources, and im-
In our environment, a minimal reduction in error
prove patient management.15–18 The implementa-
rates would have been sufficient to justify contin-
tion, careful study, and ongoing design of computer
ued use of the system. In selecting a sample size
interventions in medicine are critical to this effort.
for this study, we believed that a 20% reduction in
In this study we have demonstrated that a CA pre-
errors (RR ⱕ 0.8) would be sufficient to be clinically
scription writing module can decrease some pre-
important. However, physicians considering imple-
scription writing errors, and reduce the need for
menting such a system in their EDs will need to
pharmacist clarification of prescriptions.
consider the trade-off of resource costs versus an-
Schiff and Rucker identified several potential ad-
ticipated benefits in their environments, where the
vantages of CA drug therapy, including increased
costs to add a CA prescription writing system may
efficiency for physicians and pharmacists, timesav-
differ. Therefore, the thresholds for error reduction
ing for patients, decreased transcription errors, im- that may be sufficient to justify CA prescription sys-
provement in formulary compliance, reduction in tems may differ at different institutions. Neverthe-
medication errors, and improvement in quality of less, the reduction that we observed—a relative
medical care.19 Computer-assisted drug ordering risk (RR) of overall errors of 0.3 when comparing
has been studied in the context of inpatient order CA prescriptions with HW prescriptions—may be
entry and has been shown to reduce the number of sufficient to justify such a system in many settings.
ADEs and potential ADEs for hospitalized pa- This system impacts some but not all types of
tients.18 Despite these demonstrated benefits, prescription errors. Additionally, the system may
few studies address outpatient prescription writ- improve communication with the pharmacist and
ing.8,9,18–20 formulary compliance. The prescription software
Studies of ADEs point out that analysis of the studied does not address errors related to medica-
process of ordering and dispensing medications tion indications, contraindications, selection, or al-
can identify the steps where errors occur. Investi- lergies (Table 1).
gators have suggested two primary safety objec- Despite the limitations of the CA prescription
tives: 1) to make it difficult for individuals to err, writing intervention described, this study demon-
and 2) to ‘‘absorb’’ errors that do occur, by detect- strates an impact on prescription error that should
ing and correcting them before harm occurs.21 In be considered when designing and implementing
theory, computerized systems can serve both of any CA prescription writing intervention. Both so-
these functions. The CA prescription writing mod- phisticated systems and other simple CA prescrip-
ule described in this study addresses the first ob- tion writing systems should be evaluated for the
jective, making it more difficult for the prescriber impact on errors related to missing information, in-
to err, by reducing or eliminating errors related to correct information, incorrect dose, legibility, and
missing information, incorrect information, incor- formulary compliance.
rect dose, legibility, and formulary compliance. The limitations of the current system define the
When implementing a computer system, the cost next step in improving CA prescription writing.
must be considered as well as the impact. The type The use of computer applications in medicine is
and composition of an ED’s baseline computer in- still new but expanding rapidly. Evidence that a CA
frastructure can have a substantial impact on these prescription writing program decreases errors
costs. Generally an ED computer system is imple- should encourage the development and implemen-
mented with multiple goals in mind. We imple- tation of these systems. Incorporating allergies and
mented the CA prescription writing module as an drug–drug interactions has been done with order
addition to an existing computerized patient track- entry.18 Other aspects of medication selection such
ing system. Training in the use of the CA prescrip- as drug–patient and drug–diagnosis interactions
tion writing included the production of a two-page will require robust patient information databases.
handout that showed the steps needed to write CA Finally, medication selection based on the diagnosis
prescriptions. The steps were similar to those re- and the best choice of therapy would require that
quired to complete other tasks in the system and the prescriber have point-of-care access to this in-
were readily learned by ED providers. formation. Already steps are being taken to im-
The costs for adding CA prescription writing to prove our system, such as including patient aller-
our existing ED informatics system were small, and gies in the prescription. Incremental improvements

coupled with ongoing evaluation of errors, work- ing alone (without CA interventions) have not
flow, costs, and clinician satisfaction will assist in shown successful reduction in error rates, making
further defining the impact of this and other CA this explanation unlikely.22–24 The Hawthorne effect
systems. seems less likely since the ED providers were not
aware that a study on prescription writing errors
LIMITATIONS was occurring.
The presence of fill-in prescriptions is due to the
The study was a retrospective study and had a pick-list of prescription options in the computer-
pre–post design. Therefore, it cannot control for ized system. When writing prescriptions for pedi-
confounding and possible biases with the same atric patients, the software cannot calculate a
rigor as a randomized controlled trial. weight-based dose. Therefore, the prescriber must
One potential bias is that only those prescriptions fill it in. Other fill-in prescriptions allow the pre-
filled by the OHSU pharmacy were included in the scriber to choose a duration of therapy that is not
study. Of CA prescriptions, 73% were filled by the included on the prescription list. Fill-in prescrip-
OHSU pharmacy. Data on the fraction of HW pre- tions account for a small fraction of CA prescrip-
scriptions filled at the OHSU pharmacy are not tions (4.4%) but have a high frequency of error
available. The inability to track errors for prescrip- (7.1%). Fill-in prescriptions require the provider to
tions filled outside of the hospital pharmacy raises enter information on the prescription in addition to
the possibility of bias due to incomplete follow-up. his or her signature. It appears that occasionally
However, for such a bias to affect the validity of the when a fill-in prescription is printed, the provider
study, not only would there have to be a difference signs it and forgets to complete the prescription.
in error rates for prescriptions filled at the hospital
pharmacy compared with ‘‘outside’’ pharmacies,
but the amounts of change in the error rate from CONCLUSIONS
the pre-intervention to the post-intervention period
Computer-assisted prescriptions were more than
would have to differ between the OHSU and out-
three times less likely to contain errors and five
side pharmacies. Such a phenomenon seems ex-
times less likely to require pharmacist clarification
tremely unlikely. Both CA and HW prescriptions
than were HW prescriptions. The positive results
were handled in the same manner once the pre-
from this limited intervention suggest the value of
scription was completed. Both were given to the
further research with computerized tools that ad-
patient at the time of discharge. The patient chose
dress other aspects of medication safety in the ED.
the pharmacy where the prescription was filled.
The OHSU pharmacy documented clarifications
and stored these prescriptions in the same manner. References
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