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CREDITS Unofficial Elder Scrolls Tabletop Roleplaying Game

Dungeons & Dragons Lead Designer/Writer: Michael Bonar
Copyright © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC, Dungeons &
Dragons, D&D, Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Special Thanks
Guide, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names Timothy Hyche, Wes Wisdom, Myrrdin, Emilio HF,
and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of Tjelvar Lidegran, Ben Allen, The Thieving Mick, my
the Coast. gaming group who have had to deal with my constant
changes, and everyone who has supported this project.
D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford
Design Team: Christopher Perkins, James Wyatt, Intellectual Property
Rodney Thompson, Robert J. Schwalb, Peter Lee, Steve The conversion contained in this booklet is an unofficial
Townshend, Bruce R. Cordell fan made project. This work is not for profit and its
commercial distribution to anyone under any
The Elder Scrolls circumstances is strictly prohibited.
Copyright © 2014 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax
Media company. The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda Softworks,
ZeniMax and their respective logos are registered
trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

All art is used without permission. Art is expected to be
property of Bethesda Softworks LLC, unless noted
otherwise. Please correct any inaccuracies to the author
of this website and credit will be given as appropriate. Release: July 2017
Although the Aedra and Daedra may not have as much introduces some of the new creatures from the
of a direct connection to the mortal plane as they bestiary. Chapter 5 adds new thematic spells,
would like, that doesn't mean their influence is including exclusive spells used by the new vampire
insignificant. This book intends to take a closer look class, while Chapter 6 covers items and artifacts used
at the blessings and curses that have been bestowed to bless the bearer or defeat the cursed. Chapter 7
on the denizens of Tamriel. Chapter 1 delves into the introduces a host of new monsters and their stat
stories of some of the most dangerous creatures that blocks.
the daedra have introduced to Nirn. Chapter 2 and 3 This book is meant to inspire dungeon master's and
supplements the race and class options in the Basic players alike in the world's greatest roleplaying
Rules, including the addition of new terrifying Cursed setting using the world's greatest roleplaying game.
Classes. Chapter 4 presents a small adventure which

Preface....................................................3 Cursed Class: Lycanthrope...........40 Chatper 5: Spells..............................70
Chapter 1: Monster Lore.................4 Cursed Class: Vampire...................44 Chapter 6: Item & Artifacts..........84
Undead: Relentless Voracity .........4 Barbarian............................................52 Chapter 7: Bestiary.........................94
Vampires: Dark Desires.................16 Crusader..............................................53 App. A: Misc. Creatures...............138
Lycanthrope: Ravenous Beasts . 25 Mage.....................................................56 App. B: Nonplayer Characters..146
Chapter 2: Character Races.........38 Ranger..................................................57 App. C: Monster Lists...................147
Revenant.............................................38 Sorcerer...............................................58 App. D List of Diseases................149
Chapter 3: Classes...........................39 Chapter 4: Exile's Barrow.............61


Bat.................................................138 Flesh Colossus*...............................103 Tiger.....................................................145
Black Bear.........................................138 Gargoyle.............................................105 Troll....................................................125
Boar..................................................139 Ghast..................................................107 Vampire..............................................127
Bone Colossus*...............................121 Ghost...................................................106 Vampire Bloodfiend*...................133
Bone Wolf*.......................................122 Ghoul...................................................107 Vampire Lord*...............................131
Bonelord*.........................................122 Giant Hyena......................................140 Vampire Scion*..............................130
Bonewalker*..................................137 Giant Spider......................................140 Vampire Spawn*.............................129
Brown Bear.......................................139 Giant Vulture....................................141 Vulture..........................................145
Cattle*................................................146 Hulking Draugr*.............................101 Werebat*........................................108
Crocodile.........................................139 Hunter Shark...................................141 Werebear.........................................109
Cultist..................................................146 Hyena..................................................141 Wearboar.........................................109
Death Hound*..................................134 Lion......................................................142 Werecrocodile*.............................110
Dire Wolf............................................140 Narsis Dren*....................................146 Werelion*.......................................110
Dragon Priest*...................................95 Phantom Warrior...........................117 Werelion Pride Leader*..............111
Draugr*................................................98 Rat.......................................................142 Wererat............................................112
Draugr Deathlord*...........................99 Raven...............................................142 Wererat Pack Leader*..................112
Draugr Overlord*.............................99 Revenant............................................118 Wereraven................................113
Draugr Scourge*.............................100 Scamp*...........................................143 Wereshark*..............................113
Draugr Wight*.................................100 Shadow..............................................119 Weretiger...........................................114
Daugulf*..........................................101 Shambles*........................................123 Werevulture*................................114
Exiled Dragon Priest*.....................97 Skeever*.............................................143 Werewolf........................................115
Feral Werelion*...............................116 Skeleton...........................................120 Werewolf Pack Leader*..............115
Feral Werewolf*.............................116 Specter...........................................124 Wolf..................................................145
Flesh Abomination*......................103 Swarm of Bats...............................144 Wraith.................................................135
Flesh Atronach*..............................102 Swarm of Skeevers*.....................144 Zombie............................................136


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Greetings adventurers! If you are reading my latest and business partners that you surround yourself
book, then you are clearly someone with great with. The more people that can discover such
curiosity and the proper sense of learning about your important instructions, the more likely the necessary
quarry before starting chase! Surely the best way to precautions will be made and the more lives will be
hold on to your heads, while picking up a few new saved. Not to mention, the more valuable these words
stories to share and coin to spend, is to know the most become, the mores scribes can be hired to increase
you can about your foe. You've already made a great the number of books available to the public. With
decision, choosing a book by Mallius Mercius to start. such success, I will be able to continue writing more
I've been in this business for some time, you see. My essays such as this to expand on the collection of lore
humble beginnings in the legion taught me how to and safe adventuring.
fight and defend, and my journey to becoming an
Imperial Battlemage gave me the training to protect Your grateful scribe and servant,
beyond my physical means. After I retired from the Mallius Mercius
service, I took up adventuring, which in many cases, is
far more dangerous than fighting off pesky elves and
wiley cats. Since then, I've been writing books about
the ferocious beasts and ruthless monsters of Tamriel,
with the hopes of allowing my protection to reach
even further. But of course, you know all of that
Heed my warning! If you are a budding adventurer,
or a curious scholar, put this book down immediately
and return to whatever safe practice you were
currently entertaining yourself with. The lore and
guidance found within is beyond the needs of the
weary and it is better to live in ignorance than to
know about the dark things that prowl this world. My
best advice to you, apprentice, is to stay away from
such dangers and keep living your days in bliss.
Now then, if you're still reading this, that means you
have tempered courage and a heart of steel. What you
will find between these covers is essential
information for your survival, and I can not
recommend it more to any adventurer or mercenary
who is planning a dungeon delve in a nordic barrow
or ancestral tomb. If you're traveling through the dark
forests of the Iliac Bay, the chapter about lycanthropes
will be of a particular use, just in case you happen
across wereboar territory.
I took great risk upon myself to compile this
information for you, and if you find yourself in a
situation where the lore is lacking in its veracity or
completeness, I assure you, I spared no discomfort
finding this extensive intelligence. If your encounters
differ greatly from these writings, it is likely that you
have not endured long enough to make such
complaints, but if you did, it is reasonable to believe
that you have discovered a rare culture or a new
expertise that the creatures have mastered.
If you find these writings to be especially useful,
please share your findings with your friends, allies,


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Mallius has come across many monsters in his day, Another way to categorize the undead is by the
however this collection focuses on the specific reanimated and the returned. While these are in many
creatures found on Nirn that have been created by the ways similar to the corporeal and incorporeal, there
dark influence of the daedra. This chapter takes are some subtle differences. The reanimated require
several of the iconic and terrifying creatures of the an enslaved spirit to a revivify the corpse or construct
Elder Scrolls universe and provides additional of parts. Whereas the corporeal may exist through
information about their origins, habits, and behaviors. conjuring magics, the reanimated are the product of
This selection includes undead, vampires, and the dark arts of necromancy. The returned are the
lycanthropes. ghosts and specters that have been bound to nirn
If you plunder this chapter for for ideas the next through powerful curses, or because they have been
time you create an adventure or villain, then this summoned during dark rituals. One of the more
material has served its purpose. We hope that, as you benevolent examples is the Dunmeri ritual to bind
explore each monster section, you'll come up with their ancestors into family tombs. Sometimes the
new ways to challenge and entertain your players, as returned are those that are unwilling or unable to
well as find new things that you can borrow for your depart due to unfinished business.
own campaign. Let each entry spark your
imagination! NECROMANCY
You might wonder why certain corrupted creatures
were not chosen above others, or why one undead Necromancy is the dark art of reanimation and
creature has been expanded more than another. I manipulation of souls, soul energies, or corpses. This
hope to tackle other monsters in other products over is a magical art form not for the faint of heart or faint
time. Until then, I hope these writings inspire you, and of character. Reanimating a corpse takes particular
please continue to look over your shoulder when care and expertise and requires a certain amount of
visiting Castle Skingrad. discipline. The emotional equilibrium of the
necromancer is of utmost importance during a ritual,
as the emotional energy has a direct effect on the
UNDEAD: RELENTLESS reanimated's demeanor. Too much emotion can cause
the creature to be perverted with anger and hate,
VORACITY while too little can create a mindless husk, unable to
Undeath is a plague that can be found on every corner follow the simplest of instructions. A calm mind is a
of Tamriel. From the lowly skeletons and unyielding key ingredient for animating the dead.
zombies, to incorporeal ghosts and wraiths, and the The state of the corpse is also important and has a
dangerous vampires and liches, undead creatures are significant and self-evident effect on the quality of the
as varied in death as they were in life. raised. Regardless of age, decay, or completeness of
the corpse, necromancy can reanimate
DOMINION OF UNDEAD indiscriminately, but the best candidates are those
that are still mostly intact. It is best to look for
In the vast majority of cases, undeath is a direct cause creatures that died recently of natural causes or quite
of some form of necromancy, whether from powerful suddenly with very little physical trauma. Failing that,
individuals with a great command of magic or from a the best option is a corpse that can be patched and
variety of unnatural fiendish energies. When you made whole again with little effort. In this case, a
break it down into the most general of categories, whole skeleton is better than a fresh, but mutilated
there are two types of undead: the corporeal and the body. The smell of a decaying corpse is also a
incorporeal. consideration to be made. The reanimated can remain
The corporeal consist of anything with a physical in service for days, if not years, and in these cases, it is
body. Skeletons, and zombies fit into this division, best to look for aged dried bones.
along with any conglomeration of fleshy parts or Another obvious ingredient is, of course, the soul.
dried bones to form a construct. The incorporeal are There are generally two types of souls, each with their
the restless spirits that have failed to move on. Ghosts, own hierarchy of value: white souls, and black souls.
wraiths and specters all make up this group of


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Politically speaking, white souls are the most VIEWS ON NECROMANCY
amenable souls to use. These are the souls of lesser The topic of necromancy is hotly debated, even within
beings, the beasts and monsters of the world. Wolves, cultures that are generally accepting of the practice.
spiders, and trolls all have white souls of variable Different cultures view the dark art differently, many
strength. Black souls, on the other hand, come from of which consider it immoral, and some provinces
humanoids. Elves, humans, and betmer. It is uncertain have made the act illegal. The opposition to
if goblin-ken hold black souls or at what level of necromancy is largely seen in areas that have a
natural prejudice determines who or what carries a greater affection for Arkay. They see the practice of
black soul. Using black souls is considered immoral in necromancy as an interference with the natural
many circles and cultures, but not all. It is best to process of life and death. Necromancy is also often
understand the local affinity and law before taking attributed to daedric influences. Specifically, Molag
part in such activities. This precaution is necessary as Bal, who is known as the father of all vampires, is
with most necromancy, the spirit is usually unwilling. blamed for many atrocities, including vampirism
Regardless of the type of the creature, a soul takes itself, which is a form of necromancy in its own right.
some time to leave the body. Sometimes days, weeks, Many centuries have passed while the debate
months, or even years. The best time for an aspiring continues to concern itself with many of the same
necromancer to practice their craft is with a fresh subjects. These arguments range from moral
corpse, usually within one day of death, but no more questions of use, the legality of the practice, and how
than three days. Masters are known to reanimate long to deal with those who misue the art. Even the school
dead creatures, even those who have been dead for of magic for which necromancy belongs to has been
nearly a century. True resurrection is outside of the contested. Some believe it is a subset of conjuration,
realm of most necromancers, and should be left to while others hold that it is part of multiple schools
priests and the gods. such as mysticism and enchantment. Masters of the
art believe it is nuanced and specialized enough to
become its own school.
The uses of necromancy are a fundamental point of
the debates. The most common of which include
experiments for the sake of science, sadistic thrill
seeking, or summoning hordes of undead to create an
army. Most necromancers don't start out their
practice with evil intentions, but the dark art corrupts
and it is a typical ending. Protectors of Tamriel are
known to seal off abandoned crypts rather than deal
with the hordes of undead and the necromancers
inside, leaving them to their own devices, or for brave
adventurers to deal with.
Regardless of background, all races, even goblins,
have practiced necromancy in some form. Here are
the typical attitudes towards the art based on race
and location.
Black Marsh. From what is known, the argonians
appear to be perfectly accepting of necromancy, but
the Black Marsh makes it a difficult location to
practice. The high humidity, tropical showers, and
vast swampland aid in the quick decay of any remains,
while the dense vegetation makes such corpses
difficult to find while still fresh. Disease and
pestilence ravages much of the Black Marsh, most of
which the argonians are immune to. This helps create
ample supply of subjects, but also makes the practice
exceptionally dangerous. Necromancers are known to
stay near the coastlines where these hindrances are
less prominent.


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Cyrodiil. Necromancy has remained legal in
Cyrodiil, even at the behest of the mages guild to ban
the dark practice. The Imperial Legion is particularly
fond of the use of necromancy to create front lines for
their armies. Why risk the lives of the living when
entering dangerous territory? This use of necromancy
is typically reserved only for the corpses of criminals
that committed heinous crimes, or for the fallen
enemy of war. The threat of your body used as a pawn
after death also works as a successful crime deterrent.
Elsweyr. Khajiit are known for being able to
overlook just about anything, for the right price. In the
port city of Senchal, one may purchase anything one
desires, including fresh corpses. Necromancy is
accommodated in Elsweyr, and the deserts are
accommodating of necromancy. The dry, arid wastes
create perfect conditions to preserve corpses for
hundreds of years. The jungles, however, are just as
bad as the Black Marsh.
Hammerfell. The treacherous lands of Hammerfell
alone make necromancy a difficult practice,
regardless of the attitudes of the locals. The harsh
landscapes and deadly denizens make it possible to
find dead bodies, but the chances of becoming one
yourself is high.
The redguards have an aversion to the use of magic
in general and their close ties to the worship of Arkay
and their ancestral devotion makes necromancy
particularly abhorrent. In Hammerfell, the worship of
Arkay is stronger than in any other province of
Tamriel. Because of this, the dead are almost always
subject to Arkay's Law, which requires the departed High Rock. In High Rock, necromancy is viewed as a
to be buried by a priest who preforms a ritual repulsive act and has been illegal for several eras.
protecting the corpse from being risen. Although the practice is banned, High Rock is known
Redguards are bound to a tradition that does not for being home to many notable necromancers. Most
allow them to interact with the dead, and they must of those who deal in the dark arts have found a way to
respect the bodies of their ancestors. This makes keep their activities underground. The trafficking of
necromancy a difficult problem to combat, as once a bodies and other necromantic resources have created
corpse is risen, a redguard is forbidden to lift a blade a uniquely vibrant black market, especially in the
against it. Tribes of undead hunters have been sewers of Wayrest. One of the reasons why
tolerated as a necessary evil to curb the threat of necromancy is so widely practiced in a province
undead, although they are still ostracized from civil where it is illegal is because of the constant wars
society. created between the fiefdoms, orcs, and other hostile
Morrowind. The dunmer rival the redguard for their
ancestral worship, but their adoration differs greatly
in their rituals and faith. Due to this, the dunmer
vehemently denounce necromancy, making it illegal
throughout Morrowind. To the human races of
Tamriel, the dunmer are seen as ritualistic
necromancers, given their tradition of binding the
spirits of their ancestors within tombs.
It should be noted, however, that the Telvanni are
known for their skill and mastery over necromancy.


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Although not all dunmer agree with their practice, necromancy that is allowed to be practiced by select
they study in a way that does not go against the laws mages, but this form usually focuses on the extension
of the land. The dunmer hold a deep connection to of mortal life. All forms of soul trapping and
their own ancestors, but are not as protective about manipulation is forbidden and any unsanctioned
the ancestors of the other races, especially non-mer. necromancers are punished with the most severe
The Telvanni specifically practice the dark arts on penalties.
humans, argonians, orcs, and beasts, as in their eyes, Valenwood. The dense jungles of Valenwood make
they are all lesser creatures. the practice of necromancy extremely difficult. Similar
Orsinium. Although the orsimer are not usually to the Black Marsh and Elsweyr, bodies decay quickly,
noted for their skill in magic, they aren't exactly and can be difficult to find and retrieve. Dangerous
opposed to it. Their culture simply rewards strength predators make searching for corpses a risky
above most other qualities. They do not hold any endeavor, and scavengers make finding in tact bodies
specific prejudice against necromancy, but rare. Tribal bosmer practice ritual cannibalism, which
necromancers view orcs as highly sought after assets. further reduces the availability of corpses. Although
The black markets value orc corpses for the durability many civilized bosmer no longer practice this custom,
of their skin and strength in their bones. their honor of the dead remains, which creates a
Skyrim. Many nords are suspicious of mages, and common intolerance for necromancy.
necromancers in particular, however, the province Other Lands. The sload of theCoral Kingdom of
doesn't have any specific rules against the dark Thras are celebrated necromancers, but little more is
practice. In fact, necromancy was quite common in known about them or their beliefs. They have
Skyrim's history. In ancient times, the Dragon Cults of influenced many different cultures on how they deal
Skyrim were led by powerful necromancers known as with their dead, most notably the altmer of
Dragon Priests. These practitioners would perform Summerset, the redguards of Hammerfell, and the
necromantic rituals that would raise their followers argonians of the Black Marsh. It is believed that the
as servants in death. These servants became known sload do not practice necromancy on their own kind,
as the draugr, although any risen nord typically takes but prefer to use the dead of other races, sticking to
the same name. Necromancy was so prevalent at this the coastal areas.
time that the nords who wanted to protect the
deceased would encase the corpses in stalhrim, a rare, SOUL CAIRN
enchanted ice. The tribal Reachmen of Skyrim
practice a unique form of necromancy. Certain The Soul Cairn is a pocket realm of oblivion that has
Forsworn tribesmen are known for removing their become the home of all the trapped souls of the
own hearts and replacing them with briarseeds, mortal dead. When a soul is captured in a soul gem,
Today, necromancy isn't as common in Skyrim, but the soul is transported to this realm, where the
the isolated land allows for sorcerers to practice corporeal spirit will live in undeath for all of eternity.
without being bothered. They typically can be found This realm was created by beings known only as the
in secluded caves away from the judgmental eyes of Ideal Masters, who appear as unique soul gems when
ignorant townspeople. Skyrim is a great place to learn they choose to take on a physical appearance. These
necromancy due to the constant supply of bodies. The demi-gods were once mortals who created one of the
harsh winters always provide new bodies of those first orders of sorcerers and necromancers. After
who died from exposure, and the constant battle and becoming more and more powerful in their arcane
civil wars create a seemingly endless supply. Freezing arts, they found that they were becoming hindered by
temperatures help preserve the corpses long enough their weak, physical forms. These dedicated sorcerers
to be found, but heavy snowfalls can hide these bodies possessed little empathy for lesser beings and
until the thaw. The College of Winterhold, however, trafficked in the souls of the departed. Using their
has no qualms with the practice and considers unparalleled skill and nearly endless necromantic
necromancy a legitimate study. Within the walls of the resources, they discovered a way to transcend into
college, aspiring mages can study and train in the beings of pure soul energy and entered Oblivion as
dark arts, provided they do so discreetly and within immortals.
the rules. The Ideal Masters consider themselves to be great
Summerset. Given that the Altmer revere liberators and believe that any soul that arrives in the
themselves as the ancestors of the gods, it should be Soul Cairn has been saved from a life of meaningless
no surprise that they harbor an unmatched animosity hardship and have been gifted with eternal peace.
for necromancy. There is a form of responsible Denizens of this pocket realm rarely consider their


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fate in such an idealistic way, seeing their entrapment
as a curse, rather than a gift.
Striking deals with necromancers from the mortal
plane, the Ideal Masters grant worthy devotees
powerful magic that allows them to summon deadly
creatures from this realm. In return, these
necromancers pay the Ideal Masters with a steady
supply of souls, filling the realm with an everlasting
reserve of energy. The Ideal Masters, with their grand
plans and devotion to their work above all other
things, find ways to exploit their assistants to extract
as much as they can before they finally deceive these
unsuspecting souls and trap them in the Soul Cairn.
Entering the Soul Cairn is restricted only to the dead
or undead, usually by means of soul trapping. Portals
to this realm have been known to exist in
extraordinary circumstances, but even those can't be
entered by the living. At one time, the realm was
accessible by a voidgate found on the Battlespire, but
this channel was destroyed at the same time as the


The Soul Cairn is the land of the forsaken spirits, a
bleak and desolate location that matches the
hopelessness and despair of the inhabitants. The grey,
barren wastes are devoid of any color indicative of
life. Blackened ruins spot the landscape, which
appears as a long lost dystopia. The structures found
here all resemble decrepit mausoleums, chapels, and
other buildings associated with burial and death.
Boneyards and gravestones act almost as topiary, with TYPES OF UNDEAD
black dead trees that sprawl out and reach toward There are three common forms of undead: spirit,
nothingness, a reminder to the forlorn that nothing flesh, and fleshless. These beings come in all forms,
living is here. Sprawling crevices, known as soul from generally harmless, like the ghosts of an
fissures, line the land, as eerie dancing lights rise out. ancestor, to the extremely dangerous liches and
These lights are a steady reserve of lost soul energies vampires. Below are brief descriptions of several of
that can be harvested. the common types of undead that can be found
Storms rage on endlessly in this realm of endless throughout Tamriel.
twilight. Lightning violently strikes the surface with a
constant and relentless barrage that scar the land DRAUGR
with blackened marks. This anomalous energy is The draugr are ancient undead beings, typically found
attracted with necromantic conductors used to in Skyrim, that are almost a combination of both
produce black soul gems. skeletons and zombies, but far more powerful and
The only living thing that can be found here are soul capable than either. These dreadful creatures are
husks, a grey, colorless fungus that grows in clusters. unique to some of the other undead in that they have
This alien growth is prized as a form of currency due maintained their souls. Having a soul makes them
to its powerful alchemical properties and extract. exceptionally powerful, as they seem to be able to
retain many of their skills that they had in life,
especially those skills that pertain to battle.
Draugr are associated with the Dragon Cult, an
ancient religion that worshiped dragons as the
descendants of Akatosh. Led by powerful liches,


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known as Dragon Priests, the draugr were devoted FLESH ATRONACHS
followers who were granted eternal life to protect Flesh atronachs are confusing creatures. Although
them in death. The draugr serve them in shifts, giving they are similar to zombies, they aren't simply
their life energies to the Dragon Priests and then rest reanimated corpses. These repulsive amalgamations
to regain their undead vitality. of flesh, meat, and various bits and pieces of
There are other stories that say the draugr were previously living creatures, are stitched together into
cursed with undeath by the All-Maker for heinous acts any horrific form imaginable. The benefit to this type
of cannibalism, and others believe the Dragons cursed of creature is that they can be built to fit any need of
them for the betrayal of man. the necromancer. The can have multiple limbs to
provide better assistance in menial tasks, or can be
constructed as large, dense masses for enhanced
durability. Typically, necromancer's use a standard
bipedal form, similar to any other humanoid creature,
but they often embed sharp metal into the tissue to
create deadly weapons.
Relatively recently, dark mages have discovered that
flesh is unique from bone and allows for some
creative and unorthodox uses. It is believed that flesh
is the sixth element, which means that it can be
harnessed and molded similar to the other elements,
like fire and frost. This detail also allows a very
significant trait. Not only can a carefully constructed
mound of pure flesh be animated with captured souls,
like other pure elements, it can also be inhabited by a
daedra, forging an even more deadly creation.

Through the use of necromancy and black magic,
liches have ascended from their mortal lifespan,
turning themselves into powerful immortal creatures.
Mannimarco, a mage of the Psijic Order lost himself in
the dark arts, becoming the first lich of Tamriel. They
are the most dangerous undead creatures due to their
immortality and their skill in powerful magic.
However, they usually spend their time continuing
their own studies, rather than terrifying villagers.

Skeletons, by definition, consist primarily of bone,
with few or no organs or fleshy bits remaining. In
other words, skeletons don't have the habit of
dropping bits and pieces of themselves on the ground,
unlike their zombie counterparts. This reason alone
makes them a preferred animation to enterprising
necromancers. Also, skeletons tend to be more sturdy
and dexterous than zombies, making them noticeably
faster and, in many ways, more dangerous.


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The departed of all races persist for some time on the Powerful and aggressive, wraiths are spirits full of
mortal realm after death. Spirits that are forced to hatred for the living. They do occur naturally, and
remain on this world against their will sometimes most studies suggest that they are formed from
become mad, as the mortal plane is uncomfortable for individuals who suffer great injustice and leave
a spirit; cold and bitter, and full of pain and loss. important work undone. Unfortunately, in limited
Some spirits are bound to this world because of attempts to engage with them, they will not speak.
some terrible circumstances of their death, or If they have any recollection of their lives or the
because of some powerful emotional bond to a circumstances around their deaths, they make no
person, place or thing. These are often called display of it. In some cases, exceptionally dangerous
hauntings. Some spirits are captured and bound to necromancers have discovered methods by which to
enchanted items by wizards. If the binding is create these hateful specters and enslave them as
involuntary, the spirit usually goes mad. A willing guardians. It is recommended to avoid any place
spirit may or may not retain its sanity, depending on rumored to contain wraiths, as their threat to the
the strength of the spirit and the wisdom of the living is extreme.
Some spirits are bound against their wills to protect ZOMBIES
family shrines. This unpleasant fate is reserved for Zombies are the undead bodies of recently deceased
those who have not served the family faithfully in life. beings that have been resurrected by a necromancer
Dutiful and honorable ancestral spirits often aid in the or by some unnatural spirit. These mindless beings
capture and binding of wayward spirits. These spirits are the perfect slave for a necromancer, as their
usually go mad, and make terrifying guardians. They corporeal form is much more suited to physical labor
are ritually prevented from harming mortals of their than a ghost, and their powerful builds make them
clans, but that does not necessarily discourage them more useful than their skeleton counterparts.
from mischievous or peevish behavior. Although they may be slower than a skeleton, they
are much stronger and are capable of taking a
significant beating before finally succumbing to their
injuries, which also makes them ideal body guards.
They also carry many vile diseases, so any
troublesome follower of Arkay that might escape will
likely perish from their wounds and the rot they may
have contracted.
Zombies are relatively easy to resurrect, which
makes graveyards ample practicing grounds from
aspiring necromancers.


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Little is known about the rites enacted by the
If you happen to find yourself traversing a cemetery or
Argonians. The moist climate of the Black Marsh
ancestral barrow, there are some tell-tale signs that the
dead have begun to walk again.
means that corpses rot very quickly, and with this
If the undead scourge have taken action, it is likely
fact, there is often little or no reason to bury the dead.
that you will find fresh corpses of animals or It is theorized that religious tribal argonians may
unfortunate couriers nearby. This is the most common believe it is best to use the corpses of their loved ones
sign of zombies, as they attack and feast on virtually to fertilize the hist, completing a ritual of the circle of
anything that moves. Make sure to observe nearby life. At one time, the coastal cities of Black Marsh
trees and shrubs, especially those next to pathways and practiced burials at sea, but the fear that the corpses
entrances. If zombies are in the area, you will likely find would be intercepted by the necromantic sload
flesh and coagulated blood on low branches. quickly put an end to these customs.
Bones laying about in unexpected places are a good
indication that skeletons are on patrol. It all comes BRETON
down to how skilled the necromancer was that Breton traditions, dating back to the witch kings and
animated the abomination. You'll know if a wraith is nomadic horsemen, mandate that the dead are to be
nearby if you feel a sudden drop in temperature, cremated in elaborate ceremonies. Urns and caskets
enough to see your breath, or make your hair stand up containing the remains of the dead are placed in
on end. ornately arched consecrated ground. These practices
-MM are observed almost without exception in the
northern areas of High Rock, but Imperial influence
has become more common in the south. These
CULTURAL BURIAL RITES bretons have adopted the imperial rituals of burying
the dead in tombs or cemeteries. It is even rumored
Tamriel is filled with many unique cultures that have that some kings had considered adopting the imperial
spent millennia defining their unique customs and practice of donating the corpses of criminals for
habits. Although all mer began as one society, their necromancy as a way to deter bandits and pirates.
individual cultures have evolved through their own
reasons for independence, as well as any trials and BOSMER
tribulations they have had to face as a nation. The In ancient times, the bosmer enacted the Green Pact
nedic humans have faced similar independence that with Y'ffre. This pact requires bosmer to follow a set
defines their modern cultures. The redguards and of guidelines, and in return, they receive protection
beast races are truly unique in this sense, as they have and patronage from the Forest God. Part of this pact
not broken off from previous societies, but have includes the Meat Mandate, which instructs bosmer to
simply grown from their own history. engage in cannibalism. This practice mostly died out
Even with their influence from the other nearby in the Second Era, although it is still observed by
societies, each race has their own beliefs and customs. some isolated tribes of Valenwood. However, it is still
Outlined below are some of those beliefs, specifically believed that those who break the Green Pact are
regarding life and death. punished by returning to the Ooze, a purgatorial state
of existence reserved for apostates.
ALTMER Imperial colonialism has influenced many bosmer,
The elves of Summerset venerate the dead as especially those who have left their native land.
descendants of the original Aldmer. The altmer take Outside of Valenwood, most bosmer have adopted
great care in preparing their dead as both a sign of imperial customs and perform Arkay's rites on the
respect and to protect them from nefarious acts. The dead.
latter tradition may have been a result of dealing with
the sload and their propensity for necromancy.
It is said that the vast, dense cities of Alinor are so
ancient that the cities have been built on top of cities,
until there are hardly and living things in sight except
for the elves themselves. In these lofty metropolises,
high ranking members of society, sages and priests,
are buried in the tallest of towers.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
DUNMER bodies of convicts who were executed for their
Dunmer treat their ancestors with the utmost respect, criminal behavior.
possibly only rivaled by the redguards and their
devotion. The dunmer believe in the knowledge and KHAJIIT
power of their departed and every family performs Khajiit seem aloof to many of the other races with
sacred rituals to bind each member to their their views on plenty of moral issues. Their stance on
descendants. Every family member or person brought burial rites is no exception. In general, it seems that
into the House through marriage, binds themselves khajiit care little about what happens to their bodies
through an oath to the clan. Through this, they gain after death. Usually a short prayer and a quick service
the ability to communicate with the clan's ancestors, seems to suffice. The desert tribes are known to bury
as well as other benefits unique to their families the dead underneath a small cairn of stones.
history. Sandstone crypts have been reserved for high ranking
Each residence has a family shrine, which can be a priests of Jone and Jode.
simple alcove or hearth where family relics are
displayed and venerated, to entire rooms, or even NORD
separate structures. Here, the family members pay The nordic peoples of Skyrim practice different
their respects to their ancestors through sacrifice and customs within the same family and generation. Every
prayer, through oaths sworn upon duties, and through family or township creates a barrow where the dead
reports on the affairs of the family. In return, the are kept. The frigid temperatures and constant wind
family may receive information, training, and fill these burial chambers which dry out the bodies
blessings from the family's ancestors. The ancestors and keep them well preserved.
are the protectors of the home and can be called on to Cremation is also a favored burial tradition. Inside
serve, even after death. the barrows, urns filled with ashes can be found next
The dunmer have a historic connection to the ashes to the preserved corpses of their ancestors. Some of
of Red Mountain, as their ashen skin acts as a the nords who lived in the northern port cities,
constant reminder of the origin of their race. For this especially those that live by the water, prefer burials
reason, the dunmer prefer to return to ash in death. at sea.
All of the departed are cremated, as the idea of leaving
a corpse to rot through a burial in the imperial ORSIMER
manner is unthinkable. Although a popular belief among the other races is
Dark elves from every clan bring their dead to the that the orcs simply leave the bodies of the deceased
the city of Necrom, in a solemn procession that can where they fall, this is only somewhat based on truth.
last for months. This necropolis is a massive Orcs are not beasts. They are educated and civil
mausoleum dedicated to the dunmeri ancestors, beings, just like the other races of Tamriel. Orcs know
decorated with white walls and towers, as well as about disease, decay, and stink, and that leaving a
sprawling catacombs. The dunmer are laid to rest in corpse to rot will attract insects and predators.
family dedicated ancestral tombs, where ashpits are When an orc dies, the place where they have fallen is
built to house the remains. Part of the ashes are marked and considered sacred. The body may be left
usually brought back to the families residence, so that for a few hours without being touched so that friends
offerings can be made at their dedicated shrine. and family members can make their way to the fallen
for their last respects.
IMPERIAL An orcs natural lifespan is just as long as any other
As with the other human races, the imperials bury elf, but their lifestyle and belief in the code of
their dead in caskets, which are placed in cemeteries Malacath demands they die much earlier. The orsimer
and ornate tombs. The Empire's influence, through live a life of hardship, and their lives are only worth
conquest and diplomacy, has spread through much of having if they can continue to fight. Once an orc has
Tamriel, affecting many different cultures in many reached an age that they can no longer fight for their
different ways. The way they treat their dead, community, they are seen as a burden. Many orcs fear
including the rites of Arkay and their ceremonious reaching this stage if life and would prefer to die an
burials are no exception. honorable death in battle.
One of their unique practices when it comes to the In some larger strongholds, orcish burial sites have
dead, is the use of criminal corpses in their legion. As been created for the bravest and strongest orcs.
both a way to bolster their armies and to deter crime, Tradition states that a dying orc is to climb to the
the imperials are known to use necromancy on the highest points of a mountain, or into the depths of


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
immense caverns, before death overcomes them. The ARKAY
orcs are left where they fall, but priests follow
afterwards, piling stones on top of their bodies to Lord of the Wheel of Life, known also as the mortals
create cairns, or wedge tombs. The tops of these god, Arkay is a member of the Divines and is the God
graves are marked with a sacred rock known as a of Burials and Funeral Rites. He is associated with
tunmor, or “death stone” in the orcish tongue. cyclical occasions, the seasons of the year, and the
Another lesser known burial practice for the orcs is cycles of life and death. Both Arkay and his followers
known as Behkar-nor, or “Death Forge”. Orcs of great and priests are staunch opponents of necromancy and
stature, leaders, heroes, and revered elders, might all forms of undead, which are seen as abominations
undergo this ancient and obscure tradition. The and perversions to the circle of life.
remains of the orc are burned and reduced to ash, In The Monomyth, Arkay was one the first spirits to
which are then mixed into molten metal. This allows crystallize after the formation of Akatosh.
the orsimer to become a powerful tool or weapon, Mymophonus wrote a far more interesting and
usually a sword, hammer, or shield. elaborate tale about the origins of Arkay, although it is
most likely a fable. Arkay began as an ordinary, mortal
REDGUARD shopkeeper, who had an unmatched passion for
The redguards revere their departed ancestors so knowledge. One day, Arkay found a tome that told the
fervidly that it rivals the devotion many other races secrets of life and death. It took him months to only
have for their gods. Funerary structures in begin to decipher the convoluted writings, ignoring
Hammerfell are designed to be as awe-inspiring as the rest of life around him. During this time, Arkay
they are extensive, marked with elaborate carvings was exposed to a plague that was ravaging his village.
and bas reliefs. The thread of honor that binds the As he was dying, he prayed to Mara, asking her for
Redguard from before birth to beyond death is strong. more time to complete his studies. Mara gave Arkay a
These soaring and massive mausoleums are the simple choice: accept your death, or become a god
purest representation of the undiluted Yokudan over the domain of birth and death.
architecture, built to propel spirits to a meeting with In Arkay's vision and teachings, he tells us that there
their puritive gods. are far more souls in the Universe than there is room
Perhaps the finest example of this type of burial site for them in the physical world. But it is in the physical
is Tu'whacca's Throne, set atop a vast plateau in the world that a soul has an opportunity to learn and
Alik'r Desert of Hammerfell. This huge temple is progress. Without birth, souls would not be able to
dedicated to the Tricky God, the Shepherd of Souls, acquire that experience, and without death there
and the Caretaker of the Far Shores. This necropolis is would be no room for birth.
both a sprawling burial ground and a sacred ruin. Worshipers of the Divines, especially the imperials
Aside from Tu'whacca's presence watching from dark and redguards, often practice Arkay's Rites on the
corners of this sanctuary, the temple also serves as a dead. This blessing, performed by devout priests,
monument to the untold number of Yokudans who prevents the misuse of a mortal soul, allowing the
perished when the continent sank beneath the waves. deceased to pass on to Aetherius without fear of being
Pilgrims travel across the stinging sands to pay their intercepted by necromancers or other nefarious
respects to these victims and to the historical beings.
Redguard kings who are also interred in this
labyrinthine necropolis.


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MERIDIA remains along with the bones and spirit. Bonewalkers
are readily identified by the sharp protuberances of
Lady of Infinite Energies, also known as the Glister bone and metal employed in the rituals that bind
Witch, Meridia is associated with the energies of all them to this plane. All bonewalkers are malevolent
living things. For the Ayleids, she was the and dangerous, but the greater bonewalkers are far
personification of light. Similar to Arkay, she and her worse than the more common 'lesser' bonewalkers.
devotees have a burning hatred for the undead. Thankfully, normal weapons harm bonewalkers.
However, unlike Arkay, Meridia is not a divine, but a It is difficult to generalize about fleshless revenants,
Daedric Prince. or skeletons. The agility and fighting ability of the
Meridia is one of few Daedric Princes that is not animated remains may depend on the abilities of the
directly associated with evil, although, that doesn't revenant's former life, and may therefore be weak or
necessarily dictate that this makes her good. To some, strong, or more or less capable with weapons and
she is known as the Lady of Greed, a daedra who shields. Fortunately, enchanted weapons are not
collects human specimens. She was originally known needed to destroy skeletons. An exception is the
as Merid-Nunda, and was one of the Magna-Ge, or bonelord, a peculiar form of revenant that seems to
Star-Orphans, who followed Magnus back to derive its powers more from its spirit energies than
Aetherius in their exodus from Nirn. Afterwards, she from the substance of its skeletal remains. Bonelords
was found to have consorted with the Daedric are very powerful, and very dangerous. Normal
Princes, an inexcusable act of defiance. She was exiled weapons do not affect them.
from the Magna-Ge, and with no where left to turn, Vampires were believed to be extinct in Morrowind
she became a Daedric Prince herself. for centuries. Dunmer culture has a special hatred for
After fleeing from Nirn, Meridia went into the void, vampires, and in earlier times the Ordinators and
bending and riding the light of Magnus, and she Buoyant Armigers hunted them to extinction. In
created a new realm to have dominion over, known as recent years, however, vampires have either begun to
the Colored Rooms. sneak into Morrowind, or long-dormant ones have
Meridia works with mortals who share her hatred been awakened. Vampires vary in their substance and
for the undead and rewards those who purge the power according to their age and accumulated lore,
mortal realm of walking corpses and necromancers. but even the weakest vampire is immeasurably
One of Merdia's most sought after gifts is a magical stronger than most other undead. Note: Ash vampires
long sword known as Dawnbreaker. Forged in holy are not vampires, and are not undead. Ash vampires
light, the sword bursts with radiance upon striking are extremely dangerous. While their spirit and
Meridia's foe, burning away corruption and false life. substance may indeed be preserved by some magical
process, the holy warriors of the Tribunal Temple
BOOKS ON THE UNDEAD report that spell effects known to affect the undead
have no effect on ash vampires.


An informational book on the undead By Bernadette Bantien, College of Winterhold

Undead commonly occur in three basic types: spirit, Discoveries of the draugr and their link to the dragon
flesh, and fleshless. Spirit revenants like the ancestor cults
ghost, wraith, and dwarven ghost, can only be harmed
by weapons that are enchanted or made of refined It wasn't until my seventh month with the creatures
substances such as silver. Ancestor ghosts, the most that they seemed to accept me. Well, "accept" isn't
common spirit revenant, are harmless, apart from the really the proper word, but they seemed to have
minor curses they lay upon their victims. Wraiths are decided that I posed no threat to them and gradually
similar to ghosts, but they are capable of inflicting ceased their attacks. Though more than capable of
wounds to the careless explorer. Dwarven ghosts are fending them off (a combination of fire and turning
more dangerous still, but they generally appear only spells are generally sufficient), I admit that I tired of
in Dwarven ruins. having to be ever vigilant in their presence.
Flesh revenants, or 'zombies' as they are often called I'll never know whether there was some sort of
in the West, are known as 'bonewalkers' in agreement communicated among them, for the only
Morrowind. Magic preserves the bonewalker's fleshy utterances they make seem to be in that heathen


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
tongue that I can't even pronounce, much less speaking to them, for imagining what they could tell
transcribe. In time, I learned more of their intentions us of the early mists of time is staggering.
towards me from their general movements and tones
rather than specific words. Hostility in any creature is MORE READING ON UNDEAD
easily read, but in these most peculiar of the living • A Guide to Ascendancy: Pathway to Lichdom – A
dead, with such variations in gait and speed, what short guide detailing the steps required to become
amounts to a hostile charge in one may simply be a lich
casual movement in another. The eyes seem to be key • An Affair with Death – A necromancer tells of their
to their intent, and I will confess to more than one first encounter with death
dream haunted by the glowing pinpoints in the • Arkay the Enemy – Instructions for the faithful to
darkness. foil Arkay
I had always wondered why the ancient priests of • Arondil's Journal – The journal of Arondil's journey
the dragon cult insisted that their followers be buried from studying necromancy, to creating an army of
with them. It seems the height of pagan vanity to drag undead creatures
your conscripts to their death along with you, but as I • Beyond the Grave: Tamriel's Undead – An excerpt
integrated into their presence, I began to observe the on undead wraiths
reasons. Every day, a different set of draugr would
• The Black Arts on Trial – A summary of the salient
awaken, shamble their way to the sarcophagus of
points of the debate which led to the resolution of
their priest, and prostrate themselves before it.
the Mages Guild on the subject of necromancy
Several hours of this, followed by a meticulous
• The Book of Life and Service – Book relating to the
cleaning of the area. It would appear that the
undead of the Soul Cairn
adherents of the dragon priest continue their worship
• Civility and Etiquette v. 5: Undead – An Altmer
of him in death, which would also explain the ferocity
guidebook outlining the correct social protocols
with which they defend his chambers.
when dealing with the undead
It took several weeks before I felt comfortable
approaching the dragon priest's resting place, myself. • Corpse Preparation – How to obtain and prepare a
Inch by inch, until the snarling draugrs around me corpse for necromantic purposes
seemed to tire of fending off my timid presence. I was • The Legend of Vastarie – On one of the most
able to set some simple scrying spells around the infamous necromancers of the Second Era
tomb, that I might get a sense of what magical • Mannimarco, King of Worms – Biography of
energies resided there. When the next group of Mannimarco, the leader of Necromancers
draugr came to pay homage to the priest, I noted a • Necromancy in Modern Tamriel – A treatise on the
sort of transferal happening. A distinct flow of life current state of necromancy in Tamriel
force between the adherents and the master. • On Necromancy – A short instructional guide on
It was here that I finally understood the dragon necromancy
cult's notion of resurrection. The second eternal life • On Summoning Skeletons – An instructional guide
was only promised to those who ascended to the on acquiring and reanimating skeletons
priesthood, but the lesser functionaries contributed • Palla – A conjurer's tragic infatuation with a dead
their life force to sustaining them for eternity. I don't woman
know what sort of eternal wellspring they draw from, • The Path of Transcendence – A necromancer's
but it's clear that each draugr carries only the barest diary of efforts at becoming a lich
whisper of life in it, and rekindles it nightly while • Practical News – An instructional guide on
resting in its niche. I now believe that the grotesque tethering and enslaving spirits
forms that we see in the barrows were, in fact, buried • Sacrilege and Maybe in the Alik'r – A report to the
fully as men and women, and only over the thousands Royal Family of Hegathe
of years that have passed withered into the wretched • Schemes of the Reachmage – A Mages Guild record
things we know. If we had visited a barrow directly of findings on Angof the Gravesinger
after its construction, we might not have even known • Sorcery is Not Necromancy! - A famed wizard's
any of its inhabitants were dead! objections to being labeled a necromancer
These discoveries and extrapolations excite me, and • Souls, Black and White – A scholar's look at the
my mind aches to return to the barrows. I have only souls of man and beast
paused here at the College to transcribe these notes
• Unhallowed Legions – A study into the undead of
and gather further supplies for a more extended stay.
My new hope is to learn some rudimentary way of


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
• Ancestors and the Dunmer – An outdated guide for
foreign visitors to Morrowind Vampires are fearsome, preternatural beings that are
• The Consecrations of Arkay – The beliefs and affected by a condition known as vampirism. These
practices of the Order or Arkay creatures are people who have been corrupted by the
• Strange Rituals of the Orsimer – A study into the disease and died, only to be reanimated as dreadful
funerary rites practiced by the Orcs of Wrothgar abominations. They are essentially reanimated
• Tu'whacca and Burial Rites in Contemporary corpses that have an insatiable hunger for blood,
Redguard Culture – A brief essay on Redguard which is thought to give them their strength.
burial traditions and Tu'whacca's Throne Vampires are known for consuming the blood of
people at night, whether unsuspecting victims, thralls,
or other creatures.
Since they are undead, vampires are considered to
be a blight to the world, spreading awful disease
everywhere they go, and turning innocents into
vampires as a means of reproduction. Throughout
Tamriel, vampires are hated, hunted, and often


When Tamriel was still newly formed, Molag Bal set
out to thwart Arkay, the aedra who has dominion over
the cycle of birth and death. Bal, the prince of
oppression and spiritual enslavement, sought out to
best the prideful god and prevent man and mer from
meeting death.
Molag Bal traveled to Tamriel in the aspect of a man,
where he took the Nedic virgin, Lamae Beolfag, and
savagely raped and befouled her body before
departing from Nirn. Lamae was found by nomads,
who tried to care for her, but they ultimately failed. It
was recorded that when Lamae passed into death, the
nomads had tried to cremate her, but she rose from
the dead and murdered them.

The truth, however, is even darker than the fiction.
Lamae did not die from her wounds. Instead, her body
was rapidly healing, stitching together the wounds
that had ravaged her. This supernatural restoration
frightened the nedes to the point that they intended
to murder the poor woman, choosing to set her on fire
and burn out the disease that was corrupting her. She
awoke during the ceremony and slaughtered them all.
She ripped the throats of the women, ate the eyes of
the children, and raped their men as cruelly as Bal
had ravished her.
After Lamae had regained composure over herself,
she reflected on what she had done, horrified of what
she became, and called out to Arkay, who had
forsaken her. In retaliation for his neglect, Lamae set
out to spread the disease of vampirism to the


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
followers of Arkay, mocking his failure over his own OTHER PRINCES AND THEIR INFLUENCE
domain. Known as the Daughter of Coldharbour, Molag Bal may have been the first to create the
Lamae created more vampires, spreading the curse vampire, but he is not the only patron to them. Several
across Tamriel. other Daedric Princes have participated in the
Since then, many worshipers of Molag Bal have been creation of vampires, or enhancing specific species.
'blessed' with his curse, creating new bloodlines, each Clavicus Vile is known to have honored a species of
with their own unique gifts and burdens. Cyrodilic vampires with the ability to blend in with
mortals, giving them a significant advantage over
RITE OF THE SCION their cousins. Hircine, father of were-creatures, is
A prominent cult of vampires is based in Coldharbour, responsible for giving Lamae's bloodline the ability to
Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion. Vampires are known to withstand the sun, allowing them to move with
make pilgrimages to these headquarters to engage in comfort during the day. Vaermina, whose sphere is
an ancient ritual known as the Rite of the Scion. the realm of nightmares, is known to have provided a
During the Rite, vampires experience visions from cure to vampirism, which indicates that she may have
Lamae's past, along with profane symbols of Arkay some control over the species, although what that
and Molag Bal. might be is still unknown.
After the first stage of the ritual is complete, the
initiate submerges themselves in a pool of water, A BLESSING AND A CURSE
where they are completely drained of their blood by
the cult's priests. If the initiate is deemed worthy, Although many mortals will look upon a vampire as a
Lamae Bal herself appears and revives them with her cursed soul, cultists of Molag Bal, and vampires
own blood, enhancing their powers and making them themselves, may see it as a blessing. Regardless of
a full member of her coven. views on matter, these creatures have unique,
supernatural abilities granted to them by their
With so many different species across Tamriel, it's
Known as the Schemer Prince, the Harvester of Souls, hard to accurately state what each bloodline has in
and Father of Coldharbour, Molag Bal is the father of common, as many have different, often contradictory
vampires. Although there are over one hundred gifts. Where one creature might be harmed by sun,
different species of vampires on Tamriel today, those another is not. While some become more demonic in
that are granted vampirism from Molag Bal himself appearance as they feed on the blood of mortals,
are knows as Pure-Bloods. These vampires have been others become less. The traits that they do share is
selected by Molag Bal to receive the gift, usually in a that they are all undead and have an unquenchable
similar brutal and degrading trial that Lamae herself lust for blood. Even those that are not susceptible to
endured. sunlight typically become more powerful at night,
Molag Bal's sphere is the domination and leading most vampires to nocturnal habits.
enslavement of mortals. His greatest desire, which is Even the act of feeding is different from species to
easily perceived in his work, is to harvest and species. While the vast majority of vampires drink the
consume souls by spreading discord and strife in the blood of mortal creatures, whether humanoid or
mortal realm. Through this, devout followers of Molag beast, there are few vampires that instead feed on the
Bal bring the females from their families to him on his life force of a mortal through dark shadow magic. To
summoning day, offering them to Bal for his service. prevent detection, vampires will often feed on
Few survive the horrific and ruthless ritual, but those sleeping creatures or use powerful illusion magic to
who do, emerge as pure-blood vampires, known as create thralls that willingly offer themselves.
the Daughters of Coldharbour. Although, there are notorious clans of vampires who
are much more aggressive with their feeding,
attacking conscious creatures outright to create fear
among communities.
While different vampires experience different
strengths, they also have different weaknesses as well.
Some are vulnerable to sunlight and flame, or they
experience pain when entering blessed temples.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
SPREADING THE DISEASE It is said that that the Daedric Princes have some
influence over the plague. Vaermina is known to have
Along with the varying bloodlines having different provided a cure in the past, and Hircine has been able
gifts and weaknesses, the way vampirism is spread to “cure” vampirism by replacing it with lycanthropy.
varies between species. The vast majority of vampires
can spread the disease very easily. Bites from a
vampire, and even scratches, can infect an
unfortunate victim. This ease of contamination is why To you whom We have seen
this type of vampire is the most common, Stalking at night by eyes keen
transmitting the disease to nearly everyone that Transcendent of savages
comes in contact with them. The more discriminating Sating thirst sans avarice
breeds require to first drain the blood of their quarry Your coffers stay stuffed
to the point of exsanguination. and then transfer a By social graces robust
portion of their own blood to the living prey, usually None know your nature;
through forcing them to drink it. save Us
None share your fate;
Those that have become infected may not notice any
save Us
symptoms, beyond experiencing ghastly nightmares.
None welcome you as kin;
Some victims of the plague appear to age by years
save Us.
each day until they succumb and die, being reborn as
the undead creature. Others may feel an ongoing
sense of exhaustion, but some experience excruciating VARIATIONS OF VAMPIRES
pain, as their body dies while they still live. There are few things vampires have in common. Each
Regardless of how the change occurs, it usually takes creature had lived its mortal life, and they experience
around three days to set in. the changes of undeath in their own unique way.
Throughout Tamriel, the different species may have
FINDING A CURE some slight variations between each other, while
Curing vampirism before one turns is a relatively easy others can vary significantly. They may have the exact
task. Most temples and priests should be able to cure same traits, but have one unique ability that defines
the disease with any simple cure disease spell or them as a clan or a bloodline.
potion. However, many clerics have misleadingly Typical features of a vampire are that they appear
exaggerated the difficulty, to suppress this knowledge, pale and have noticeable fangs, some have their eyes
in fear that others will go out of their way to turn blood red, similar to a dunmer. It is common for
deliberately infect themselves if they knew how easy vampires to become nearly unrecognizable from their
it was to cure. mortal form, which allows them to hide from their
After the disease progresses to full blown own death. Vampires become immune to disease
vampirism, it becomes significantly more difficult to through undeath, do not age, and are usually powerful
cure. In fact, many people are not even aware a cure and fearsome beings. Unnaturally strong, incredibly
would be possible, given that the disease causes the fast, and gifted mages, vampires are one of the most
infected to die. The rumors that exist about vampires feared of the undead creatures in the world.
that have been cured have either created confusion While the similarities are limited, the differences are
among scholars, or have provided hope that there immense and innumerable. Some vampire bloodlines
may be more than one way. It's been said that a black are more common than others, found in many
soul gem and a unique ritual can cure the disease, provinces of Tamriel, while others have much more
others believe that rare alchemical ingredients, confined lineages, secluded to a small region or hold.
including plant life from oblivion or the blood of a
mortal, is required.
The easiest way to “cure” a vampire is by killing
them, but an even more effective way is to kill the
bloodfather or mother that started the bloodline. This
is especially efficient as the end result is the entire
bloodline is cured. In this situation, a cure can kill the
bodies of ancient vampires that have outlived their
natural lives.


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VAMPIRE CLANS Vampire Lords, nightmarish hybrid vampire bat
Black Marsh. Not much is known about the Black humanoids with unique powers.
Marsh, so not much is known about their vampire Valenwood. Valenwood has four distinct tribes
tribes, but one tribe that has been identified is the known as the Bonsamu, Keerilth, Telboth, and Yekef.
Whet-Fang clan. These dreadful vampires are known The Bonsamu are indistinguishable from Bosmer,
for keeping their victims alive as long as possible except when seen by candlelight. The Keerlith are
while they drain them of their “red nectar”. Using able to transform into a mist, while the Telboth are a
powerful magic, they keep their captives in a catatonic tribe known to prey on children. As vampires do not
state and harvest them for as long as possible. age, what appears to be a small child may actually be
Cyrodiil. In Cyrodiil, a powerful clan of vampires hundreds of years old. They use their wile and
that call themselves The Order, have essentially childlike appearance to infiltrate families. The Yekef
destroyed all other clans in the region. They are are said to have the terrifying ability to swallow
known for their uncanny ability to blend in with grown men whole.
mortals, making it difficult to know how deep the
order has infiltrated. These vampires consider THEIR PLACE IN SOCIETY
themselves to be highly cultured, and pursue fields of
political influence, power, and riches. Vampires are considered abominations to most
Hammerfell. Many vampire clans from High Rock people in Tamriel. Their mere existence is an insult to
share territory in Hammerfell, but there are three all things holy and good. As creations of the daedra,
notable clans that are unique to the land of the vampires are feared and abhorred. Most people fear
Redguards. The Anthotis clan is known for their great vampires due to their ability to infect others, and their
intellect, the Khulari use paralysis to make their prey immortality and corrupted morals make them
vulnerable, while the Selenu are resistant to unpredictably dangerous.
elemental attacks. Being turned into a vampire is known to be a fate
High Rock. Seven notable vampire clans dominate worse than death, so allowing a cursed one to live
the province of High Rock. The Garlythi clan use among other people is not a risk most are willing to
alteration magic to create protective shields. The take. Vampire hunters, such as the Order of Virtuous
Glenmoril Wyrd are a coven of witches, many of which Blood and the Dawnguard dedicate themselves to the
are vampires, are known for their ability to cure eradication of these profane creatures.
lycanthropy and vampirism, and can polymorph into Without access to a professional organization, most
ravens. It is believed these witches turned into the settlements would be willing to raise their pitchforks
hagravens. The Haarvenu tribe is gifted in the magical to drive out a single vampire from their region. The
school of destruction, while the Lyrezi clan uses thought that a vampire may have infiltrated the ranks
illusion magic to invisibly stalk their opponents and of their society can cause so much distrust, paranoia,
silence their prey to debilitate them. The Montalion and hatred that even just the rumor of a vampire can
clan is particularly skilled in teleportation magic and bring down an entire settlement.
have the unique ability to cure paralysis. The Vraseth
clan are notably nimble, while the Thrafey are known ROLEPLAYING A VAMPIRE
for their healing prowess.
Morrowind. In Morrowind, three clans have become Vampires were living creatures at one point, with
the most prevalent. The Aundae are powerful their own past history as a mortal being. Many
spellcasters who use illusion magic to hypnotize their belonged to families, had a spouse or children, loved
victims into submission. The Berne clan uses stealth and had been loved, but in their undeath, have lost
tactics to ambush their prey with poisonous bites these previous relationships. Losing their previous
before retreating and waiting for their victim to life can have a significant impact on their outlook,
succumb to the toxin. Finally, the Quarra clan is an becoming bitter from lost love and the inability to be
especially savage clan, known for their exceptional loved again. An opposite reaction is also common.
strength and endurance, who overwhelm their Losing everything can be exceptionally freeing, having
victims with frenzied attacks. no ties to anyone can leave one to act without
Skyrim. In Skyrim, there are a couple of vampire inhibition, with no fear of guilt or humility. In either
clans, however the Volkihar are by far the most case, this usually results in dangerous and destructive
notable. This vampire clan is infamously paranoid and behavior.
uniquely cruel. The most powerful vampires in this One of the lessons a vampire learns quickly, is
tribe are capable of transforming into terrifying immortality affords them the ability to be eternally


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patient. If a specific political power gets in their way, VAMPIRE BONDS
they can simply out live them, wait for the power to d6 Bond
shift, or for the family to die off.
Depending on whether the vampire sees their 1 The vampire who turned me will pay with their life.
vampirism as a gift or a curse has a considerable 2 The more my clan grows, the more powerful we
impact on their perspective. Those that believe they become.
have been blessed will likely make it their vocation to 3 Molag Bal created us and serving him is my only
turn worthy candidates and increase the power of desire.
their clan. For those that see their condition as a curse 4 Someone I loved died because of what I became. I
might make it their life work to seek out a cure. It is will never forgive myself for it.
said that there are clans of vampires that focus their
5 Survival of my clan is the greatest good.
effort on this specific goal. Others might make the
best of their supernatural abilities and join a guild of 6 My life is dedicated to finding a way to cure all
vampire hunters. forms of vampirism and nothing will stand in my
Vampires that starve themselves, or gorge way.
themselves, depending on the bloodline, risk turning
into rabid animalistic creatures known as VAMPIRE FLAWS
Bloodfiends. These bloodfiends offer little diversity in d6 Flaw
their personality and are consumed by their
1 It is inconceivable that another creature could
unquenchable thirst for blood.
outsmart me.
2 I believe my minions will always do precisely as I
d6 Personality Trait
3 I can't resist flirting with beautiful creatures.
1 I never let pass an opportunity to show my
4 I am quick to offend, especially by lesser beings.
contempt for lesser beings.
5 I have nightmares of my death every time I sleep.
2 I only drink the blood of a victim that is conscious
and aware. 6 I frequently forget that not all creatures are
immortal like me.
3 I prefer the customs of my mortal time and don't
understand modern culture.
4 I fear death and am suspicious of everyone. VAMPIRIC MAGIC
5 Emotion is the enemy of progress. Many vampires are supernaturally gifted in the use of
6 I pretend to care about other creatures to gain their magic. They are particularly adept in illusion and
trust and their secrets to use it against them. necromancy, as well as dark destruction magics.
Sometimes this magic is referred to as blood or
shadow magic, and it allows the vampires to target a
creatures life force. They can either deteriorate a
d6 Ideal living creature or absorb their life essence, healing
1 Superiority. I have little time or interest in lesser themselves. In some cases, vampires prefer to feed
beings. (Neutral) using their magic, rather than biting and sucking their
2 Power. One day I will rule all things. (Lawful) blood. Often, these vampires will feel that the act of
3 Selfishness. My best achievements have been biting is barbaric and uncivilized.
devised through my own self interest. (Chaotic) Other vampires are use their dark magic to curse or
weaken their foes into submission, and some are
4 Perfection. Although I possess supernatural talent, known to transform into a swarm of bats, or a cold
there is always room for improvement. (Neutral) translucent mist.
5 Community. Without a the companionship of a
clan, a vampire is likely to go mad. (Lawful)
6 Domination. All others should submit to my
obvious greatness. (Evil)


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Although they aren't typically willing, a vampires
greatest ally can be their thralls. These thralls,
sometimes know as cattle, are humanoid slaves of the
vampires that are controlled through powerful
charms. These poor souls are kept in a weakened
state, through exhaustion and by only feeding them
enough gruel to keep them alive, which makes them
even easier to control.
By keeping a group of human, elven, or beastly
cattle, a clan can keep themselves fed indefinitely
without putting themselves at risk by stalking
unpredictable mortals. Often, a clan is found with a
herd of cattle for the vampires, while the council or
vampire lord may have their own private reserve of
hand picked thralls that they use as their personal

While no two vampire clans are identical, there is a
fairly standard pecking order that is observed in
almost every tribe of vampires. In the more savage
clans, vampires have a set hierarchy based on
strength, brutality, and fear. In these clans, there is
likely to be an ancient vampire that leads over the
group, but it is also common for the leadership to
change hands frequently, as new vampires gain the
upper hand and kill the previous, taking over the
throne. Much like an orc stronghold, these clans will
have a fairly flat structure, with the clan leader being VAMPIRE LORDS
the one to have challenged, and defeated the previous Vampire Lords are particularly powerful vampires,
leader, followed by a small group of trusted advisers, typically pure-bloods selected by Molag Bal, or their
and then the rest of the rabble. kin. They possess the unique ability to transform into
In more sophisticated groups, vampires sort a fearsome beast creature known as the Vampire
themselves more similarly to a government than a Lord. Much like a lycanthrope and their hybrid form, a
guild. Either one elected leader, or a council of Vampire Lord can polymorph between their
vampires, oversee the entire clan, with each council humanoid body and their terrifying hybrid form,
member taking on important houses within the clan. which resembles a vampiric werebat. During their
It is common to see these council members leading transformation, they sprout bat like wings from their
other lairs, convening regularly to ensure the success back, their muscles swell as they grow in size, their
of the clan. skin changes color into pale greys to blue, and their
facial features become sharp and angular with
pointed ears and menacingly sharpened teeth and

An ancient vampire is simply a vampire that has
survived longer than most, several hundred, or even
thousands of years. During this time, they have
mastered their dark gifts, and the blood of thousands
of mortals has strengthened them to legendary skill.


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VAMPIRE COURTS are not always willing creatures. They may be thralls,
In large clans, a series of equally powerful vampires charmed by the vampire, or merely slaves, collected
may align and form a court or council, to create a and protected. Willing servants are usually cultists of
sense of order and rank among the lesser beings. Molag Bal, looking to curry favor with their vampire
These vampires act as heads of different alliances, masters or the dark lord himself.
divisions, or territories. Trolls. Although rare, trolls make fantastic pets for
vampires due to their regenerating abilities and their
PETS AND ALLIES similar ravenous propensity. Trolls are hardy guards,
especially when outfitted with their own unique
A vampires lair is filled with all sorts of activity. Aside armor.
from the vampires themselves, with their nefarious Werewolves. Unlikely allies, werewolves that team
schemes and hedonistic lifestyles, vampires also like up with vampires make nearly unstoppable clans.
to keep a handful of other creatures nearby. This Vampires that have been gifted by Hircine are likely to
diverse range of creatures act mostly as a defense ally with were-creatures.
system to prevent treasure hunters and would-be
adventurers from digging too deep in their lair. Other CREATING A VAMPIRE LAIR
beings act to perform as servants, catering to the
vampires every whim or offer companionship. Vampires live in secluded places, away from the
Bloodfiends. Bloodfiends are vampires that wrathful judgment of mortals and the vampire
succumbed to the madness that comes from an hunting guilds. These lairs are commonly abandoned
insatiable thirst for blood, and the burdens of keeps, caves, or mausoleums, that are unassuming or
immortality. These poor creatures have become feral hidden from the outside to deter your average
with rage and act more like animals than the mortals passerby. Vampires usually only need to deal with
they once were. Although their minds have warped, treasure hunters and pesky adventurer's that stumble
they are still vampires and require to feed regularly. upon their lair. Industrious vampires find themselves
They are usually the last line of defense in a vampire in much more elaborate lairs, large castles protected
lair and are treated more akin to a pet than an equal. by dense, dangerous forests, or surrounded by
Ghouls and Zombies. Undeath follows the vampire treacherous waters. Some prestigious vampires have
where ever the go. In many cases, these creatures are managed to hide among the living and act as lords of
drawn to the blood of the vampire's victims, emerging settlements or cities.
from graveyards or other nearby dungeons to feast on The more isolated vampire lairs are home to many
the remains. nefarious creatures, including vampires, bloodfiends,
Death Hounds. Death Hounds are undead creatures loyal death hounds, and many other creatures. Use the
that look like large, burly dogs with red glowing eyes. tables below to quickly populate a lair or use them as
They are hairless, black, demonic looking dogs with idea starters.
taut skin and a mouth full of rows and rows of sharp, The Vampire Lair Composition table determines
jagged teeth. They serve as pets and guard dogs to what kind of creatures and how many of them can be
many vampires and may be their own unique species found within. The Vampire Leadership table indicates
of vampirism. what type of vampire or vampires leads the clan, if
Draugr, Flesh Atronachs, Skeletons, and Wraiths. any. This table also gives a modifier to apply to all
Vampires are adept necromancers and many choose composition tables, other than the leadership. For a
to practice their skills on there victims, sometimes clan led by a Vampire Lord, double all results. For a
creating armies of undead to ward off mortals. clan with no leader, halve them. A lair led by a
Gargoyles. Gargoyles are living stone monstrosities Vampire Court is led by 1d6+1 vampires.
that are used as silent sentinels to watch over and Roll once on the Special Creatures table to see which
protect a vampire's lair. Indiscernible from other special creature is part of the vampire lair and in what
stone statues, gargoyles can be fatal to unsuspecting numbers.
Servants. Most vampires have a sense of order, and
prefer to have lesser creatures complete the more
menial of tasks not worthy of their time. For this
reason, servants are found in most vampire lairs.
Typically used for manual tasks, like cleaning,
organizing libraries, or feeding pets, these servants


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Lair Composition Number Appearing
Vampires 2d4
Bloodfiends 2d6
Death Hounds 4d4 The confession of a prospective vampire
Servants 2d6
I first heard about the vampire lord Zalar-do while
Cattle 4d6 exploring the markets of Elden Root. The stories both
fascinated and frightened me. Here was a Khajiit who
VAMPIRE LAIR LEADERSHIP had gained power and notoriety, whose very name
d6 Leader Number Appearing Modifier was whispered with fear and a healthy dose of
respect. I admit it. I had been pondering the risks and
1 Vampire Lord Double
benefits of life as a vampire ever since I was a child.
2 Vampire Court Double Now, with each tale I heard, every rumor I digested, I
3–4 Ancient Vampire None realized the goal that was set before me.
5–6 None Halve I had to find Zalar-do and convince her to turn me
into a vampire.
Why do I want to be a vampire? That's a good
question. I've certainly asked myself that very same
d20 Special Creature(s) thing on more than one occasion since this obsession
1 3d6 Skeletons grabbed hold of me. I suppose it has something to do
2–3 2d6 Zombies with the allure of power and the correlation between
4 2d4 Draugr vampirism and sex that some scholars go on and on
about (yes, I've read every book and letter I could find
5 1d3 Trolls pertaining to the subject). But if I can be totally
6 1d3 Wraiths honest—and since this is my private journal, I
7 1d4 Flesh Atronach suppose I have to be—the real appeal has to do with
8–9 2d6 Swarms of Skeevers the longevity of the species. I've read that ancients
can survive hundreds, even thousands of years. As a
10–11 1d2 Werewolves
child who saw both of his parents die much too young,
12 1d2 Gargoyles this "immortality" has become a very attractive option
13 3d6 Wolves to me.
14 2d6 Giant Spiders I'm not extremely keen on the idea of drinking
15 1d6 Ghouls blood, however, but I suppose every advantage comes
with its own set of disadvantages. Such is the way of
16 –20 Roll Double (roll again, ignoring results of 16 – 20)
the world. I might be squeamish at first, though I
expect with time and practice I could even grow to
enjoy a daily feast of the crimson liquid. I wonder if it
needs to come from an intelligent creature? Or if it
has to be fresh? I guess that's what the protruding
fangs are for.
Before I could locate Zalar-do's lair or otherwise
introduce myself to the vampire lord, the hunter Mel
Andrys appeared in town. He asked about
disappearances and mysterious deaths, and he even
mentioned Zalar-do by name while I eavesdropped on
his conversation with one of the town guards. He was
going to ruin my chance to meet and offer myself as
an apprentice to the vampire lord. I followed the
hunter around, watching how he searched for traces
of Zalar-do's passing and tracked her to her lair. It was
empty, of course. She was much too smart to be
caught by the likes of Mel Andrys.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
I spent the next few months staying as close to the aflame. She ripped the throats of the women, ate the
vampire hunter as I could without revealing my eyes of the children, and raped their men as cruelly as
presence. I figured that he'd have a better chance of Bal had ravished her.
locating Zalar-do than I would, and once we got close And so; Lamae, (who is known to us as blood-
to the vampire lord I was sure I'd be able to figure out matron) imprecated her foul aspect upon the folk of
how to help her avoid Mel Andrys and convince her to Tamriel, and begat a brood of countless abominations,
reward me with the power of the vampire. It was this from which came the vampires, most cunning of the
dream that kept me moving, following the hunter night-horrors. And so was the scourge of undeath
from Grahtwood to Greenshade to Malabal Tor, until wrought upon Tamriel, cruelly mocking Arkay’s
we eventually made our way to the Gold Coast. rhythm of life and death through all the coming eras
Here, luck was with me. The vampire hunter was of the et'Ada, and for all his sadness, Arkay knew this
indisposed after we docked in Anvil. The rough storm could not be undone.
our ship traveled through seems to have made the
poor man ill. That gave me time to search for Zalar-do PRIVATE PAPERS OF GALUR RITHARI,
and get a few steps ahead of Mel Andrys. I believe that
she has established her lair in Hrota Cave—the
perfect location from which to stalk prey in Anvil by Galur Rithari
when the hunger comes upon her. I've made my way
to the cave and plan to present myself to the vampire Galur Rithari's account of his attempts to rid himself of
lord forthwith. I can't wait to become one of her vampirism
Galur Rithari's papers are a set of hand-written
OPUSCULUS LAMAE BAL TA manuscripts bound as folios. What follows is two
"Outnumbered and isolated, I yielded to my foe. The
by Mabei Aywenil, Scribe creature dressed like a gentleman, and I hoped for
honorable treatment. Instead, I found myself a feast
A brief account of Lamae Bal and the Restless Death for a blood-drinking monster.
Translation by University of Gwylim Press; 3E 105 "Shamed by my corruption, and despairing of my
own welfare, I passively acquiesced in my gradual
As brighter grows light, darker becomes shadow. So it integration into the affairs of Clan Aundae. I made no
passed that the Daedra Molag Bal looked on Arkay human my prey, only beasts, and kept myself apart
and thought the Aedra prideful of his dominion o’er from the other clankin; nonetheless, I abandoned
the death of man and mer, and it was sooth. hope and lived like a beast.
Bal, whose sphere is the wanton oppression and "Drawn by intimations of my former life, I visited my
entrapment of mortal souls, sought to thwart Arkay, former post at Bal Ur, hoping perhaps to atone in
who knew that not man, nor mer, nor beastfolk of all some for my crimes by preying upon its monsters, or
Nirn could escape eventual death. The Aedra was perishing under their attacks. It is there that, by
doubtless of his sphere, and so Molag Bal set upon chance, I made petition to the Lord of Troubles, Molag
Nirn to best death. Bal, at an altar deep in the caverns beneath the
Tamriel was still young, and filled with danger and pilgrim's shrine. I was surprised, and thrilled, and
wondrous magick when Bal walked in the aspect of a terrified, when Molag Bal, or some aspect or agent of
man and took a virgin, Lamae Beolfag, from the Nedic that Daedra Lord, offered me a chance to cure myself
Peoples. Savage and loveless, Bal profaned her body, of vampirism, in return for a favor. However, with no
and her screams became the Shrieking Winds, which hope for my soul or spirit unless I might be cured, I
still haunt certain winding fjords of Skyrim. Shedding undertook his quest."
a lone droplet of blood on her brow, Bal left Nirn, Rithari sought and obtained a cursed soul gem of
having sown his wrath. mysterious nature from a deep cavern on the northern
Violated and comatose, Lamae was found by slopes of Dagoth Ur, delivering it to Molag Bal's shrine
nomads, and cared for. A fortnight hence, the nomad in Bal Ur.
wyrd-woman enshrouded Lamae in pall for she had "I placed the gem within the basin before the altar,
passed into death. In their way, the nomads built a and instantly experienced a blinding of pain and
bonfire to immolate the husk. That night, Lamae rose terror that I cannot express in words, except that it
from her funeral pyre, and set upon the coven, still seemed afterward that I had been asleep and


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
dreaming that I was being sliced by thousands of tiny
knives from my bowels inside out. I awoke before the
altar, and gazed in the reflection of my own sword
blade at my own face - no longer a blood-seeking
beast of teeth and empty eyes."


Brief description of Molag Bal and his relationship to

Molag Bal enslaves. Molag Bal defiles.

Molag Bal spawns children with the unwilling and
harvests the souls of the unwary.
Legend tells us that Molag Bal is the father of the
first vampire. Though we cannot fully detail the many
species of vampires, we may consider all of them to be
his offspring.
Most vampires can trace their lineage to the same
distant ancestor, an unwilling Nedic virgin whom
Molag Bal defiled. With her, he spawned a race of
monsters, who then set upon nomads, spreading his
corruption further.
Other species of vampires are the result of pacts and
bargains with Molag Bal, who answers promises of
immortality and power with an eternity of damnation.
Molag Bal seeds chaos and strife, spreading discord
by corrupting soul after soul. His forces are legion; his
patience is limitless; his ultimate goal is the
domination and enslavement of all living things.


• Blasphemous Revenants – A call for the destruction
of all vampires and those who follow them! RAVENOUS BEASTS
• Book of Bloodfiends – A guide to dealing with
bloodfiends and how to distinguish them from Lycanthropes are exceptionally powerful and
vampires terrifying creatures that are defined by their
• Immortal Blood – Dialogues about fighting with supernatural ability to metamorphose into other
vampires animals by shapeshifting. These creatures can shift
• Incident in Necrom – A story about an illusionist between forms, allowing them to appear as man,
• Journal of the Lord Lovidicus – The tragic journal of beast, or a hybrid of both.
a vampire in search of love Lycanthropy is a disease, a curse, and also a
• Manifesto Cyrodiil Vampyrum – Tenets of the blessing, depending on your outlook, created by the
Cyrodilic vampires Daedric Prince Hircine. The disease can cause a nearly
• Rite of the Scion – An overview of pureblood uncontrollable bloodlust in the afflicted and those
vampires and their relationship with Lamae Bal that can't retain any control of themselves turn into
• Trap – A starving man steals money from a cloaked relentless feral beasts, a reminder to the dangers that
man, only to wind up getting turned into cattle. can be found in both the mortal and ascended planes.
• Vampires of the Illiac Bay – The story of a man's
journey into vampirism.
• Vampires of Vvardenfell – A book giving an
overview of vampirism in Morrowind


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Hircine, also known as The Huntsman, Father of I lift my weapons to you!
Manbeasts, and Guardian of Were-creatures, is the Bless them, and guide them true—
Daedric Prince of the Hunt. Although Daedric Princes A bow!
may take any gender or form, Hircine typically A sword!
chooses to portray himself with the body of an A dagger!
athletic man and with the head or skull of a stag. A claw!
Let the sport begin!
Let the blood spill!
Hunter and hunted,
Lycanthropy, in all of its forms, was created by Hircine
In a chase to the death!
to bestow his blessing onto his most valued
worshipers and great hunters that have proven their
skill. The disease itself is exceptionally contagious and WORSHIPERS AND CULTISTS
has no prejudice over man, mer, or beast. A creature Many races worship Hircine, especially those who
that has been transmitted with the disease usually have great reverence for the hunt. Bosmer and Nords
takes a few days before becoming a were-creature, are probably the most notable races, although Khajiit
however, there are much more effective ways to pass and Redguards are also likely candidates from their
along the gift. exceptional natural born talent.
Devotees of Hircine can bestow the blessing on to These devotees offer much of their lives to the
other worshipers through a powerful ritual, which wilderness, living off the land, and are in turn, blessed
has been known to be able to replace vampirism at with ample game to hunt. Their families and tribes
the same time. Drinking the blood of a were-creature rarely go hungry due to the abundance of deer,
is an exceptionally potent means of transmitting the badgers, bears, and wolves. Not all worshipers are
disease, and with the appropriate transfusion, can interested in becoming a were-creature, but are
occur almost immediately. merely thankful for their good fortune. As for those
In a more surprising and unexpected manner, the rare individuals that seek more from Hircine than
blessing is also known to hide itself within the genes ample food, their true lure of worship lies in the
of a families bloodline, sometimes remaining dormant power that Hircine can offer.
for many generations. Unless the family is aware and Those that are swayed by the chance of greater
prepared for the events that follow, discovering the strength and the promise of the eternal hunt, spend
gift this way does not usually end well. most of their time trying to gain Hircine's favor. Those
Hircine is known to grant his most devoted that are chosen by the Huntsman are either
worshipers and strongest hunters powerful abilities transformed into a were-creature, or transported to
beyond the effects of his gift. These favors may The Hunting Grounds for a chance for them to prove
include additional control over their transformations, their worth by surviving the hunt, or by hunting a
protection against their natural vulnerabilities, or rare creature. This gift is sometimes reserved for the
direct aid from daedric allies. These powers may cult leaders.
come from blessings and boons, or through powerful
artifacts, such as Hircine's Ring. THE HUNTING GROUNDS
Hircine's realm of Oblivion is known as The Hunting
ASPECTS OF HIRCINE Grounds, a dense woodland surrounded by vast
Although Hircine's most commonly appears to grasslands and thick forests filled with all sorts of
mortals as a human body with a deer head, he is beasts. Wild cattle and unicorns roam the lands, along
known to appear in many forms. While guiding with wolves, bears, and all manner of beasts, those
hunters as they stalk their prey, Hircine has taken on that are familiar to mortals, and those that are not.
the aspect of a stag. In the Hunting Grounds, he may Many of these creatures grow to sizes much larger
take on a specific aspect suited to the strengths of the than as they are known on the mortal realm.
prey. As a true sportsman, Hircine relishes During the days, humans resembling nords, covered
challenging his quarry to their utmost ends. He is in tattoos, form into werebears that prowl throughout
known to appear as other beasts, such as wolves and the grounds, searching for prey brought to the realm
bears, but they are usually depicted with his iconic by the Father. As dusk settles, the Horn of Hircine
stag horns. announces the different cycles of the hunt. At night,
Hircine leads a pack of werewolves that relieve the


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
werebears and continue the hunt until the next dawn. VARIATIONS OF THE GIFT
This cycle has continued since the realm was formed.
Hircine hosts great hunts within the The Hunting There are many different versions of were-creatures
Grounds, where he challenges other Daedric Princes, that Hircine has created throughout the realms, but all
or worthy mortals. Each hunt is different, but of them share many things in common. Most notably
sometimes include endless mazes, inhabited by is their ability to shift their form from their humanoid
vicious creatures and daedra. origins, to a beast, and to a hybrid version of the two.
The souls of every lycanthrope are claimed by Individuals who change may experience
Hircine and upon death, are brought to The Hunting transformations to all their forms, including subtle
Grounds, where they can spend their eternity physical traits. For example, an elven werebear might
participating in the ongoing hunt. It is said that feel stronger and more capable of athletic feats, and
mortals that are cured from their disease grow facial hair in places they weren't capable of
posthumously will instead be transported to their previously, and an argonian werecrocodile might be
rightful resting place, such as Sovngarde or the Far become broader with even more rigid scales.
Shores. Along with their increased strength, speed,
resilience, and stamina, a were-creature is also likely
THE BLOODMOON PROPHECY to experience an intense bloodlust, and possibly even
The Skaal, a nordic tribe that lives on the northern a form of amnesia that prevents them from
island of Solsteim in the Sea of Ghosts, between remembering that they've changed at all. The strength
Skyrim and Morrowind, tell a story of the Hunt of of the bloodlust is different from creature to creature,
Hircine which happens once every era in the mortal and can turn weaker creatures into mindless beasts.
realm. Hircine enters the mundas, where he hunts Newly changed creatures may discover that their
men, mer, and beast-folk indiscriminately. Each hunt transformations vary from others, where some find
is different and can occur anywhere. that they can only transform monthly, while others
Four notable signs warn of the oncoming hunt. It transform nightly, and the most powerful seem to be
begins with The Coming of the Hounds, where able to control their transformations at will.
werewolves or other were-creatures appear Regardless of their control, many were-creatures
throughout the land. Next comes the Fire from the Eye experience fitful sleeps, tossing and turning from the
of Glass. This is usually indicated by a great pillar of nightmares and bloodlust.
fire that appears on a lake or body of water. Third is
the Tide of Woe, a massacre of water beasts arrive on
the shores. The final sign of the Hunt is known as The
Bloodmoon, when Secunda, one of the two moons of
Tamriel, turns crimson red, an indication of the blood
of the Hunter's prey.
After the final sign, the Hunter's Game begins. The
game changes at every occurrence, and could include
hunting an entire tribe, a group of worthy opponents,
or a single person of considerable skill. When the
hunt ends, Hircine returns to his realm until the next
The Bloodmoon Prophecy of the Third Era took
place in Mortag Glacier on Solsteim. Hircine hand
selected three worthy prey: a powerful frost giant, an
Imperial captain, and a leader of the Skaal tribe. The
prey had to navigate an intricate maze filled with
werewolves before they could reach Hircine for a final
battle, where the victor had to choose an aspect of
Hircine to fight and win: Strength, Speed, or Guile.


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Werebats are timid creatures that are typically Wereboars are ill-tempered and vulgar brutes. As
unassertive and aloof, and take flight at the first sign humanoids, they are stocky and muscular, with short,
of confrontation. As humanoids, they have dark hair, stiff hair. In their humanoid and hybrid forms, they
pug noses, sharp teeth, and slightly pointed ears. They use heavy weapons, while in hybrid or animal form,
avoid bright light and prefer to eat rare meat. they gain a devastating goring attack through which
Werebats are extremely aware of their surroundings their curse is spread. A wereboar infects other
and can even have an almost supernatural perception creatures indiscriminately, relishing the fact that the
when it comes to reading other creatures intentions. more its victims resist the curse, the more savage and
When a werebat transforms, they diminish slightly in bestial they become.
size and become lighter in weight. Alone, a werebat Wereboars live in small family groups in remote
looks much more frightening than their capabilities, forest areas, building ramshackle huts or dwelling in
but their strength comes in their numbers. Werebats caves. They are suspicious of strangers but sometimes
are incredibly social creatures and when in a large ally themselves with other intelligent beasts.
group, attack relentlessly as one swoops in after the
other, making quick work of their prey. WERECROCODILE
Werecrocodiles are calculating and lewd. They are
WEREBEAR patient while stalking their prey and erupt in sudden
Werebears are powerful lycanthropes with the ability violence. As humanoids, they are tall and have
to temper their monstrous natures and reject their powerful builds. Their skin is dry and rough, and
violent impulses. In humanoid form, they are large, sometimes their pupils narrow. In their humanoid
muscular, and covered in hair matching the color of and hybrid forms, they use large tribal swords, but
their ursine form's fur. A were bear is a loner by prefer to use their powerful jaws to subdue their prey.
nature, fearing what might happen to innocent Werecrocodiles live in swamps, rivers, and coastal
creatures around it when its bestial nature takes over. areas and decorate their lairs with skulls and totems
When a werebear transforms, it grows to enormous that inspire dread in trespassers. They are known to
size, lashing out with weapons or claws. It fights with pose as guides to lure victims away from safety and
the ferocity of a bear, though even in its bestial forms, into their territory where they either drown their
it avoids biting so as to not pass on its curse. Typically, prey or viciously rip them apart.
a were bear passes on its lycanthropy only to chosen
companions or apprentices, spending the time that WERELION
follows helping the new lycanthrope accept the curse
in order to control it. Werelions are communal predators that stalk their
Solitary creatures, werebears act as wardens over prey. In their humanoid form, they are toned and
their territory, protecting flora and fauna alike from muscular with heroic features and thick, mane-like
humanoid or monstrous intrusion. Though most hair. In their hybrid form, they fight with grace and
werebears are of good alignment, some are every bit elegance, and take care to not pass on their curse to
as evil as other lycanthropes. those outside of their pride.
Werelions live in prides on the edges of great plains
and jungles. They work together to lead their prey
into ambushes and are masters of stealth and


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Wererats are cunning lycanthropes with sly, Unlike other lycanthropes, werevultures rarely hunt
avaricious personalities. They are wiry and twitchy in on their own, but prefer to search out the dead, often
humanoid form, with thin hair and darting eyes. In following other lycanthrope packs. In their humanoid
their humanoid and hybrid forms, wererats prefer form, they are usually quite ugly. Bald, sinewy, sharp
light weapons and use ambush tactics rather than facial features, and disproportionately long arms.
fighting as a pack. Although a wererat can deliver a During their transformation, their bones become
nasty bite in its rat form, it favors that form for hallow and their arms grow in length, while their
stealthy infiltration and escape rather than combat. hands and digits violently shape into wings.
A wererat clan operates much like a thieves' guild, Werevultures live in desolate lands, deserts, plains,
with wererats transmitting their curse only to savannas, and grasslands, and are capable of eating
creatures they want to induct into the clan. Wererats nearly anything without fear of poison or disease. In
that are accidentally cursed or break loose from the their hybrid form, their body and bones are delicate,
clan's control are quickly hunted down and killed. which makes them less interested in fighting. They try
Wererat clans are found throughout urban to intimidate their competition by ruffling their
civilization, often dwelling in cellars and catacombs. feathers and spreading their wings to make them
These creatures are common in the sewers beneath appear larger. Werevulture bones, feathers, and
major cities, viewing those subterranean areas as innards are valued alchemical ingredients, and their
their hunting grounds. Rats and skeevers are fermented guts are notable for making potent
commonly found living among wererats. poisons.

Weresharks are brutal and merciless stalkers that A werewolf is a savage predator. In its humanoid
attack fast and furiously. In their humanoid form, they form, a werewolf has heightened senses, a fiery
are muscular brutes that have cruel and arrogant temper, and a tendency to eat rare meat. Its wolf form
personalities. They have a crude sense of humor and is a fearsome predator, but its hybrid form is more
enjoy bullying others. terrifying by far – a furred and well-muscled
Weresharks prefer a life near the sea or ocean, living humanoid body topped by a ravening wolf's head. A
in port cities, seaside towns, or on ships leading gangs werewolf can wield weapons in hybrid form, though it
of pirates. They are known to get into plenty of bar prefers to tear foes apart with its powerful claws and
fights and are quick to anger. bite.
Most werewolves flee civilized lands not long after
WERETIGER becoming afflicted. Those that reject the curse fear
what will happen if they remain among their friends
Weretigers are ferocious hunters and warriors with a and family. Those that embrace the curse fear
haughty and fastidious nature. Lithe and sleekly discovery and the consequences of their murderous
muscular in humanoid form, they are taller than acts. In the wild, werewolves form packs that also
average and meticulously groomed. Weretigers grow include wolves and dire wolves.
to enormous size in animal and hybrid form, but they
fight in their more refined humanoid form when they
can. They don't like to pass on their curse, because THE BLESSINGS OF HIRCINE
every new weretiger means competition for territory A call for Bosmer to follow the will of Hircine
and prey. It is the will of Hircine that the Bosmer become as we
Weretigers live in jungles on the fringes of were in the Dawn Age. Before Y'ffre trapped us in a
humanoid civilization, traveling to isolated single shape, before he told us our story and took away
settlements to trade or revel. They live and hunt alone our freedom.
or in small family groups. The gift of Hircine is the gift of a second shape. The
sacrament of Hircine is the scent of prey on the wind,
the taste of blood on the tongue. Praise Hircine and his
Houndsmen! Rise up and reject the tyranny of shape
and story!


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Curing lycanthropy, or Sanies Lupinus, can be Many Lycanthropes are simply humans and elves with
relatively difficult to achieve compared to more full backgrounds and lives from before they turned. As
ordinary diseases, like ataxia or swamp fever. The were-creatures, there may be many reasons why they
most effective cure is a silvered weapon straight have become afflicted with their disease. They could
through the heart, but that isn't always the most have been a high ranking worshiper of Hircine that
desired result. Certain were-creatures may require was rewarded with the gift, a world-class hunter that
rare herbs and ingredients. Wolfsbane and belladonna earned Hircine's favor, or an unlucky adventurer who
are particularly poisonous to werewolves, where was turned after an unsuccessful battle. How a
werebears have a distinct aversion to canis root. lycanthrope deals with their gift or curse will define
If treated early enough, most stocked temples in the type of pack they join, or if they choose to live of
larger centers should be capable of curing the disease life of solitary.
before the full effects take place and the afflicted Many men and mer who change into lycanthropes
transforms for the first time. Afterwards, the disease are driven mad by their bloodlust and become
is nearly impossible to cure, but there are exceptional mindless feral beasts. These lycanthropes have very
tales of recovery. little variation in personality and outlook, as they are
driven by their bloodlust to kill and destroy.
Were-creatures are feared and hated throughout most
of Tamriel, where feral creatures are typically killed d6 Personality Trait
outright. Certain high-standing individuals who have 1 Once an enemy defies me, I dedicate everything to
learned to control their curse may be tolerated by its destruction.
nearby communities, or they may create communities 2 The best enemy to fight is one caught be surprise.
around themselves, through worshipers and followers
3 I have stopped using language and instead rely on
of Hircine. Many of these packs find themselves in
secluded hunting lodges, with their hunting grounds
marked with fearsome totems to warn innocents from 4 I have no fear of death and welcome it in battle.
entering their hold. These markers can be dangerous 5 My berserk fury makes a rabid dog look gentle.
to place, as they can garner the attention of werewolf 6 Everything in life is a game to be won.
hunters, such as the Order of the Silver Dawn.
Most lands have outlawed the transformation into a LYCANTHROPE IDEALS
were-creature, and these criminals will be hunted
down and brought to justice. The Imperial Legion has d6 Ideal
an order which requires soldiers who find themselves 1 Strength. I must remain strong to survive. (Any)
cursed by the disease to turn themselves in for 2 Pacifism. I reject my curse and only harm those
immediate execution. who threaten me. (Neutral)
3 Slaughter. When I kill my prey, I please Hircine.
4 Destruction. It's Hircine's will to only allow the
worthy to survive. (Evil)
5 Loyalty. My gift is a symbol of power and must be
used for the betterment of my pack. (Lawful)
6 Self Preservation. If the death of my allies will keep
me safe, so be it. (Chaotic)


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d6 Bond Most lycanthropes packs are led by pack leaders,
many of which have been hand picked by Hircine and
1 I put the protection of my pack above everything
blessed with the gift. Quite often, these pack leaders
else, including my own life.
were founders of a Hircine cult, a skilled hunter, or
2 I cull the weak from my pack, so that we remain were successful in one of Hircine's games.
3 Hircine's will guides my every choice. LYCANTHROPES
4 If I die in battle, I was simply too weak to serve the These skilled hunters use their devastating power to
Huntsman. quickly destroy their prey. They still maintain control
5 I would die before betraying my prince. of their rage, allowing them to use their cunning at
the same time as their bestial strength to become
6 I devour the weak to purge them from the world. exceptionally dangerous. Because of their ability to
curb their bloodlust, these lycanthropes are capable
LYCANTHROPE FLAWS of leaving victims alive in the hopes of spawning more
d6 Flaw lycanthropes to add to their army.
1 I lack tactical guile and rely on overwhelming
Were-creatures that succumb to their bloodlust lose
2 I flee from opponents that match my strength.
any sense of humanity and turn into feral beasts.
3 My supposed allies are my first victims. These lycanthropes have lost the sense to transform
4 Deep down inside, I am afraid I will fail Hircine. out of their hybrid shape. Feral lycanthropes are
5 My desire to torment my foes sometimes gives perfect front lines to any raid and use their agility and
them the opportunity to outwit me. savagery to tear through their enemies.
6 My arrogance causes me to overlook opportunities.
Groups of wild beasts typically follow lycanthrope
PACKS AND ALLIES packs, whether through an instinctual bond or from
A lycanthrope pack is likely to contain one type of the mutual benefit of feeding on the corpses left
lycanthrope, along with a handful of similar beasts, behind. Since these beasts are natural born hunters in
and sometimes include unchanged cultists that are the eyes of Hircine, they typically out rank any human
seeking to earn Hircine's favor. or elven cultist that has joined the pack.
The were-creatures that are in the pack typically
make up the highest ranking individuals, with one or CULTISTS
two that lead the pack. Any lycanthrope that has On occasion, a pack might include humans, elves, or
maintained control of their bloodlust shares an equal beast-folk that have sworn loyalty to Hircine. The
place in the pack, with the feral creatures directly lycanthropes treat these cultists as they would any
beneath them. A pack of wild animals are always a other beast, refraining from killing them so long as
part of the group and in some cases outrank the they join them in their hunts. These cultists join the
cultists. The beasts are natural born predators, and packs in hope of some form of recognition from
are therefore more important in Hircine's eyes. Hircine, or to be given the gift from one of the pack
Each of the elements of a pack is further described leaders.
below. Statistics for Pack Leaders, lycanthropes, feral
lycanthropes, and cultists can be found in chapter 7 of OTHER ALLIES
this book. Additional creature statistics can be found There are rare circumstances that can result in a
in the monster manual. lycanthrope pack gaining additional allies outside
those listed above. Trolls, which are usually solitary
creatures, may find themselves aligning with packs, as
they are extraordinary hunters.
Hircine may gift a particularity successful pack with
a handful of daedric companions, which could give an
extra edge above competing packs in the area.
Zombies and ghouls may trail behind lycanthropes,
feeding on the bodies of the dead.


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Pack Composition Number Appearing
To include a lycanthrope pack in your campaign, or if
you need to generate one quickly for use in an Pack Leader 1d4 - 1
encounter, use the tables in this section. Roll on each Werewolves 1d6 + 1
one in turn to determine the composition, traits, and Werebears 1d4 – 1
Feral Werewolves 2d6
The Composition tables determine how many
creatures make up the group. These include separate Wolves 2d4
tables for werelions, wererats, werevultures, and Dire Wolves 1d4
werewolves. Brown Bears 1d4 - 1
Werebears, weretigers, weresharks, and Cultists 2d6
werecrocodiles are solitary creatures and typically
hunt alone, but they have been known to team up
with other lycanthropes on occasion. SHARED PHYICAL TRAIT
The Shared Physical Trait and Notable Behavior or d8 Shared Physical Trait
Tactics tables add some distinctive flavor to the pack. 1 Dress in antlers to honor Hircine
2 Cut off an ear
Pack Composition Number Appearing 4 Ritual Scarring
Pack Leader 1d4 - 2 5 Rune branded on forehead
Werelions 1d4 + 1 6 Eyes glow like fire
Feral Werelions 1d6 + 1 7 Horrid stench
Lions 2d6 8 Albinos
Giant Hyenas 1d4
Cultists 2d6 d8 Notable Behavior or Tactic
1 Draw out enemies by retreating into ambushes.
WERERAT COLONY COMPOSITION 2 Use of drums and screeching horns to spread fear.
Pack Composition Number Appearing 3 Blend in with non-lycanthropes and attack when
Pack Leader 2d4 their enemies are most vulnerable.
Wererats 4d4 4 Carry and spread your disease.
Skeevers 6d6 5 Prisoners kept in cages and tormented.
Cultists 2d4 6 Use of nets to take captives for feasting later.
7 Leader has a powerful item, such as a horn of
Pack Composition Number Appearing 8 Relentless raiders whose goal is to destroy as much
Werevultures 1d6 + 1 as they can before they die.
Giant Vultures 1d4
Giant Hyenas 1d4
Hyenas 2d6
Cultists 1d6


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
There are many forces throughout Tamriel that are by Varnard Karessen
interested in the complete annihilation of Studies of the nature and habits of Lycanthropes
werecreatures. They see lycanthropes as
abominations, brought to Tamriel by evil daedra to How does one become interested in studying the
make a mockery of the mortals created by the aedra. disease lycanthropy? I have interviewed a number of
In every era of Tamriel, there have been groups of my peers, and discovered that to a man, they have all
hunters who brandish silver weapons and search out entered the field after a horrifying encounter with a
werecreatures to destroy. Some of these factions are lycanthrope of some variety. I am no exception.
the Order of the Silver Dawn, The Silver Hand, and In Skyrim, it is an old tradition to rub canis root on
The Vigilants of Stendarr. the trees surrounding your house as a ward against
werebears. When I was young and stupid (as

BOOKS ON LYCANTHROPY opposed, I guess, to being old and stupid as I am

now), I always had hoped to meet a werebear to see if
they were as impressive as legend suggested. I would
LIVING WITH LYCANTHROPY follow strange tracks in the woods until they
disappeared, with no fear or even thought about what
Guidance on living productive, peaceful life while I would do after I had found my quarry. By Thorig's
afflicted with Lycanthropy beard, I was lucky that my investigations were
Throughout the ages, whenever one heard the word When I did finally see a lycanthrope, it was not a
"werewolf," it was a cry of fear and revulsion. This werebear. It was a werewolf, the "common"
need not be the case any longer. We shall prove to lycanthrope, which can be found in every part of
Tamriel that it is indeed possible to live a productive, Tamriel. My father was a priest and during the coldest
peaceful life while afflicted with Sanies Lupinus. part of the winter, he allowed the beggars and riffraff
Our Rule: Resist the Urge to Commit Violence of Falcrenth to stay in the relative warmth of the
By withdrawing from society, one can learn how to cellar of his temple. We would even supply warm
apply this simple rule to everyday life. Do not give in barley stew. My sisters and brothers and I actually
to a feral desire to retaliate against those who cannot enjoyed this bit of philanthropy, for in the cellars
understand our plight. We are not meant to destroy during the winter, it seemed there was a constant
others simply for sport. Hircine blessed us with the party. There were always travelers with interesting
ability to fight well, with strength beyond that of an stories and eccentricities, and the atmosphere in the
ordinary person. We must not take advantage of this cellars was always light and friendly. Until that night.
blessing to hurt anyone, but rather use it in ways that By an established tradition, the beggars who were
benefit others like ourselves. Hunting can be a sick or wanted rest more than food and
rewarding pastime, and a way of worshiping our companionship would go to the cots at the farthest,
patron. It should not be a way to torment others, darkest end of the cellar when they could be assured
whether man or beast. at least relative quiet. We were enjoying a song, and
This blessing, for it is a blessing and not a curse, my sister Gethessa was dancing to the amusement of
allows us to carry heavy loads, and to cover vast all. The song ended, but a chorus continued from the
distances without tiring. We make excellent traveling darkness at the far end of the cellar. As drunk and
merchants for this reason, as well as laborers of all incomprehensible as most of the carolers were, it took
kinds. By showing continued restraint, by not lifting a minute for us to realize that the sound we were
our hand against others, by proving that hunger does hearing was not singing, but screaming.
not drive us to kill, we honor ourselves and our No one was too concerned, for some of the older
families. tramps often suffered from vivid nightmares.
It is our duty to demonstrate that werewolves can Nevertheless, one of father's priests went to silence
be peaceful through our continued faith in Hircine's the screamer and the moment he disappeared into
blessings. the murk, we heard another sound. The snarl of a
wolf. Then we heard the priest screaming as the
original scream died off.
"Werewolf!" cried the old bard who had been
leading the song. The cellar exploded into chaos.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
I was pushed out the cellar door into the snow with transformation. On the other hand, I have a colleague
the first wave of panic, but I could see that some of investigating a coven of witches in the Glenpoint
the more brave (or more drunk) hobos were rushing foothills of High Rock who are rumored to have a cure.
into the darkness to do battle with the lycanthrope. I remain dubious.
They were all, of course, almost instantly killed. Perhaps it is because they are doomed that makes
My father, upon hearing of his unwelcome visitor, lycanthropes so aggressive. I have removed the
sealed off the cellar after the last survivor of the contents of a werewolf's stomach and found more
carnage had left. A seasoned battlemage from the remnants of roots and berries than animal flesh. My
Falcrenth Mages Guild, who owed father a favor, went conclusion is that they do not need to attack and
into the cellar and slew the beast. devour humans to survive. Yet, for some reason they
"Not too tough," he said as he emerged, carrying the do. Does lycanthropy drive them mad, or do
carcass with him. "Winter must have been tough on lycanthropes feel the need to spread the disease as a
him too." Despite his bold words, the blood on his face form of procreation? I do not know. I am not certain
and chest did not only come from his foe. that any of us who are not lycanthropes ourselves will
Werewolves do not revert to their human forms ever know. And then, of course, it's too late.
upon death, despite what legends will tell you. I had
the opportunity to look at the monster's steaming OUR CURSE AND OUR GLORY
body out in the snow before it was carried away to be
burned. The teeth, clotted with the flesh of the by Querbolus Primus
beggars, were horrifying, but the claws shocked me A person's account of coming to terms with
even more. I have since seen live lycanthropes battle Lycanthropy
golems, atronachs, and other beings not harmed by
mundane weapons, and concluded that they act as When first I was taken by the Change I was terrified,
naturally enchanted weapons. and furious, and most of all terrified of my fury. I hid
Because the werewolf is the most ubiquitous of my transformed self in a woodshed where I tore the
lycanthropes, the term lycanthropy has been used bark from the lumber, bewailed my fate, and cursed
since ancient days to describe the disease that the rest of the world.
transforms men into half-beast, although lycanthrope For a season thereafter I sought a means to control
only strictly should refer to men who change into my affliction, purchasing ill-smelling nostrums from
werewolves. But that is semantics. There are certainly alchemists, mystic talismans from arcanists, and
differences between the seven documented forms of blessings from priests of gods, demigods, even
lycanthropy in Tamriel, but more similarities. daemons. To no avail. Despite all my would-be
In Black Marsh and southern Morrowind, benefactors' assurances, the Change still came upon
werecrocodiles stalk the swamps. Black Marsh also me when it would—and seemed, indeed, stronger
shares with the Imperial Province and the wetter every time.
parts of Elsweyr the vile presence of werelions. Finally it was too strong: I killed, and killed again.
Valenwood's werevultures are not found in any other Unworthy to abide among decent people, I fled,
province. The wereboar has found both the climates putting civilization behind me. I plunged into the
of High Rock and Hammerfell amenable. As I forests, forded rivers and climbed mountains, until I
mentioned before, the werebear is the most common was far from any innocents I might injure. There, with
lycanthrope in Skyrim, and is also found in the naught but brute beasts for companions, I gave in to
northern parts of High Rock, the Imperial Province, the urge to hunt, and to slay, and to feed.
and Morrowind. The werewolf can be found in every But I found to my sorrow that, though the beasts
province. The seventh lycanthrope, which I have had neither minds nor souls, still they had hearts.
never seen but my trusted peers have assured me They felt fear, pain, loss, sadness, and to slaughter
exists, is a wereshark that roams the oceans around them out of hand was no less a sin than to slaughter
Tamriel. Man or Mer.
I have spent my life categorizing and observing Thereafter I lived upon nuts, fruits, buds, roots, and
lycanthropes, but I sometimes feel that I am still a animals freshly dead. And this I could easily do for,
child trapped in a cellar in my attempts to understand when the Change was upon me, my senses were so
them. I know, for example, that lycanthropy can be acute that I could always detect food of all sorts.
cured shortly after infection, but after that time, the More than that: with my hunger assuaged, I found
victim is doomed. No one of my acquaintance has that when in beast-form I could see things, hear
cured themselves after undergoing the first things, smell things I was never aware of when in my


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
"natural" body. I could sense every living creature in
the mountain hollow where I'd made my home, hear BOOKS ON HIRCINE
every sound they made blend with the songs of the
flowing streams and the music of the wind in the SIXTEEN ACCORDS OF MADNESS, v. VI
trees, until all combined into a glorious and never-
ending choral symphony. I would stand in a glade, Hircine's Tale
enraptured, intoxicated, sometimes for days at a time.
When I returned to my ordinary mortal form, I Ever proud and boastful, Oblivion's Mad Prince stood
would try to write of what I had experienced as a one fifth day of mid year among the frigid peaks of
Beast of Mundus, but human words could never Skyrim, and beckoned forth Hircine for parlay. The
capture it. It could only be shared by others who Huntsman God materialized, for this was his day, and
could sense what I sensed, who might learn how to the boldness of Sheogorath intrigued him.
tame the lusts of the Change as I had. And I knew then Wry without equal, Sheogorath holds in his realm
that I had a sacred mission to share what I had found, giggling loons, flamboyant auteurs, and craven
to find others who had been stricken by this curse and mutilators. The Mad Prince will ply profitless bargains
bring them to my hollow, where I could teach them and promote senseless bloodshed for nothing more
the truth, that their curse was, in fact, their glory. This than the joy of another's confusion, tragedy, or rage.
change we fear so much at first is not an affliction, but So it was that Sheogorath had set a stage on which to
a gift. play himself as rival to Hircine.
This sacred mission has been my purpose ever Without haste, the coy Prince proffered his contest;
since, a purpose I hope someday to see passed on to each Prince was to groom a beast to meet at this place
future generations. Here, right here, in my little vale of again, three years to the hour, and do fatal battle.
Querbol's Hollow. Expressionless behind his fearsome countenance,
Hircine agreed, and with naught but a dusting of snow
in the drift, the Princes were gone to their realms.
Confident, but knowing Sheogorath for a trickster,
Hircine secretly bred an abomination in his hidden
realm. An ancient Daedroth he summoned, and
imbued it with the foul curse of lycanthropy. Of pitch
heart and jagged fang, the unspeakable horror had no
peer, even among the great hunters of Hircine's
In the third year, on the given day, Hircine returned,
where Sheogorath leaned, cross-legged on a stone,
whistling with idle patience. The Prince of the Hunt
struck his spear to the ground, bringing forth his
unnatural, snarling behemoth. Doffing his cap, sly as
ever, Sheogorath stood and stepped aside to reveal a
tiny, colorful bird perched atop the stone. Demurely it
chirped in the bristling gusts, scarcely audible.
In a twisted, springing heap, the Daedroth was upon
the stone, leaving only rubble where the boulder had
been. Thinking itself victorious, the monster's
bloodied maw curled into a mock grin, when a
subdued song drifted in the crisp air. The tiny bird
lightly hopped along the snout of the furious
Daedroth. Sheogorath looked on, quietly mirthful, as
the diminutive creature picked at a bit of detritus
caught in scales betwixt the fiery eyes of the larger
beast. With howling fury, the were-thing blinded itself
trying to pluck away the nuisance. And so it continued
for hours, Hircine looking on in shame while his finest
beast gradually destroyed itself in pursuit of the
seemingly oblivious bird, all the while chirping a


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
mournful tune to the lonesome range. ORAL TRADITIONS OF THE REACHMAN,
Livid, but beaten, Hircine burned the ragged corpse
and withdrew to his realm, swearing in forgotten
tongues. His curses still hang in those peaks, and no by Juno Procillus, Academy of Chorrol
wayfarer tarries for fear of his wrathful aspect in
those obscured heights. Transcribed statement detailing the five aspects of the
Turning on his heel, Sheogorath beckoned the Daedric Prince Hircine
minuscule songbird to perch atop his shoulder, and
strolled down the mountain, making for the warm The following is the transcribed statement of a
breezes and vibrant sunsets of the Abecean coast, shaman of Druadach who named himself Uraccanach
whistling in tune with the tiniest champion in the Witchman:
Tamriel. "Like the fingers of your hand, like the clutch of the
hagraven, like the arrows to kill a bear, Five are the
THE TOTEMS OF HIRCINE Aspects of Lord Hircine. You may meet any of the Five.
All are true and right and death-in-the-woods. All are
Werewolf tales regarding artifacts of Hircine worthy of reverence.
"You may meet the Hunter, who is invoked as
Among those of us to whom Lord Hircine bestowed Alrabeg. He bears the Spear of Bitter Mercy. He comes
his most precious gift of Lycanthropy, there are here from the Hunting Grounds to hunt new prey, or
legends that he also set into the world specific he brings prey native to the Hunting Grounds, like the
artifacts of his power. They date to a period when men Unicorn, to hunt in new forests. If he brings not prey,
could neither write, nor speak, nor barely think, but then woe betide you who meet him, for he may dub
the powers of blood of the beast were yet flowing you the Hare. Then you must flee as best you can,
strong among the selected. though you will not escape.
The first: a carved skull, of the wolf itself. Used by "You may meet the Manbeast, who is invoked as
those ancient shamans in the blood ceremonies that Storihbeg. He wears the Wolf Skull Totem and his
created our lineage, it is said to grant a great presence growl is like a landslide in the Karth Gorge. He comes
to those who prostrate themselves before it, such that here to hunt with his children the Skinshifters, or to
those who witness their forms cower in a terror adopt new children and turn them pelt-side-out. His
unknown except to those who have glimpsed the face howl will freeze your inwards like a pond in Evening
of Hircine himself. Star at midnight—you will see your death approach,
The second: a thigh bone, carved as the skull, but but be unable to flee.
from some animal unknown. Used as some form of "You man meet the Great Stag, who is invoked as
medicinal wand in the more ancient brotherhood, it Uricanbeg, and whose hooves drum the Blood
was said to grant a kind of heightened awareness, Summons. He comes to mate with the hinds, and may
both in sight and smell, such that the prey could never transform a comely woman for that purpose, or to cull
flee too far from our senses. the herd of the weak. Those who hear his drumbeat
The third: a simple drum, its mundane appearance are doomed to run with the herd, and may follow him
meaning it is most likely lost to the mists of long ago back to the Hunting Grounds where they will be
time. As our fathers would beat time to summon their chased and unmade."
brethren from the fields, so too would our forebears "You may meet the Quick Fox, who is invoked as
in the blood call their allies to them with its pounding. Gulibeg, and who wields the Wand of Bone. He comes
Through these totems, we channel and focus our here to confound mortal hunters, to run them in
energies of the beast. While werewolves give up the circles until they are so plexed and wildered that they
powers of magic known to men, we can tap into a follow him over a cliff or into a trackless mire. He may
more direct natural energy at times, and through fill you with such fury you can do naught but pursue
these totems, discover the abilities that first tamed him, or he may note you as clever and teach you his
the world before wrought civilization sullied it. tricks.
"You may meet the Mighty Bear, who is invoked as
Hrokkibeg. He embodies the Totem of Claw and Fang,
and comes here seeking solitude, peace from labors,
and renewal of the Burning Spirit Within. Beware, for
if you rouse him and disturb his serenity you will be
torn asunder. But if you approach him with deference


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
and an offering of honey-sweet mead, he may grant MORE READING ON LYCANTHROPY AND
you the power of the Bear-Heart in your next fight. HIRCINE
"These are the Five—there are no more, and any • A Werewolf's Confession – The confessions of a
who say so are witless and foolish. So states regretful lycanthrope
Uraccanach, and whenever have I been proven false? I • A Werewolf Hunter's Advice – Cautionary tale on
have said it, and it is so. Pass the juniper-draught." hunting werewolves
• An Accounting of Werewolves – An essay regarding
INVOCATION OF HIRCINE werewolf encounters in Skyrim
• Dealing with Werewolves – Notes on how to deal
Invocation to summon the Daedric Lord of the Hunt
with werewolves
Mighty Lord Hircine, noble Lord Hircine, we come • Experimentation in the Physicalities of the
before you in all obeisance and humility, Werewolf – A morbid anatomical study of
acknowledging your divine authority over the forest werewolves on live subjects
and all the lawful prey therein. We invoke you, O • Kodlak's Journal – The last writing of a Harbinger
Master of the Chase, in your aspect of Alrabeg the of the Companions
Hunter, to look kindly upon the endeavors of these, • Note from a Glenmoril Witch – Information on a
your worshipers, as we praise you by engaging in the cure for lycanthropy
hallowed tradition of the Hunt. • Purifier's Journal – The history of the Silver Dawn
Ever do we respect the Law of Fair Hunt, never and their conflict with the Magnar Pack
taking a quarry that had no chance of escape. • The Legend of the Fallen Grotto – A cautionary tale
Ever do we respect the Prey, thanking it for its surrounding the worship and summoning of
sacrifice in our worship of you. Hircine
Ever do we respect the Huntsman, beseeching your • The Legend of Thane Icehammer – The tale of
permission even as we loose the arrow. Thane Icehammer's corruption by the Spear of
Bless us as we hunt, O Hircine. Help us to hunt with Bitter Mercy
honor, and bring in prey both lawful and bountiful. • The Werewolf's Hide – A werewolf's greatest asset


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Heroes come and go, but some are hard to keep down. Breton Revenant. If you want to play a breton
Early chapter on character races. This short chapter revenant, modify the breton’s Attribute Score Increase
reviews a new character race option that can be used trait to the following: Your Intelligence score
(with your DM's permission) when your character increases by 1, and your Personality increases by 1.
meets an untimely or premature end. Dunmer Revenant. If you want to play a dunmer
revenant, modify the dunmer’s Attribute Score

Increase trait to the following: Your Agility,
Intelligence, and Willpower scores increase by 1.
Additionally, the aura from your Ancestor's Wrath
Having met a cruel and undeserved end, you have trait now uses necrotic damage instead of fire.
returned to the realm of the living. As a revenant, you Nord Revenant. If you want to play a nord revenant,
thirst for revenge against those who wronged you in modify the nord’s Attribute Score Increase trait to the
life, or seek to complete a final, critical task you left following: Your Strength attribute score increases by
unfinished. 2.
The revenant subrace can be applied to any race Redguard Revenant. If you want to play a redguard
that has a subrace, and replaces that race’s existing revenant, modify the redguard’s Attribute Score
subrace options. Alternatively, you can apply this new Increase trait to the following: Your Agility score
subrace to a race without subrace options using the increases by 1, and your Strength increases by 1.
modification options provided below.
Your DM might also allow you to take this subrace ATTRIBUTE SCORE INCREASE
for a slain character. In that case, your character rises Your Endurance score increases by 1.
from the dead with its original subrace replaced (or
with the necessary modifications made to its base RELENTLESS NATURE
traits), filled with a determination to seek vengeance Your DM assigns a goal to you—typically, one related
or complete its mission. to your character’s death. The goal must be a specific
task you can complete, such as slaying an enemy or
RACIAL ADJUSTMENTS liberating an area and its people. Until you fulfill that
goal, you gain the following benefits:
For races that don’t have subrace options, taking on
the revenant subrace means making changes to your • If you are below half your hit point maximum at the
character’s base traits, as follows. start of your turn, you regain 1 hit point.
Altmer Revenant. If you want to play an altmer • If you die, you return to life 24 hours after death. If
revenant, modify the altmer’s Attribute Score your body is destroyed, you reform within 1 mile of
Increase trait to the following: Either your the place of your death at a spot determined by the
Intelligence or your Willpower attribute score DM. If your equipment was also destroyed, you do
increases by 2, your choice. not regain it.
Argonian Revenant. If you want to play an argonian • You know the distance and direction between you
revenant, modify the argonian's Bite trait to use and any creature involved in your goal, such as a
necrotic damage as its damage type. person you seek vengeance against or someone you
Bosmer Revenant. If you want to play a bosmer pledged to defend. This awareness fails if the
revenant, modify the bosmer’s Attribute Score creature is on another plane of existence.
Increase trait to the following: Your agility score
increases by 2. When your goal is complete, you finally find rest. You
die and cannot be restored to life.


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The twelve classes presented in the Basic Rules fill A cursed class uses the normal D&D multiclassing
many roles and give players numerous options to rules (see chapter 6, “Customization Options.” in the
create their characters. This chapter expands on those Basic Rules). When your character is ready to advance
options, focusing on opportunities to combat and a level, after the required even has occurred, you can
defend against the undead, or be granted choose to gain a level in a cursed class. Your level in
supernatural powers by the benevolent divines or the all your classes, including cursed classes, are added
sinister daedra. together to determine your character level. Unless the
DM gives permission, and begins a campaign beyond

CURSED CLASSES 1st level, a character can not start as a cursed class.
The very nature of the cursed class is that a character
To start this chapter, we must introduce the Cursed must experience the event that has cursed them.
Class. Unlike the classes presented in the Basic Rules,
cursed classes are unique and come with a few PREREQUISITES
restrictions. As such, cursed classes fill a unique niche Taking up a cursed class through multiclassing
that represent extraordinary circumstances a involves meeting certain prerequisites, but these
character can experience. requirements are different from multiclassing into a
standard class. Unlike a standard class, you do not
USING CURSED CLASSES require to meet the ability score prerequisites for
A cursed class requires a rare event to occur before a your current class, and you only require to meet an
character can even attempt to access their basic ability score prerequisite for the cursed class if the
elements. Cursed classes might confer lost knowledge, class specifically states the need to do so.
supernatural abilities, enigmatic magic, or mythical A cursed class does require that you complete an
martial abilities. In any case, this unique power comes event to prompt the ability to join the class. This event
with an incredible cost. could include being bitten by a vampire or were-
Mechanically, you can enter a cursed class by the creature, by completing an ancient rite for lichdom, or
way of the multiclassing rules, with one specific by being touched by a daedric prince.
restriction: you must have triggered the required
event before being able to gain a level in the cursed EXPERIENCE POINTS
class. These events typically come at the discretion of Just as with the standard rules for multiclassing, the
the DM, but a player can work with their DM experience point cost to gain a level is always based
respectfully to see if the desired curse works with the on your total character level, not your level in a
overall story. particular class.
A cursed class typically offers access to unique game
mechanics available only to members of that class. HIT POINTS AND HIT DICE
Such mechanics should reflect both the benefits and Each cursed class specifies the hit points you gain
the detriments that represent the curse. Given the from it. You add together the Hit Dice granted by all
dangers that becoming cursed can present to a your classes and cursed classes to determine your
character, it is best to reserve the opportunity to join a pool of Hit Dice. If the Hit Dice are the same die type,
cursed class until after 5th level. you simply pool them together.


In order to join a cursed class, you must first check Your proficiency bonus is always based on your total
with your Dungeon Master. A DM can opt to include or character level, not your level in a particular class. A
disallow cursed classes in the game. Typically, a cursed class specifies whether it grants proficiencies
cursed class requires you to have already been when you enter it.
affected by the required event in the game before
your character can begin pursuing that class. If those
events aren't already possible in your campaign, talk
to your DM about integrating the cursed class that
interests you.


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CURSED CLASS FEATURES normal alignment and personality while in humanoid
You gain cursed class features just like normal class form. It lives its life as it always has, burying deep the
features. Sometimes a cursed class can improve bestial urges raging inside it. However, when the full
features you have gained from other classes. If a moon rises, the curse becomes too strong to resist,
prestige class grants Channel Divinity, Extra Attack, or transforming the individual into its beast form-or into
Unarmored Defense, that feature is treated the same a horrible hybrid form that combines animal and
way as if you had gained it from multiple standard humanoid traits. When the moon wanes, the beast
classes. within can be controlled once again. Especially if the
cursed creature is unaware of its condition, it might
SPELLCASTING not remember the events of its transformation,
Some cursed classes grant spellcasting. Each prestige though those memories often haunt a lycanthrope as
class provides details on how to determine your bloody dreams.
overall spellcasting ability, using the rules for Some individuals see little point in fighting the curse
spellcasting and multiclass characters. and accept what they are. With time and experience,
they learn to master their shapechanging ability and
can assume beast form or hybrid form at will. Most
CURSED CLASS: lycanthropes that embrace their bestial natures
succumb to bloodlust, becoming evil, opportunistic
LYCANTHROPE creatures that prey on the weak.
One of the most ancient and feared of all curses,
lycanthropy can transform the most civilized CURING THE DISEASE
humanoid into a ravening beast. In its natural
humanoid form, a creature cursed by lycanthropy After a humanoid contracts the disease, known as
appears as its normal self. Over time, however, many Sanies Lupinus, they suffer from sluggishness and
lycanthropes acquire, features suggestive of their general drowsiness. The character endures one level
animal form, such as extra body hair, a fantastic mane of exhaustion and suffers from vivid ravenous
of hair, or sharpened teeth and fingernails. In their nightmares. A remove curse spell or potion of cure
animal form, a lycanthrope resembles a powerful disease can rid an afflicted humanoid of the curse, but
version of a normal animal. On close inspection, its only if it hasn't turned the creature yet.
eyes show a faint spark of unnatural intelligence and In around three days time, the disease progresses
might glow red in the dark. into full blown lycanthropy, and after that time, curing
Evil lycanthropes hide among normal folk, emerging the disease becomes a lot more complicated. Rumor
in animal form at night to spread terror and has it that the Glenmoril witches of High Rock have
bloodshed, especially under a full moon. Good the power to stop the curse. It is said that the ritual
lycanthropes are reclusive and uncomfortable around involves the sacrifice of an innocent, who is then
other civilized creatures, often living alone in infected with the afflicted's disease. The victim is then
wilderness areas far from villages and towns. raised from the dead for the lycanthrope to kill the
undead innocent. This destroys the creature's inner
CURSE OF LYCANTHROPY beast and stops the curse. Another way, is to remove
the head of a glenmoril witch and use it in a special
Lycanthropy was originally created by Hircine as a ritual that summons forth you inner beast as a spirit.
blessing, bestowed on to his worshipers and those he Destroy the spirit and you conquer your curse.
deemed as the greatest hunters. Many followers of There are certain herbs that are known to be
Hircine pass on their gift to their fellow pack exceptionally powerful against lycanthropes. Canis
members as a ritual. Root is known to ward off were-creatures, while
A humanoid creature can be afflicted with the curse Wolfsbane and Belladonna are poisonous. Certain
of lycanthropy after being wounded by a lycanthrope, combinations of these herbs are known to be effective
or if one or both of its parents are lycanthropes. cures as well.
Drinking the blood of a were-creature is particularly
potent and almost immediately converts the drinker.
The transformation is uniquely intense and happens
within minutes.
A lycanthrope can either resist its curse or embrace
it. By resisting the curse, a lycanthrope retains its


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Not all lycanthropes are equal. Any character can As a Lyncanthrope, you gain the following class
become a lycanthrope by contracting the disease. features:
Refer to page 207 of the Monster Manual for the
general guidelines for player characters as HIT POINTS
lycanthropes. Players that want their lycanthropy to Hit Dice: d12
further define them can train in the lycanthrope Hit Points per Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + your Endurance
cursed class, as outlined below. modifier per lycanthrope level.

Tools: None
In order to advance as a lycanthrope, you must meet Saving Throws: None
the following prerequisites: Skills: Choose one from Animal Handling, Perception,
• You must have contracted the Sanies Lupinus or Survival
disease. The next time you level, you can choose to
gain your first level as a lycanthrope, granting you EQUIPMENT
the Beast Shape of the creature that infected you. The lycanthrope cursed class does not grant any
• You can't already be a vampire. The disease that special equipment.
causes vampirism and the disease that cause
lycanthropy are not compatible and can't be mixed, BEAST SHAPE
unless an extraordinary event allows it.
When you become cursed, you can use a bonus action
• If you have previously been cured of lycanthropy, to magically assume your were-creature shape that
you can't contract the disease again. you have been cursed with for 1 minute. You can use
this feature twice. You regain expended uses when
THE LYCANTHROPE you finish a long rest. As your character gains levels in
Level Features Beast Shape the lycanthropy class, you can use this feature more
1st Beast Shape, Lycanthropy 2 often. Refer to the Beast Shape column of the
2nd Supernatural Athlete 2
lycanthrope table.
After 1 minute has passed you revert to your
3rd Beastial Strength 3 humanoid form unless you expend another use of this
4th Attribute Score Increase, Animal 3 feature. You can revert to your normal form earlier by
Vigor using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically
5th Extra Attack 3 revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or
6th Beastial Strength Improvement 4 die.
While you are transformed, the following rules
7th Beast Totem 4
8th Attribute Score Increase, Savage 5
Feeding • Your retain your game statistics except as specified
by lycanthrope type. You gain the lycanthrope's
9th Beastial Strength Improvement 5
speeds, traits, and actions that don't involve
10th Lycanthropy Mastery Unlimited equipment. You are proficient with the
lycanthrope's natural attacks, such as its bite or
claws, which deal damage as shown in the
lycanthrope's statistics.
• You gain any immunities granted by your were-
creature statistics.
• You can’t cast spells, and your ability to speak or
take any action that requires hands is limited to the
capabilities of your beast form. Transforming
doesn’t break your concentration on a spell you’ve
already cast, however, or prevent you from taking
actions that are part of a spell, such as call
lightning, that you’ve already cast.


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• You retain the benefit of any features from your SUPERNATURAL ATHLETE
class, race, or other source and can use them if the
new form is physically capable of doing so. At 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet.
• Your worn equipment merges into your new form In addition, you can add half your proficiency bonus
and has no effect until you leave the form. (round up) to any Strength, Agility, or Endurance
check you make that doesn't already use your
• You do not gain the multiattack action granted by
proficiency bonus. Also, when you make a running
your were-creature unless you have learned the
long jump, the distance you cover increases by a
Extra Attack feature from your character's class or
number of feet equal to your strength modifier.
this cursed class.

While in your beast or hybrid form, you determine BEASTIAL STRENGTH

your attacks by the following: Starting at 3rd level, your natural attacks made while
Werebear. Attack and damage rolls for your natural in your beast or hybrid form are considered magical
weapons are based on Strength. and deal additional damage. Your attack and damage
Wereboar. Attack and damage rolls for the tusks are rolls are increased by +1. Additionally, your natural
based on Strength. For the Charge trait, the DC is 8 + armor increases by +1 to your AC.
your proficiency bonus + your Strength modifier. When you reach 6th level, your attack and damage
Werecrocodile. Attack and damage rolls for the rolls, as well as your natural armor, increases by +2.
natural weapons are based on Strength. For the At 9th level, your attack and damage rolls, as well as
Lockjaw trait, the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your natural armor, increases by +3.
your Strength modifier.
Werelion. Attack and damage rolls for the natural ANIMAL VIGOR
weapons are based on Strength.
Wererat. Attack and damage rolls for the bite are At 4th level, when you transform into your beast or
based on whichever is higher of your Strength and hybrid form, you gain temporary hit points equal to
Agility. twice your character level + your Endurance modifier.
Wereraven. Attack and damage rolls for the beak Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
are based on whichever is higher of your Strength and you finish a long rest.
Weretiger. Attack and damage rolls for the natural ATTRIBUTE SCORE IMPROVEMENT
weapons are based on Strength. For the Pounce trait,
the DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level. You
modifier. can increase one attribute score of your choice by 2,
Werevulture. Attack and damage rolls for the or you can increase two attribute scores of your
natural weapons are based on Strength. choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an attribute
Werewolf. Attack and damage rolls for the natural above 20 using this feature.
weapons are based on Strength.
LYCANTHROPY Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
As a lycanthrope, you become more agile and once, whenever you use the Attack action on your
resilient. You can increase either your Strength or turn. While you are in your beast or hybrid form, you
Agility attribute score by 1. You can't increase an can use your multiattack action.
attribute above 20 using this feature. Additionally, you
gain a +1 bonus to your AC while in beast or hybrid
form (from natural armor).


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BEAST TOTEM A feared creature must spend its turn trying to move
as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly
At 7th level, you choose a beast totem and gain its move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take
feature. You are gifted a physical totem by Hircine – an reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash
amulet or similar adornment – that incorporates fur, action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it
scales, claws, teeth, or bones of your beast shape from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature
animal. As an action, you can use your totem to grant can use the Dodge action.
you a powerful ability. Once you use this feature, you
must complete a short or long rest before you can use
it again.
Totem of the Moon. You can use an action to At 8th level, while you are in your beast or hybrid
summon spirit beasts that appear in an unoccupied form, you can use an action to devour a corpse,
space that you can see within range. The number of restoring some of your vitality. You gain hit points
beasts that appear depend on the the form you choose equal to half your character level, minimum of 1.
to summon. To be able to use this feature, the body you devour
must leave a corpse that can provide sustenance, such
as a humanoid or beast, and it can't have been dead
Beast Number CR
longer than 1 day. Undead corpses have no affect,
Black Bear 2 ½
regardless of their body type. Once you use this
Boar 4 ¼
feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short
Brown Bear 1 1
Crocodile 2 ½
Giant Rat 8 1/8
Giant Raven 1 1 (use Giant Eagle statistics) When you reach 10th level, you master your power
Tiger 1 1 over your curse. You have unlimited uses of your
Giant Vulture 1 1 Beast Shape feature and remain in your beast shape
Wolf 4 ¼ until you use a bonus action to revert to your
A summoned spirit disappears when it drops to 0 humanoid form.
hit points or after 1 minute.
The summoned spirits are friendly to you and your
companions. Roll initiative for the summoned
creatures as a group, which have their own turns.
They obey any verbal commands that you issue to
them (no action required by you). If you don't issue
any commands to them, they defend themselves from
hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.
Use the statistics as found in the Monster Manual.
Totem of the Hunt. While in beast or hybrid form,
you sense the presence of life within 30 feet of you. If
you sense life in this way, you can use your action to
see a faint aura around any visible creature in the area
that bears life.
The feature can penetrate most barriers, but it is
blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a
thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
Totem of Terror. You can use your action to force
every creature of your choice that can see or hear you
within 30 feet of you to make a Willpower saving
throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is feared
for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Sanguinare Vampiris is a particularly painful disease.
Awakened to an endless night, vampires hunger for At the start of each subsequent day after infection,
the life they have lost and sate that hunger by your maximum hit points are permanently reduced by
drinking the blood of the living. Vampires abhor 20 points. Unless you cure your disease, your hit point
sunlight, for its touch burns them. They never cast maximum will eventually be reduced to 0 and you will
shadows or reflections, and any vampire wishing to die. Upon death, all of your hit points are restored and
move unnoticed among the living keeps to the you are resurrected as a vampire.
darkness and far from reflective surfaces.
Before the curse takes over your body, curing the
Once initially contracted, your vampirism doesn't take disease is relatively easy. Any cure disease spell or
effect immediately, although you begin the feel the potion immediately removes the disease. However,
effects of the transformation. While you sleep, you curing vampirism after it has taken over is a much
suffer from strange dreams and visions reminiscent to more elaborate and monumental task, which could
your fate. Each of the different bloodlines have a include seeking out rare herbs or collecting the ashes
unique way of developing the curse. of another powerful vampire, and could become a
campaign in itself.
When you finish a long rest after contracting PREREQUISITES
Noxiphilic Sanguivoria, you are immediately aged by
20 years and your face becomes guant and pale. Other In order to advance as a vampire, you must meet the
than the changes to your physical appearance, you following prerequisites:
feel no other additional affects. After three days time, • You must have contracted the Noxiphilic
you succumb to your disease and after your next long Sanguivoria, Porphyric Hemophilia, or Sanguinare
rest you become a vampire. Vampiris disease. The next time you level, you can
choose to gain your first level as a vampire.
PORPHYRIC HEMOPHILIA • You can't already be a lycanthrope. The disease that
With each day that passes after you contract the causes vampirism and the disease that cause
disease, you feel more and more exhausted until you lycanthropy are not compatible and can't be mixed.
finally succumb and die. At the start of each • If you have previously been cured of vampirism,
subsequent day after infection, you gain 1 level of you can't contract any vampiric disease again.
exhaustion. Eventually, without cure or prevention,
you will die from your exhaustion. Upon death, you
are resurrected as a vampire.

Cantrips Spells Spell
Level Features Known Known Magicka Level
1st Vampirism, Bloodline, Spellcasting 3 2 4 1st
2nd Nightstalker's Footsteps, Supernatural Resistance 3 3 6 1st
3rd -- 3 4 14 2nd
4th Attribute Score Improvement, Vampire's Seduction 4 5 17 2nd
5th -- 4 6 27 3rd
6th Bloodline Feature 4 7 32 3rd
7th -- 4 8 38 4th
8th Attribute Score Improvement, Embrace of Shadows 4 9 44 4th
9th -- 5 10 57 5th
10th Bloodline Feature, Regeneration 5 11 64 5th


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As a Vampire, you gain the following class features: Stage Features
1 --
HIT POINTS 2 • Your facial features appear noticeably gaunt
Hit Dice: d8 and sickly.
Hit Points per Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Endurance
3 • Your appearance is noticeably diseased. Many
modifier per vampire level.
people will attempt to avoid you and
suspicious creatures can attempt to discover
your true nature with a DC 15 insight check.
Tools: None
Guards, prefects, and townspeople who detect
your vampirism are likely to be hostile towards
Saving Throws: None
Skills: None
• +1 bonus to melee and ranged attack and
damage rolls.
• +1 bonus to your spell save DC and spell attack
The vampire cursed class does not grant any special
• You gain vulnerability to fire.
VAMPIRISM 4 • Your vampiric nature is readily noticeable.
Guards, prefects, and townspeople are likely to
When you become cursed with vampirism, the be hostile towards you.
following rules apply: • +2 bonus to melee and ranged attack and
• You can increase your Strength, Agility, or damage rolls.
Endurance attribute scores by 2, or you can • +2 bonus to your spell save DC and spell attack
increase two of these attribute scores by 1. You modifier.
can't increase an attribute above 20 using this • You have vulnerability to fire.
• You become immune to disease, poison damage, As a vampire, you also gain the following action and
and the poisoned condition. trait:
• You no longer require air. Bite. As an action, you can bite a creature that is
• You become vulnerable to radiant damage. willing, or that is grappled, incapacitated, or
• When you die, your body turns to ash and you can restrained. If the creature isn't willing, make a melee
only be resurrected by a wish spell. weapon attack. On a successful hit, you deal 1d6 +
your Strength modifier piercing damage plus 1d6
Vampires experience powerful changes with each necrotic damage. The target's hit point maximum is
day that passes without feeding on the blood of a reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage
mortal. These changes are both beneficial and taken, and you regain hit points equal to that amount.
detrimental and become more extreme as you The reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long
progress through the various stages. These changes rest.
are listed in the Stages of Vampirism table. The necrotic damage increases by 1d6 when you
reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level,
If the target is a humanoid, it is cursed with your
vampiric bloodline if it fails an Endurance saving
throw (against your spell save DC) or if it dies from
this attack.
Hunter's Sight. You gain darkvision up to 60 feet.


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You know two 1st-level spells of your choice from the
The vampire that infected you determines your vampire spell list.
bloodline: Noxiphilic Sanguivoria, Porphyric The Spells Known column of the Vampire table
Hemophilia, and Sanguinare Vampiris. shows when you learn more vampire spells of your
Your bloodline grants you features at 1st level, and choice. Each of these spells must be of a level for
again at 6th and 10th level. which you can cast. For instance, when you reach 3rd
level in this class, you can learn one new spell of 1st or
Each bloodline has a list of associated spells. You gain Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you
access to these spells at the levels specified in the can choose one of the vampire spells you know and
bloodline description. Once you gain access to a replace it with another spell from the vampire spell
bloodline spell, you know the spell and these spells list, which also must be of a level for which you can
don't count against the number of spells known. cast.
If you gain a bloodline spell that doesn't appear on
the vampire spell list, the spell is nonetheless a SPELLCASTING ATTRIBUTE
vampire spell for you. Personality is your spellcasting attribute for your
vampire spells, and you use your Personality
SPELLCASTING whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting attribute.
Your preternatural power grants you the ability to In addition, you use your Personality modifier when
cast spells. See chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook setting the saving throw DC for a vampire spell you
for the general rules of spellcasting. The vampire spell cast and when making an attack roll with one.
list is detailed at the end of the class description. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Personality modifier
CANTRIPS Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
You know three cantrips of your choice from the your Personality modifier
vampire spell list. You learn additional vampire
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown in NIGHTSTALKER'S FOOTSTEPS
the Cantrips Known column of the Vampire table.
Starting at 2nd level, you you have advantage on an
MAGICKA Agility (Stealth) check if you move no more than half
The Vampire table shows how much magicka you your speed on the same turn.
have to cast your spells of 1st level and higher. The
table also shows what the level spells you can cast. To SUPERNATURAL RESISTANCE
cast one of your vampire spells of 1st level or higher, Also at 2nd level, you gain a supernatural ability to
must expend magicka, as noted in the spell's overcome your failures. If you fail a saving throw, you
description and the Magicka Cost table. You regain all can choose to succeed instead. Once you use this
expended magicka when you finish a long rest. feature, you must complete a long rest before you can
For example, if you know the 1st-level spell witch do so again.
bolt and have a Spell Level of 2nd, you can cast witch
bolt using magicka to cast it at either level. Refer to
Spell Point Cost table on page 288 of the Dungeon
Master's Guide or the Magicka Cost table in the When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th level. You
Spellcasting chapter of the basic rules. can increase one attribute score of your choice by 2,
or you can increase two attribute scores of your
choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an attribute
above 20 using this feature.


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As you advance through the stages of vampirism, your
At 4th level, you can use your supernatural charisma to ability to naturally recover from your wounds is
seduce creatures to do your bidding, or force them to reduced, however, you are able to recover magicka at
become willful cattle. Choose one creature you can an increased rate. Refer to the Noxiphilic Sanguivoria
see within 30 feet of you. If the creature can see you, it Stages of Vamprirism table for detailed information.
must succeed on a Willpower saving throw. On a
failed save, the creature is charmed by you and
regards you as a trusted friend to be heeded and
protected. Although the creature isn't under your Stage Features
control, it takes your requests or actions in the most 1 --
favorable way it can, and is a willing target for your 2 • Only 3/4 of your available hit die can be used
bite. to recover hit points (rounding up). The
The effect lasts for 24 hours, but ends if you die, are remaining hit die can be used to restore
on a different plane of existence, or if you take a magicka points.
bonus action to end the effect.
3 • Only half of your available hit die can be used
The creature can repeat it's saving throw if you or
to recover hit points, while the other half can
your companions do anything harmful to it, ending
only be used to restore magicka points.
the effect on a success.
4 • Your hit dice can't be used to recover hit points
and can only be used to restore magicka
Beginning at 8th level, you have learned to become one
with the shadows. When you are in an area of dim As a vampire of the Noxiphilic Vampirism strain, you
light or darkness, you can use your action to become also gain the following feature:
invisible. You remain invisible until you make an Strength of the Night. You feel more powerful
attack, cast a spell, or are in an area of bright light. during the night. Between dusk and dawn, you add
your Intelligence modifier to your damage rolls from
REGENERATION weapon attacks and spells.
At 10th level, you regain 5 hit points at the start of
your turn if you have at least 1 hit point and aren't in
You gain bloodline spells at the vampire levels listed.
sunlight. If you take any radiant damage, this feature
doesn't function at the start of your next turn.
Vampire Level Spells
BLOODLINES 1st Bane, Dissonant Whispers
A vampire's bloodline is determined by the vampire 3rd Darkness, Ray of Enfeeblement
who infected it, which in turn affects its abilities. 5th Bestow Curse, Speak with Dead
Clans of vampires either group together based on 7th Arcane Eye, Blight
their bloodline, or by somewhat peacefully sharing 9th Dream, Geas
the same feeding grounds. Some of the more powerful
clans have established strongholds with all of the MIST FORM
amenities a vampire could desire. Starting at 6th level, you can vanish in a puff of mist in
response to harm. When you take damage, you can
NOXIPHILIC SANGUIVORIA use your reaction to turn invisible and teleport up to
60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see. You
Unlike the other forms of vampirism, the vampires of remain invisible until the start of your next turn or
the Noxiphilic Sanguivoria strain are not weakened by until you attack or cast a spell.
sunlight, but are instead strengthened by the night. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until
you finish a short or long rest.


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At 10th level, your vampiric bloodline grants you a Stage Features
supernatural defense to harm. When you are reduced
1 • Your vampiric nature is readily noticeable.
to half your health or less, you gain resistance to all
damage. Guards, prefects, and townspeople are likely
towards be hostile to you.
PORPHYRIC HEMOPHILIA 2 • Your appearance is noticeably diseased. Many
people will attempt to avoid you and
By far the most common strain of vampirism, suspicious creatures can attempt to discover
Porphyric Hemophilia has spread from High Rock to your true nature with a DC 15 insight check.
Morrowind. Many vampires from this bloodline are Guards, prefects, and townspeople who detect
experts at concealing their curse, since they are your vampirism are likely to be hostile towards
nearly indistinguishable from others when they are you.
well fed, and a few of them are rumored to be living in • Sunlight Aversion. You take 5 radiant damage
cities throughout Tamriel. when you start your turn in sunlight. While in
As the most prevalent bloodline, there are many sunlight, you have disadvantage on attack rolls
different clans of vampires within the Porphyric and ability checks.
Hemophilia family. These range from outcast, barbaric 3 • Your facial features appear noticeably gaunt
tribes, to noble houses.
and sickly.
• Sunlight Sensitivity. You take 10 radiant
PORPHYRIC VAMPIRISM damage when you start your turn in sunlight.
Vampires from the Porphyric Hemophilia bloodline
While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on
advance through the Stages of Vampirism in a unique attack rolls and ability checks.
way. When you feed on the blood of a mortal, you
• You gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
immediately gain 1 stage of vampirism. Once you've
and slashing damage from non-magical
fed, you can't gain any additional benefit from feeding
until the next day at dawn.
Each day that passes that you have not fed reduces 4 • Your vampiric physical traits are nearly
your stage of vampirism by 1. indistinguishable from the living, aside from
Equally unique is the way your bloodline alters your your sharpened teeth.
visual appearance. Unlike the other bloodlines, the • Sunlight Hypersensitivity. You take 20 radiant
more you feed, the more human you look. The visual damage when you start your turn in sunlight.
stages of vampirism are reversed, and you can easily While in sunlight, you have disadvantage on
pass as a living creature at Stage 4. attack rolls and ability checks.
• You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage from non-magical

As a vampire of the Porphyric Hemophilia strain, you

also gain the following feature:
Grace of Order. Your Personality score increases by
2, as does your maximum for that score.

You gain bloodline spells at the vampire levels listed.


Vampire Level Spells
1st Charm Person, Disguise Self
3rd Detect Thoughts, Pass Without Trace
5th Fear, Nondetection
7th Greater Invisibility, Hallucinatory Terrain
9th Dominate Person, Rary's Telepathic Bond


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REIGN OF TERROR revert back to your normal form.
Starting at 6th level, you can use an action to channel • Your speed increases by 10 feet, and you gain the
the darkest emotions and focus them into a burst of effects of Water Walk. While you move, you can
magical menace. Each creature of your choice that can choose to walk, as normal, or hover supernaturally.
see you and is within 30 feet of you must make a • Your stage of vampirism temporarily increases by
Willpower saving throw. On a failed save, the target is 1, if it isn't already at the 4th stage. This stage
frightened for 1 minute. If a creature frightened by reverts back to your current stage when you leave
this effect ends its turn more than 30 feet away from your vampire lord form.
you it can attempt another Willpower saving throw to • You can't cast spells or make any actions except for
end the effect on it. those listed in the Vampire Lord Actions section.
• You retain your statistics, senses, benefits, and
PORPHYRIC ASCENDANCE features from your class, race, or other source and
At 10th level, you have ascended within your bloodline you can use them if your vampire lord form is
and have developed a mastery over your greatest capable of doing so.
weaknesses. You are no longer vulnerable to radiant • You are unable to regain hit points from hit dice
damage, nor are you affected by the affects of Sunlight while in sunlight.
Aversion, Sunlight Sensitivity, or Sunlight • You choose whether your equipment merges into
Hypersensitivity traits from the Porphyric Hemophilia your new form, or falls to the ground in your space.
Stages of Vampirism. You also can choose to maintain You do not benefit from any armor you may have
the appearance of the living, regardless of your been wearing and can't use any weapons you had
Vampirism Stage. on you. Additionally, any equipment that merges
with you has no effect until you leave this form. You
SANGUINARE VAMPIRIS can choose to continue to wear your jewelry and
One of the most powerful strains of vampirism, retain any benefits granted by it.
vampires from the Sanguinare Vampiris bloodline Vampire Lords are dangerous, fearsome creatures,
typically live in the colder, northern provinces. and you will be attacked on sight if you are seen in
Although the bloodline thins with every new this form. However, you are not recognizable in this
generation of vampires, there are many pure-bloods form unless you are seen transforming.
found throughout Tamriel that have the ability to
transform into fearsome Vampire Lords. VAMPIRE LORD ACTIONS
As a vampire lord, you have access to a limited
VAMPIRE LORD amount of abilities. On your turn, you can take the
Vampires from the Sanguinare Vampiris bloodline are following actions:
able to transform into a dangerous and fearsome Bite. You can use your vampire bite ability, as
creature known as the Vampire Lord. As an action, mentioned above.
you are enveloped in thick black smoke, which fades Cast Spell. You can use your action to cast one of the
away to reveal your transformed self. You appear as following spells: Bats, Animate Dead, Vampiric Drain,
gruesome vampiric humanoid, with long sharp claws, Vampiric Touch, or any spell granted by your Blood
and bat-like wings. Once you use this feature, you Magic feature.
must finish a short or long rest before being able to do Night Power. You can use your action to use an
so again. ability granted by your night power feature.
You can stay in your vampire lord form for a number Vampire Claws. Melee weapon attack, reach 5 ft, one
of hours equal to half your vampire level (rounded creature. Hit: 1d8 + your Strength modifier.
down, minimum of 1). You then revert to your normal
form. You can revert to your normal form earlier by NIGHT POWER
using a bonus action on your turn. You automatically As a vampire lord, you gain the ability to use powerful
revert if you fall unconscious, drop to 0 hit points, or night powers. You learn one night power of your
die. choice, which are detailed under “Night Powers”
When you transform, the following rules apply: below. You can only use one night power each turn.
You learn one additional night power of your choice
• You gain temporary hit points equal to 5 times your
at 6th and 10th level. Each time you learn a new night
vampire level. If you are outside in sunlight when
power, you can also replace one night power you
you transform, you do not gain the additional hit
know with a different one.
points. These temporary hit points last until you


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SANGUINARE VAMPIRIS STAGES OF VAMPIRISM know the spell and these spells don't count against
Stage Features the number of spells known.
1 --
2 • Sunlight Debility. While in sunlight, your Vampire Level Spells
Strength and Agility attributes are reduced by 2 3rd Vampiric Grip
and you have disadvantage on attack rolls and 5th Conjure Gargoyle
ability checks. 9th Hold Monster
• The magicka cost of your Vampriric Drain spell
is reduced by 1 spell level, to a minimum of 1 st
Beginning at 6th level, you gain resistance to cold
3 • Sunlight Infirmity. While in sunlight, your damage and are comfortable in cold temperatures.
Strength and Agility attributes are reduced by 4 When your vampirism reaches Stage 4, you become
and you have disadvantage on attack rolls and
immune to cold damage.
ability checks.
• The magicka cost of your Vampriric Drain spell POISON TALONS
is reduced by 1 spell level, to a minimum of 1 st
At 10th level, while in your vampire lord form, your
vampire claws attack deals an additional 1d8 poison
• When you use your Vampire's Seduction damage.
feature, you can use a bonus action to impose
disadvantage on the saving throw.
4 • Sunlight Frailty. While in sunlight, your The night powers are listed in alphabetical order:
Strength and Agility attributes are reduced by 6 Detect Life. As an action, you sense the presence of
and you have disadvantage on attack rolls and life within 30 feet of you. If you sense life in this way,
ability checks. you can use your action to see a faint aura around any
• The magicka cost of your Vampriric Drain spell living creature in the area that bears life.
is reduced by 1 spell level and now has a range The feature can penetrate most barriers, but it is
of 60 feet. If you cast this spell at 1st level, it no blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a
longer costs magicka. thin sheet of lead, or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
• When you use your Vampire's Seduction Mist Form. As an action. you transform into a
feature, you can use a bonus action to impose medium cloud of mist. While in mist form, you can't
disadvantage on the saving throw. take any action, speak, or manipulate objects. You are
weightless, and have a flying speed of 20 feet, can
BLOODLINE SPELLS hover and can enter a hostile creature's space and
You gain bloodline spells at the vampire levels listed. stop there. In addition, you can't pass through water,
but if air can pass through a space, you can do so
SANGUINARE VAMPIRIS BLOODLINE SPELLS without squeezing. You have advantage on Strength,
Vampire Level Spells Agility, and Endurance saving throws, and you are
1st Fog Cloud, Mark of Power immune to all non-magical damage, except the
3rd Misty Step, Gust of Wind damage you take from sunlight.
5th Stinking Cloud. Tounges Supernatural Reflexes. On your turn, you can take
7th Compulsion, Greater Invisibility one additional action on top of your regular action
9th Awaken, Cloudkill and a possible bonus action.
Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
BLOOD MAGIC SPELLS long rest before you can use it again.
You gain blood magic spells at the vampire levels Unearthly Will. You can cast a spell granted by your
listed. You can only cast your blood magic spells while Blood Magic feature without expending any magicka.
in your vampire lord form, unless the spell is already Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or
a known spell. long rest before you can use it again.
Once you gain access to a blood magic spell, you


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VAMPIRE SPELLS Hold Person Vitriolic Sphere
Chill Touch Mirror Image Awaken
Friends Misty Step Cloud Kill
Frostbite Phantasmal Force Cone of Cold
Mage Hand Raise Animal* Contagion
Message See Invisibility Create Black Soul Gem*
Poison Spray Shatter Dominate Person
Prestidigitation Silence Drain Attribute*
Ray of Frost Soul Trap* Dream
True Strike Suggestion Geas
Vampiric Grip* Hold Monster
Zone of Truth Insect Plague
Armor of Agathys Legend Lore
Arms of Hadar 3RD LEVEL Mislead
Animal Friendship Animate Dead Modify Memory
Bane Bestow Curse Plague*
Black Hand* Clairvoyance Planar Binding
Cause Fear* Command Undead* Scourge*
Charm Person Conjure Gargoyle* Scrying
Compelled Duel Dispel Magic Seeming
Comprehend Languages Fear Telekinesis
Detect Magic Feign Death Teleportation Circle
Disguise Self Fly Weakness*
Dissonant Whispers Gaseous Form
Expeditious Retreat Glyph of Warding Spells noted with an * can
False Life Hunger of Hadar be found in Chapter 5.
Fog Cloud Hypnotic Pattern
Hex Major Image
Ice Knife Nondetection
Illusory Script Sending
Inflict Wounds Speak with Dead
Magic Missile Stinking Cloud
Mark of Power* Tongues
Ray of Sickness Water Breathing
Silent Image Water Walk
Sleep Vampiric Touch
Speak with Animals
Tasha's Hideous Laughter 4TH LEVEL
Vampiric Drain* Arcane Eye
Witch Bolt Blight
2ND LEVEL Confusion
Animal Messenger Corpse Explode*
Bat Swarm* Death Ward
Blindness/Deafness Dominate Beast
Calm Emotions Evard's Black Tentacles
Cloud of Daggers Freedom of Movement
Crown of Madness Greater Invisibility
Detect Thoughts Hallucinatory Terrain
Enhance Ability Locate Creature
Enthrall Phantasmal Killer
Gust of Wind Vampiric Cloud*


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At 10th level, you gain the ability to consult with your
ancestral spirits and use them to scout far off areas.
BARBARIC PATHS When you do so, you cast the clairvoyance spell,
without needing a spell slot. Rather than creating a
Different barbarians attribute their might to different
spherical sensor, the spell invisibly summons one of
sources. For some, their scars become symbols of
your ancestral spirits to the chosen location.
victories won, while others look within to their
Willpower is your spellcasting attribute for the spell.
unyielding spirits.
After you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so
again until you finish a short or long rest.
Some barbarians hail from cultures that revere their VENGEFUL ANCESTORS
ancestors. These tribes teach that the warriors of the At 14th level, your ancestral spirits grow powerful
past linger in the world as mighty spirits, who can enough to strike foes that dare to harm those you
guide and protect the living. When a barbarian who protect. When you use your Spirit Shield to protect a
follows this path rages, the barbarian contacts the creature damaged by an attack, the attacker takes the
spirit world and calls on these guardian spirits for aid same amount and type of damage that your Spirit
in a time of need. Shield prevents.
Barbarians who draw on their ancestral guardians
can better fight to protect their tribes and their allies.
In order to cement ties to their ancestral guardians,
barbarians who follow this path cover themselves in
elaborate tattoos that celebrate their ancestors’
deeds. These tattoos tell sagas of victories against
terrible monsters and other fearsome rivals.


Due to their reverence for family and their ancestors,
Redguards and Dunmer can follow the Path of the
Ancestral Guardian. Your DM can lift this restriction to
better suit the campaign or your character.

Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level,
spectral warriors appear when you enter your rage.
These warriors distract a foe you strike and hinder its
attempts to harm your companions. While you’re
raging, the first creature you hit with an attack on
your turn becomes the target of the warriors. Until
the start of your next turn or until your rage ends,
that target has disadvantage on any attack roll that
doesn’t target you, and creatures other than you have
resistance to the damage of the target’s attacks.

Beginning at 6th level, the guardian spirits that aid
you can provide supernatural protection for your
allies. If you are raging and a creature you can see
within 30 feet of you takes damage, you can use your
reaction to reduce that damage by 2d8.
When you reach certain levels in this class, you can
reduce the damage by more: by 3d8 at 10th level and
by 4d8 at 14th level.


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When you choose this devotion at 3rd level, you gain
the following two Channel Divinity options.
Some people are warriors of superior virtue. They Path to the Grave. As an action, you can touch a
exemplify a host of traits that folk consider honorable, creature and use your Channel Divinity to mark
just, and good. These warriors aspire to be the best another creature's life force for termination. The next
people they can. When a warrior also has such great time that creature takes damage from a spell or an
devotion to a particular deity, that god can reward the attack from you or an ally, it is vulnerable to that spell
faithful with a measure of divine power, making that or attack’s damage. If the source of damage has
person a crusader. multiple damage types, the creature is vulnerable to
Different crusader devotions emphasize different all of them. The vulnerability applies only to the first
elements of righteous behavior, but all crusaders are time that source inflicts damage, and then ends.
expected to hold true to a common set of virtues: If the creature has resistance or is immune to the
Lawfulness, bravery, and humility. damage, it instead loses its resistance or immunity
against that spell or attack when it first applies
Abjure Enemy. As an action, you speak a prayer of
At 3rd level, a crusader devotes themselves by
denunciation, using your Channel Divinity. Choose
following a way of life that defines them. Presented
one creature within 60 feet of you that you can see.
here is a new option for that feature: the Exorcist.
That creature must make a Willpower saving throw,
unless it is immune to being frightened. Fiends and
EXORCIST undead have disadvantage on this saving throw.
An Exorcist devotes themselves to ridding the world On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1
from evil in all of its forms. A dark and dangerous minute or until it takes any damage. While frightened,
path that places the crusader in constant peril, against the creature's speed is 0, and it can't benefit from any
malevolent forces and personal corruption. Those bonus to its speed.
that follow this devotion are dedicated to protecting On a successful save, the creature's speed is halved
their allies from the effects of evil, and bringing quick for 1 minute or until the creature takes any damage.
death to those that deserve it.
Exorcists are often ardent disciples of Arkay, AURA OF DEVOTION
expelling corruption and other abhorrent creatures Starting at 7th level, you and friendly creatures within
from the mortal plane. 10 feet of you can't be charmed while you are
DEVOTION SPELLS At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30
You gain devotion spells at the crusader levels listed. feet.


Crusader Level Spells Also at 7th level, whenever you use the Divine Smite
3rd Bane, Shield feature to deal damage, you can also try to
5th Gentle Repose, Hold Person temporarily banish your target to a harmless pocket
9th Counterspell, Revivify realm of Oblivion. The target must succeed on a
13th Death Ward, Ottiluke's Resilient Sphere Personality saving throw or be banished. While
17th Antilife Shell, Raise Dead banished in this way, its speed is 0, and it is
incapacitated. At the end of its next turn, the target
BONUS PROFICIENCY reappears in the space it vacated or in the nearest
When you choose this devotion at 3rd level, you gain unoccupied space if that space is occupied.
proficiency with heavy armor.
Beginning at 15th level, you have learned how to cast
powerful holy spells beyond your natural ability. Once Blackguards are crusaders who care only for their
each day, you can cast one of the following spells as a own power and survival. These profane warriors are
ritual: Antimagic Field, Antipathy/Sympathy, faithful only to themselves. Anyone desperate enough
Etherealness, Resurrection, True Seeing, or Word of to follow one of these crusaders does so because,
Recall. These spells count as Crusader spells for you while deceitful, these crusaders command great
and they are always prepared. power. Those who follow them without falling prey to
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until their treachery hope to indulge in wanton violence
you finish a long rest. and accumulate great treasure.
Many of these crusaders pay homage to the daedra,
ZEALOT OF PURITY especially Boethia and Mephala. Although the Daedric
At 20th level, you gain the ability to harness the power Princes are reluctant to ally with these champions of
to repel evil. As an action, you become an avatar of chaos, they can find a kindred spirit in a blackguard’s
divine repulsion, gaining the following benefits for 1 penchant for double dealing and treachery.
• You radiate with a purifying aura, casting bright You gain devotion spells at the crusader levels listed.
light from you in a 30 foot radius.
• Whenever a creature starts its turn within that BLACKGUARD DEVOTION SPELLS
aura, it takes 5 radiant damage. If the creature is an Crusader Level Spells
undead or daedra, the damage is doubled. 3rd Charm Person, Expeditious Retreat
• Whenever a creatures enters the aura for the first 5th Invisibility, Mirror Image
time or starts its turn within the aura, it must make 9th Gaseous Form, Haste
a Willpower saving throw. On a failed save, the 13th Confusion, Greater Invisibility
creatures speed is reduced to 0. On a successful 17th Dominate Person, Passwall
save, their speed is halved. A fiend or undead
creature has disadvantage on this roll. BLACKGUARD'S EXPERTISE
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until When you choose this devotion at 3rd level, you
you finish a long rest. become proficient in your choice of two of the
following skills: Arcana, Deception, Intimidation, or
FALLEN CRUSADERS Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability
A fallen crusader is someone who devotes themselves check you make that uses either of these skills.
to a malevolent being, or uses the power granted to
them by their devotion for nefarious or self-serving CHANNEL DIVINITY
purposes. When you choose this devotion at 3rd level, you gain
Although these crusader's are typically evil by the the following Channel Divinity options.
nature of their devotion, it is not necessarily a Conjure Duplicate. As an action, you create a visual
constant truth. The dunmer are common worshipers illusion of yourself that lasts for 1 minute, or until you
of daedra and are not considered evil, although they lose your concentration (as if you were concentrating
are frequently misunderstood. on a spell). The illusion appears in an unoccupied
Fallen Crusaders have the following Devotion space of your choice that you can see within 30 feet of
options: Blackguard, and Unhallowed. you. The illusion looks exactly like you; it is silent; it is
your size, is insubstantial, and doesn’t occupy its
space; and it is unaffected by attacks and damage. As a
bonus action on your turn, you can move the illusion
up to 30 feet to a space you can see, but the illusion
must remain within 120 feet of you.
For the duration, you can cast spells as though you
were in the illusion’s space, but you must use your
own senses. Additionally, when both you and your
illusion are within 5 feet of a creature that can see the
illusion, you have advantage on attack rolls against


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that creature, given how uncanny the illusion is. provided that you aren’t incapacitated when it
Poison Strike. You can use your Channel Divinity to takes the action . A creature automatically succeeds
make a weapon deadlier. As a bonus action, you touch on the save if the creature is immune to being
one weapon or piece of ammunition and conjure a charmed.
special poison on it. The poison lasts for 1 minute. • If you have advantage on an attack roll, you gain a
The next time you hit a target with an attack using bonus to its damage roll equal to your crusader
that weapon or ammunition, the target takes poison level.
damage immediately after the attack. The poison Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
damage equals 2d10 + your crusader level, or 20 + you finish a long rest.
your crusader level if you had advantage on the attack
AURA OF TREACHERY An Unhallowed is a crusader who has devoted
Starting at 7th level, you emanate an aura of discord, themselves to pursue their dark ambitions or serve a
which gives you the following benefits. corrupt power. This worship is often devoted to the
Cull the Herd. You have advantage on melee attack Daedric Princes that prefer devastation, subjugation,
rolls against any creature that has one or more of its and chaos. Although most crusader's begin their
allies within 5 feet of it. vocation with benevolent aspirations, all that is left
Treacherous Strike. If a creature within 5 feet of within the unhallowed is darkness.
you misses you with a melee attack, you can use your These crusaders are usually found worshiping
reaction to force the attacker to reroll that attack Boethia, Molag Bal, Vaermina, Mehrunes Dagon, or
against a creature of your choice that is also within 5 Peryite.
feet of the attacker. The ability fails and is wasted if
the attacker is immune to being charmed. DEVOTION SPELLS
You can use this ability three times. You regain You gain devotion spells at the crusader levels listed.
expended uses of it when you finish a short or long
Crusader Level Spells
DIVINE SMITE: POISON 3rd Hellish Rebuke, Inflict Wounds
Also at 7th level, whenever you use the Divine Smite 5th Crown of Madness, Darkness
feature, you can choose to infuse your weapon strikes 9th Animate Dead, Bestow Curse
with poison damage instead of lightning. 13th Blight, Confusion
17th Contagion, Dominate Person
At 15th level, you have the ability to slip away from BONUS PROFICIENCIES
your foes. Immediately after you are hit by an attack, When you choose this devotion at 3rd level, you
you can use your reaction to turn invisible and become proficient in the Intimidation skill and the
teleport up to 60 feet to a spot you can see. You Poisoner's kit.
remain invisible until the end of your next turn or
until you attack, deal damage, or force a creature to CHANNEL DIVINITY
make a saving throw. Once you use this feature, you When you choose this devotion at 3rd level, you gain
must finish a short or long rest before you can use it the following Channel Divinity options.
again. Control Undead. As an action, you can choose one
undead creature that you can see within 30 feet of
ICON OF DECEIT you. The target must make a Willpower saving throw.
At 20th level, you gain the ability to emanate feelings On a failed save, the target must obey your commands
of treachery. As an action, you can magically become for the next 24 hours, or until you use this Channel
an avatar of deceit, gaining the following benefits for Divinity option again. An undead whose challenge
1 minute: rating is equal to or greater than the crusader's level
• You are invisible. is immune to this effect.
• If a creature damages you on its turn, it must
succeed on a Willpower saving throw (DC equal to
your spell save DC) or you control its next action,


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Dreadful Aspect. As an action, you channel the
darkest emotions and focus them into a burst of
magical menace. Each creature of your choice that can
see you and is within 30 feet of you must make a Scholars and practitioners of the arcane arts, mages
Willpower saving throw. On a failed save, the target is are the most disciplined spellcasters in Tamriel. They
frightened for 1 minute. If a creature frightened by need to be, as their powers come from years of careful
this effect ends its turn more than 30 feet away from study and practice. Some mages apprentice and study
you it can attempt another Willpower saving throw to with an experienced master, while others attend
end the effect on it. formal academies or universities of magic, such as the
Arcane University or the College of Winterhold.
Starting at 7th level, you and any friendly creatures ARCANE TRADITIONS
within 10 feet of you gain a bonus to melee weapon
The study of magic is ancient, stretching back to the
damage rolls equal to your Willpower modifier
dawn of time. It is firmly established in the world of
(minimum of +1). A creature can benefit from this
Nirn, with various traditions dedicated to its complex
feature from only one crusader at a time.
study. Mages now have the following Arcane Tradition
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30
option, in addition to those found in the Basic Rules.


Also at 7th level, whenever you use the Divine Smite A mage that focuses their studies on the school of
feature, you can choose to infuse your weapon strikes necromancy dedicates themselves to the responsible
with necrotic damage instead of lightning. aspects of this dark practice. Rather than the
conventional uses of the dark arts, mages are devoted
SUPERNATURAL RESISTANCE to the extension of mortal lifespans.
At 15th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical NECROMANCY PRODIGY
weapons. Beginning when you select this school at 2nd level, you
gain access to spells from the necromancy spell list,
DREAD LORD and these spells count as mage spells for you. The
At 20th level, as an action, you can surround yourself gold and time you must spend to learn a necromancy
with an aura of gloom that lasts for 1 minute. The spell is halved.
aura reduces any bright light in a 30-foot radius
around you to dim light. Whenever an enemy that is CIRCLE OF MORTALITY
frightened by you starts its turn in the aura, it takes At 2nd level, you gain the ability to manipulate the line
4dl0 necrotic damage. Additionally, you and any between life and death. When you cast a spell that
creatures you choose that are in the aura are draped restores hit points to a living creature currently at 0,
in deeper shadow. Creatures that rely on sight have treat any dice rolled to determine the spell’s healing
disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures draped as having rolled their maximum result. In addition, if
in this shadow. you have the spare the dying cantrip, you can cast it as
While the aura lasts, you can use a bonus action on a bonus action.
your turn to cause the shadows in the aura to attack
one creature. You must make a melee spell attack EYES OF THE GRAVE
against the target. If the attack hits, the target takes Starting at 2nd level, you gain an innate sense of
necrotic damage equal to 3d10 + your Willpower creatures whose existence is an insult to the natural
modifier. cycle of life. If you spend 1 minute in uninterrupted
After activating the aura, you can't do so again until contemplation, you can determine the presence and
you finish a long rest. nature of undead creatures in the area. This detection
extends up to 1 mile in all directions. You learn the
number of undead and their distance and direction
from you. In addition, you learn the creature type of
the undead in that area that has the highest challenge


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Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until MONSTER SLAYER
you finish a long rest.
As an archetypal Monster Slayer, you are an expert in
SENTINEL AT DEATH’S DOOR defeating supernatural threats. Typically mentored by
Starting at 6th level, you gain the ability to impede an older, experienced Monster Slayer, you learn to
death’s progress. As a reaction when you or an ally overcome a variety of unnatural defenses and attacks,
that you can see within 30 feet of you suffers a critical including those of undead, lycanthropes, and other
hit, you can turn that attack into a normal hit. Any creatures of horror.
effects triggered by a critical hit are canceled.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until BONUS PROFICIENCIES
you finish a short or long rest. When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency in two of the following skills of your
SPEAKER FOR THE DEAD choice: Arcana, History, Insight, Investigation, Nature,
Beginning at 10th level, you have an innate connection or Perception. You can gain proficiency with a tool of
to the souls of the recently departed. You can cast the your choice in place of one skill choice.
spell speak with dead as a ritual. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a long SLAYER'S TACTICS
rest. At 3rd level, you learn slayer tactics that are fueled by
special dice called tactical dice.
EMPOWERED LIFE AND DEATH Tactical Dice. You have four tactical dice, which are
Also at 10th level, the mastery you maintain over d8s. A tactical die is expended when you use it. You
magic allows you to empower your spells that restore regain all of your expended tactical dice when you
or destroy life. finish a short or long rest. You gain another tactical
Bring Death. Whenever you cast a mage spell that die at 9th level and one more at 17th level.
deals acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, radiant, or Using Tactical Dice. You can expend tactical dice to
thunder damage, you can spend 2 focus points to gain a number of different benefits:
substitute that damage with necrotic damage. • When you make a weapon attack against a creature,
Bring Life. Whenever you roll dice to determine the you can expend one tactical die to add it to the
number of hit points a mage spell of yours restores, attack roll. You can use this ability before or after
you can spend 1 focus point to reroll any number of making the attack roll, but before any of the effects
those dice once. of the attack are applied.
• When you damage a creature with a weapon attack,
KEEPER OF SOULS you can expend one tactical die to add it to the
At 14th level, you gain the ability to manipulate the damage roll. You can use this ability after rolling
boundary between life and death. When an enemy damage. If the attack causes the target to make an
you can see dies within 30 feet of you, you or one ally Endurance saving throw to maintain concentration,
of your choice that is within 30 feet of you regains hit it has disadvantage on that save.
points equal to the enemy’s number of Hit Dice. You • When you make an Intelligence, Willpower, or
can use this feature as long as you aren’t Personality saving throw, you can expend one
incapacitated, but no more than once per round. tactical die to add it to the roll. You can use this
feature only before you learn if the save succeeded

or failed.
• When you make a Willpower (Perception) check to
detect a hidden creature or object, or a Willpower
Rangers of Tamriel use special marks to indicate (Insight) check to determine if someone is lying to
campsites, dangerous areas, evil creatures, foul magic, you, you can expend one superiority die to add it to
monster activity, hidden caches of supplies, safe the roll. You can use this feature after seeing the
passage, shelter and graves or tombs. total but before learning if you succeeded or failed.

At 3rd level, a ranger gains the Ranger Archetype
feature. Here is the newest option, in addition to those
in the Basic Rules.


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Also at 3rd level, your study of the supernatural gives
you a limited ability to use magic. You can cast detect
magic as a ritual. You can cast protection from evil and Some sorcerers inherit their ability to weave magic
good, but you cannot cast it again with this feature from a magical ancestor, such a dremora or aedra, and
until you finish a long rest. Willpower is your others manifest their power by chance or the hand of
spellcasting ability for these spells. fate, perhaps portended by events at their conception
In addition, you gain the ability to speak one of the or birth.
following languages of your choice: Daedric,
Dovazhul, or Ehlnofex. SORCERY FOCUS
Sorcerer's have devoted themselves to the study of
powerful magic. Sometimes a sorcerer's devotion is
At 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
bound to them by a blessing bestowed onto them by a
when you use the Attack action on your turn.
greater being, whether benign or malevolent.
Examples of these are the Chosen light and the Divine
At 7th level, you gain the ability to study and unravel a
creature's defenses. As a bonus action, choose one
creature you can see within 120 feet of you. You CHOSEN LIGHT
immediately learn the target’s vulnerabilities, Your power is drawn from Meridia, the lady of Infinite
immunities, and resistances. You also learn any Energies, and her daedric realm of the Colored
special effects triggered when the target takes Rooms. Your connection to this realm allows you to
damage, such as fire damage halting its regeneration. experience the barest touch of the raw vitality of life
Whenever you expend tactical dice to add to a that powers the aurorans. Anything more, and you
damage roll against the target of your Slayer's Eye, would be instantly incinerated by its energy.
you can expend up to two dice instead of just one, Contact with the Colored Rooms causes subtle
adding both to the roll. Both dice are expended as changes to your behavior and beliefs. You are driven
normal. If the target of your attack is an aedra, daedra, to bring light to dark places, to annihilate undead
lycanthrope, or an undead, you deal maximum creatures, and to protect all living things. At the same
damage with both dice, instead of rolling them. time, you crave the light and find the darkness a
Additionally, whenever the target of your Slayer's suffocating experience akin to drowning.
Eye forces you to make a saving throw, you can add
your tactical die to your roll. As an optional way to add more flavor to your
character, you can pick from or roll on the following
IMPEDING REFLEX table of flaws associated with sorcerer's of the Chosen
At 11th level, you gain the ability to foil your foe’s Light.
ability to escape. Your study of folklore and arcane
knowledge gives you a key insight to keep your prey Chosen Light Flaws
cornered. If the target of your Slayer’s Eye attempts to d6 Flaws
teleport, change its shape, travel to another plane of 1 You are afraid of the dark, and must always have a
existence, or turn gaseous, you can use your reaction light source nearby.
to make a Willpower check contested by a Willpower 2 You keep a bright light on you, even in the barest
check made by the target. To use this ability, you must shadow.
be able to see the target and need to be within 30 feet 3 You have a compulsion to enter and illuminate dark
of it. If you succeed, you foil its attempt, causing it to areas.
waste the action, bonus action, or reaction it used. 4 You have an overwhelming hatred for undead
RELENTLESS 5 You avoid areas of darkness, but feel compelled to
Starting at 15th level, when you roll initiative and have check darkened areas to ensure they are safe.
no tactical dice remaining, you regain 1 tactical die. 6 You are irritable and uncomfortable when you are in
dark places or during night time.


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Starting at 1st level, your link to the daedric realm of
the Colored Rooms allows you to serve as a conduit Sometimes the spark of magic that fuels a sorcerer
for radiant energy. You have resistance to radiant comes from a divine source that glimmers within the
damage, and when you cast a spell that deals radiant soul. Having such a divine soul, your innate magic
or fire damage, you add your Intelligence modifier to might come from a distant but powerful familial
that damage. If the target of a spell that deals radiant connection to a divine being. Perhaps your ancestor
damage or fire damage is an undead creature, they was an aedra, transformed into a mortal and sent to
take additional damage equal to double your fight in a god’s name. Or your birth might align with
Intelligence modifier. an ancient prophecy, marking you as a servant of the
Additionally, you know the sacred flame and light divines or a chosen vessel of celestial magic.
cantrips and can cast them at will. They don’t count Divine souls, with their natural magnetism and
against your number of cantrips known. strong personalities, are often seen as threats by
traditional religious hierarchies. As outsiders who
SEARING VENGEANCE command aedric power, these sorcerers can
Starting at 6th level, the radiant energy you channel undermine the existing order and claim a direct tie to
allows you to overcome grievous injuries. When you the divine.
would make a death saving throw, you can instead
spring back to your feet with a burst of radiant DIVINE MAGIC
energy. You immediately stand up (if you so choose), Your link to the divine allows you to learn spells
and you regain hit points equal to half your hit point normally associated with the crusader class and
maximum. All hostile creatures within 30 feet of you restoration magic. When your Spellcasting feature lets
take 10 + your Intelligence modifier radiant damage you learn a sorcerer cantrip or a sorcerer spell of 1st
and are blinded until the end of your turn. level or higher, you can choose the new spell from the
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until crusader spell list, or from the school or restoration
you finish a long rest. spell list, in addition to the sorcerer spell list. You
must otherwise obey all the restrictions for selecting
AEGIS OF LIGHT the spell, and it becomes a sorcerer spell for you.
At 14th level, whenever you use your Equilibrium You also learn the cure wounds spell, which doesn’t
feature to restore hit points, you gain a magical aegis count against your number of sorcerer spells known.
of light that surrounds you, emitting dim light in a 5
foot radius. You gain temporary hit points equal to FAVORED BY THE GODS
1d4 for each magicka spent. Starting at 1st level, divine power guards your destiny.
If you fail a saving throw or miss with an attack roll,
VOLATILE RETRIBUTION you can roll 2d4 and add it to the total, possibly
At 18th level, your soul pulses with volatile light that changing the outcome. Once you use this feature, you
reacts to harm. Whenever you take damage from a can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
weapon attack or a spell that targets only you, you
erupt in a violent flash of light that burns and CELESTIAL HEALING
disorients the creature that attacked you. That Starting at 6th level, the celestial energy coursing
creature takes an amount of damage equal to half through you can empower your healing magic.
your sorcerer level and has disadvantage on any Whenever you roll dice to determine the number of
attacks it makes until the start of your next turn. hit points a sorcerer spell of yours restores, and you
Additionally, your next weapon attack, cantrip, or roll the highest number possible on any of the dice,
spell becomes empowered with radiant energy, choose one of those dice, roll it again, and add that
dealing an additional amount of radiant damage equal roll to the total hit points restored. You can use this
to your sorcerer level. feature only once for each healing spell you cast.


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At 14th level, your divine essence causes you to
undergo a minor physical transformation. Your
appearance takes on an otherworldly version of one
of the following qualities (your choice): beautiful,
youthful, kind, or imposing.
In addition, as a bonus action, you can manifest a
pair of spectral wings from your back. The wings last
until you’re incapacitated or you dismiss them as a
bonus action. While the wings are present, you have a
flying speed of 30 feet.

At 18th level, you gain the ability to overcome
grievous injuries. As a bonus action when you have
fewer than half of your hit points remaining, you can
regain a number of hit points equal to half your hit
point maximum.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
you finish a long rest.


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In the desolate and treacherous Wrothgarian HAMMERFELL
Mountains lies an ancient and mysterious nordic Adventures that take place in the Redguard province
burial tomb. Carved into the base of the mountain of Hammerfell are likely to happen across this barrow
range, Exile's Barrow was the home of a banished in the Dragontail Mountains that border Skryim. The
dragon and it's faithful servants. city of Dragonstar or the smaller settlement of Dragon
Built sometime in the late merethic period, this out- Gate may be a fitting location for the adventure hook
of-place barrow holds many unanswered questions. to begin.
Who exactly was banished, the dragon or its priest?
Why were they banished? Were they apostates of the MORROWIND
Dragon Cult, or did they offend the hierarchy? It is Narsis Dren is a famous adventurer, known for his
likely that these questions will never truly be best selling books describing his heroic tales. Being a
answered. What is known about this location is that dunmer, he has many fans within Morrowind that are
after leaving Skyrim, the dragon priest known as likely to know his current whereabouts and next
Arthosiis led an expedition to High Rock. With the adventure. The Velothi Mountains that border Skyrim
help of the dragon he worshiped and his many are a likely location for a nordic barrow, but the
servants, they built the barrow in the mountains of southern Valus Mountains are also a welcome
Wrothgar. After the dragon died, Arthosiis began his location. The cities of Blacklight and Kragenmoor are
rite to ascension, sealing off the tomb and committing the largest settlements near these locations, but any
suicide with his faithful servants, leading them into town or village is likely home to an avid Narsis fan.
eternal undeath.


The Exile's Barrow adventure is a short story that can
be completed in a single session and is intended for a
party of four 4th level characters. Within, the heroes
find themselves on a unconventional rescue mission,
working with the famous explorer and adventurer,
Narsis Dren.
Blessings and Curses contains all of the creature
statistics required to run this adventure. When a
monster's name appears in bold type, that is a visual
cue pointing you to the creatures stat block in Chapter
7. Magic items are described in Chapter 6.
Although this barrow is found in Wrothgar and the
Dragon Priest was defeated in the second era, feel free
to place this location somewhere that makes sense for
your game. The exiled dragon priest could have easily
chosen any direction to leave Skyrim, and there are
many mountain ranges that surround the northern

Heroes that find themselves in the great Imperial
province are likely to come across word of draugr
sightings in the Jerall Mountains. It's not unlikely,
however, that the exiled traveled even further, finding
themselves in the Colovian Highlands or the Valus
Mountains bordering Morrowind. Innkeepers in
Chorrol, Bruma, and Cheydinhal are probably familiar
with undead related rumors.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
ACCIDENTAL AWAKENING exploring is thought to hold a long abandoned
treasure room (unbeknownst to her or Narsis, this
Regardless of the exact setting, the famous dunmer room has been long picked over by treasure hunters
adventurer and author, Narsis Dren was last heard and other adventurers over the past several thousand
from a few days ago, not that anyone is particularly years).
worried. As everyone knows from his books, Narsis is If the characters accept the challenge, she tells them
an accomplished adventurer that doesn't exactly need where they can find the barrow and either marks
help, but just to be safe, it would be great if someone their map or provides ample directions to get there.
could go and check on him.
If the character's are in a nearby city or town, they EXPLORATION ADVENTURE HOOK
are likely to come across fans of Narsis that have been If the heroes are unlikely to come across a town or inn
following him around on his latest expedition, hoping in the near future, they come across a small group of
to either be mentioned in his next book, or to at least Narsis Dren's fans that are currently traveling
feel a connection to the heroic tales. Woman and men towards the barrow he is expected to be exploring.
of all ages and races fawn over his bravery and Some fans are seeking out autographs while others
charismatic nature. are in search of vicarious adventures.
Whether the character's find themselves in the local Here, a rambunctious aspiring adventurer named
tavern or traversing the mountains in search of Delyn, a male dunmer, is hoping to find Narsis to
another goal, they come across the authors fan that receive advice on how to start his own adventuring
are all too eager to tell other adventuring parties career. Delyn has the same knowledge and worries as
about Narsis' current exploits. Minriel, mentioned above. Deyln is not interested in
leaving his slow moving group, which is treating their
EXAMPLE ADVENTURE HOOKS travels as a pilgrimage, taking in every step, but
This short story is meant to fit in between adventures encourages the heroes to go on ahead to see what is
and can work as either a side quest or it can become happening.
an unrelated stop of an ongoing story. The final
treasure room allows you to place a valuable item that
might relate to your main story if that works, or it can
be a simple distraction from the journey. Below you Adventurers can find the barrow by following the
can find some examples of adventure hooks you can directions provided to them from either Minriel,
use to pique the player's interests. Delyn, or anyone else that has directed them there.
Searching the base of the mountains, the heroes easily
TAVERN ADVENTURE HOOK find an old trail that appears to have been recently
The next time the characters visit their favorite tavern traversed.
or the local inn, they notice that it is significantly
busier than usual. Many of the dining tables and APPROACHING THE BARROW
common spaces are filled with the unyielding fans of Upon approaching the Exile's Barrow, a woman's
the accomplished adventurer Narsis Dren. It doesn't scream can be heard from behind the large stone
take long for an obnoxious fan, a young bosmer canopy that covers the main entrance. Immediately
woman named Minriel, to recognize the characters as afterward, a female orc, Mazgroth, and a male nord,
other adventurers. She quickly peppers them with an Borfree Dull-Blade (both commoners, see the Monster
onslaught of curious questions asking about their Manual for statistics, if required), can be seen running
most recent exploits. Any tales the characters choose towards the adventurers. Within a few seconds, two
to share pale in comparison to the stories of Narsis, at draugr appear chasing after the fleeing orc and nord.
least in the mind of Minriel. After the draugr are taken care of, Mazgroth and
Eventually, she lets the characters in on a secret: Borfree are willing to introduce themselves and
she's starting to get a little worried about Narsis, as explain their story. Both Maz and Borfree are die hard
he's been gone for a few days now and it shouldn't fans of Narsis who, after camping outside the barrow
have take this long for such a brave and capable hero. for the past day and having enough ale to feel
She asks the adventurers if they'd be willing to take a unstoppable, went inside to see if they could find
look, just in case. If the characters are reluctant, she Narsis. Almost immediately they were chased out by
first eggs them on as cowards, and then lets them the draugr, moments before you found them. They are
know that rumor has it that the barrow he is no longer interested in adventuring today.


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EXILE'S BARROW: GENERAL FEATURES Narsis is quick to explain that he was just testing if a
sarcophagus would protect him against any wayward
Exiles Barrow is largely a standard nordic barrow. The
undead. Also, he explains that being in the
exterior entrance is framed with a 30 foot high dome,
sarcophagus helps him get into the mindset of the
shaped out of stone, creating refuge from the bitter
dead, which is important in learning about your
winds of Wrothgar. Inside, the barrow has been carved
enemy. Of course, any adventurer would know this,
out of stone, with burial niches sculpted right into the
it's Adventuring 101, at least in Narsis' mind.
walls. The ancient barrow has remained mostly
The dunmer quickly sees this as an opportunity to
untouched, with some of the columns and walls
explore the barrow with minimal personal effort. He
crumbling with the passage of time.
suggests that this would be a good learning
Lighting. The crypt is lit with torches and large wall
experience for the party, offering to personally guide
mounted braziers that produce dim light that fills most
the adventurers through the crypt, giving the party
of the crypt and creates dramatic shadows. Continual
tips while they fight through the undead.
Flame spells have been cast on the torches and sconces,
giving off warm, natural looking light. Lanterns filled
with slow burning oil hang from ropes in some areas. NARSIS DREN ROLEPLAYING INFORMATION
The oil is highly volatile when burned quickly. Narsis is known as being an accomplished adventurer
Corridors. Unless noted otherwise, corridors are 10 and author. His many books tell the stories of his exploits
feet high, 15 feet wide, and have been carved out stone. and unbelievable talent. It would be an understatement
Climbing. A creature can scale the uneven walls of the to say that these stories are mostly hyperbole, but
barrow with a successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) through charisma and luck, Narsis has been able to pass
check. off his tales as truth.
Chambers. Unless noted otherwise, all chambers Appearance. Narsis is a 30 year old Dunmer with
within the barrow have 20 foot high ceilings made out of heroic features, dark hair, bright red eyes, and azure
solid stone. blue skin. He is strikingly handsome and loves his smile.
Mannerisms. He is extremely arrogant and loves to
1. ENTRY PASSAGE talk about how great he is, often referring back to past
After entering the crypt, anyone familiar with nordic Combat. Narsis prefers to avoid dangerous situations
architecture can easily recognize this crypt as a and doesn't like to get his hands dirty. When placed in
traditional Nordic Barrow, which is notably out of combat, Narsis uses his Aid action, giving combat advice
place, being outside of Skyrim. to allies in his party. He only relies on his +1 magic
The main entrance opens onto a wide corridor that dagger if he absolutely has to.
bends around the corner. Enclaves are carved into the Equipment. Narsis has a +1 dagger, leather armor,
walls, which house urns, along with images of three smoke bombs, a Dungeoneer's Pack, two small
mummified corpses in the Nordic art style. In the rubies worth 50 septims each, and a leather pouch
middle of the main entry is a large sarcophagus. As containing 170 septims.
the characters approach, they can hear a muffled Ideal. To be famous by any means necessary.
voice coming from the sarcophagus saying “Help me Bond. His fame.
out of here!”, along with the pounding of fists against Secret. Most of his adventures are lies, created from
the inside of the heavy stone lid. stealing the stories of other real adventurers and taking
Opening the sarcophagus is difficult for a single credit for it. His cowardice has gotten many people
person, requiring a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check, killed, but he has managed to maintain the illusion of
but it can easily be opened with the help of others. heroism. Dren is the one who awoke the draugr by
Inside of the sarcophagus is the famous Dunmer, trying to loot the ancient nordic treasure found within.
Narsis Dren. Refer to the Narsis Dren Roleplaying
Information section below for more information on
how to use Narsis in your story.


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2. GREAT HALL Placed against each of the three standing columns is
a sarcophagus standing upright, each facing towards
This large square room has 30 foot high ceilings. the center of the room. Corpses riddle the floor south
Three pillars stand in the room, with a fourth pillar of the columns. Some of the bodies are being nibbled
having collapsed over time, falling into the eastern on by four skeevers. If anyone noticeably enters the
passage way leading to area 4, blocking it with rubble. room, the skeevers run away, either through the small
A large solid wood arched double door leads to the holes in the crumbled wall to the east or through the
western corridor, but it is barred with a heavy wood south passageway.
timber from the other side. A DC Strength 30 Strength One of the bodies on the laying on the floor is a
(Athletics) check is required to break the door down. draugr. The first person to attempt to cross over the
An open passageway leads to the north and south bodies is grabbed by the ankles by the draugr.
rooms. Immediately after, the three draugr burst out of the


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sarcophagi standing against the columns. They attack author is the nord artist who was commissioned to
anyone that isn't a draugr and fight to the death. Any create the reliefs, explaining the door was made with
loud noises in the area awaken the draugr early. a Nordic mechanism which unlocks when the correct
keystones are placed in each of the pillars slots.
3. LARGE ANTECHAMBER Opening the door. Each pillar has an image carved
into it with a one foot radius hexagon opening below.
Wood scaffolding frames half of the north and south Placing the corresponding stone into the correct hole
side of this two storey antechamber. The ceilings are unlocks one of the four tumblers. Refer to area 11 for
50 feet high, with the wooden mezzanine at 20 feet more information about unlocking the door. This door
above the rooms main floor. The northern scaffold has can't be picked and has no effect from the knock spell.
a set of stairs leading down to the main floor, while
the southern scaffold's stairs have rotted and
Two massive stone doors lead through to area 11. The fallen column in area 2 smashed into the door
The doors are intricately designed with a menacing way, creating a pile of rubble and blocking the passage
looking dragon's face carved into them. Smaller between area 2 and 4. It would take 8 hours of work
wooden doors lead out the room to the east and the for a single person to clear the rubble away. Each
south, while a small 5 foot passageway can be seen on additional person helping reduces the time by 1 hour.
the southern mezzanine. This rough passageway has At the top of the stairs, the walls are lined with
been created by skeevers that have made their way standing sarcophagi and niches filled with urns. Any
into the barrow. The entry can only be seen from on noise in this area awakens the five draugr resting in
top of the southern scaffolding, or with a DC 15 the sarcophagi. The draugr fight the to death.
Intelligence (Investigation) check. Treasure. The urns within the niches mostly hold
Four large columns in the middle of the room are ashes, one urn contains 20 septims, while another has
made from carved stone blocks, each depicting a two carnelian gems, each worth 200 septims. These
unique story made from bas-reliefs. Each column has items are buried within the bone dust and ash. On one
a foot wide open hexagon carved out of it. Inside, the of the shelves is a sealed glass bottle of clear viscous
hollow appears to connect to a heavy iron chain that liquid, which is easily recognized as lantern oil.
follows up the length of the pillar to the capital, which
has been carved into a dragon. The chain comes out 5. STATUE ROOM (TRIUMPH)
the mouth of the dragon and disappears into a small
hole in the solid stone ceiling. On top of a dais, framed by two pillars, is a large stone
Developments. Narsis Dren's excitement gets the bas-relief, carved into a block of stone 6 feet wide by 8
better of him when entering this room, pushing ahead feet tall and 1 foot deep. Vines have broken through
of everyone, narrating his discovery along the way. the stone walls behind the carving, covering part of
Narsis Dren's sudden movements startles a skeever, the large bas-relief.
which run across a string of rope that connects to The carving shows a dragon flying overhead, of a
each of the pillars. As it runs across, a lit oil lantern man dressed in robes standing above a pile of bodies,
falls onto the ground, lighting a small amount of oil raising a sword, surrounded by kneeling soldiers.
that remains on the stone floor from a broken lantern. If the characters make a DC 12 Intelligence (History)
The fire rages for a few seconds and then dissipates as check, they recognize the robed character as a dragon
the oil is burned away. The skeevers run up the priest with his followers and the dragon they worship.
scaffolding towards corridor 10. Dragon priests were powerful servants to the
He explains that the door is clearly a puzzle door, dragons, many centuries ago.
which should be opened by pushing a switch or Whether the characters have formed their own
pulling a level. “Aha” he exclaims as he pushes on a opinion or not, Narsis explains that these images
stone bass relief, but nothing happens. “Hmm, this must be telling a story, explaining that this must be of
usually works.” He spends some time 'educating' the a hero, similar to him, with his followers admiring
adventurers on how believes this door should work, him.
however, he has no idea. Treasure. On a pedestal in front of the carving is a
Treasure. On top of an old work table is an ancient hexagonal stone, one foot in diameter, which has an
journal written in the ancient nedic language. The image of four wrapped bodies carved into it. This is
the Triumph Stone Key.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
6. STATUE ROOM (EXODUS) from this hallway, leading into area 8, then to area 9,
and back. If the characters engage in any fighting, or
On top of a dais, framed by two pillars, is a large stone make loud noises, two draugr awaken from their rest
bas-relief, carved into a block of stone 6 feet wide by 8 in the sarcophagi. The characters can sneak past the
feet tall and 1 foot deep. Vines have broken through sleeping draugr with a DC 10 Agility (Stealth) check.
the stone walls, covering some of a large bass relief.
One of the pillars has collapsed, causing rubble to
block a portion of the north passageway.
The carving shows a dragon flying overhead of a In the middle of the room, on top of a dais, framed by
person dressed in robes. This ornately dressed person two pillars, stands a large stone bas-relief, carved into
is leading a march with three warriors following. The a block of stone 6 feet wide by 8 feet tall and 1 foot
carving depicts a mountain range in the background, deep. Two upright sarcophagi are found on either side
which the dragon and the people below are moving of the carving, in front of the pillars, and another two
away from. sarcophagi are standing at the base of the dais.
If the characters make a DC 12 Intelligence (History) Two hanging lanterns light the statue on the
check, they recognize the robed person as a dragon platform. One of the hanging lanterns has spilled oil
priest. on to the dais below. The ropes carrying the lanterns
Regardless of the characters impressions of the bas- are easy to cut, releasing the lanterns. Any creature
relief, Narsis explains that these images must be struck by the lantern takes 4d6 fire damage. If a
telling a story, explaining that this must be an image lantern falls or fire of any kind touches the oil on the
of a hero and his followers that appear to be going on platform, the oil lights on fire, dealing 2d6 fire
a trip. damage to anyone on the platform, and then quickly
Treasure. On a pedestal in front of the carving is a burns away.
hexagonal stone, one foot in diameter, which has a The carving shows a dragon, perched on top of the
mountain carved into it. This is the Exodus Stone Key. entrance to a crypt. A robed person holding a staff is
seen in the foreground, which appears to be directing
7. GUARDED HALLWAY three soldiers that are shown bringing materials to
the building.
This stone hallway is lined with a half dozen standing If the characters make a DC 12 Intelligence (History)
sarcophagi on either side. A draugr wight is currently check, they recognize the robed person as a dragon
walking down this hallway. It patrols the area, starting priest. The crypt shown is a traditional nordic barrow


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
which looks similar to the exterior of this very carved into a block of stone 6 feet wide by 8 feet tall
barrow. and 1 foot deep. The carving shows a person dressed
Narsis believes that the image obviously shows that in robes, hovering above a stone altar, looking
the dragon destroyed a mountain. He insists that the upward, towards the sky. Four soldiers stand,
imagery of this time period is difficult to read to the watching the ceremony.
untrained eye. While the character's interpret the carving, Narsis
Treasure. On a pedestal in front of the carving is a can be heard mumbling to himself the following,
hexagonal stone, one foot in diameter, which has an ““something, something, ohh!!! dragon priest... Ohh!!”
image of a half built barrow carved into it. This is the If the characters make a DC 16 Intelligence (History)
Restoration Stone Key. check, they recognize the robed person as a dragon
Developments. If the stone is removed from the priest. The ceremony depicted in the image shows
pedestal, or if any loud noises occur, the three that the dragon priest has committed suicide,
sarcophagi open at the same time, releasing two ascending to lichdom.
draugr and a draugr overlord which attack any Developments. If any noise is made in this room,
intruder they see. three sarcophagi immediately burst open in different
areas of the main floor, each releasing a draugr that
9. STATUE ROOM (ASCENSION) attacks any intruder it sees. Two more draugr climb
out of enclaves on the mezzanine level, using their
This is the largest of all the Statue Rooms. The walls long bows to attack any intruder.
are lined with sarcophagi and urns. In the middle of Treasure. On a pedestal in front of the carving is a
the room are two large natural stone columns. Along hexagonal stone, on foot in diameter, which has an
the north wall is a wood stair leading up to a small image of an altar with a dagger carved into it. This is
wooden mezzanine. the Ascension Stone Key.
Between the columns stands a large stone bas-relief,


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To open the large stone door leading into area 11, the
This small passage is 5 feet high and 5 feet wide. If nordic puzzle lock must be solved. Each pillar has an
anyone attempts to enter the passage, 5 skeevers run image carved into it with a one foot radius hexagon
out of the passage, attacking anyone on the wooden opening below. Placing the corresponding stone into
mezzanine. At the bend of the passage is a skeever the correct hole unlocks one of the four tumblers.
nest, which is being protected by a swarm of Once all tumblers are unlocked, the door slowly
skeevers. The swarm attacks any creature that opens, kicking up dust.
approaches the nest. If the threat leaves, the swarm “Aha” exclaims Narsis, “You know, you all should go
returns to their nest. A large or larger creature has first” indicating to his new party members. “I would
disadvantage on any attack rolls while inside the hate to deny you this experience.”
passage. Ascension Pillar. The image on the pillar shows a
Treasure. At the bend of the passage is a skeever man in robes, levitating upwards. Placing the
nest. Part of the nest is made out of five Malachite Ascension Stone Key, which depicts a dagger on an
gems, worth 50 septims each. altar, in the opening unlocks one of the four unique
11. DRAGON PRIEST HALL Exodus Pillar. The image on the pillar shows a
The dragon priest hall is the largest room in the dragon flying to the left. Placing the the Exodus Stone
barrow. The ceiling in this room is 50 feet high and Key, which depicts a mountain, in the opening unlocks
four carved stone pillars stand on the eastern half of one of the four unique tumblers.
the hall. Half way into the room, just beyond the Restoration Pillar. The image on the pillar shows a
pillars, are a four steps that run the width of the hall, hammer and a shovel. Placing the Restoration Stone
raising the western half. The north and south walls Key, which depicts a half built barrow, in the opening
are lined with a dozen sarcophagi on each side. unlocks one of the four unique tumblers.
In the back of the room is a circular platform with a Triumph Pillar. The image on the pillar shows a
stone altar in the center of it. Just beyond the altar lie raised sword. Placing the the Triumph Stone Key,
the bones of a dragon, which are cupped by a natural which depicts four wrapped bodies, in the opening
stone wall with draconic runes carved in it. The unlocks one of the four unique tumblers.
draconic characters have been scratched away and
vandalized. Someone who understands dovahzul Each time the correct stone key is placed into the
would be unable to decipher even a single word. corresponding pillar, an audible click of stone hitting
Hanging lanterns light the central areas, while wall stone can be heard beneath the pillar. The pillar turns
scones light the edges of the room. 90 degress, releasing part of the heavy iron chain, and
three clicks of stone hitting stone can be heard from
the direction of the large stone door.


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Once inside the room, Narsis follows his party
members closely. Once he spots the doorway leading Although most treasure rooms are nearly filled wall to
to the north, he loudly pronounces that this door wall with piles of gold and chests overflowing with
must lead to the treasure room, which are well known rare jewels, golden chalices, and diamond encrusted
to exist in dragon lairs. His voice echoes through the crowns, this treasure room is nearly empty. Picked
chamber, awakening the resting undead. over from centuries of looting by careful thieves, all
Almost immediately, the sound of stone rubbing that remains are old molded wood chests, broken
against stone can be heard, as two draugr release urns, and crumbled walls.
from nearby sarcophagi. On Narsis' initiative, he uses If Narsis Dren made it to this room before the rest of
his bonus action to throw one of his three smoke the adventuring party, he can be found distracted,
bombs to create cover for himself as he uses his flipping over chests, looking for treasure, mumbling to
action to dash to the northern door. The smoke bomb himself about why he can't find anything of use. He is
creates a thick cloud of fog where it lands, covering a unapologetic for leaving the party and admits to
120 foot radius for two rounds. Anyone within the fog looking for a dragon priest's mask. He attempts to
has disadvantage on attacks that rely on sight. barter with anyone he believes may have it. If he is
At the start of the second round of combat, two treated with aggression, he uses his remaining smoke
more draugr awaken from the sarcophagi near the bombs to either hide in a sarcophagi or to escape the
middle of the room. At the start of the third round of tomb.
combat, two more draugr awaken in the back of the Treasure. The room has clearly been looted in
room, which use their long bows to attack any previous years. All that is left is broken urns and
intruders. crumbled stone chests. With some time spent
At the start of the fourth round of combat, the stone searching, a total of 95 septims can be found, two
altar at the far end of the room opens up, revealing cracked emeralds worth 25 septims each, and an old
the Exiled Dragon Priest, Arthosiis. Arhtosiis uses stained glass circlet worth 300 septims.
his action to open the altar, and it's movement speed
to get up. At the start of the fifth round Arthosiis can
use his first action in combat.
Narsis is not interested in fighting this battle and
believes that the rest of his adventuring party can
handle themselves. Instead, he is motivated by the
thoughts of treasure in another room. He quickly
makes his way to area 12, closing all doors behind
If the party was able to make there way into area 12
prior to entering the Dragon Priest Hall, he assists the
party normally, avoiding combat and using the aid
action as much as possible. Once the dragon priest is
dead, he tries to steal the dragon priest mask, if
possible. Otherwise, he attempts to bribe the party
with fame, promising to give them credit in his next
book (he won't). If that fails, he tries to sweeten the
deal by offering up his gold and his rubies.

The dragon priest is wearing a Dragon Mask called
Arthosiis (see Chapter 6). The dragon bones behind
the altar have aged poorly. Most crumble into dust
when touched, but two small bones from the left hind
foot can be salvaged. The bones can be sold to a
collector for 500 septims, or could be manufactured
into dragon bone equipment, if a skilled smith and
more bones were found.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
This appendix presents new spells you can make HEALER SUPERIOR RESTORATION SPELLS
available to your players. 9TH LEVEL
It's up to you whether these spells are available at Bane of the Undead (restoration)
character creation, whether they are discovered over
the course of the adventure, or whether they don't MAGE SPELLS
end up in the character's hands at all. Many players
are fine sticking with the spells in the Player's CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL)
Handbook, whereas other players will be excited to Hand of Radiance (restoration)
gain new spell options.
SPELL LISTS Chaos Bolt (destruction)
Puppet (illusion)
The following spell lists show which of the new spells
are for a class. A spell's school of magic is noted in 2ND LEVEL
parenthesis after its name. If a spell can be cast as a Soul Trap (conjuration)
ritual, the ritual tag also appears within the
parenthesis. 5TH LEVEL
Drain Attribute (destruction)
Bane of the Undead (restoration)
Puppet (illusion) NIGHTBLADE SPELLS
Unearthly Chorus (illusion)
5TH LEVEL Daedric Shards (conjuration)
Drain Attribute (destruction) Shadow Blind (illusion)


Black Hand (destruction)
CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Cause Fear (necromancy)
Hand of Radiance (restoration) Chaos Bolt (destruction)
Toll the Dead (necromancy) Mark of Power (necromancy)
Virtue (restoration) Teleport Strike (illusion)


Ceremony (conjuration, ritual) Shadow Image (illusion)
Soul Trap (conjuration)
Aurora Javelin (conjuration) 4TH LEVEL
Summon Shadows (illusion)
Solar Barrage (restoration) 5TH LEVEL
Drain Attribute (destruction)
5TH LEVEL Path of Darkness (illusion)
Reincarnate (restoration) Weakness (destruction)
Stendarr's Aura (restoration)
Reincarnate (restoration)


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Daedric Shards (conjuration) Black Hand (destruction)
Cause Fear (necromancy)
1ST LEVEL Mark of Power (necromancy)
Cause Fear (necromancy) Vampiric Drain (necromancy)
Chaos Bolt (destruction)
Toll the Dead (necromancy) 2ND LEVEL
Bat Swarm (illusion)
2ND LEVEL Raise Animal (necromancy)
Raise Animal (necromancy) Soul Trap (conjuration)
Soul Trap (conjuration) Vampiric Grip (necromancy)


Command Undead (necromancy) Command Undead (necromancy)
Necromantic Healing (restoration) Conjure Gargoyle (conjuration)


Corpse Explode (necromancy) Corpse Explode (necromancy)
Conjure Spirit (conjuration) Vampiric Cloud (conjuration)


Create Black Soul Gem (necromancy) Create Black Soul Gem (necromancy)
Drain Attribute (destruction) Drain Attribute (destruction)
Mass Necromantic Healing (restoration) Plague (necromancy)
Plague (necromancy) Scourge (necromancy)
Wall of Bones (necromancy) Weakness (destruction)


Flaming Familiar (conjuration)
Conjure Unstable Spirit (conjuration) CONJURATION
Graveyard (necromancy) Daedric Shards
Sphere of Negation (destruction)
Daedric Shards (conjuration) Aurora Javelin
Hand of Radiance (restoration) Soul Trap


Black Hand (destruction) Conjure Gargoyle


Soul Trap (conjuration) Conjure Spirit
Summon Shadows
Drain Attribute (destruction) 6TH LEVEL
Scourge (necromancy) Flaming Familiar


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Vampiric Cloud
Conjure Unstable Spirit 5TH LEVEL
Flaming Familiar Create Black Soul Gem
Wall of Bones
Black Hand 9TH LEVEL
Chaos Bolt Graveyard


Drain Attribute
Hand of Radiance
9TH LEVEL Virtue
Sphere of Negation
ILLUSION Necromantic Healing
Solar Barrage
Shadow Blind 5TH LEVEL
Mass Necromantic Healing
1ST LEVEL Reincarnate
Puppet Stendarr's Aura
Teleport Strike
Unearthly Chorus 9TH LEVEL
Bane of the Undead
Bat Swarm
The spells are presented in alphabetical order.
Path of Darkness AURORA JAVELIN
2nd-level conjuration
NECROMANCY Cast Time: 1 action
CANTRIPS (0 LEVEL) Range: 30 feet
Toll The Dead Components: V. S
Duration: Instantaneous
1ST LEVEL A brilliant javelin of pure light forms in your hand that
Cause Fear you can throw at a target within range. Make a ranged
Mark of Power spell attack. If the attack hits, the javelin bursts into
Vampiric Drain bright light, dealing 3d8 radiant damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 3rd
2ND LEVEL level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each
Raise Animal level above 2nd.
Vampiric Grip

Command Undead

Corpse Explode


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2nd-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take in response
to being damaged by a creature that you can see
Range: Self
Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous
You transform into a swarm of bats, and can
immediately move up to 20 feet without provoking
opportunity attacks. You stay in your swarm of bats
form until the start of your next turn. While as a
swarm of bats, you are resistant to all damage taken.

1st-level destruction
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Your hands emanate with caustic darkness. Make a
melee spell attack against a creature you can reach.
On a hit, the target takes 3d10 acid damage.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 2nd
level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each
level above 1st.

1st-level necromancy
BANE OF THE UNDEAD Casting Time: 1 action
9th-level restoration Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Range: Self
Components: V, S You awaken the sense of mortality in one creature you
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute can see within range. The target must succeed on a
Willpower saving through or become frightened for
You create a stationary 60 foot diameter circle of the duration. A target with 25 hit points or fewer
protection on the ground beneath you. Any undead makes the saving throw with disadvantage. The spell
creature that enters the circle must make a Willpower has no effect on constructs or undead.
saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the undead
creature takes 10d6 radiant damage, and half as much
on a successful one.
While in the circle, an undead creature has their
speed halved and anyone attacking the creature has
advantage on their attacks. An undead creature must
make the Willpower saving throw when it enters the
wall for the first time on a turn or if it ends its turn


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
1st-level conjuration (ritual) 1st-level destruction
Casting Time: 1 hour Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (100 septims worth of Components: V, S
powdered silver) Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Instantaneous (see text)
You hurl an undulating, warbling mass of chaotic
You perform one of several religious ceremonies. energy at one creature in range. Make a ranged spell
When you cast the spell, choose one of the following attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 2d8
ceremonies, the target of which must be within 10 damage. Choose one of the d8s. The number it rolled
feet of you throughout the casting. determines the type of damage, as shown below.
Atonement. You touch one willing creature whose
alignment has changed, and you make a DC 20 d8 Damage Type
Willpower (Insight) check. On a success, you restore 1 Acid
the target to its original alignment. 2 Cold
Bless Water. You touch one vial of water and cause 3 Fire
it to become holy water. 4 Force
Coming of Age. You touch one humanoid old enough 5 Lightning
to be a young adult. For the next 24 hours, whenever 6 Poison
the target makes an ability check, it can roll a d4 and 7 Psychic
add the number rolled to the ability check. A creature 8 Thunder
can benefit from this ceremony just once.
Dedication. You touch one humanoid who wishes to If you roll the same number on both d8s, the chaotic
be dedicated to your patron god’s service. For the next energy leaps from the target to a different creature of
24 hours, whenever the target makes a saving throw, your choice within 30 feet of it. Make a new attack roll
it can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the save. against the new target, and make a new damage roll,
A creature can benefit from this ceremony just once. which could cause the chaotic energy to leap again.
Funeral Rite. You bless one corpse within 5 feet of A creature can be targeted only once by this mass of
you. For the next 24 hours, the target can’t become chaotic energy.
undead by any means short of a wish spell. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 2nd
Investiture. You touch one willing humanoid. level or higher, each target takes extra damage of the
Choose one 1st-level spell you have prepared and type rolled. The extra damage equals 1d6 for each
expend magicka and any material components as if level above 1st.
you were casting that spell. The spell has no effect.
Instead, the target can cast this spell once without
having to expend magicka or use material
components. If the target doesn’t cast the spell within
1 hour, the invested spell is lost.
Marriage. You touch adult humanoids willing to be
bonded together in marriage. For the next 24 hours,
each target gains a +2 bonus to AC and saving throws
while they are within 30 feet of each other. A creature
can benefit from this ceremony just once.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
3rd-level necromancy 3rd-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You attempt to place a magical command on an You summon a gargoyle from the daedric realm of
undead creature that you can see within range, Coldharbour which appears in an unoccupied space
controlling it's actions for the duration of the spell. that you can see within range.
The creature must succeed on a Willpower saving The gargoyle disappears when it drops to 0 hit
throw or become charmed by you until the spell ends points or when the spell ends.
or if you are more than 120 feet away from it. If the The gargoyle is friendly to you and your
undead target is currently under the thrall of another companions. Roll initiative for the gargoyle, which has
creature, that creature must make the saving throw its own turn. It obeys any verbal command that you
instead. issue to it (no action required by you). If you don't
While the undead creature is charmed by you, you issue any commands to it, it defends itself from
can direct it's actions on each of its turns, no action hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no actions.
required by you. If you or your allies harm the
creature, or command the undead creature to harm CONJURE SPIRIT
itself, the spell ends. You can also end the spell early 4th-level conjuration
as a bonus action.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a filled common soul gem)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You summon an undead spirit with a challenge rating
of 2 or lower. It appears in an unoccupied space you
can see within range. The spirit disappears when it
drops to 0 hit points or when the spell ends.
The spirit is friendly to you and your companions
for the duration. Roll initiative for the spirit, which
has its own turn. It obeys any verbal command that
you issue to it (no action required by you). If you don't
issue any commands to it, it defends itself from
hostile creatures, but otherwise takes no actions.


7th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a filled soul gem, which the
spell consumes)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You summon an unstable spirit that appears in an
unoccupied space you can see within range. The spirit
disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the
spell ends. The summoned spirit can have a challenge
rating of 8 or lower.
The spirit's attitude depends on the value of the
food used as a material component for this spell. Roll
initiative for the spirit, which has its own turns. At the
start of the spirit’s turn, the DM makes a secret


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Personality check on your behalf, with a bonus equal DAEDRIC SHARDS
to the soul gems value divided by 60. The check DC conjuration cantrip
starts at 10 and increases by 2 each round. You can
Casting Time: 1 action
issue orders to the unstable spirit and have it obey
Range: self
you as long as you succeed on the Personality check.
Components: V, S
If the check fails, the spell no longer requires
Duration: Instantaneous
concentration and the spirit is no longer under your
control. The spirit then focuses on devouring any You create a momentary circle of shards of daedric
souls it can find. If there are no such meals at hand, it metal that sweep around you. Each creature within a
attacks the nearest creatures. If its hit points are 5-foot radius, centered on you, must succeed on an
reduced to below half its hit point maximum, it Agility saving throw or take 1d6 slashing damage.
returns to the Soul Cairn. At higher level. This spell's damage increases by
As part of casting the spell, you can scribe a circle on 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6),
the ground using the blood of an intelligent humanoid and 17th level (4d6).
slain within the past 24 hours. The circle is large
enough to encompass your space. The summoned DRAIN ATTRIBUTE
spirit cannot cross the circle or target anyone in it 5th-level destruction
while the spell lasts.
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
4th-level necromancy
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Casting Time: 1 action
You attempt to weaken a creature that you can see
Range: 60 feet
that is within range and drain one of its attributes of
Components: V, S
your choice. The creature must make a Willpower
Duration: Instantaneous
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
You cause a powerful explosion from the lingering temporarily loses 2 points from either their Strength,
energies found within a recently deceased corpse. Intelligence, Willpower, Agility, Endurance, or
Choose the corpse of a creature that has been dead for Personality attributes (your choice) for the duration
no more than one minute within range. Each creature of the spell. The spell fails on a successful save.
within a 10-foot radius of the corpse must make an At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 6th
Agility saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 piercing level or higher, the creature loses 1 additional
damage and 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half attribute point for each level above 5th.
as much damage on a successful one.
At higher levels. When you cast this spell at 5th FLAMING FAMILIAR
level or higher, both the fire and piercing damage 6th-level conjuration
increases by 1d6 for each level above 4th.
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: Self (60-foot line)
Components: V, S
5th-level necromancy (ritual)
Duration: Instantaneous
Cast Time: 1 hour
You summon a flaming familiar that takes the form of
Range: Touch
a small to medium size creature of your choice, which
Components: V, S, M (an empty grand soul gem and
appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you.
250 septims worth of magical inks and materials,
The familiar rushes forward from the space it is
which the spell consumes)
summoned, in a 60 foot line. When it reaches 60 feet,
Duration: Instantaneous
or runs into a solid surface, such as a wall or another
Through a dark ritual, you transform an empty grand creature, the familiar erupts in a ball of flame. Each
soul gem into a black soul gem. You can use this black creature within a 20-foot radius, must make an Agility
soul gem to capture the souls of sentient humanoid saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 10d6
creatures or create evil magic items. fire damage, or half as much on a failed one.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 7th
level or higher, the fire damage increases by 1d6 for
each level above 6th.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
9th-level necromancy restoration cantrip
Cast Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet Range: Self (5-foot-radius)
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Instantaneous
Skeletal arms burst from the earth attempting to grab You raise your hand, and burning radiance erupts
and bash all creatures in a 20-foot-radius, centered on from it. Each creature of your choice that you can see
a solid surface of your choice within range. Each within 5 feet of you must succeed on an Endurance
creature in that area must make a Strength saving saving throw or take 1d6 radiant damage.
throw. On a failed save, a target takes 10d6 This spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you
bludgeoning damage and is becomes restrained until reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level
the start of it's next turn. On a successful save, the (4d6).
creature takes half damage, but suffers no other
A creature takes the same damage when it enters 1st-level necromancy
the graveyard for the first time on a turn or end its
Cast Time: 1 action
turn there. The area within the graveyard is
Range: 90 feet
considered difficult terrain.
Components: V
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You choose a creature you can see within range and
mystically mark it with a curse. Until the spell ends,
you deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to the target
whenever you hit it with an attack.
If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell
ends, you can use a bonus action on a subsequent
turn of yours to mark a new creature.
A remove curse spell cast on the target ends this
spell early.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 3rd
level, you can maintain your concentration on the
spell for up to 8 hours. When you cast this spell at 5th
level, you can maintain your concentration on the
spell for up to 24 hours.


5th-level restoration
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Every undead creature that you can see within range,
centered on you, regains a number of hit points equal
to 3d6 + your Willpower modifier. This has no effect
on living creatures or constructs.
Every living creature within 5 feet of the healed
undead creatures must succeed an Endurance saving
throw or become diseased with Ataxia. (Appendix D)
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 6th
level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each
level above 5th.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
NECROMANTIC HEALING saving throw at the start of each of its turns. On a
3rd-level restoration failed save, the target takes 6d6 necrotic damage and
has a chance to spread the plague to another creature
Cast Time: 1 action
that is within 5 feet of it. If multiple creatures are
Range: 30 feet
within 5 feet, the DM chooses who it spreads to. On a
Components: V, S
successful save, the creature takes half damage, does
Duration: Instantaneous
not spread the disease, and is no longer infected.
An undead creature that you can see within range A creature that the plague spreads to must make an
regains a number of hit points equal to 3d4 + your Endurance saving throw. On a failed save, that
Willpower modifier. This has no effect on living creature takes 6d6 necrotic damage and becomes
creatures or constructs. infected with this plague. The creature takes half as
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 4th much damage on a successful save and is not infected.
level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 6th
level above 3rd. level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each
level above 5th.
5th-level illusion PUPPET
1st-level illusion
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 5 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: S Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 30 seconds. Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
A corridor of shadows appears on the ground 5-feet
in front of you. As a part of your turn, the path of Your gesture forces one humanoid you can see within
shadows moves with your movement in a 5-foot wide range to make a Willpower saving throw. On a failed
line, up to 120 feet long. The path can twist and wind save, the target must move up to its speed in a
in any direction that you can walk on. While standing direction you choose. In addition, you can cause the
in the path, you and your allies movement speed is target to drop whatever it is holding. This spell has no
doubled. The path stays on any surface that you've affect on a humanoid that is immune to being
walked over during the turn in which you cast the charmed.
spell, and the path lasts until the spell ends, or if you
end it early by using a bonus action.
When the path appears, any creature of your choice
that is within the path must make an Agility saving
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d6 necrotic
damage, or half as much on a failed save.
A creature takes the same damage when it enters
the path for the first time on a turn or if it ends its
turn there.

5th-level necromancy
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to infect a creature that you can see
within range. The target must make an Endurance
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 6d6
necrotic damage and becomes infected with this
plague. The creature takes half as much damage on a
successful save and is not infected.
An infected creature must make an Endurance


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
2nd-level necromancy 5th-level restoration
Cast Time: 1 minute Cast Time: 1 hour
Range: 10 feet Range: touch
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (rare oils and unguents worth at
Duration: Instantaneous least 4,000 septims, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Instantaneous
This spell creates an undead animal companion.
Choose a pile of bones or a corpse of a Medium or You touch a dead humanoid or a piece of a dead
Small beast with a CR rating of 1 or less within range. humanoid. Provided that the creature has been dead
Your spell imbues the target with a foul mimicry of no longer than 10 days, the spell forms a new adult
life, raising it as an undead creature. The target body for it and then calls the soul to enter the body. If
becomes a skeleton if you choose bones or a zombie if the target's soul isn't free or willing to do so, the spell
you choose a corpse (the DM has the creature's game fails.
statistics). The magic fashions a new body for the creature to
On each of your turns, you can use a bonus action to inhabit, which likely causes the creature's race to
mentally command any creature you made with this change. The DM rolls a d100 and consults the
spell if the creature is within 60 feet of you (if you following table to determine what form the creature
control multiple creatures, you can command any or takes when restored to life, or the DM chooses a form.
all of them at the same time, issuing the same d100 Race
command to each one). You decide what action the 1-10 Altmer
creature will take and where it will move during its 11-20 Argonian
next turn, or you can issue a general command, such 21-30 Bosmer
as to guard a particular chamber or corridor. If you 31-40 Breton
issue no commands, the creature only defends itself 41-50 Dunmer
against hostile creatures. Once given an order, the 51-55 Imperial, Colovian
creature continues to follow it until its task is 56-60 Imperial, Nibenese
complete. 61 Khajiit Cathay
The creature is under your control for 24 hours, 62 Khajiit Cathay-raht
after which it stops obeying any command you've 63 Khajiit Dagi
given it. To maintain control of the creature for 64 Khajiit Dagi-raht
another 24 hours, you must cast this spell on the 65 Khajiit Ohmes
creature again before the current 24-hour period 66 Khajiit Ohmes-raht
ends. This use of the spell reasserts your control over 67-68 Khajiit Suthay
up to two creatures you have raised with this spell, 69-70 Khajiit Suthay-raht
rather than animating a new one. 71-80 Nord
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 3rd 81-83 Orsimer, city
level or higher, you raise or reassert control over one 84-87 Orsimer, wild
additional undead creatures for each level above 2nd. 88-90 Orsimer, wood
Each of the creatures must come from a different 91-100 Redguard
corpse or pile of bones.
The reincarnated creature recalls its former life and
experiences. It retains the capabilities it had I its
original form, except it exchanges its original race for
the one and changes its racial traits accordingly.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
5th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
The next time you hit a creature with a melee weapon
attack during the spell's duration, your weapon deals
an extra 6d8 poison damage to the target.
Additionally, the target must succeed on an
Endurance saving throw or be poisoned until the spell
At the start of the poisoned target's next turn, each
creature within 5 feet of it must succeed an
Endurance saving throw or also become poisoned. A
creature poisoned by this spell takes 1d8 poison
damage at the start of your turn, and makes another
Endurance saving throw at the end of each of its
turns. On a successful save, it is no longer poisoned.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 6th
level or higher, the initial poison damage from the
weapon attack increases by 1d8 for each level above

Illusion cantrip
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You attempt to create a cloud of black shadows that SHADOW IMAGE
covers the eyes of a creature that you can see within 2nd-level illusion
range. The target must make a Willpower saving
through. On a failed save, the creature is blinded, as Cast Time: 1 action
though it were in darkness. Range: Self
At the end of its turn, the creature can repeat the Components: V, S
saving throw against the spell. If it succeeds on its Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
saving throw, the spell ends. The spell can be You create a shadow image of yourself that lasts for
dispelled, and wind of moderate or greater speed (at the duration of the spell. The shadow appears in an
least 10 miles per hour) disperses it. Darkvision has unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, or the closest
no effect on the magical darkness. unoccupied space that you can see if no space near
you is available. As a bonus action on your turn, you
can move the shadow up to 30 feet to a space you can
see, but it must remain within 120 feet of you.
For the duration, you can cast spells as though you
were in the shadow's space, but you must use your
own senses. Additionally, when both you and your
shadow are within 5 feet of a creature that can see
your shadow, you have advantage on attack rolls
against that creature, given how distracting the
shadow is to the target.


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3rd-level restoration 5th-level restoration
Cast Time: 1 action Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet Range: Self (30-foot radius)
Components: V, S Components: V
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
Three bright orbs of sunlight launch in an upward arc A pulse of divine energy wreaths you in the blessed
from your hand to three creature you choose within light of Stendarr. Any number of creatures of your
range, which then blossoms into an explosion of choice in a 30-foot radius, centered on yourself, must
burning light. succeed on a willpower saving throw or take 3d6
Each creature must make an Agility saving throw. radiant damage. On each of your turns for the
On a failed save, a creature takes 2d6 radiant damage, duration of the spell, you can use your action to create
or half as much on a successful one. A creature can't another pulse of divine light. If the creature is an
be hit by more than one orb. undead or daedra, it has disadvantage on its saving
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 4th throws.
level or higher, you create an additional orb of Additionally, while surrounded by the aura, you
sunlight for each level above 3rd. shed bright light in a 30-foot radius and dim light for
an additional 30 feet.
2nd-level conjuration SUMMON SHADOWS
4th-level conjuration
Cast Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet Casting Time: 1 action
Components: V, S, M (a soul gem large enough to fit Range: 60 feet
the soul) Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
You choose a creature that you can see within range You summon four shadows that appear in an
and mark it with dark energy, ensnaring the spiritual unoccupied space that you can see within range.
essence of their soul. If the creature dies while the A summoned shadow disappears when it drops to 0
spell is active, the creature's soul is captured and fills hit points or when the spell ends.
the smallest soul gem that it can fit in your The summoned shadows are friendly to you and
possession, as shown on the Soul Gem table in the your companions. Roll initiative for the shadows as a
Soul Gem description, found in Chapter 6 . group, which have their own turn. They obey any
verbal command that you issue to them (no action
SPHERE OF NEGATION required by you). If you don't issue any commands to
9th-level destruction them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures,
but otherwise takes no actions.
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: V, S
1st-level Illusion
Duration: Instantaneous
Cast Time: 1 action
You create a 5-foot radius black sphere that surrounds
Range: 20 feet
you, which can disintegrate any other living creature
Components: S
that steps within it.
Duration: Instantaneous
Any creature within 5 feet of you must make a
willpower saving throw. On a failed save, the target You flash through the shadows to ambush your
takes 15d6 + 30 force damage. If this damage reduces enemies. You appear in an unoccupied space within 5
the target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated. feet of a target that is within range of the spell. Make a
A disintegrated creature and everything it is melee spell attack. On a success, you deal 3d6 weapon
wearing and carrying, except magic items, are damage.
reduced to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 2nd
restored to life only by means of a true resurrection or level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each
a wish spell. level above 1st.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
TOLL THE DEAD creature deals only half damage with weapon attacks
Necromancy cantrip that use Strength for the next minute.
At the end of each of the affected creatures turns, it
Casting Time: 1 action
can make an Endurance saving throw against the
Range: 60 feet
spell. On a success, the spell ends.
Components: V, S
The cloud lasts for the duration or until a wind of
Duration: Instantaneous
moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per
You point at one creature you can see within range, hour) disperses it.
and the sound of a dolorous bell fills the air around it At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 5th
for a moment. The target must succeed on a level or higher, the radius of the cloud increases by 20
Willpower saving throw or take 1d8 necrotic damage. feet for each level above 4th.
If the target is missing any of its hit points, it instead
takes 1d12 necrotic damage. VAMPIRIC DRAIN
The spell’s damage increases by one die when you 1st-level necromancy
reach 5th level (2d8 or 2d12), 11th level (3d8 or
Cast Time: 1 action
3d12), and 17th level (4d8 or 4d12).
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
1st-level illusion
You reach out your hand, as blood red vapor drains
Casting Time: 1 action
the life force from a creature you touch and transfers
Range: Self (30-foot radius)
it to yourself. The creature must make an Endurance
Components: V
saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 1d4 necrotic
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
damage, and half as much on a successful one. You or
Music of a style you choose fills the air around you in an ally of your choice within 30 feet of the target
a 30-foot radius. The music spreads around corners regains an amount of hit points equal to the necrotic
and can be heard from up to 100 feet away. The music damage dealt.
moves with you, centered on you for the duration. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 2nd
Until the spell ends, you make Personality level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each
(Performance) checks with advantage. In addition, level above 1st.
you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to
beguile one creature you choose within 30 feet of you
that can see you and hear the music. The creature
must make a Personality saving throw. If you or your
companions are attacking it, the creature
automatically succeeds on the saving throw. On a
failure, the creature becomes friendly to you for as
long as it can hear the music and for 1 hour thereafter.
You make Personality (Deception) checks and
Personality (Persuasion) checks against creatures
made friendly by this spell with advantage.

4th-level necromancy
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You create a 20-foot-radius sphere of black fog
centered on a point within range. The sphere spreads
around corners, and any creature that is within the
cloud or enters the cloud for the first time must make
a Willpower saving throw. On a failed save, the


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
VAMPIRIC GRIP firm foundation. It must, however, merge with and be
2nd-level necromancy solidly supported by existing ground. Thus you can
use this spell to bridge a chasm or create a ramp.
Cast Time: 1 action
If you create a span greater than 20 feet in length,
Range: 30 feet
you must halve the size of each panel to create
Components: V, S
supports. You can crudely shape the wall to create
Duration: Instantaneous
crenelations, battlements, and so on.
A crimson beam of blood energy stretches out from The wall is an object made of bone that can be
your hand towards a creature in range. Make a melee damaged and thus breached. Each panel has AC 15
spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the and 30 hit points per inch of thickness. Reducing a
creature takes 3d12 necrotic damage, and if the panel to 0 hit points destroys it and might cause
creature is Large or smaller, you pull the creature up connected panels to collapse at the DM’s discretion.
to 20 feet towards you. If you maintain your concentration on this spell for
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell at 3rd its whole duration, the wall becomes permanent and
level or higher, the damage increases by 1d12 for each can’t be dispelled. Otherwise, the wall disappears
level above 2nd. when the spell ends.

restoration cantrip 5th-level destruction
Casting Time: 1 action Cast Time: 1 action
Range: Touch Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: 1 round Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You touch one creature, imbuing it with vitality. If the You send a black, oily sphere of negative energy at a
target has at least 1 hit point, it gains a number of creature that you can see within range. You choose
temporary hit points equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, or radiant
ability modifier. The temporary hit points are lost and then make a ranged spell attack. If attack hits, the
when the spell ends. creature becomes vulnerable to damage of the type
you chose for the duration of the spell.
5th-level necromancy
Cast Time: 1 action
Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small piece bone)
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minute
A magical wall of bones springs forth from the earth
at a point you choose within range. The wall is 6
inches thick and is composed of ten 10-foot-by-10-
foot panels. Each panel must be contiguous with at
least one other panel. Alternatively, you can create 10-
foot-by-20-foot panels that are only 3 inches thick.
If the wall cuts through a creature’s space when it
appears, the creature is pushed to one side of the wall
(your choice). If a creature would be surrounded on
all sides by the wall (or the wall and another solid
surface), that creature can make a Agility saving
throw. On a success, it can use its reaction to move up
to its speed so that it is no longer enclosed by the
The wall can have any shape you desire, though it
can’t occupy the same space as a creature or object.
the wall doesn’t need to be vertical or resting on any


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
MAGIC ITEMS at the end of each of its turns to end the effect on
Magic items are gleaned from the hoards of
Turn Undead. If you have the Turn Undead or Turn
conquered monsters or discovered in long-lost vaults.
Evil feature, you can expend 3 charges when you
Such items grant capabilities a character could rarely
present the amulet while using the feature. When you
have otherwise, or they complement their owner's
do so, undead have disadvantage on their saving
capabilities in wondrous ways.
throws against the effect.
To learn more about magic items, including
descriptions of the different rarity of items, guides for
buying, selling, and identifying magic items, along
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
with item category descriptions and special features,
refer to the Dungeon Master's Guide, starting on page This amulet has 7 charges for the following
135. properties. It regains 1d4 + 3 charges daily at dawn.
If your campaign allows for trade in magic items, the Sunlight. As an action, you can expend 3 charges
rarity of the item can help you set prices for them. As while presenting the amulet to make it shed bright
the DM, you determine the value of an individual light in a 30-foot-radius and dim light for an
magic item based on its rarity. Suggested values are additional 30 feet. The light is sunlight and lasts for
provided in the Magic Item Rarity table. The value of a 10 minutes or until you end the effect (no action
consumable item, such as a potion or scroll, is required).
typically half the value of a permanent item of the Turn Undead. As an action, you can expend 4
same rarity. charges while presenting the amulet to force any
undead that can see or hear you within 30 feet of you
MAGIC ITEM RARITY must make a DC 14 Willpower saving throw. If the
Rarity Character Level Value creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1
Common 1st or higher 200–400 septims minute or until it takes any damage.
Uncommon 1st or higher 401–2,000 septims A turned creature must spend its turns trying to
Rare 5th or higher 2,000–20,000 septims move as far away from you as it can, and it can’t
Very Rare 11th or higher 20,000–200,000 septims willingly move to a space within 30 feet o f you. It also
Legendary 17th or higher 200,001+ septims can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the
Dash action or try to escape from an effect that
LIST OF ITEMS prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to move,
the creature can use the Dodge action.
The magical items presented here are listed in
alphabetical order. A magic item's description gives ARTHOSIIS
the item's name, its category, its rarity, and its magical Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
The wearer of this cobalt dragon priest mask gains
AMULET OF ARKAY the following benefits:
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Frost Resistance. The wearer gains resistance to
cold damage. The wearer is also comfortable in
Your Endurance score is 19 while you wear this temperature as cool as -10 degrees Celsius. The mask
amulet. It has no effect on you if your Endurance is is cool to the touch.
already 19 or higher. When it is worn for the first time, a thin layer of
Additionally, if the wearer is a crusader, this holy frost momentarily covers the skin and an ice mist
symbol has 10 charges for the following properties. It leaves each of the openings. The coolness of the mask
regains 1d6 + 4 charges daily at dawn. dissipates quickly and becomes strangely warm.
Hold Vampires. As an action, you can expend 1
charge and present the amulet to make it flare with
holy power. Vampires and vampires spawn within 30
feet of the amulet when it flares must make a DC 14
Willpower saving throw. On a failed save, a target is
paralyzed for 1 minute. It can repeat the saving throw


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
AZURA'S STAR saving throw. On a failed save, it is turned for 1
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) minute or until it takes any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turn trying to
Few mortals have the stomach to trade in souls. The
move as far away from you as it can, and it can't
Dark Brotherhood does it, as do certain groups within
willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also
the Mages Guild. For these cruel folk, Azura's Star has
can't take reactions. For its action, it can use only the
a particular fascination. The Star acts as a reusable
Dash action or try to escape from an effect that
soul gem. The soul of any creature that is killed by the
prevents it from moving. If there's nowhere to move,
bearer of the Star, is trapped within it, assuming a
the creature can use the Dodge action.
soul trap spell has been cast on it, as normal,
You can turn one additional creature for each
Using Azura's Star is identical to using any other
additional charge expended.
soul gem, as described later in this chapter, with the
Animate Dead. You can use an action and expend 2
exception that Azura's Star is not destroyed in the
charges to cast the 3rd level spell Animate Dead.
process, allowing it to be used multiple times. The
challenge rating of the trapped soul determines the
effectiveness of using this unique soul gem. Refer to
Wondrous item, very rare
the Soul Gems table for more information.
Once Azura's Star has trapped a soul, it must be This book is a census kept by the Nords in the early
used before being able to trap another. First Era, and its words are charged with magic. If you
spend 48 hours over a period of 6 days or fewer
BLADE OF WOE studying the book's contents, your Endurance score
Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement) increases by 2, as does your maximum for that score.
The book then loses its magic, but regains it in a
This potent blade appears as a simple, unassuming
dagger, but it's true power is coveted by assassins and
the Dark Brotherhood.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
made with this magic weapon.
This dagger has 7 charges and regains 1d6 + 1 The Chrysamere, or The Paladin's Blade, is an ancient
expended charges daily at dawn. While wielding this claymore with offensive capabilities surpassed only
weapon, you can use an action to expend 1 or more by its own defenses. It lends the wielder health,
charges to gain the following benefits. protects them from fire, and reflects spells cast
Demoralize. Whenever you hit a creature with the against the wielder back to the caster.
dagger, you can expend 1 charge to demoralize the You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls
target, causing the creature to have disadvantage on made with this magic weapon.
attack rolls, and Agility and Strength saving throws, This weapon has 5 charges, and it regains 1d4 + 1
until the start of your next turn. expended charges daily at dawn. While wielding this
Expose Will. Whenever you hit a creature with the weapon, you can use an action to expend 1 or more
dagger, you can expend 1 charge to force the creature charges to gain the following benefits.
to have disadvantage on saving throws against the Resist Fire. As an action, you can expend 2 charges
effects of spells. to gain resistance to fire damage for 1 hour.
Decay. Whenever you hit a creature with the dagger, Restore Health. As an action, you can heal yourself
you can expend 1 charge to deal an additional 2d6 for 1d8 for each charge you expend.
necrotic damage. Reflect. If you roll a 20 on a saving throw against
any spell that targets only you (not an area of effect)
BLOODWORM HELM and the spell is 7th level or lower, you can use your
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) reaction to expend 2 charges to reflect the spell. The
reflected spell has no effect on you and instead targets
This helm has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1
the caster, using the slot level, spell save DC, attack
expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the
bonus, and spellcasting attribute of the caster.
last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the helm crumbles into
dust and is destroyed.
Turn Undead. You can use an action and expend 1
charge to force an undead creature that can see or
hear you within 30 feet of you to make a Willpower


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Weapon (any weapon), rare (requires attunement)
Whenever this weapon hits an undead creature, it
deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage to the target.
Each time the weapon kills an undead creature, the
radiant damage dealt is increased by 1. This
additional damage resets each day at dawn.


Weapon (Warhammer), rare (requires attunement)
This warhammer has 3 charges and regains 1d3
expended charges daily at dawn.
As an action, you can use the warhammer to strike a
surface, placing a runic symbol on the surface that the
hammer strikes.
The symbol is nearly invisible, requiring an
intelligence (Investigation) (DC 16) to find it.
Any creature that comes within 5 feet of the symbol
sets of an explosion. You can specify creatures that
don't trigger the symbol.
The explosion deals 3d8 fire or radiant damage
(your choice) to all creatures within a 30 foot-radius
of the explosion.


Armor (shield), very rare (requires attunement)
While holding this shield, you can use an action to
create an aura of sunlight that surrounds you in a 10
foot radius, dealing 1d10 radiant damage to any
DAWNBREAKER undead creature within the aura. While the aura is
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement) active, any undead creature within the aura takes
another 1d10 radiant damage on the start of your
Forged in a holy light that breaks upon Meridia's foes,
turn. The aura lasts until you use a bonus action to
Dawnbreaker is a longsword with a distinctive cross-
end the aura.
guard that emanates light.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls
made with this magic weapon, which deals an
additional 1d8 radiant damage.
Whenever you hit an undead, vampire, or
lycanthrope with this weapon, you have a chance to
create an explosion of sunlight. If your attack roll is a
19 or 20, you deal and additional 2d8 radiant damage
to all undead, vampires, or lycanthropes in a 10 foot
Any undead that is killed by this weapon, or from the
explosion, are disintegrated, leaving only a pile of ash.
The sword's luminous cross-guard emits bright light
in a 15 foot radius and dim light for an additional 15
feet. The light is sunlight. While holding the blade, you
can use an action to expand or reduce its radius of
bright light and dim light by 5 feet each, to a
maximum of 30 feet each or a minimum of 10 feet


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
EBONY MAIL remaining in your pool.
Armor (breastplate), legendary (requires attunement) This ability has no effect on undead and constructs.
The Ebony Mail is a breastplate created before
recorded history by the dunmer goddess Boethiah. It
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement)
is she who determines who should possess the Ebony
Mail and for how long a time. It is Boethiah alone who The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal is a Daedric artifact that
determines when a person is ineligible to bear the is said to have been stolen from Nocturnal over 500
Ebony Mail any longer, and the goddess can be very years ago. Daedric runes line the center of the mask
capricious. which translate to “Shadow hide you”. Whoever wears
While wearing the armor, you gain the following it shall be lost in shadows. Their true nature shall be
benefits: unknown to all who meet them. Their identity shall be
• You are resistant to fire damage. struck from all records and histories. Memory will
hide in the shadows, refusing to record the name of
• You have advantage on saving throws made against
the owner to any who meet them. They shall be
known by the cowl and only by the cowl.
• At the beginning of each dawn, you gain temporary
Whoever wears the hood takes on the identity of the
hit points equal to twice your character level. Any
Gray Fox, allowing the wearer to have any crimes (or
remaining hit points from the previous day are lost.
good deeds) attributed to the Gray Fox, rather than
themselves. You can't be identified while wearing the
EBONY MAIL (VARIANT) cowl, and even if you take the cowl off in front of
Armor (breastplate), legendary (requires attunement) others, they won't associate you with the Gray Fox.
The Ebony Mail is a breastplate created before While wearing the cowl you also gain the following
recorded history by the dunmer goddess Boethiah. It benefits:
is she who determines who should possess the Ebony Fortify Sneak. You have advantage on Agility
Mail and for how long a time. It is Boethiah alone who (Stealth) checks.
determines when a person is ineligible to bear the Feather. Your carrying capacity is doubled.
Ebony Mail any longer, and the goddess can be very Detect Life. As an action, you can detect life up to
capricious. 120 feet for 1 minute. If you sense life in this way, you
While wearing the armor, you gain the following can use your action to see a faint aura around any
benefits: visible creature that bears life within range. The effect
can penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot
• You gain proficiency in Stealth. If you are already
of stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead,
proficient in Stealth, you gain advantage on Stealth
or 3 feet of wood or dirt.
(Agility) attribute checks.
• Any creature of your choice that is within 10 feet of
you takes 1d6 poison damage on the start of your
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
Most people who wear this ring are unaffected by it. If
ELEIDON'S WARD worn by a lycanthrope they gain the following benefit:
Armor (shield), legendary (requires attunement) Upon putting on this ring, you transform into the
werecreature granted by your Beast Shape feature. for
Eleidon was a holy knight in Breton history. He was a up to 1 minute. Once the ring is used, it can't be used
sought after for his courage and determination to set again until the next dawn.
all wrongs right. In one story, it is said that he rescued
a Baron's daughter from sure death at the hands of an
evil warlord. For his reward, the Baron spent all of his
riches to have an enchanted shield built for Eleidon.
While holding the shield, you have access to a pool
of healing power that replenishes daily at dawn. With
that pool, you can restore a total number of hit points
equal to 5 times your character level.
As an action, you can touch a creature and draw
power from the pool to restore a number of hit points
to that creature, up to the maximum amount


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Ring, rare (requires attunement)
A lycanthrope that wears this ring gains the following
While in your Beast Shape form, you gain +1 to
attack and damage rolls while wearing this ring.


Ring, rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this ring you gain a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with long blades and short
blades, and you gain a +1 bonus to AC if you are
holding a shield.

Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
A lycanthrope that wears this ring gains the following
While in your Beast Shape form, you can make one
MACE OF MOLAG BAL additional attack whenever you use the Attack action
Weapon (mace), rare (requires attunement) on your turn.

A fearsome weapon steeped in the ancient evil of its RING OF NAMIRA

master. Also known as the Vampire's Mace, the Mace Ring, rare (requires attunement)
of Molag Bal drains its victims of strength and
magicka and gives it to the bearer. While wearing this ring, when you take damage from
Whenever you damage a living creature, the an attack or a spell that targets only you (not an area
creature must make a Willpower saving throw (DC of effect) and the spell is 7th level or lower, you can use
12). On a failed save, the mace drains one point from your reaction to reflect half the damage taken back at
the creature's strength and 1d4 magicka points and the attacker, using the attack roll, or spell slot level,
transfers it to the wielder (increasing to a maximum spell save DC, attack bonus, and spellcasting attribute
of 24 strength and to your maximum magicka points) of the attacker.
until the wielder finishes their next short rest. Beasts and spriggans are immune to the reflected
Creatures brought to 0 Strength by this feature are damage, as they are creatures of nature. Daedric
slain. creatures only take half of the reflected damage, as
they are supernatural creatures. Undead creatures
MEHRUNES' RAZOR take twice the amount of reflected damage, as they
Weapon (dagger), legendary (requires attunement) are unnatural creatures.
Once you use this property of the ring, you can't use
This mythical artifact is capable of slaying any it again until the next dawn.
creature instantly.
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls RING OF NAMIRA (VARIANT)
made with this magic weapon. Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
When you roll a 20 on your attack roll against a
creature that has 100 hit points or fewer, the target While wearing this ring, you have an insatiable
must make an Endurance (DC 18) saving throw. On a hunger for flesh. You can use an action to feast on a
failed save, the creature dies instantly. recently deceased humanoid corpse (no more than 1
hour) to regain 1d4 hit points.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
RING OF SUNFIRE Whenever you hit a creature with the axe, you can
Ring, uncommon (requires attunement) expend 1 charge to fatigue the target, causing the
creature to have disadvantage on attack rolls, and
While wearing this ring, you gain resistance to
Agility and Strength saving throws, until the start of
necrotic damage and have advantage against saving
your next turn.
throws to resist disease. A magical ward on this ring
The axe was created for Sebastian Lort, who prayed
prevents vampire's from wearing it.
to Clavicus Vile for a cure to his daughter's
lycanthropy. Vile presented Sebastian with the axe as
RING OF THE HUNT his “cure”.
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
A lycanthrope that wears this ring gains the following SCOURGE
benefit: Weapon (warmace), legendary (requires attunement)
When you use your Beast Shape feature, you gain 10
The Daedric Scourge is a mighty mace forged from
temporary hit points, which last until your Beast
sacred ebony in the Fires of Fickledire. The legendary
Shape ends.
weapon of Mackkan, it was once a fierce weapon used
in the Battlespire to send spirits of black back to
RING OF THE MOON Oblivion. It has since been corrupted and has the
Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
ability to summon dangerous creatures from Oblivion.
A lycanthrope that wears this ring gains the following You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
benefit: made with this magic weapon.
Terrify. While wearing this ring, you can use an This warmace has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1
action to force every creature of your choice that can charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
see or hear you within 30 feet of you to make a roll a d20. On a 1, the battleaxe is shrouded in shadow
Willpower saving throw (DC 15). If the creature fails and returns to Oblivion.
its saving throw, it is feared for 1 minute or until it While wielding the mace, you can use an action to
takes any damage. expend 1 or more charges to summon one of the
A feared creature must spend its turn trying to move following powerful daedric creatures for 1 minute:
as far away from you as it can, and it can't willingly banekin (1 charge), clannfear (3 charges), dremora (5
move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also can't take charges), scamp (2 charges), or winged twilight (3
reactions. For its action, it can use only the Dash charges). The creature disappears when it is reduced
action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it to 0 hit points or after 1 minute has passed.
from moving. If there's nowhere to move, the creature
can use the Dodge action. SKULL OF CORRUPTION
Once you use this property of the ring, you can't use Staff, legendary (requires attunement)
it again until the next dawn.
The Skull of Corruption is an incredibly powerful
Daedric artifact created by Vaermina, the Prince of
ROBE OF THE LICH Dreams and Nightmares. The staff is made from a
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
twisted collection of bone, adorned with the skull of a
While wearing this robe, you can use an action to terrible and unrecognizable creature.
regain magicka points at the cost of your health. For There is a story about the Thieves Guild Master and
each magicka point restored, you lose twice the the skull that is probably fiction, but highly amusing.
amount of hit points. Once you use this property of The Master used the skull on her enemy, creating a
the robe, you can't use it again until the next dawn. clone of him to fight. After defeating the original, the
clever duplicate snatched the Skull from the Master
RUEFUL AXE and used it on her. Although the cloned enemy could
Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement) not directly attack the Master, it could use the Skull to
create a duplicate Master. The two clones jointly ruled
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
the Thieves Guild for years.
with this magic weapon.
This staff has 5 charges and can only regain
This battleaxe has 10 charges and regains 1d8 + 2
expended charges by using the Dreamsteal ability.
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge,
Clone. While holding the staff, you can use an action
roll a d20. On a 1, the battleaxe is shrouded in shadow
to expend 1 or more charges to clone a creature that
and returns to Oblivion.
is within 30 feet of you that you can see. You must


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
expend an amount of charges equal to or greater than Enchanting Requirements table below for more
the Challenge Rating (CR) of the creature to information.
successfully create a clone. The cloned creature Once a soul gem is used to enchant an item, the soul
appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you, energy inside the gem leaves, destroying the crystal.
is friendly to you and your allies, but is typically Recharging. Recharging a magical item requires
hostile to the creature it was cloned from. The clone you to spend a short rest while within 5 feet of the
disappears when it is reduced to 0 hit points or after 1 item. At the end of the short rest, the magical energies
hour. of the gem transfer into the item, recharging it for
Dreamsteal. While holding the staff, you can use an amount of charges as shown on the Soul Gems table
action to steal the dreams of a sleeping humanoid. destroying the crystal. Any excess charges are lost.
Each dream stolen regains 1 expended charge. After Black Soul Gems. These nefarious items are empty
having used the dreamsteal ability, the sleeping grand soul gems that have been altered through a
creature is prone to nightmares, which you can special necromantic ritual: create black soul gem.
influence and shape. The sleeping creature is not Once a the ritual is complete, the empty crystal
aware of your influence over their dreams, but they becomes a black soul gem, which can be used to trap
vividly remember the nightmare. sentient humanoid souls. Black soul gems can be used
Psychic Agony. When you make a melee attack to create evil items. Any soul that is trapped within a
using the staff, you can expend 1 or more charges to black soul gem is transferred to the Soul Cairn when
deal additional psychic damage. On a hit, the creature the crystal is destroyed.
must make a DC 15 Willpower saving throw. On a
failed save, the creatures takes 1d8 psychic damage ENCHANTING REQUIREMNTS
for each expended charge, or half as much on a failed Magic Item
one. Rarity Spell Level Soul Gem Size Material Cost
Uncommon 2nd Petty 400
SOUL GEM Rare 4th Lesser 800
Wondrous item Very Rare 6th Common 1500
Legendary 9th Greater 3500
Soul gems are magical crystals that can be used to
enchant and recharge magical items. These mystical
gems come in various sizes that are capable of
absorbing different sizes of souls and soul energies. Staff, rare (requires attunement)
Refer to the Soul Gem table below for the challenge The Staff of Worms is a powerful staff that was once
rating level of the soul that can be absorbed into each held by Mannimarco, the King of Worms.
size of soul gems, along with their maximum level of You have resistance to necrotic damage while you
charges and cost. hold the staff and have advantage on saving throws to
resist disease.
SOUL GEMS The staff has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use
Type of Creature's Cost an action to expend charges to cast the spell animate
Soul Gem Challenge Rating Charges Empty / Full dead (1 charge per spell level).
Petty ½ 2 10 / 40 The staff regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at
Lesser 1 4 25 / 80 dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1,
Common 2 7 50 / 150 the staff turns to dust and is destroyed.
Greater 5 12 100 / 350
Grand 10 20 200 / 500 SWORD OF THE CRUSADER
Black Any sentient 20 500 / 1200 Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon, and deals an additional 1d8
Enchanting. Enchanting an item requires an
fire damage on a hit. Undead creatures take twice as
Enchanting Alter, which can be found in most mages
much fire damage from this attack.
guilds. Any spellcaster is proficient in using an
Enchanting Alter. To create a magic item, an enchanter
must cast a spell of a specific level, and use a filled
soul gem, along with an amount of septims worth of
magical components and materials. Refer to the


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
Weapon (any sword), very rare (requires attunement) Weapon (battleaxe), rare (requires attunement)
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. with this magic weapon.
This sword has 5 charges and regains 1d4 + 1 This axe has 10 charges and regains 1d6 + 4 charges
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, each day at dusk. If you expend the last charge, roll a
roll a d20. On a 1, the sword bursts into flames and is d20. On a 1, the axe is enveloped in shadows and
destroyed. returns to a pocket realm of oblivion.
When you hit a creature with melee attack using this When you attack a creature with this axe, you can
magic weapon, you can expend expend 1 charge to expend 1 charge to deal an additional 1d8 necrotic
deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage, and you damage. The target must succeed on a DC 14
regain a number of hit points equal to half the Endurance saving throw or its hit point maximum is
necrotic damage dealt. reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage
taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a
VAMPIRE LORD'S SWORD long rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit
Weapon (any sword), legendary (requires attunement) point maximum to 0.
You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with this magic weapon. ARTIFACTS
This sword has 7 charges and regains 1d6 + 1 An artifact is a unique magic item of tremendous
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, power, with its own origin and history. An artifact
roll a d20. On a 1, the sword bursts into flames and is might have been created by gods or mortals of
destroyed. awesome power. It could have been created in the
When you hit a creature with melee attack using this midst of a crisis that threatened a kingdom, the world,
magic weapon, you can expend expend 1 charge to or the entire Mundas, and carries the weight of that
deal an additional 2d6 necrotic damage, and you pivotal moment in history.
regain a number of hit points equal to half the Some artifacts appear when they are needed most.
necrotic damage dealt. For others, the reverse is true; when discovered, the
world trembles at the ramifications of the find. In
VAMPIRIC RING either case, introducing an artifact into a campaign
Ring, Legendary (requires attunement) requires forethought. The artifact could be an item
that opposing sides are hoping to claim, or it might be
One of the more deadly and rare artifacts in Tamriel is
something the adventurers need to overcome their
the Vampiric Ring. It is said that the Ring has the
greatest challenge.
power to steal its victim's health and grant it to the
Characters don't typically find artifacts in the
wearer. The exact nature and origin of the Ring is
normal course of adventuring. In fact, artifacts only
wholly unknown, but many elders speak of its evil
appear when you want them to, for they are as much
creation in long, long ago by a cult of Vampire
plot devices as magic items. Tracking down and
followers. The Vampiric Ring is an extremely rare
recovering an artifact is often the main goal of an
artifact and is only seen every few hundred cycles of
adventure. Characters must chase down rumors,
the moons.
undergo significant trials, and venture into
This ring has 2 charges, and 1 expended charge is
dangerous,half-forgotten places to find the artifact
regained daily at dawn. While you wear the ring, you
they seek. Alternatively, a major villain might already
can use an action and expend one charge to to touch a
have the artifact. Obtaining and destroying the artifact
target and force the creature to make a DC 17
could be the only way to ensure that its power can't
Endurance saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
be used for evil.
suffers from one of the following affects of your
Drain Life. The target takes 4d6 necrotic damage, ARTIFACT PROPERTIES
and you regain a number of hit points equal to half the Each artifact has its own magical properties, as other
necrotic damage dealt. magic items do, and the properties a re often
Exhaustion. The target gains one level of exceptionally powerful. An artifact might have other
exhaustion. properties that are either beneficial or detrimental.
You can choose such properties or determine them


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randomly. You can also invent new beneficial and end up with crazed eyes and their minds twist from
detrimental properties. These properties typically the deeds the Blade forces upon them.
change each time an artifact appears in the world. Although the weapon itself does not appear to be
An artifact can have as many as four minor sentient, Mephala takes great interest in following
beneficial properties and two major beneficial whoever holds it, whispering her dark suggestions of
properties. It can have as many as four minor betrayal and destruction. The strength of the blade
detrimental properties and two major detrimental comes from a nearly unquenchable lust for blood and
properties. deceit. Every time the Ebony Blade strikes an
You can find tables with the minor and major opponent, part of the damage inflicted flows into the
properties starting on page 219 of the Dungeon wielder as raw power. The blade also has a
Master's Guide. supernatural ability to know who has gained the trust
of its owner, and Mephala bids them to strike down
DESTROYING ARTIFACTS their closest friends, unlocking the Blades true
An artifact must be destroyed in some special way. In the Second Era, the Ebony Blade was discovered
Otherwise, it is impervious to damage. by an Altmer named Nerien'eth. Mephala corrupted
Each artifact has a weakness by which its creation him absolutely and he murdered his students and
can be undone. Learning this weakness might require fellow researchers, along with his wife, Alanwe. With
extensive research or the successful completion of a the help of a group of adventurers from the
quest. The DM decides how a particular artifact can Undaunted guild, Alanwe sacrificed her soul to place a
be destroyed. Some suggestions are provided here: charm on the blade which prevents the blade from
• The artifact must be melted down in the volcano, staying with one owner for long.
forge, or crucible in which it was created. Random Properties. The Ebony Blade has the
• The artifact must be returned to a location in following random properties:
oblivion. • 2 minor beneficial properties
• The artifact must be swallowed and digested by a • 1 major beneficial property
daedric prince or some other ancient creature. • 2 minor detrimental properties
• The artifact must be bathed in the blood of a god or • 1 major detrimental property
an aedra.
• The artifact must be struck and shattered by a Magic Weapon. The Ebony Blade is a magic weapon
special weapon crafted for that purpose. that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls
• The artifact must be pulverized between the titanic made with it. The weapon is also supernaturally light
gears of the clockwork city. and has the Finesse property.
• The artifact must be returned to its creator, who Spells. The blade has 7 charges. While holding it, you
can destroy it by touch. can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
cast one of the following spells (save DC 18) from it:
Charm Person (1 charge), Confusion (2 charges),
LIST OF ARTIFACTS Glibness (4 charges), Mind Blank (4 charges), Modify
The artifacts presented here have appeared Memory (3 charges, and Silence (1 charge). The blade
previously in Tamriel. Use them as guides when regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn.
creating your own artifacts, or modify them as you Life Drain. When you hit a creature with a melee
see fit. attack using the Ebony Blade, the target must make a
DC 18 Endurance saving throw. On a failure, the target
EBONY BLADE takes an extra 1d4 necrotic damage if it isn't a
Weapon (dai-katana), artifact (requires attunement) construct or undead, and you regain a number of hit
points equal to half the necrotic damage. This
The Ebony Blade, also known as the Vampire or the
property can only be used once each turn.
Leech, is a Daedric artifact created by the Daedric
The amount of hit points drained increases as the
Prince Mephala. The blade resembles an ebony dai-
weapon gains more power, as shown on the Life Drain
katana, and is known to corrupt whoever wields it.
column of the Ebony Blade Life Drain table.
The Blade is considered to be evil and it is
Gaining Power. Each time the blade is used to kill
questioned if whoever chooses to wield the blade is
one of your allies, such as a friendly towns-person or
naturally evil or if the weapon itself perverts its
a member of your adventuring party, the Blade
owner. Those who do take up this malevolent weapon
increases in power, as shown on the Ebony Blade Life


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Drain table. The wielder can hear Mephala whisper Increased Intelligence. While wearing the amulet,
instructions to murder their friends and your Intelligence score increases by 2, to a maximum
congratulates you when you bend to the Princes' of 24. Additionally, your maximum magicka points
wishes. increase by half your character level, rounding down.
Destroying the Blade. The Ebony Blade can't be Enlightened Necromancy. While wearing the
destroyed. Any attempts to so have failed. While amulet, any necromancy spell you cast counts as one
trying to melt down the weapon in the Skyforge, it level higher, to a maximum of 9th level.
was reported that the blade instead cooled down the Bane of Undeath. After 1d20 days of wearing the
hot coals. The best way to keep the blade from harm is amulet, you begin to acquire the physical traits of
to keep it hidden. undeath. You may become unnaturally gaunt, or
appear to have a grotesque disease that marks your
EBONY BLADE LIFE DRAIN skin. Your skin, fur, or scales might lose all natural
Health coloring and become pale, or you body temperature is
Kills Absorb always cold to the touch. Or perhaps your eyes have
0 1d4 2.5 glossed over in pure black, you've lost all facial
1 1d6 3.5 features, or some other unholy feature the DM
2 1d8 4.5 chooses. The bane grants you advantage on
3 1d10 5.5 Personality (Persuasion) checks made to interact with
4 1d12 6.5 evil creatures and Personality (Intimidation) checks
5 2d6 7 made to interact with non-evil characters.
6 3d4 7.5 Destroying the amulet. The Necromancer's Amulet
7 2d8 9 is incredibly unstable and is known to fall in and out
8 4d4 10 of existence at its own unpredictable impulse. The
9 3d6 10.5 only way to temporarily destroy the amulet is by
10 2d10 11 bringing it to a temple of Arkay and participating in a
ritual which banishes the amulet for 1d100 years. It
NECROMANCER'S AMULET then reappears in a random location on Nirn.
Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
The legendary Necromancer's Amulet is the last
surviving relic of the mad sorcerer Mannimarco, also
known as the King of Worms. The amulet is an
exquisitely crafted sterling silver pendant with an
eerie glowing skull emblazoned upon it.
Popular among mages, the amulet instantly bestows
the wearer with wisdom far beyond their years, and is
mystically fortified to provide the same protection as
heavy armor without the restriction of movement.
One the greatest flaws of the amulet is it's instability.
It is forever doomed to fade in and out of existence,
reappearing at locations distant from that of its
Random Properties. The Necromancer's Amulet
has the following random properties:
• 2 minor beneficial properties
• 1 major beneficial property
• 2 minor detrimental properties
• 1 major detrimental property
Protection. Your AC can't be less than 17 while
wearing the amulet, regardless of what kind of armor
you are wearing.


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Within this Bestiary, you will find game statistics and several books while reading through. This also
lore for 75 monsters suitable for your Elder Scrolls includes some of the unique creatures found in the
campaign. Many of these monsters are classic Exile's Barrow adventure detailed in Chapter 4.
creatures that fit within any setting, while monsters The lore captured in this book is based on the
such as the Dragon Priest, are iconic creatures to the official lore created from the best selling Elder Scrolls
Elder Scrolls world. games, but some of the information may be based on
This chapter should be used in conjunction with the our personal interpretations of the creatures. Feel
official Monster Manual and adopts a similar free to use these creatures to suit your game, whether
presentation. If you are unfamiliar with the monster staying true to the canon, or adjusting to adhere to the
stat block format, read the introduction of the story you are trying to tell.
Monster Manual before proceeding further. It explains The creatures listed in this bestiary are organized
stat block terminology and gives rules for various alphabetically. A few are grouped under a banner
monster traits – information that isn't repeated here. heading; for example, the “Skeletons” section contains
The creature stats are shown with the traditional stat blocks for various kinds of skeletons, including
D&D ability scores so they can be easily brought into the shambles and the bone colossus. Immediately
any realm. Keep this in mind when saving throws or following this chapter are two appendices that
checks are required. contain additional stat blocks. Appendix A gathers a
Within this chapter, you will find many undead handful of beasts that don't warrant longer entries.
creatures that continue the stories and lore told in Appendix B contains lists of creatures by type and
earlier chapters, along with many useful creatures challenge rating. These lists can help you find
that can be used in nearly any game. While some of monsters that are appropriate for your adventure or
the creature found within are unique to the Elder campaign.
Scrolls and unique to Blessing and Curses, there are If you're looking for ways to use undead,
many creatures that have been included solely for lycanthropes, or vampires described in this chapter,
convenience, so that you don't require to flip between the lore and notes in chapter 1 might inspire you.


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DRAGON PRIESTS the draugr adherents of the dragon priest continue
their worship in death, defending the priest chambers
Loyal servants to the dragons of Skyrim, the Dragon
with an unmatched ferocity. Every day, different sets
Priests were once the prominent leaders of the
of draugr awaken, and shamble their way to the
Dragon Cult. At one time, they commanded great
sarcophagus of their priest. Here, they would
armies dedicated to serving the dragons. For their
prostrate themselves and transfer a flow of life force
service, the dragon priests were granted eternal life.
between the adherent and their master. This eternal
Speakers to the Dragons. The Dragon Priests were
wellspring that the draw from each day rekindles
the direct servants to their dragon lords and served as
nightly as they rest in their niches.
speaker between the dragons they worshiped, and the
The second eternal life was only promised to those
men who followed. In their time, the dragons of
who ascended to priesthood, but the lesser
Skyrim were worshiped as gods, believed to be the
functionaries contributed to their life force to sustain
kin of Akatosh himself. Dragons, being dragons,
them for eternity.
embraced their role as god-kings over men. They
Dragon Cult Masks. Legend holds that the highest
granted a small amount of power to the dragon
ranking dragon priests were granted magical masks –
priests in exchange for their absolute obedience. In
strange artifacts that defy the laws of time, and grant
turn, the dragon priests ruled men as equals to the
their wearers powerful enchantments. Each priest
kings. Dragons could not be bothered with ruling over
received their own mask, forged from unique
hordes of small, soft creatures that worshiped them.
materials, and were given magical properties, perhaps
Corruption of Power. On behalf the dragons, the
related to the dragon they served or augmenting the
priests demanded tribute to please them, and set
talents the priest. The mask is given the same
down laws and codes of living that kept peace
draconic name as the priest who wears it.
between dragons and men. In Tamriel, the dragons
Undead Nature. A dragon priest doesn't require air,
and their priests were hardly considered benevolent.
food, drink, or sleep.
A combination of ambitious dragon priests, nefarious
dragons, and weak kings allowed the dragon priests
to rule with an iron fist, making virtual slaves of the
rest of the population.
Dragon War. When the populace rebelled, the
dragon priests retaliated. When the dragon priests
could not collect the tribute or control the masses, the
dragons' response was swift and brutal. So it was the
Dragon War began.
At first, men died by the thousands. The ancient
texts reveal that a few dragons took the side of men.
Why they did this is not known. The priests of the
Nine Divines claim it was Akatosh himself that
intervened. From these dragons, men learned magics
to use against dragons. The tide began to turn and
dragons began to die, as well.
The war was long and bloody. The dragon priests
were overthrown and dragons were slaughtered in
large numbers. The surviving dragons scattered,
choosing to live in remote places away from men. The
dragon cult itself adapted and survived. They built the
dragon mounds, entombing the remains of dragons
that fell in the war. They believed that one day the
dragons would rise again and reward the faithful.
Immortal Servants. The ancient priests of the
dragon cult insisted that their followers be buried
with them. These men and women were buried,
seemingly willingly, and over the thousands of years
that had passed, became the wretched things known
as the draugr. Speaking only in the tongue of dragons,


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Soon after a victorious battle, Arthosiis his soldiers,
and the dragon they worshiped were exiled from their
home province of Skyrim, Traveling toward high rock,
they took refuge in the base of the Wrothgarian
mountains, carving a barrow into the raw stone.
After the death of the dragon, Arthosiis sealed
himself into the tomb and began his ascension into
lichdom, reawakening as a dragon priest.
Dragon Priests are fearsome and exceptionally
powerful creatures. Unfortunately for Arthosiis, his
expulsion from the cult left him in a much weaker
state, not benefiting from the mentor-ship of more
adept and accomplished priests and dragons.


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DRAUGR allies while they stay at a safe distance.
Fearsome and fortified with superhuman strength,
the draugr are undead revenants that guard treasure DRAUGR WIGHT
or protect their masters in barrows and burial Wights combine the martial prowess of an overlord
mounds. Unlike the lowly zombie, draugr appear to and the magical talent of a scourge, while having a
maintain some semblance of intelligence and veils of unique command over undeath that allows them to
their previous life. Using the dragon language, draugr build personal armies of undead.
can communicate simple thoughts with each other,
making them much more dangerous foes. Their DRAUGULF
undead minds preserve the ability to cast spells or
wield the weapons they did in life. Draugulf are rare wolf companions that served
Eternal Keepers. In the nordic barrows of Skyrim, dragons in life and have been ascended to an draugr-
draugr can be found serving their masters long into like state to protect their masters through undeath.
their second life. Usually associated with the dragon
cult, these draugr are the soldiers and servants of the HULKING DRAUGR
powerful dragon priests. When their master died,
they were buried with them. These followers rise Notably strong and vicious, the hulking draugrs use
from their resting place each day, transferring the their might and ferocity to quickly tear down foes.
lingering life energies into the dragon priest, and Preferring brute force over strategy, these draugr are
defending the barrow from uninvited adventurers. ruthless and cruel.
Other draugr, those with no master, have similar
eternal duties. Tasked with protecting family
heirlooms or buried treasure, the draugr are
relentless guardians.
Curse of the All-Maker. The draugr of Solstheim
have a different, tragic history of blasphemy and
retribution. A tribe of Skaal warriors were trapped on
the island. With no food, and a particularly brutal
winter, the tribe was forced to feast on the flesh of
their dead. The All-Maker witnessed this grim act and
cursed them to walk the land for eternity with an
unquenchable hunger for flesh.
Undead Nature. A draugr doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep.

Deathlords are the elite warriors, second in command
to the dragon priest. They are exceptionally powerful
and are capable of using their voice to conjure the
breath of a dragon.

Overlords are capable warriors rather than simple
draugr. In life they may have been captains or
lieutenants, commanding small groups in battle. They
have a simple understanding of the Thu'um and are
able to use their voice to control the battlefield.

Scourges are the most adept magic wielders of the
draugr armies, using destruction magic and conjured


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Mounds of flesh and meat bound together by dark
necromantic magic or daedric elements, flesh
atronachs are gruesome constructs of depravity.
Bloated and tumorous, human limbs and chunks of
flesh are stitched together to create vile monstrosities
that barely resemble the creatures they were made
Repulsive Servant. Necromancers that have
mastered their craft over simple skeletons and
zombies find themselves wanting to stretch their
vulgar art in new, unsettling ways. Necromantic magic
animates the stitched abominations, and imbues the
heap of flesh with a semblance of life.
These massive agglomerations of meat and muscle,
lumber around slowly, but move with immense
weight and force. Their noxious, decaying bodies
carry a stench that is unmistakable.
A flesh atronach is created from pieces of many
different creatures and therefore has no traces of a
former life. They are devoid of thought and
imagination, making them perfect bodyguards for
stalwart mages. These dimwitted creatures are bound
to obey their masters, but allow rage to control their
actions in absence of orders. It strives to kill any living
creature it comes across as quickly as possible.
Tortured Weapons. To create even deadlier
weapons, twisted necromancers embed iron directly
into the flesh, making their creations more resilient
and even more dangerous. The flesh abomination,
for example, is outfitted with a unique arms made for
maximum destruction. One arm is made by contorting
flesh around a massive iron mace, while the other is
embedded with a custom built brazier, enhanced with
destruction magic.
Undead Nature. A flesh atronach doesn't require air,
food, drink, or sleep.


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The most powerful of the dark creations a
necromancer can construct, the flesh colossus is a
massive abomination of flesh and dark magic. Used in
armies to tear down castle walls and crush enemies
underfoot, the flesh colossus is a favored siege
monster of liches and dremora.
A flesh colossus is simple minded and filled with
rage from its monstrous origins. It obeys the
instructions of its master to the best of its ability, but
its unnatural penchant for violence can turn the
creature into a blind frenzy. They are used with
caution and are usually given a wide berth in the front
lines of battle.


While the flesh colossus' lair is not a specific location,
it indicates a particular control and preparation of a
battlefield. A flesh colossus is considered in it's lair
when it has been prepared for war, or has is
protecting their masters fortress.


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LAIR ACTIONS • The ground around the colossus quakes under the
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the flesh creatures immense weight. Each creature other
colossus takes a lair action to cause one of the than the colossus on the ground in a 60-foot radius
following effects; the colossus can't use the same around the colossus must succeed on a DC 15
effect two rounds in a row: Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
• A terrible gaseous stench is released from the
• The colossus is used to transport scamps, which are colossus in a 30-foot radius sphere. The sphere
chained to the back of the colossus. A total of six spreads around corners, and its area is lightly
scamps are chained to the colossus at a time. Two obscured. It lasts until initiative count 20 on the
scamps are released into the battlefield and fight as next round. Each creature that starts its turn in the
allies to the colossus and act on their own initiative. gas must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving
Any scamps remaining when the colossus dies uses throw or be poisoned until the end of its turn.
its action to retreat and only remains to fight if While poisoned in this way, a creature is
there are no other options. incapacitated.


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The inanimate gargoyles that perch atop great
buildings are inspired by these malevolent creatures
of elemental earth that resemble grotesque, fiendish
statues. A gargoyle lurks among masonry and ruins,
as still as any stone sculpture, and delights in the
terror it creates when it breaks from its suspended
pose, as well as the pain it inflicts on its victims.
Animate Stone. Gargoyles cling to rocky cliffs and
mountains, or roost on ledges in underground caves.
They haunt city rooftops, perching vulture – like
among the high stone arches and buttresses of castles
and cathedrals, and they can hold themselves so still
that they appear inanimate. Able to maintain this
state for years, a gargoyle makes an ideal sentry.
Deadly Reputation. Gargoyles have a reputation for
cruelty. Statues carved into the likenesses of gargoyles
appear in the architecture of countless cultures to
frighten away trespassers. Although such sculptures
are only decorative, real gargoyles can hide among
them to ambush unsuspecting victims. A gargoyle
might alleviate the tedium of its watch by catching
and tormenting birds or rodents, but its long wait
only increases its craving for harming sentient
Cruel Servants. Gargoyles are easily inspired by the
cunning of an intelligent master. They enjoy simple
tasks such as guarding a master's home, torturing and
killing interlopers, and anything else that involves
minimum effort and maximum pain and carnage.
Gargoyles sometimes serve daedra or vampires for
their propensity for wanton chaos and destruction.
Powerful spellcasters can also easily enlist gargoyle
guardians to keep watch over their gates and walls.
Gargoyles have the patience and fortitude of stone,
and will serve even the cruelest master for years
without complaint.
Elemental Nature. A gargoyle doesn't require air,
food, drink, or sleep.


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GHOST life. The ghost of a person tortured to death might be
killed again by the implements of that torture. The
A ghost is the soul of a once-living creature, bound to
ghost of a gardener might become more vulnerable
haunt a specific location, creature, or object that held
when exposed to a potent floral fragrance.
significance to it in its life.
Ghostly Manifestations. Sensations of profound
Unfinished Business. A ghost yearns to complete
sadness, loneliness, and unfulfilled yearning emanate
some unresolved task from its life. It might seek to
from places where ghostly hauntings occur. Strange
avenge its own death, fulfill an oath, or relay a
sounds or unnatural silences create an unsettling
message to a loved one. A ghost might not realize that
atmosphere. Cold spots settle in rooms that have
it has died and continue the everyday routine of its
roaring fires. A choking stench might seep into the
life. Others are driven by wickedness or spite, as with
area, inanimate objects might move of their own
a ghost that refuses to rest until every member of a
accord, and corpses might rise from the grave. The
certain family or organization is dead.
ghost has no control over these manifestations; they
The surest way to rid an area of a ghost is to resolve
simply occur.
its unfinished business. A ghost can be destroyed
Undead Nature. A ghost doesn't require air, food,
more easily by invoking a weakness tied to its former
drink, or sleep.


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Ghouls roam the night in packs, driven by an
insatiable hunger for humanoid flesh.
Devourers of Flesh. Like maggots or carrion beetles,
ghouls thrive in places rank with decay and death. A
ghoul haunts a place where it can gorge on dead flesh
and decomposing organs. When it can't feed on the
dead, it pursues living creatures and attempts to make
corpses of them. Though they gain no nourishment
from the corpses they devour, ghouls are driven by an
unending hunger that compels them to consume. A
ghoul's undead flesh never rots, and this monster can
persist in a crypt or tomb for untold ages without


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One of the most ancient and feared of all curses,
lycanthropy can transform the most civilized
humanoid into a ravening beast. In its natural
humanoid form, a creature cursed by lycanthropy
appears as its normal self. Over time, however, many
lycanthropes acquire , features suggestive of their
animal form. In that animal form, a lycanthrope
resembles a powerful version of a normal animal. On
close inspection, its eyes show a faint spark of
unnatural intelligence and might glow red in the dark.
Evil lycanthropes hide among normal folk, emerging
in animal form at night to spread terror and
bloodshed, especially under a full moon. Good
lycanthropes are reclusive and uncomfortable around
other civilized creatures, often living alone in
wilderness areas far from villages and towns.
Curse of Lycanthropy. A humanoid creature can be
afflicted with the curse of lycanthropy after being
wounded by a lycanthrope, or if one or both of its
parents are lycanthropes. A remove curse spell can rid
an afflicted lycanthrope of the curse, but a natural
born lycanthrope can be freed of the curse only with a
A lycanthrope can either resist its curse or embrace
it. By resisting the curse, a lycanthrope retains its
normal alignment and personality while in humanoid
form. It lives its life as it always has, burying deep the
bestial urges raging inside it. However, when the full
moon rises, the curse becomes too strong to resist,
transforming the individual into its beast form-or into
a horrible hybrid form that combines animal and
humanoid traits. When the moon wanes, the beast
within can be controlled once again. Especially if the
cursed creature is unaware of its condition, it might
not remember the events of its transformation,
though those memories often haunt a lycanthrope as
bloody dreams.
Some individuals see little point in fighting the curse
and accept what they are. With time and experience,
they learn to master their shapechanging ability and
can assume beast form or hybrid form at will. Most
lycanthropes that embrace their bestial natures
succumb to bloodlust, becoming evil, opportunistic
creatures that prey on the weak.


The statistics presented in this section assume a base creature
of human. However, you can also use the statistics to represent
nonhuman lycanthropes, adding verisimilitude by allowing a
nonhuman lycanthrope to retain one or more of its humanoid
racial traits. For example, an altmer werewolf might have the
Highborn trait.


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A phantom warrior is the spectral remnant of a willful
soldier or knight who perished on the battlefield or
died performing its sworn duty. It appears like a
translucent version of its living self.
Task Driven. Although one is often mistaken for a
ghost, a phantom warrior isn't bound by a yearning to
complete some unresolved goal. It can choose to end
its undead existence at any time., Its spirit lingers
willingly, either out of loyalty to its former master or
because it believes it must perform a task to satisfy its
honor or sense of duty. For example, a guard who dies
defending a wall might return as a phantom warrior
and continue guarding the wall, then disappear
forever once a new guard assumes its post or the wall
is destroyed. The period between the time it died and
the time it rises as a phantom warrior is usually 24
Faded Memories. A phantom warrior retains the
alignment and personality it had before it died, and it
remembers how it died. Memories of its life from
shortly before it died are hazy, and older memories
are forgotten. A phantom warrior can usually
remember the last 1d10 + 10 days of its life;
everything that happened before that is an
impenetrable fog.
Forceful Presence. Although they are incorporeal,
phantom warriors can harness the energy around
them to deflect incoming attacks and strike with great
force. An invisible sheath of energy surrounds a
phantom warrior's ghostly armor, shields, weapons,
which become as hard as steel yet don't impede the
warrior's ability to move through walls and other
solid objects.
Undead Nature. A phantom warrior doesn't require
air, food, drink, or sleep.


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REVENANT fulfill its quest.
Divine Justice. No magic can hide a creature
A revenant forms from the soul of a mortal who met a
pursued by a revenant, which always knows the
cruel and undeserving fate. It claws its way back into
direction and distance between it and the target of its
the world to seek revenge against the one who
vengeance. In cases where the revenant seeks revenge
wronged it. The revenant reclaims its mortal body
against more than one adversary, it pursues them one
and superficially resembles a zombie. However,
at a time, starting with the creature that dealt it the
instead of lifeless eyes, a revenant's eyes burn with
killing blow. If the revenant's body is destroyed, its
resolve and flare in the presence of its adversary. If
soul flies forth to seek out a new corpse in which to
the revenant's original body was destroyed or is
resume its hunt.
otherwise unavailable, the spirit of the revenant
Undead Nature. A revenant doesn't require air,
enters another humanoid corpse. Regardless of the
food, drink, or sleep.
body the revenant uses as a vessel, its adversary
always recognizes the revenant for what it truly is.
Hunger for Revenge. A revenant has only one year VARIANT: REVENANTS WITH SPELLS AND WEAPONS
to exact revenge. When its adversary dies, or if the Revenants that were spellcasters before they died might retain
revenant fails to kill its adversary before its time runs some or all of their spellcasting abilities. Similarly, revenants
that wore armor and wielded weapons in life might continue
out, it crumbles to dust and its soul fades into the
to do so.
afterlife. If its foe is too powerful for the revenant to
destroy on its own, it seeks worthy allies to help it


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Shadows are undead that resemble dark
exaggerations of humanoid shadows.
Dark Disposition. From the darkness, the shadow
reaches out to feed on living creatures' vitality. They
can consume any living creature, but they are
especially drawn to creatures untainted by evil. A
creature that lives a life of goodness and piety
consigns its basest impulses and strongest
temptations to the darkness where the shadows
hunger. As a shadow drains its victim's strength and
physical form, the victim's shadow darkens and
begins to move of its own volition. In death, the
creature's shadow breaks free, becoming a new
undead shadow hungry for more life to consume.
If a creature from which a shadow has been created
somehow returns to life, its undead shadow senses
the return. The shadow might seek its "parent" to vex
or slay. Whether the shadow pursues its living
counterpart, the creature that birthed the shadow no
longer casts one until the monster is destroyed.
Undead Nature. A shadow doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep.


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SKELETONS unfinished dance.
When skeletons encounter living creatures, the
Skeletons arise when animated by dark magic. They
necromantic energy that drives them compels them to
heed the summons of spellcasters who call them from
kill unless they are commanded by their masters to
their stony tombs and ancient battlefields, or rise of
refrain from doing so. They attack without mercy and
their own accord in places saturated with death and
fight until destroyed, for skeletons possess little sense
loss, awakened by stirrings of necromantic energy or
of self and even less sense of self-preservation.
the presence of corrupting evil.
Undead Nature. A skeleton doesn't require air, food,
Animated Dead. Whatever sinister force awakens a
drink, or sleep.
skeleton infuses its bones with a dark vitality,
adhering joint to joint and reassembling dismantled
limbs. This energy motivates a skeleton to move and
think in a rudimentary fashion, though only as a pale
imitation of the way it behaved in life. An animated
skeleton retains no connection to its past, although
resurrecting a skeleton restores it body and soul,
banishing the hateful undead spirit that empowers it.
While most skeletons are the animated remains of
dead humans and other humanoids, skeletal undead
can be created from the bones of other creatures
besides humanoids, giving rise to a host of terrifying
and unique forms.
Obedient Servants. Skeletons raised by spell are
bound to the will of their creator. They follow orders
to the letter, never questioning the tasks their masters
give them, regardless of the consequences. Because of
their literal interpretation of commands and
unwavering obedience, skeletons adapt poorly to
changing circumstances. They can't read, speak,
emote, or communicate in any way except to nod,
shake their heads, or point. Still, skeletons are able to
accomplish a variety of relatively complex tasks.
A skeleton can fight with weapons and wear armor,
can load and fire a catapult or trebuchet, scale a siege
ladder, form a shield wall, or dump boiling oil.
However, it must receive careful instructions
explaining how such tasks are accomplished.
Although they lack the intellect they possessed in
life, skeletons aren't mindless. Rather than break its
limbs attempting to batter its way through an iron
door, a skeleton tries the handle first. If that doesn't
work, it searches for another way through or around
the obstacle.
Habitual Behaviors. Independent skeletons
temporarily or permanently free of a master's control
sometimes pantomime actions from their past lives,
their bones echoing the rote behaviors of their former
living selves. The skeleton of a miner might lift a pick
and start chipping away at stone walls. The skeleton
of a guard might strike up a post at a random
doorway. The skeleton of a dragon might lie down on
a pile of treasure, while the skeleton of a horse crops
grass it can't eat. Left alone in a ballroom, the
skeletons of nobles might continue an eternally


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A bone colossus is a large skeletal creature,
methodically created by meticulous necromancer's.
Multiple bodies worth of skeletons are used to create
this creature, with rib cages that wrap joints and
vulnerable locations to act as protective armor, while
limbs are made from many humeri and femurs that
have been tied together with leather straps.


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Bonelords are revenants that protect the tombs of
clan and kin. These magical skeletons are usually
found in dunmeri crypts and have some unique
features. They hover above the ground, are armored
through mystic energy, and their four skeletal arms
makes them quick to attack.
Foul beasts, not of this earth. Bone Wolves brought
into existence by black magic. They are a mockery of
the true and good wolves that roam this land.


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Shambles are skeletal constructs made from various
bones knit together with wire and leather straps.
These monstrosities are the designs of dark, yet
inventive minds, that have formed such bizarre and
dangerous creatures. Bones from different creatures
are used creatively to put together the nightmarish
skeletons. They are strangely imbued with mystical
frost magic.


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SPECTER Undying Hatred. Living creatures remind the
specter that life is beyond its grasp. The mere sight of
A specter is the angry, unfettered spirit of a humanoid
the living overwhelms a specter with sorrow and
that has been prevented from passing to the afterlife.
wrath, which can be abated only by destroying said
Specters no longer possess connections to who or
life. A specter kills quickly and mercilessly, for only by
what they were, yet are condemned to walk the world
depriving others of life can it gain the slightest
forever. Some are spawned when dark magic or the
satisfaction. However, no matter how many lives it
touch of a wraith rips a soul from a living body.
extinguishes, a specter always succumbs to its hatred
Beyond Redemption. When a ghost's unfinished
and sorrow.
business is completed, it can rest at last. No such rest
Dwellers in Darkness. Sunlight represents a source
or redemption awaits a specter. It is doomed to the
of life that no specter can ever hope to douse, and it
material plane, its only end the void that comes with
pains them. When night falls, they leave their final
the destruction of its soul. Until then, it bears out its
resting places in search of living creatures to slay,
lonely life in forlorn places, carrying on forgotten
knowing that few weapons can harm them in return.
through the ages of the world.
At the first light of dawn, they retreat back into the
darkness, where they remain until night falls again.
Undead Nature. A specter doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep.

A poltergeist is a different kind of specter – the confused,
invisible spirit of an individual with no sense of how he or she
died. A poltergeist expresses its rage by hurling creatures and
objects using the power of its shattered psyche.
A poltergeist has a challenge rating of 2 (450 XP) and gains
the following additional trait:
Invisibility. The poltergeist is invisible.
The poltergeist has the following action options in place of the
specter's Life Drain:
Forceful Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) force damage.
Telekinetic Thrust. The poltergeist targets a creature or
unattended object within 30 feet of it. A creature must be
Medium or smaller to be affected by this magic, and an object
can weigh up to 150 pounds.
If the target is a creature, the poltergeist makes a Personality
check contested by the target's Strength check. If the
poltergeist wins the contest, the poltergeist hurls the target up
to 30 feet in any direction, including upward. If the target then
comes into contact with a hard surface or heavy object, the
target takes 1 d6 damage per 10 feet moved.
If the target is an object that isn't being worn or carried, the
poltergeist hurls it up to 30 feet in any direction. The
poltergeist can use the object as a ranged weapon,attacking
one creature along the object's path (+4 to hit) and dealing 5
(2d4) bludgeoning damage on a hit.


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Born with horrific appetites, trolls eat anything they
can catch and devour. These ape-like creatures have
three eyes, powerful bodies, and razor sharp claws.
They can be found throughout Tamriel, mostly in
caves and forested areas, although they come in many
species that populate less common habitats. They are
sometimes known to live together in primitive
societies, and sometimes work with other trollkin.
Although trolls are not notably intelligent, they are
capable of understanding language. Troll fat is
commonly used in alchemy, and their unique three
eye-socket skulls make for prized hunting trophies.
Regeneration. Smashing a troll's bones and slashing
through its thick hide only makes it angry. A troll's
wounds close quickly. If the monster loses an arm, a
leg, or even its head, those dismembered parts can
sometimes act with a life of their own. A troll can even
reattach severed body parts, untroubled by its
momentary disability. Only acid and fire can arrest the
regenerative properties of a troll's flesh. The trolls,
enraged, will attack individuals making acid and fire
attacks against them above all other prey.
Mutations. Their regenerative capabilities make
trolls especially susceptible to mutation. Although
uncommon, such transformations can result from
what the troll has done or what has been done to it. A
decapitated troll might grow two heads from the
stump of its neck, while a troll that eats a fey creature
might gain one or more of that creature's traits.


To say a troll can be tamed is a dangerous understatement, but
training them to be used as weapons is possible. A nord and
master trainer, Gunmar may have been the first to learn how
to subdue these beasts, creating their use as war beasts. They
are frequently used by raiding armies and as guardians to
powerful mages. An armored troll is truly as simple as it
seems; it's a troll, and it's armored.
An armored troll wears plate armor (AC 18), uses massive
iron blades strapped to its powerful arms, has a challenge
rating of 6 (2,300 xp), and has the following action:

Iron Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 4) slashing damage.


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Some trolls have the following trait.
Loathsome Limbs. Whenever the troll takes at least 15
slashing damage at one time, roll a d20 to determine what else
happens to it:

1–10: Nothing else happens.

11–14: One leg is severed from the troll if it has any legs left.
15–18: One arm is severed from the troll if it has any arms left.
19–20: The troll is decapitated, but the troll dies only if it can't
regenerate. If it dies, so does the severed head.

If the troll finishes a short or long rest without reattaching a

severed limb or head, the part regrows. At that point, the
severed part dies. Until then, a severed part acts on the troll's
initiative and has its own action and movement. A severed part
has AC 13, 10 hit points, and the troll's Regeneration trait.
A severed leg is unable to attack and has a speed of 5 feet.
A severed arm has a speed of 5 feet and can make one claw
attack on its turn, with disadvantage on the attack roll unless
the troll can see the arm and its target. Each time the troll
loses an arm, it loses a claw attack.
If its head is severed, the troll loses its bite attack and its
body is blinded unless the head can see it. The severed head
has a speed of 0 feet and the troll's Keen Smell trait. It can
make a bite attack but only against a target in its space.
The troll's speed is halved if it's missing a leg. If it loses both
legs, it falls prone. If it has both arms, it can crawl. With only
one arm, it can still crawl, but its speed is halved. With no arms
or legs, its speed is 0, and it can't benefit from bonuses to


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The region surrounding a vampire's lair is warped by
Awakened to an endless night, vampires hunger for
the creature's unnatural presence, creating any of the
the life they have lost and sate that hunger by
following effects:
drinking the blood of the living. Vampires abhor
sunlight, for its touch burns them. They never cast • There's a noticeable increase in the populations of
shadows or reflections, and any vampire wishing to bats, rats, and wolves in the region.
move unnoticed among the living keeps to the • Plants within 500 feet of the lair wither, and their
darkness and far from reflective surfaces. stems and branches become twisted and thorny.
Dark Desires. Whether or not a vampire retains any • Shadows cast within 500 feet of the lair seem
memories from its former life, its emotional abnormally gaunt and sometimes move as though
attachments wither as once-pure feelings become alive.
twisted by undeath. Love turns into hungry obsession, • A creeping fog clings to the ground within 500 feet
while friendship becomes bitter jealousy. In place of of the vampire's la ir. The fog occasionally takes
emotion, vampires pursue physical symbols of what eerie forms, such as grasping claws and writhing
they crave, so that a vampire seeking love might fixate serpents.
on a young beauty. A child might become an object of
If the vampire is destroyed, these effects end after
fascination for a vampire obsessed with youth and
2d6 days.
potential. Others surround themselves with art,
books, or sinister items such as torture devices or
trophies from creatures they have killed.
Born from Death. Most of a vampire's victims
become vampire spawn- ravenous creatures with a
vampire's hunger for blood, but under the .control of
the vampire that created them. If a true vampire
allows a spawn to draw blood from its own body, the
spawn transforms into a true vampire no longer
under its master's control. Few vampires are willing
to relinquish their control in this manner. Vampire
spawn become free-willed when their creator dies.
Chained to the Grave. Every vampire remains
bound to its coffin, crypt, or grave site, where it must
rest by day. If a vampire didn't receive a formal burial,
it must lie beneath a foot of earth at the place of its
transition to undeath. A vampire can move its place of
burial by transporting its coffin or a significant
amount of grave dirt to another location. Some
vampires set up multiple resting places this way.
Undead Nature. Neither a vampire nor a vampire
spawn requires air.

A vampire chooses a grand yet defensible location for
its lair, such as a castle, fortified manor, or walled
abbey. It hides its coffin in an underground crypt or
vault guarded by vampire spawn or other loyal
creatures of the night.


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Some vampires have martial training and battlefield Some vampires are practitioners of the arcane arts. A
experience. A warrior vampire wearing plate armor (AC 18) spellcaster vampire has a challenge rating of 15 (13,000 XP)
and wielding a greatsword has a challenge rating of 15 (13,000 and the following trait:
XP) and the following additional action options. Spellcasting. The vampire is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its
Multiattack. The vampire makes two greatsword attacks. spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit
with spell attacks). The vampire has the following spells
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., prepared:
one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Cantrips (at will): mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost
1st level (4 slots): comprehend languages, fog cloud, sleep
2nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, gust of wind, mirror image
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, nondetection
4th level (3 slots): blight, greater invisibility
5th level (1 slot): dominate person


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Vampire Lords are particularly powerful vampires, Bloodfiends are vampires that succumbed to the
typically pure-bloods selected by Molag Bal, or their madness to comes from an insatiable thirst for blood,
kin. They possess the unique ability to transform into and the burdens of immortality. These poor creatures
a fearsome beast creature known as the Vampire have become feral with rage and act more like animals
Lord. Much like a lycanthrope and their hybrid form, a than the mortal they once were. Although their minds
Vampire Lord can polymorph between their have warped, they are still vampires and require to
humanoid body and their terrifying hybrid form, feed regularly. They are usually the last line of defense
which resembles a vampiric were bat. During their in a vampire lair and are treated more akin to a pet
transformation, they sprout bat like wings from their than an equal.
back, their muscles swell as they grow in size, their
skin changes colour into pale greys to blue, and their
facial features become sharp and angular with
pointed ears and menacingly sharpened teeth and


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Death Hounds are undead creatures that look like
large, burly dogs with red glowing eyes. There are
hairless, black, demonic looking dogs with taut skin
and a mouth full of rows and rows of sharp, jagged
teeth. They serve as pets and guard dogs to many
vampires and may be their own unique species of
Death Hounds are used as guardians by vampires.
How they came to be is unknown, but their bite is as
cold as the grave.


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A wraith is malice incarnate, concentrated into an
incorporeal form that seeks to quench all life. The
creature is suffused with negative energy, and its
mere passage through the world leaves nearby plants
blackened and withered. Animals flee from its
presence. Even small fires can be extinguished by the
sucking oblivion of the wraith's horrifying existence.
Vile Oblivion. When a mortal humanoid lives a
debased life or enters into a fiendish pact, it consigns
its soul to eternal damnation in Oblivion. However,
sometimes the soul becomes so suffused with
negative energy that it collapses in on itself and
ceases to exist the instant before it can shuffle off to
some horrible afterlife. When this occurs, the spirit
becomes a soulless wraith – a malevolent void
trapped on the plane where it died. Almost nothing of
the wraith's former existence is preserved; in this
new form, it exists only to annihilate other life.
Bereft of Body. A wraith can move through solid
creatures and objects as easily as a mortal creature
moves through fog.
A wraith might retain a few memories of its mortal
life as shadowy echoes. However, even the strongest
events and emotions become little more than faint
impressions, fleeting as half-remembered dreams. A
wraith might pause to stare at something that
fascinated it in life, or it might curb its wrath in
acknowledgment of a past friendship. Such moments
come rarely, however, because most wraiths despise
what they were as a reminder of what they have
Undead Commanders. A wraith can make an
undead servant from the spirit of a humanoid
creature that has recently suffered a violent death.
Such a fragment of woe becomes a specter, spiteful of
all that lives.
Wraiths sometimes rule the legions of the dead,
plotting the doom of living creatures. When they
emerge from their tombs to do battle, life and hope
shrivel before them. Even if a wraith's armies are
forced to retreat, the lands its forces occupied are so
blasted and withered that those who live there often
starve and die.
Undead Nature. A wraith doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep.


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From somewhere in the darkness, a gurgling moan is
heard. A form lurches into view, dragging one foot as
it raises bloated arms and broken hands. The zombie
advances, driven to kill anyone too slow to escape its
Dark Servants. Sinister necromantic magic infuses
the remains of the dead, causing them to rise as
zombies that do their creator's bidding without fear
or hesitation. They move with a jerky, uneven gait,
clad in the moldering apparel they wore when put to
rest, and carrying the stench of decay.
Most zombies are made from humanoid remains,
though the flesh and bones of any formerly living
creature can be imbued with a semblance of life.
Necromantic magic, usually from spells, animates a
zombie. Some zombies rise spontaneously when dark
magic saturates an area. Once turned into a zombie, a
creature can't be restored to life except by powerful
magic, such as a resurrection spell.
A zombie retains no vestiges of its former self, its
mind devoid of thought and imagination. A zombie
left without orders simply stands in place and rots
unless something comes along that it can kill. The
magic animating a zombie imbues it with evil, so left
without purpose, it attacks any living creature it
Hideous Forms. Zombies appear as they did in life,
showing the wounds that killed them. However, the
magic that creates these vile creatures often takes
time to run its course. Dead warriors might rise from
a battlefield, eviscerated and bloated after days in the
sun. The muddy cadaver of a peasant could claw its
way from the ground, riddled with maggots and
worms. A zombie might wash ashore or rise from a
marsh, swollen and reeking after weeks in the water.
Mindless Soldiers. Zombies take the most direct
route to any foe, unable to comprehend obstacles,
tactics, or dangerous terrain. A zombie might stumble
into a fast-flowing river to reach foes on a far shore,
clawing at the surface as it is battered against rocks
and destroyed. To reach a foe below it, a zombie might
step out of an open window. Zombies stumble
through roaring infernos, into pools of acid, and
across fields littered with caltrops without hesitation.
A zombie can follow simple orders and distinguish
friends from foes, but its ability to reason is limited to
shambling in whatever direction it is pointed,
pummeling any enemy in its path. A zombie armed
with a weapon uses it, but the zombie won't retrieve a
dropped weapon or other tool until told to do so.
Undead Nature. A zombie doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep.


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Bonewalkers are usually found defending dunmer
tombs and are aggressive and extremely dangerous.


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This appendix contains statistics for various animals,
vermin, and other critters. The stat blocks are
organized alphabetically by creature name.


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This appendix contains statistics for various
humanoid nonplayer characters (NPCs) that
adventurers might encounter during a D&D campaign,
including lowly cattle and cultists. These stat blocks
can be used to represent both human and non-human


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This index organizes the monsters in Chapter 7 by
challenge rating.

CHALLENGE 0 (0-10 XP) Hunter Shark

Bat Scamp* CHALLENGE 13 (10,000 XP)
Cattle Shambles* Flesh Abomination*
Hyena Werebat* Vampire
Rat Wererat
Raven Wereraven CHALLENGE 15 (13,000 XP)
Vulture Vampire Lord*
CHALLENGE 3 (700 XP) Vampire Scion*
CHALLENGE 1/8 (25 XP) Draugr Overlord*
Cultist Draugr Wight* CHALLENGE 19 (22,000 XP)
Skeever* Feral Werelion* Flesh Colossus*
Phantom Warrior
CHALLENGE 1/4 (50 XP) Vampire Bloodfiend* CHALLENGE 21 (33,000 XP)
Boar Werevulture* Dragon Priest*
Bone Wolf* Werewolf
Skeleton CHALLENGE 23 (50,000 XP)
Swarm of Bats CHALLENGE 4 (1,100 XP) Flesh Colossus* (in lair)
Swarm of Skeevers* Ghost
Wolf Narsis Dren*
Zombie Wereboar
CHALLENGE 1/2 (100 XP) Wererat Pack Leader*
Black Bear Wereshark*
Crocodile Weretiger
CHALLENGE 5 (1,800 XP)
CHALLENGE 1 (200 XP) Exiled Dragon Priest*
Brown Bear Hulking Draugr*
Dire Wolf Revenant
Draugr* Troll
Draugulf* Vampire Spawn
Feral Werewolf* Werebear
Ghoul Werelion*
Giant Hyena Werewolf Pack Leader*
Giant Spider Wraith
Giant Vulture
Lion CHALLENGE 6 (2,300 XP)
Specter Bone Colossus*
Tiger Flesh Atronach*


Bonelord* Draugr Scourge*
Bonewalker* Werelion Pride Leader*
Death Hound*
Gargoyle CHALLENGE 12 (8,400 XP)
Ghast Draugr Deathlord*


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Monster CR Tag
This index organizes the monsters in Chapter 7 by Flesh Abomination* 13 Daedra
type. The list includes the challenge rating of each Flesh Colossus* 19 Daedra
monster and any tags it has. The monsters are in Scamp* 2 Daedra
alphabetical order.
BEAST Monster CR Tag
Monster CR Tag Troll 5 5
Bat 0 -
Black Bear 1/2 - HUMANOID
Boar 1/4 - Monster CR Tag
Brown Bear 1 - Cattle* 0 -
Crocodile 1/2 - Cultist 1/8 -
Dire Wolf 1 - Narsis Dren* 4 -
Feral Werelion 3 -
Feral Werewolf 1 - UNDEAD
Giant Hyena 1 - Monster CR Tag
Giant Spider 1 - Bone Colossus* 6 -
Giant Vulture 1 - Bone Wolf* 1/7 -
Hunter Shark 2 - Bonelord* 2 -
Hyena 0 - Bonewalker* 2 -
Lion 1 - Death Hound* 2 beast
Rat 0 - Dragon Priest* 21 -
Raven 0 - Draugr * 1 -
Skeever* 1/8 - Draugr Deathlord* 12 -
Swarm of Bats 1/4 - Draugr Overlord* 3 -
Swarm of Skeevers* 1/4 - Draugr Scourge* 7 -
Tiger 1 - Draugr Wight* 3 -
Vulture 0 - Draugulf* 1 beast
Werebat* 2 shapechanger Exiled Dragon Priest* 5 -
Werebear 5 shapechanger Ghast 2 -
Wereboar* 4 shapechanger Ghost 4 -
Werecrocodile* 4 shapechanger Ghoul 1 -
Werelion * 5 shapechanger Hulking Draugr* 5 -
Werelion Pride Leader* 7 shapechanger Phantom Warrior 3 -
Wererat 2 shapechanger Revenant 5 -
Wererat Pack Leader* 4 shapechanger Shadow 1/2 -
Wereraven 2 shapechanger Shambles* 2 -
Wereshark* 4 shapechanger Skeleton 1/4 -
Weretiger 4 shapechanger Specter 1 -
Werevulture* 3 shapechanger Vampire Bloodfiend* 3 -
Werewolf 3 shapechanger Vampire Lord* 15 shapechanger
Werewolf Pack Leader* 5 shapechanger Vampire Scion* 15 shapechanger
Wolf 1/4 - Vampire Spawn 5 -
Vampire 13 shapechanger
ELEMENTAL Wraith 5 -
Monster CR Tag Zombie 1/4 -
Gargoyle 2 -


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
This index organizes the common diseases that can be DAMPWORM
found and contracted throughout Tamriel. A disease Dampworm is a serious common disease affecting a
lasts either until it is cured, or until the afflicted victim's mobility. Symptoms include uncontrollable
creature dies. A creature can be affected by multiple muscle spasms and twitching.
diseases at the same time. Effects. A creature affected with the dampworm
A disease can be cured by a cure disease or lesser disease has following effects:
restoration spell, or by most priests in temples. • their Speed is reduced by half.
The list includes a general description, symptoms, • they have disadvantage on attack rolls and agility
and the effects. The diseases are in alphabetical order. saving throws.
• any attack rolls made against the creature have
ATAXIA advantage.
Ataxia is a mild common disease affecting the victims
strength and dexterity. Symptoms include generalized DROOPS
pain and muscle stiffness. Droops is a serious common disease that affects a
Effects. A creature affected with the ataxia disease victim's strength. Symptoms include weak and flaccid
has their Strength and Agility attribute scores muscle tissues.
temporarily reduced by 2. Effects. A creature affected with the droops disease
has their Strength attribute score temporarily
BROWN ROT reduced by 4.
Brown rot is a mild common disease affecting the
victim's strength and behavior. Symptoms include GREENSPORE
necrosis and sleeplessness. Greenspore is a serious common disease affecting a
Effects. A creature affected with the brown rot victim's behavior. Symptoms include irritability and
disease has their Strength and Personality attribute violent outbursts, and may include mild dementia.
scores temporarily reduced by 2. Effects. A creature affected with the greenspore
disease has their Personality attribute score
CHILLS temporarily reduced by 3 and they gain one indefinite
Chills is an extremely dangerous common disease madness effect, as outlined on page 260 of the
affecting the victim's mind and coordination. Dungeon Master's Guide.
Symptoms include clumsiness and mental confusion.
Effects. A creature affected with the chills disease HELLJOINT
has the following effects: Helljoint is a mild common disease affecting a victim's
• their Intelligence, Agility, and Willpower attribute mobility and dexterity. Symptoms include persistent
scores are temporarily reduced by 4. irritation and inflammation of joints.
• they have disadvantage on Agility saving throws. Effects. A creature affected with the helljoint disease
has the following effects:
COLLYWOBBLES • their Speed is reduced by 10 feet.
Collywobbles is a serious common disease affecting a • their Agility attribute score is temporarily reduced
victim's strength, endurance, and mobility. Symptoms by 2.
include uncontrollable shaking and chronic
weariness. RATTLES
Effects. A creature affected with the collywobbles Rattles is a mild common diseased affecting a victim's
disease has the following effects: willpower and dexterity. Symptoms include muscle
• their Strength and Endurance attribute scores are spasms and listlessness.
temporarily reduced by 3. Effects. A creature affected with the rattles disease
• their speed is reduced by 10 feet. has their Willpower & Agility attribute scores
temporarily reduced by 2.


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
ROCKJOINT disease has their Strength and Endurance attribute
Rockjoint is an acute common disease affecting a scores temporarily reduced by 2.
victim's manual dexterity. Symptoms include painful
swelling and immobility of all joints. WITBANE
Effects. A creature affected with the rockjoint Witbane is an acute common disease affecting a
disease has their Agility attribute score temporarily victim's memory and thought processes. Symptoms
reduced by 3. include loss of memory and disorientation.
Effects. A creature affected with the witbane disease
RUST CHANCRE has the following effects:
Rust chancre is a mild common disease affecting a • their Agility attribute score is temporarily reduced
victim's mobility and behavior. Symptoms include by 3.
swelling and rash, and painful muscle spasms. • their short term memory is affected and they
Effects. A creature affected with the rust cancre frequently forget events that have occurred in the
disease has the following effects: last 24 hours.
• their Personality attribute score is temporarily • they are unable to recall or develop mental maps of
reduced by 3. their current or past travels, nor can they
• their speed is reduced by 10 feet. determine the cardinal direction they are currently
Serpiginous dementia is a serious common disease WITHER
affecting the victim's mind and behavior. Symptoms Wither is a mild common disease that affects a
include hallucinations and an itchy and unsightly victim's strength and endurance. Symptoms include
scaly skin condition resembling snake scales. loss of energy and shortness of breath.
Effects. A creature affected with the serpiginous Effects. A creature affected with the wither disease
dementia disease has the following effects: has their Strength and Endurance attribute scores
• their Intelligence, Personality, and Willpower temporarily reduced by 2.
attribute scores temporarily reduced by 3.
• they gain two indefinite madness effects, as YELLOW TICK
outlined on page 260 of the Dungeon Master's Yellow tick is a mild common disease affecting a
Guide. victim's strength and mobility. Symptoms include
dark, bruise-like swelling, sensitive to touch.
SWAMP FEVER Effects. A creature affected with the yellow tick
Swamp fever is a mild common disease affecting the disease has the following effects:
victim's strength and behavior. It may be contracted • their Strength attribute score is temporarily
from mudcrabs. The symptoms include high body reduced by 2.
temperature and delirium, but there are no easily • their Speed is reduced by 10 feet.
visible signs.
Effects. A creature affected with the swamp fever


Version 1.0. Not for sale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.

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