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You are God Interpretation

“Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in According to Neville Goddard, and various other teachers and experts, the Bible is
you?”1 Corinthians chapter 3 nothing but a psychological representation of various states of consciousness
“Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are “gods”?” John that we will all experience. The entire book is a story of the redemption of Jesus
10:34 Christ, whom Neville refers to as your own wonderful human imagination. “Through
Christ, all things can be done.” Well, Jesus Christ abides in you. Jesus Christ is God
"I said, 'You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.” Psalm 82:6

“For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.” Psalm 86:10
and said we are God, and that we can do the things he has done and greater. Well, if
this is true, we should be able to walk on water, and we can; in our own wonderful
“I and my Father are one.” John 10:30 human imagination. You can imagine yourself walking on a body of water. You can feel
the sensation of water under your feet, and feel the satisfaction of performing “the
You can accomplish anything because you are god impossible”. However, most of us could care less about walking on water. We’d much
“Everything is possible for him who believes.”Mark 9:23 rather have the desires of our hearts fulfilled. And through Christ, our own wonderful
“Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the power to get human imagination, they CAN be fulfilled, and WILL be fulfilled, given we apply this law
wealth.”Deuteronomy 8:18 in the correct way and persistently. And the way that this is accomplished is through
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened holding true to your imaginal act or state of mind. The entire Bible is filled with passages
unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that tell us just this: that what we sow, we reap. The scriptures to the left are just a small
that knocketh it shall be opened.”Matthew 7:7-8 example of numerous accounts in the bible that teach us this principal. It is important to
note the scripture of the 45th chapter of Isaiah: “I form the light, and create darkness: I
“The Lord will guide you always, he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land. You
make peace and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” Well, YOU are the LORD
will be like a spring whose waters never fail.” Philippians 4:8
GOD, so now you can see that any evil or pain that has been in your world was
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, created by yourself. Equally so, all the joy in your world was created by yourself.
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or You alone are God and have the power to choose ANYTHING you want. Any
praiseworthy—think about such things.” situation, circumstance, object, or experience. So go forth as God, and live the
“The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth that which is good; and life you desire. Jesus said: “Come follow me. I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
the evil out of the evil brings forth that which is evil. For out of the abundance of his And this leads us to the next section describing this way of life. A simple, and beautiful
heart, his mouth speaks.”Luke 6:45 way of life.
“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and Way of Life
does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done "But be ye doers of the word, and not merely hearers, deceiving yourselves.”
for them.” Mark 11:23
James 1:22
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, What Neville teaches, and what the Bible teaches is that this isn’t about just using the
and it will be yours.” Mark 11:24 law of attraction to get a million dollars, but about using the law to create a life worth
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” living. That is the true gift. Sure, you can get a million dollars. You can get whatever you
Hebrews 11:1 want. But don’t use this law for just money. Use it for EVERY desire of your heart both
“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalms 37:4 big and small. You are to use this law second by second to create the life/experience
"According to your faith be it done unto you." Matthew 9:29 you want. You are constantly planting seeds all day, and the product of those
seeds are either turning into flowers or weeds, based on the quality of your
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and thoughts, feelings, imaginal acts, assumptions, and perceptions. When you really
they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”John start using and PLAYING with the tools that are listed here, you will find that they
14:12 will become engrained into you as habit, thus creating a new way of life. You will
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all also find that they work. And this will make you truly more aware and cautious of your
these things.” Isaiah 45:7 second to second thoughts and feelings. There truly are no rules but what we make.
“Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” -Luke The ONLY rule is the law of God’s Game: whatever you sow, you will reap. So let this
12:32 be a wonderfully liberating and joyful way of living by tending to our Gardens. Pull the
“I give you this land, just as I promised your ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Now weeds, plant the flowers and you will have a beautiful garden. Let the weeds grow, and
you must go and take the land.” -Deuteronomy 1:8 don’t plant flowers and you will have an ugly garden. The choice is yours AS God.

Testimonials Choosing your primary states

After following the works of Dr.Joe Dispenza, and Neville Goddard, I have Here is a preliminary and pragmatic exercise to applying the law to your life.
witnessed hundreds upon hundreds of testimonials of people achieving the Since you are God and can create anything, it is vital to know what you want to create.
“impossible” by following this way of life. People who have cured the incurable, So I have outlined a few things that will help you understand the ways you can go about
people who have achieved great financial success, people who have saved this. Firstly, it is advised to know what you want to be/do/have/feel/think for your
relationships, people who have lived their dreams and fantasies. And as a beginner entire life. You can take out a piece of paper and make lists for each of these sections
to this way of life, these testimonials were invaluable to witness as a means to boost my and if you would like to go further, you can make corresponding images to each item and
faith, but were also incredibly powerful examples of how to properly apply this law. It is make a “mind movie” out of them. This “mind movie” is a technique taught by Dr.Joe
therefore tremendously helpful to see these testimonials for yourself so that you can see Dispenza and is incredibly powerful in terms of its ability to manifest in the physical
that the true power doesn’t come from “hard work” or any other secondary cause, realm. However, keep in mind that Neville and his followers never had access to
but that the true power comes from YOU. We have all heard of the powers of the technology that could do this, and sometimes having a mind movie can be more of a
subconscious mind, and by following this way of life, that is what we are accessing. The statement in consciousness that you don’t already have what you want. This is all
subconscious mind can create experiences, behaviors, habits, synchronicities, miracles, about FEELING you have everything you desire right now! So don’t think that by idly
and anything you can conceive of. And it is simple the way it works. Truly we were sent watching a series of images on a computer will mean that it will manifest into reality. You
here to play “God’s Game”. This game doesn’t require anything from us. The game simply must move in consciousness to a point where you already possess your desires
is: “what we tell the subconscious mind, is what we receive in reality.” If you feel like a and make it feel natural.
victim, you will receive more situations that make you feel like a victim. If you feel The next thing you may want to do is identify 3-5 of your primary
successful (even if you aren’t), you will receive things that make you feel successful. It states. This could be the state of healthy, wealthy, happy, loving husband, or successful
really is that simple. business man. You get to choose what states you occupy. And the idea is that you dwell
So, my recommendation is to watch as many testimonials from the in these states consistently. For instance, loving husband would mean that your actions
testimonials on Dr.Joe Dispenza’s youtube channel, join Neville Goddard facebook work accordingly with the state. Such as always being nice to your wife. Now if you end
groups, as well as looking up Neville Goddard testimonials. What is amazing about up being mean to your wife, you have fallen out of the state of loving husband and will
Neville is that he never charged a penny for any of his lectures. He knew of this law and have to move back in consciousness to that state. And if you fall out of the state too
knew that he didn’t need to charge a penny. He had all the money he needed and just many times, or to a high degree, that could spell divorce. So you see, this is all about
loved to speak God’s word. His entire family became successful by using this law and to “beingness”. And “doingness” will always come from “beingness.”
this day they are still successful with their business “Goddard enterprises”. Hearing Lastly, if you are unsure of exactly what you want, but know that you want to
Neville speak of incredible stories of the proof of this law is wildly entertaining and up be happy and successful, you can apply the technique that Neville addressed in this
lifting. But the best thing about hearing Neville speak is that he always tells you to go and question at one of his seminars:
test it for yourself. “We are here in this world of experience for a divine purpose: to know Question: Is it possible to imagine several things at the same time, or should I confine
imagination.” -Neville Goddard. He talks about how are purpose here on earth is to my imagining to one desire?
discover who we truly are: God. And we discover this by using our God given power that
is our own wonderful Human Imagination. Furthermore he speaks about our purpose here Answer: Personally I like to confine my imaginal act to a single thought, but that does not
on Earth being to fulfill scripture and act out Chirst’s story of redemption. This is referred mean I will stop there. During the course of a day I may imagine many things, but
to in scripture as the promise and is likened to a Kundalini awakening, and it will be instead of imagining lots of small things, I would suggest that you imagine something
experienced by everyone no matter what, as this is God’s gift to us. So who are we? Well so big it includes all the little things. Instead of imagining wealth, health and friends,
Exodus 3:13-14 tells us: “Then Moses said to God, "Behold, I am going to the sons of imagine being ecstatic. You could not be ecstatic and be in pain. You could not be
Israel, and I will say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you.' Now they may ecstatic and be threatened with a dispossession notice. You could not be ecstatic
say to me, 'What is His name?' What shall I say to them?" God said to Moses, "I AM if you were not enjoying a full measure of friendship and love.
THAT I AM"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, “I AM” has sent What would the feeling be like were you ecstatic without knowing what had
me to you. This is My name forever.” So anytime you say “I am”, you are using God’s happened to produce your ecstasy? Reduce the idea of ecstasy to the single
name which is your name. “The words that follow “I am”, follow you!” This is why in sensation, “Isn’t it wonderful!” Do not allow the conscious, reasoning mind to ask
Joel 3:10 it says “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; why, because if it does it will start to look for visible causes, and then the
let the weak say, “I am strong.”” So if you are in poverty, let yourself say “I am wealthy.” sensation will be lost. Rather, repeat over and over again, “Isn’t it wonderful!” Suspend
If you are sick, let yourself say “I am healthy.” For God, the subconscious mind, will judgment as to what is wonderful. Catch the one sensation of the wonder of it all and
harden your assumption into fact. Truly, these are the greatest gifts we could ever things will happen to bear witness to the truth of this sensation. And I promise
receive: The Law, and the promise. you, it will include all the little things.
Technique #1-Feel it Real (FIR) Technique #2-
This is the most foundational aspect of the law, and it requires that we feel what Coffee Game/Telephone Game/Imaginary conversation
we desire to already be in our possession. There are a few ways of doing this, and I This is a great and simple exercise. In your feel it real sessions and
will list them. throughout the day, imagine having a cup of coffee with a specific person and
1)Use of imagination. Neville says, “With your eyes closed and your physical body having a conversation that implies your wish is fulfilled. In your imagination, sip

immobilized induce a state akin to sleep and enter into the action as though you
were an actor playing the part. Experience in imagination what you would
your coffee, feel the texture, the warmth, feel the cup in your hands, see you friend, hear
your friends voice, hear the words you would like them to say, hear yourself saying the
experience in the flesh were you now in possession of your objective. Make words you would say. Make the closest representation to reality that you can.
elsewhere HERE and then NOW. And the greater you, using a larger focus will use Alternately, you can have a conversation over the phone or in person without coffee. It’s
all means, and call them good, which tend toward the production of that which you all up to you, but the name of the game is make it as close to what would happen if
have assumed. You change your future best when you are in control of your it were true.
thoughts while in a state akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum. Throughout the day and in your sessions you can imagine friends and
Your attention seems to completely relax, and then you must practice holding your family members congratulating you about the fulfillment of your wish. Hear their
attention within that feeling, without using force, and without using effort.” voice as clearly as you can, feel their presence, see their facial expressions, and
One of the best ways to accomplish this is by taking time 1-3 times a day and feel what you would feel in this situation as if it were real.
enter a meditative or sleepy state, and then begin to perform your imaginal acts. The Another great thing to note is what you imagine your friends and family’s
idea is to make in your imagination a scene and sensation that carries as many of the perception of you to be is usually a great reflection of who you are. So anytime you
tones of reality as possible. If you were to climb a ladder in your imagination, you would think of your friends, family, and coworkers, imagine them seeing and treating
make sure to see the ladder from 1st point of view as opposed to 3rd point of view. You you as the person you desire to be. What would they be saying to you given you
would then feel the ladder in your hands and feel your muscles move as you climb it. You obtained your ideal? What would they be saying to each other given you had
would hear the clanking of the ladder, etc. If you couple this with whatever thoughts and obtained your ideal? Hear them in your minds eye saying these things. Often
feelings you’d be having climbing a ladder, then you have successfully created an times, these imaginary conversations can be the most powerful tools in your
imaginal act. You know you have done this correctly when you can’t tell a manifestation tool box. In the bible it says, “If any two of you agree on earth about
difference between your imaginal act and reality itself. Keep in mind you are literally any request that you must make, that request will be granted by my Heavenly
creating reality via use of your imagination, and you will find in time that it works and that Father.” [Matthew 18:19] Well, all things exist inside of you, and are you.
your powers of imagination will grow in vividness. Make sure to pause throughout the day Everything you see outside of yourself, IS yourself pushed out. So you don’t have
and take even just 5 minutes to do a session for whatever you desire and have fun to ask anyone to help you imagine and create that which you desire. You can
watching it come to pass. Use this for “little” things and “big” things. Before you know it, bring that person into your imagination and hear them as though it were real.
you will realize there is no difference. When the imaginal act is in accordance with the wish fulfilled, you will not be surprised
2)We are constantly imagining things all day, and we have been using this power when it comes to pass. And it will come to pass so long as you don’t dig up the seed and
our whole lives without knowing it. Now that we know we can use it to create uproot it. If you do not realize you are God, you will cast doubt as water upon the seed
whatever we want, be aware of what you are imagining all day long and begin to change and the seed will tarnish. This is all a game and a wonderful script for you to realize who
it to what you desire. You don’t have to enter a meditative state to use your imagination you really are. And who you really are is magnificence to the highest degree. So
to manifest, however, for reasons I will list later, you want to make sure to take time to do when you imagine others, imagine them seeing you as the magnificence that you
a few sessions in the day where you enter a sleepy state to manifest. If we are truly are, and your worldly relationships will be vastly different. You will see these
overwhelmed trying to live our day to day lives, and be aware of our thoughts, and people conforming to the ideal that you have placed forth of yourself. They will all
practice creating our lives, we will only receive more overwhelm. That’s why entering a play the exact parts they need to play to allow your imaginal act come to fruition. If you
sleepy state can make this much more effective. You are calm and in a position where have a boss or a friend who treats you poorly, bring them up in your imagination and
you don’t have to think about your normal life. hear them say what you would desire them to say to you and it you will notice that your
3)Feeling it real means that we live second to second under the assumption that whole world is your imagination pushed out. You will never again ask of anyone for
we have the things we desire. So if you are feeling truly real, you will notice that your anything, nor blame anyone or anything for your circumstances. Invest in your ideal self
thoughts, feelings, behaviors, assumptions and attitudes will reflect the state of your with the utmost love for your ideal. Imagine for others what you would have them
being. This is where things get cool. I.e. If you desired to lose weight, and moved into imagine for you and you will discover that Jesus Christ is inside of you acting as your
feeling that you have already lost the weight, you will be inspired to take a certain action. own wonderful human imagination.
This action might be going to the gym or going to sleep. And you will follow through.

Technique #4-Naturalness
Technique #3-Law of Assumption “The time it takes your assumption to become fact, your desire to be fulfilled, is
This technique is very simple and extremely powerful, and if persisted in can directly proportionate to the NATURALNESS of your feeling of already being what
bring about any change you desire. It is simple assumption. All you do is assume that you want to be… of already having what you desire. The fact that it does not feel
you already have what you desire. Nothing more. If you desire to be free of debt, natural to you to be what you imagine yourself to be is the secret of your failure.
assume that you already are free of debt. It is truly amazing the power we have as Regardless of your desire, regardless of how faithfully and intelligently you follow the law, if
God. That we can simply assume something to be, and it becomes that. If I were to you do not feel natural about what you want to be, you will not be it. Take me seriously.
summarize all of Neville’s techniques, it would surely be to assume that you When you know what you want in life, construct a scene which would imply your desire is
already possess that which you seek. This law is so powerful because it allows the fulfilled. See it as clearly as possible. Feel its naturalness. Experiment until you know the
greater mind in you to bring about your desired state. This greater mind knows all and scene and all it implies is real. Now, to the degree that you believe in its reality, your
can do all, and by simply assuming you have what you want the God in you works best. experiment will become your experience. I can't tell you how long it's going to take you but
For by assuming, you use the least amount of effort and your state becomes as
natural as breathing. I'll tell you this much. It can be measured by the feeling of naturalness. You can wear a
We are told in the Bible to put this to the test. “Test me in this," says the feeling until it's natural. The moment the feeling becomes natural, it will begin to bear fruit
LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and within your world. I must make that state as natural as I have made my present state. I
pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” -Malachi must consciously return to my new state constantly. I must feel its naturalness, like
3:10 We are also told that persistent assumption will bring forth that which you my own bed at night. At first the new state seems unnatural, like wearing a new suit
desire: “And He said to them, “Which of you shall have a friend, and go to him at or hat. Although no one knows your suit is new, you are so conscious of it you think
midnight and say to him, ‘Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine has everyone is looking at you. You are aware of its fit and its feeling until it becomes
come to me on his journey, and I have nothing to set before him’; and he will comfortable. So it is with your new state. At first you are conscious of its
answer from within and say, ‘Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my strangeness; but with regular wearing, the new state becomes comfortable, and its
children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you’? I say to you, though he
will not rise and give to him because he is his friend, yet because of his naturalness causes you to constantly return to it, thereby making it real. Do not stop
persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs.” Luke 11:5-9 there. Keep on imagining and share your results with others. Tell them how to free
“Daring to assume that all things are possible to imagine, put this one themselves from this bondage to Caesar.” – Neville Goddard
reality to the extreme test by assuming you are the person you would like to be. When we truly realize we are God and that imagination creates reality, that will
Your reasonable mind and outer senses may deny it; but I promise you: if you will be very unnatural to live with. As William Blake said, “God became man that man could
persist, you will receive your assumption. Believe me, you are the same God who become God.”. Well, we have been “man” for our whole lives, and this means we have
created and sustains the universe, but are keyed low; so you must be persistent if you been asleep to our true identity as God. When we awake to this it can carry a multitude of
would bring about a change.”-Neville Goddard different feelings, and surely the feeling of unnaturalness being one of them. First, we will
When we assume we are that which we desire to be, it requires almost no try to deny this reality, second we will try to rationalize this reality, third we will fear this
effort. Life is all a movement in consciousness and we are constantly moving through
different states of mind throughout the day and throughout our lives. It is easy to see that reality, fourth we will be curious of this reality, fifth we will begin to play with and test this
which you assume to be, because your actions and reactions to life will be drawn out of reality, and lastly we will fully accept, love, and cherish this reality. So truly this is a
that which you assume yourself to be. If you assume you are unhealthy, your actions and process of becoming, but the great thing about this as said by Neville, “You are here
reactions will be in accordance with that assumption. So, with the power of awareness, to discover who you are by getting the things you want.” It is unnatural to assume that
begin to notice what state you are occupying at any given time, and if it is not a reflection you are God, and that everything in your life and everything in the world was created by
of your ideal, move into the state of consciousness that reflects your ideal as already yourself and your imaginal acts. Not only is it unnatural, but it can be frightening because
being a fact and watch your life change. At the end of the day, mentally go through you will question your ability to control and tame your mind/emotions/imagination. And this
your day and assume that you were the person you wanted to be. Assume is what is referred to as the “fear of god”. “The fear of the LORD leads to life, So that one
everything went the way you TRULY desired it to be. Assume the feeling you would may sleep satisfied, untouched by evil.” Proverbs 19:23 When we begin to fear our power
like to have given everything in your day went according to your highest ideal. You
will notice your mental pictures will change according to your assumptions, and you will to create evil, we then begin to choose happiness. And this means we will choose to fall
notice your mood will reflect that assumption as well. And finally, you will notice your asleep satisfied, for the satisfaction we sow tonight will be the reaping of tomorrows joy. So
actions, reactions, and life circumstances will reflect your most persistent assumptions. begin to assume that you are a joyous, loving, and merciful God and begin to
An assumption takes no more than 5 seconds. After which you feel free. And then, assume that you only create good things and it will be so. It truly is that simple.
if you notice yourself fall out of your desired state, take 5 more seconds and Practical Exercise: Set an alarm on your phone to go off every hour. Take 1-2 minutes to
assume your ideal until you reach mental impotence. If you dare to persist in your be still, and then take a couple minutes to feel as if your desires are fact. This will allow the
assumptions, you will notice them harden into fact. So I say, dare to assume. And feeling to become more natural. The more you do this, and the longer you do this, the more
dare to be persistent. you draw your future to you.
Technique #5-Revision I firmly believe that if you will wisely and daily use the pruning shears of revision that you
Revision is a technique whereby you take a past event, either from your distant past will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realize. And I mean that seriously, no
or your near past, and rewrite it in your consciousness as you would’ve liked to objective beyond your ability to realize. For it is magic, this pruning shears of revision.
experience it. This can mean either completely erasing it and supplanting it with an It really is not only the achievement of objectives, but if you do it daily, it will awaken
entirely new experience of your choice, or editing it to conform to your ideal. The way in you the spirit of Jesus, which is continual forgiveness of sin. Now we will go back
this is done, is either through living an entirely new scene in your imagination, or simply to the 2nd of Genesis. It is said "And God placed man in the garden of Eden to dress

assuming that your experience was exactly what you desired. This assumption can be it and to keep it." Now when you read the story you think it happened thousands of
accomplished through a feeling and a thought. For instance, you can have an experience years ago. I have come to tell you it is now. You are now in the garden of Eden and
and then 5 minutes later assume it was the best experience of your life by creating a feeling you think you are shut out or banished. You are in it, and the garden is your mind,
that it was actually the best experience of your life. This feeling can and usually will be but you need--like every gardener--pruning shears. For you have slept, as you are
accompanied with some sort of thought as in “That went SO well! I am so happy and told in that second chapter; having slept, weeds have appeared in the garden and
thankful.” Revision can not only be used to change something bad to good, but can be the weeds are revealing themselves by the conditions and the circumstances of life.
used to change something good to something amazing. Say someone pays you for a For your garden is always projecting itself on the screen of space, and you can see
service and then tips you for that service. You can imagine them having tipped you an by looking carefully at your world what you allow to grow in the garden of God. But
extraordinary amount because you helped them so much and made their day amazing. Or if you have a mission, you have a purpose, it is not to amass a fortune--you can do it if
you have a conversation with someone, when the conversation is over, no matter the quality you want to--it's not to be famous, it is not to be some mighty power, but simply to
of the conversation, you can recreate it in your consciousness to conform to the ideal tend the garden of God. That's your purpose. You are placed in the garden to dress it
conversation you would’ve liked to have had. You can mentally hear them saying what you and to keep it, that only the lovely things grow in the garden of God. Now this is how
would’ve liked to have heard, and then hear yourself saying what you would’ve liked to have we do it. At the end of my day, I review the day; I don't judge it, I simply review it. I look over
said in response. You literally recreate the conversation as if it were real, and/or you simply the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, and then as I see it
assume that the conversation was amazing. By practicing and utilizing this amazing tool clearly in my mind's eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I
of revision, you are changing your experience of consciousness, through had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my
consciousness. This literally changes the fabric of your reality and you will notice day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over
that new experiences begin to conform to the ideals you have planted through in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the
revision. By doing this, you die to your old self/habits/reactions, and begin to tones of reality. It seems that it's real, that I actually did experience it and I have found
become your ideal self and begin to have experiences that correlate with your new from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows. When I
choice. You see, we are always using revision and have always been using revision meet people tomorrow that today disappointed me, they will not tomorrow, for in me I have
through our entire lives, whether for good, bad, or indifference. And whatever our current changed the very nature of their being, and having changed them, they bear witness
reality is, is a reflection of what we have imagined to be true. So to get out of an unlovely tomorrow of the change that took place within me. It is my duty to take this garden and
state or vicious cycle that keeps happening to us, we must change our reactions through really make it a garden by daily using the pruning shears of revision. If a branch is unwell,
consciousness. And to the degree you feel that your revised experience was real, it will be you prune that branch. You don't accept one thing in the world as final unless it conforms to
experienced in your outer reality as a change. the ideal you want to realize in the world. But you do it daily; if you do not prune it daily you
“As you review your day, it is important to revise each negative reaction so that you will get out of the habit, then weeds will grow. Every man really is a gardener, a gardener in
can remember it as what you wished had happened rather than storing that memory the garden of God, for every day is the opportunity to really prune the tree, this wonderful
as it did occur. What you think of with feeling or emotion is an actual fact. That which you tree. And so everyone that you meet is a branch rooted in the vine that you are and you are
experience in the physical world is merely a shadow, reflecting the reality of your imaginal that special tree in the garden of God, a tree bearing life, a tree bearing fruit for the food of
activity. Therefore, when you revise a conversation, an unhappy experience, or a quality the nations. You are that one. You try it: then you will know what Blake meant when he said.
about yourself, you are literally experiencing it in reality (your consciousness). Dwelling on "In heaven, the only art of living is forgetting and forgiving. Do you know someone that is
past irritations or hurts perpetuates them and creates a vicious circle that serves to evil? Stop knowing it by bringing him before your mind's eye and carry on with him
confirm these negative emotions. The circle can be broken by starting now to revise the most wonderful conversation in the world, with a tender spirit, a loving spirit, and
anything that you no longer wish to sustain in your world. By revising the past, you believe in the reality of this communion, because if you really do it, you are entering
rid yourself of any effect it may have on your future. Revision is truly the key, which the kingdom of heaven, for you enter heaven by a loving, knowing communion with a
can be used to unlock the doors that have kept you trapped in a particular state. friend. So make him a friend, if he is a lovely one, no matter what he is, you can prune him
When you read of an innocent boy who was murdered and you react, you activate and then as you prune him you are doing the work which you were sent to do for man--and
something within you. It may be tomorrow’s tooth or stomach ache. I do not know you are that man--you are placed this day in the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.
what it will be, but God is not mocked. As you sow a reaction you reap an act. Don't let it continue growing weeds in your world.” -Neville Goddard

Technique #6-Lullaby Method Technique #7-State Akin to Sleep

The lullaby method is a relaxing technique where you imagine your wish “You change your future best when you are in control of your thoughts while in a
or wishes as already fulfilled and then use a short phrase that implies that fulfillment state akin to sleep, for then effort is reduced to its minimum. Your attention seems to
such as “Thank you!” or “It’s so amazing.”. The idea is that you repeat this phrase completely relax, and then you must practice holding your attention within that
over and over in a relaxed state, which allows you to dwell in your realized state of feeling, without using force, and without using effort. You are in your garden of
fulfillment. It is important to note that these phrases should come from your Gethsemane or prepared mind if you can, while you are in a state akin to sleep, control
assumption that already have what you desire. DO NOT just mindlessly say “Thank you” your attention and not let it wander away from its purpose. If you can do that you are
over and over again as a means to get what you desire, but rather say the phrase over and definitely in the garden. Very few people can sit quietly and not enter a reverie or a
over from the knowing that you have already received your desire. Surely if you do this state of uncontrolled thinking. When you can restrict the mental action and remain
correctly, you will truly feel contentedness, peace, joy, love, gratitude, and a sense of faithful to your watch, not permitting your attention to wander all over the place, but
magical wonder for the world. You could feel all of these emotions at once, or one at hold it without effort within a limited field of presentation to the state you are
a time in any order. Allow these emotions and your phrase(s) to dominate your mind. contemplating, then you are definitely this disciplined presence in the garden of
It is important to note that just because this is called the lullaby method, it doesn’t mean that Gethsemane. It is a state akin to sleep, but one in which you are still in control of the
you should only use this to lull yourself to sleep. You can use this technique all day long, direction of attention. You must learn to induce this state at will, but experience has
whether you are in a meditative state or not. However, the more you use this technique, you taught that it is more easily induced after a substantial meal, or when you wake in the
will find yourself using it at all times and you will notice the benefits of using this technique morning feeling very loath to arise. Then you are naturally disposed to enter this state. The
in ALL brainwave states. So if you are wide awake and using it, you will notice benefit. And value of physical immobility shows itself in the accumulation of mental force which absolute
you will also notice benefit when you use this in a state akin to sleep. stillness brings with it. It increases your power of concentration. The physical body is an
Here are a list of phrases you could use. However you will notice that if you emotional filter. Many human ailments, hitherto considered purely physical, are now
move into your state of your wish(es) being fulfilled, a phrase specific to you may naturally recognized as rooted in emotional disturbances. Pain comes from lack of relaxation.
pop up into your head. So keep in mind, this isn’t about “a magic formula” or a “magic When you sleep there is no pain. If you are under an anesthetic, there is no pain
phrase.” YOU are the magic. Be the magic and play with the magic that you are. because you are relaxed, as it were. If you have pain it is because you are tense and
Phrases: “Thank you!” “Yes!” “Isn’t it wonderful?” “I love this!” “I love life!” “I’m trying to force something. You cannot force an idea into embodiment, you simply
SO happy!” “It worked!” “It works!” “It’s so beautiful!” “It’s GLORIOUS!” “I feel incredible!” “I appropriate it. It is attention minus effort. Only practice will bring you to that point
love my life.” “This is so fun!” “It’s so amazing!” “What a blessing!” “Success!” where you can be attentive and still be relaxed. Attention is tension toward an end,
“There is another technique I gave you last night. If you cannot concentrate on and relaxation is just the opposite. Here are two completely opposite ideas that you
an act, if you cannot snuggle into your chair and believe the chair is elsewhere, just as must blend until you learn, through practice, how to be attentive, but not tense. The
though elsewhere were here, then do this: Reduce the idea, condense it to a single, simple word “contention” means “attention minus effort.” In the state of contention you are
phrase like, “Isn’t it wonderful.” or, “Thank you.” or, “It’s done.” or, “It’s finished.” There held by the idea without tension. To yield successfully to the wish as an accomplished
should not be more than three words. Something that implies the desire is already realized. fact, you must create a passive state, a kind of reverie or meditative reflection similar to the
“Isn’t it wonderful”, or “Thank you,” certainly imply that. These are not all the phrases you feeling which precedes sleep. In such a relaxed state, the mind is turned from the objective
could use. Make up out of your own vocabulary the phrase which best suits you. But make it world and easily senses the reality of a subjective state. It is a state in which you are
very, very short and always use a phrase that implies fulfillment of the idea. When you have conscious and quite able to move or open your eyes but have no desire to do so. An easy
your phrase in mind, lift the cloud. Let the cloud ascend by simply inducing the state that way to create this passive state is to relax in a comfortable chair or on a bed. If on a bed,
borders on sleep. Simply begin to imagine and feel you are sleepy, and in this state assume lie flat on your back with your head on a level with your body, close the eyes and
the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Then repeat the phrase over and over like a lullaby, until the imagine that you are sleepy. Feel – I am sleepy, so sleepy, so very sleepy. In a little
single sensation of thankfulness dominates the mind. Whatever the phrase is, let it imply while, a faraway feeling accompanied by a general lassitude and loss of all desire to move
that the assumption is true, that it is concrete, that it is already a fact and you know envelops you. You feel a pleasant, comfortable rest and are not inclined to alter your
it. “NOT by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts" Zechariah position.” -Neville Goddard
4:6. Get into the spirit of the state desired by assuming the feeling that would be yours were 16. Question: I would think that if you get too much into the sleepy state there would be a
you already the one you want to be. As you capture the feeling of the state sought, you are lack of feeling.
relieved of all effort to make it so, for it is already so. There is a definite feeling associated Answer: When I speak of feeling I do not mean emotion, but acceptance of
with every idea in the mind of man. Capture the feeling associated with your realized wish the fact that the desire is fulfilled. Feeling grateful, fulfilled, or thankful, it is easy to say,
by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of the thing “Thank You,” “Isn’t it wonderful!” or “It is finished.” When you get into the state of
you desire, and your wish will objectify itself.” – Neville Goddard thankfulness, you can either awaken knowing it is done, or fall asleep in the feeling of the
wish fulfilled.
Technique #8-Falling asleep in the wish fulfilled Technique #9-Remember when
This technique is one of the most important techniques to master because the “This principle can be used in a destructive or constructive way. You can say: "I remember when
sleep state is the doorway to God. What you take in consciousness into sleep this was a glorious building and look at it now" as you become aware of rubble where once a
becomes your external reality in the days to come. One of the best habits to form is glorious building stood. Or you can stand on rubble and say: "I remember when this was all
changing the state of your consciousness as you are entering sleep. After your day is rubble," as you imagine a glorious building. You can say: "I remember when my friend had
concluded, no matter the outcome of the day, mentally revise the circumstances of the nothing and now he has much," or: "I remember when he had much and now he is so poor." It's
day to your liking. If there were any negative events that you didn’t like, rewrite those 

entirely up to you how you use your imagination, but the operation of your creative power is
events to your liking. By revising your day, you clear the slate, which will allow you room completely up to you. You make the decision, and are therefore responsible for its effect on the
to feel yourself into the state of having that which you desire. A simple way to world. Having nothing, you can become aware of being surrounded by wealth, and
accomplish both the revision as well as the wish fulfilled state is by mere feeling wealthy you can say: 'I remember when I had nothing." Does that statement not
assumption. Assume you had the best day of your life and then assume you are imply that the state of poverty no longer exists for you? I remember when. Now you fill in
the person you would like to be. Assume your wishes are fulfilled. This can be the events, the desires and the fulfillments. I remember when. Do not those words imply
just a simple knowing. Now, any of the tools listed here can be used by themselves memory? I tell it to you now in the hope that you will put yourself in an “I-remember-
or together in whatever manner you wish. By practicing and playing with these tools you when” mood and trust your memory, because memory is your own wonderful human
are learning how to alter and control consciousness to your liking, thus you are acting imagination, the one and only creative power of God scripture calls Jesus Christ. Look at
as the god that you are, for surely you were likened in his image. So go boldly into your yourself in the mirror and dare to see radiant health and happiness reflected back to you.
consciousness and step into the dream that is life knowing you are the OPERANT Then say within yourself: 'I remember when my reflection was so different." Persist in
POWER to all of life’s circumstances. seeing your new image reflected there and you will resurrect that state. Your image, your
“In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon concept of yourself or of another, is in your own wonderful human imagination who is
men, in slumberings upon the bed. Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth Christ and Christ is the only God. Take what I have told you this night to heart and put it
their instruction. “ Job 33: 15-16 "As in heaven, so on earth" Matthew 6:10; Luke to the extreme test in this world of Caesar. There is no limit to your creative power.
11:2. As in the subconscious, so on earth. Whatever you have in consciousness as Simply stand on your new belief and say to yourself: I remember when. The key is this:
you go to sleep is the measure of your expression in the waking two-thirds of your life While in a state you no longer desire to express, you must move inwardly by claiming: 'I
on earth. Your subconscious gives form to your desires only when you feel your wish remember when I was in a state I did not like." If you can remember it you are no longer in it.
fulfilled. Night after night, you should assume the feeling of being, having and Instead you are becoming aware of your new state as a present objective fact. And if you will
witnessing that which you seek to be, possess and see manifested. Never go to remain faithful to your new awareness, it will crystallize. You will find yourself moving across a
sleep feeling discouraged or dissatisfied. Never sleep in the consciousness of series of events which will lead you to the fulfillment of your desired state. How it will come
failure. Your subconscious, whose natural state is sleep, sees you as you believe about I do not know. I only know it will unfold. Start now to remember when your friend wasn't
yourself to be, and whether it be good, bad or indifferent, the subconscious will faithfully well by imagining he is healthy. Remember when your daughter was single by imagining she is
embody your belief. Disregard appearances and feel that things are as you wish married. Go through life remembering when. You must have a frame of reference by which you
them to be, for "He calleth things that are not seen as though they were, and the can detect movement. Memory is such a frame. Perhaps your friends remember you as poor
unseen becomes seen.” Approx., Romans 4:17. To assume the feeling of satisfaction and unknown. You can move by assuming you have changed so much that they no longer
is to call conditions into being which will mirror satisfaction. "Signs follow, they do not recognize you, and from that frame of reference you can observe the expression on their faces.
precede". Proof that you are will follow the consciousness that you are; it will not Those who love you will empathize. Those who do not will show envy. If you see envy don't try
precede it. You are an eternal dreamer dreaming non- eternal dreams. Your dreams to change it, for their envy will become a resisting force which will help you move forward.
take form as you assume the feeling of their reality. Do not limit yourself to the past. Everything needs resistance in order to move. So if you discover one who desires to play the
Knowing that nothing is impossible to consciousness, begin to imagine states beyond part of envy, let him play it. Dare to assume you are the one you really want to be. Use your
the experiences of the past. All creation, as we told you last night, takes place in the same circle of friends, but this time see them from a different angle. Observe their faces and
state of sleep, or that state which is akin to sleep -- the, sleepy drowsy state. We told listen to their whispers as they look at the new you and remember when! Now, some of you are
you last night the first man is not yet awakened. You are Adam, the first man, still in the having physical and emotional problems. As I told a friend tonight, no one ever promised
profound sleep. The creative you is the fourth dimensional you whose home is simply you that it was going to be easy to bring forth the greatest gift in the world, so don't
the state you enter when men call you asleep. The sensation which dominates the expect it. There will be problems, horrible problems; but be of good cheer, for we are told
mind of man as he falls asleep, though false, will harden into fact. Assuming the in the 16th chapter of John: 'When a woman is in travail she suffers, but when the child
feeling of the wish fulfilled as we fall asleep, is the command to this embodying is born she forgets everything because of the joy that the child is born." You are
process saying to our mood, "Be thou actual." In this way we become through a destined to know such joy, for the child to be born in you is Christ Jesus, the creative
natural process what we desire to be.”-Neville Goddard power of God.” -Neville Goddard
Technique #10-Mirror Game/Mirror World Technique #11-Be still and know you are God
The mirror Game is a technique where you either look into a mirror in “I want to talk to you about the first principle, which you can always fall back on
your normal physical world, or in your imagination and dare to see yourself the way when in doubt. This first principle is: "Be still and know that I am God." No matter
you would like to be seen. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. See yourself what happens turn within and be still. Know that your awareness is God and that all
as beautiful, see your self as confident, see yourself as successful, and see your things are possible to you. Test yourself and you will prove this statement in the
self as pure radiant love. Look at the mirror and what it reflects in the background. testing; then you will be free from your former limitations of belief. No matter what is
Do you like what you see? If not change it. Imagine you are seeing the background happening on the outside turn to the first principle. Start by being still, then claiming: "I am
of some lovely place. Maybe a new home. Maybe a new job. Change your reality by God." Ask yourself: "Is this true?" You will never know the truth until you test it. Let us now
changing what you see in your minds eye. look at some of the "I am" statements of scripture. I am the resurrection. I am the life. I am
The mirror world is everything that exists in your outer reality. It is not the way. I am the truth. Are these statements really true? Yes, I have stilled myself and
separate from you. It is truly your inner self pushed out. So pay attention to the know that every statement is true, from experience. Being human I wanted things in the
mirror world for it is always reflecting what is going on inside of you. Do you have world of Caesar, as undoubtedly you do, too. I wanted a trip I could not afford, yet I
lovely things and lovely people surrounding you? If not, it is showing you that you traveled over 5,000 miles by being still and saying to myself: "My awareness is God and all
assume “reality” isn’t full of lovely people and things. If you desire something things are possible to him. therefore what I am imagining will come to pass." Then I began
different, ignore your senses. Ignore reason. Assume life to be lovely. Try it and to imagine I was on a ship sailing towards Barbados. I remained faithful to that act, when
see. But always NOTICE what the world is reflecting back to you. Pay attention and suddenly I received a letter from the family saying they would take care of all of my
KNOW you are the operant power of “reality”. expenses if I would come home for Christmas. So I proved it. Then I tried it again and
“Look at yourself in the mirror and dare to see radiant health and happiness again, and the more I tried it the more I realized that the statement in the 46th Psalm was
reflected back to you. Then say within yourself: 'I remember when my reflection was so true: that God really is my own wonderful consciousness, for I learned to be still and know
different." Persist in seeing your new image reflected there and you will resurrect that that I am God. Relax. Be still and question yourself, saying: "Are you really God?" Address
state. Your image, your concept of yourself or of another, is in your own wonderful human yourself as though you were two. "If you are God and can do all things, prove it to me by
imagination who is Christ and Christ is the only God. Do you like what the mirror reflects giving me my desire so I can feel its presence now." See if he will prove himself in
back to you and your background tells you? If it is not what you would like to live with, performance and when he does, do it again. Keep on asking and when he proves himself
don’t accept it. Rather, look into the mirror of your mind and assume that you are what here on this level, then let these things which can't be put to the test come through, for they
you would like to be. Declaring that you are now it, don’t look away and forget the image will. If you are not familiar with Scripture, read it in the 46th chapter of the Psalms of David,
reflected there, but persist in your assumption. Live in that awareness morning, noon and the 10th verse “Be still, and know that I am God,”– then, to whom could you turn? It’s an
night as though it were true, and no power can stop you from experiencing its truth. inner communion with Self. But man talks to an outside god and pleads with an outside
You mean that if I simply imagine that I am the man that I would love to be, that’s all that I god, and begs an outside god.So, prayer is the subjective appropriation of the objective
need do? Just try it. Imagine that you are already the man that you would like to be, the hope. That is what I call “faith in God,” which is nothing more than faith in my Self, for the
woman you’d like to be, your friends are and total strangers are as you would like them to Self of man –the true identity of man – is God! That is the “Jesus Christ” of Scripture. “Do
be. Just imagine it. Try it. This world is made up of horrible dreams which the one within you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Test yourselves and see.” That is what we are
every individual is dreaming. That one must and will awaken, as you hear the story and told to do in Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians. Read it in the 13th chapter, the 5th
put it into practice through repentance. The word "repentance" comes from the Greek verse, of 2 Corinthians. “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are holding to the
word "metanoia," which means "a radical change of attitude." This change must be so faith. Test yourselves. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?” I am trying to
radical that it gets right down to the root, the I AM. Think of your world as your mirror. Do show you that the ancients told the same story in all the stories of the Bible. All that they
you like what you see there? You know you can live with it or ignore it, but perhaps you are trying to tell us is how to become that which we want to be. And they imply in every
would like to see it differently. If you would, repent by persuading yourself that you are story that we do not need the assistance of another. You do not need another to become
seeing a world to your liking. Persist in your repentance, for to the degree that you are now what you really want to be. You are functioning three-dimensionally and you cannot
self-persuaded it is so, it will be so. When you see your reflection, whether in a mirror or in seem to reach the fourth-dimensional world where your present desire is already a
the surface of a pool, you are looking into the face of God. Look in the mirror and SEE concrete objective reality. You cannot seem to reach it because your senses bar you from
God! Stop trying to change the world since it is only the mirror. Man’s attempt to change it. Reason tells you it is impossible, all things round about you tell you it is not true. You can
the world by force is as fruitless as breaking a mirror in the hope of changing his face. satisfy self by appropriating the feeling that you are what you want to be. And this
Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your assumption though false, that is, although reason and the senses deny it, if
conceptions of yourself.The world is a mirror, forever reflecting what you are doing within persisted in will harden into fact. By actually embodying that which you have assumed
yourself. If you know this, you are set free and a series of events will unfold within you to you are, you have the capacity to become completely satisfied. And it will come to pass in
reveal the story of salvation.”-Neville Goddard the outer world as a natural fact.”-Neville Goddard
Technique #12-Mental Diets For by their words they shall be justified, and by their words they shall be condemned. We
“Talking to oneself is a habit everyone indulges in. We could no more stop talking to abandon ourselves to negative inner talking, yet expect to retain command of life. Our
ourselves than we could stop eating and drinking. All that we can do is control the nature present mental conversations do not recede into the past as man believes. They
and the direction of our inner conversations. Most of us are totally unaware of the fact advance into the future to confront us as wasted or invested words. "My Word," said
that our inner conversations are the causes of the circumstance of our life. We are the prophet, "shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I
told that "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." But do we know that man's thinking please, and it shall prosper in all the things whereto I sent it.” How would I send my

follows the tracks laid down in his own inner conversations? To turn the tracks to which he Word to help a friend? I would imagine that I am hearing his voice, that he is physically
is tied in the direction in which he wants to go, he must put off his former present, that my hand is on him. I would then congratulate him on his good fortune, tell him
conversation, which is called in the Bible the Old Man, and be renewed in the spirit of that I have never seen him look better. I would listen as though I heard him; I would imagine
his mind. Speech is the image of mind; therefore, to change his mind, he must first change that he is telling me he has never felt better, he has never been happier. And I would know
his speech. By 'speech' is meant those mental conversations we carry on with ourselves. that in this loving, knowing communion with another, a communion populous with loving
Watch your conversations carefully; are they from premises of fulfilled ideas? If thoughts and feelings, that my word was sent, and it shall not return unto me void, but it
they're not, go back and make them and make them actually correspond to the ideal shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Every stage of man's progress is made by the
you want to embody in this world. So I warned you every time I have taken the platform conscious exercise of his imagination matching his inner speech to his fulfilled desire. As
that the knowledge you have now is of no avail unless it's applied. A little knowledge if we control our inner talking, matching it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other
carried out in action is more profitable than much knowledge which you neglect to carry out processes. Then we simply act by clear imagination and intention: we imagine the wish
in action. If you had all the knowledge in the world and you didn't put it into practice, you fulfilled and carry on mental conversations from that premise. The right inner speech is
wouldn't awaken. The world is a magic circle of infinite possible mental transformations. For the speech that would be yours were you to realize your ideal. In other words, it is
there are an infinite number of possible mental conversations. When man discovers the the speech of fulfilled desire.It was a flash of the deepest insight that taught Paul to
creative power of inner talking, he will realize his function and his mission in life. Then he write: "Put off the former conversation, the Old Man which is corrupt, and be
can act to a purpose. Without such knowledge, he acts unconsciously. Everything is a renewed in the spirit of your mind. Put on the New Man." "Put on the New Man," and
manifestation of the mental conversations which go on in us without our being aware of “be renewed in the spirit of your mind," is to change your inner conversation, for
them. But as civilized beings, we must become aware of them and act with a purpose. A speech and mind are one - a change of speech is a change of mind. For ends run true to
man's mental conversations attracts his life. As long as there is no change in his inner origins. If you would reap success, you must plant success. The idea in your mind which
talking, the personal history of the man remains the same. To attempt to change the world starts the whole process going is the idea which you accept as truth. This is a very
before we change our inner talking is to struggle against the very nature of things. Man can important point to grasp, for truth depends upon the intensity of imagination, not upon
go round and round in the same circle of disappointments and misfortunes, not seeing them "facts." When the girl imagined that her employer was unfair, his behavior confirmed her
as caused by his own negative inner talking, but as caused by others. One day a girl told me imagination. When she changed her assumption of him, his behavior reflected the change,
of her difficulties in working with her employer. She was convinced that he unjustly criticized proving that an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact. The great
and rejected her very best efforts. Upon hearing her story, I explained that if she thought him secret of success is a controlled inner conversation from premises of fulfilled desire. The
unfair, it was a sure sign that she herself was in need of a new conversation piece. There only price you pay for success is the giving up of your former conversation which
was no doubt but that she was mentally arguing with her employer, for others only echo that belongs to the Old Man, the unsuccessful man. The time is ripe for many of us to
which we whisper to them in secret. She confessed that she argued mentally with him all take conscious charge in creating heaven on earth. To consciously and voluntarily
day long. When she realized what she had been doing, she agreed to change her inner use our imagination, to inwardly hear and only say that which is in harmony with our
conversations with her employer. She imagined that he had congratulated her on her fine ideal, is actively bringing heaven to earth. If we do not like what is happening to us, it is
work, and that she in turn had thanked him for his praise and kindness. To her great delight, a sure sign that we are in need of a change of mental diet. For man, we are told, lives not
she soon discovered that her own attitude was the cause of all that befell her. The behavior by bread alone but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God. And having
of her employer reversed itself. It echoed, as it had always done, her mental conversations discovered the mouth of God to be the mind of man, a mind which lives on Words or inner
with him. The prophet said, "Be ye imitators of God as dear children." How would I talking, we should feed into our minds only loving, noble thoughts. For with Words or inner
imitate God? Well, we are told that God calls things that are not seen as though they talking we build our world.”-Neville Goddard
were seen, and the unseen becomes seen. This is the way the girl called forth praise and “The transformation of self requires that we meditate on a given phrase, a phrase which implies
kindness from her employer. She carried on an imaginary conversation with her employer that our ideal is realized, and inwardly affirm it over and over and over again until we are
from the premise that he had praised her work, and he did. Our inner conversations inwardly affected by its implication, until we are possessed by it. Hold fast to your noble inner
represent in various ways the world we live in. Our individual worlds are self-revelations of convictions or “conversations.””-Neville Goddard
our own inner speech. We are told that every idle word that men shall speak they shall
give account thereof.
Technique #13-Law of Reverse Effort Extra-Consciousness/Awareness/Dwelling Place
“Now before we go into our moment of silence there is something I must make very clear, Your sessions should be an actual experience in consciousness of NOW having/being
and that is this effort we discussed last night. If there is one reason in this whole vast world the thing desired. They should be a surrender- a complete immersion in the state of
why people fail it is because they are unaware of a law known to psychologists today as the the wish fulfilled, where you just lose yourself in your love for that state.There's a vast
law of reverse effort. When you assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled it is with a difference between that, and doing your sessions to make something happen, or to try
minimum of effort. You must control the direction of the movements of your attention. and force yourself into the desired state.Again, don't make this a rehearsal. hat can
But you must do it with the least effort. If there is effort in the control, and you are easily become like a chore, and feel systemized. Like you're just doing your sessions
compelling it in a certain way you are not going to get the results. You will get the to make something happen. You want to surrender to the experience, knowing that
opposite results, what ever they might be. Very few people can sit quietly and not enter a what you're doing- seeing/hearing/smelling/FEELING is real, that it is a fact NOW.
reverie or a state of uncontrolled thinking. When you can restrict the mental action and
remain faithful to your watch, not permitting your attention to wander all over the place, but Question: How often should I perform the imaginal act, a few days or several weeks?
hold it without effort within a limited field of presentation to the state you are contemplating, Answer: In the Book of Genesis the story is told of Jacob wrestling with an angel. This story
then you are definitely this disciplined presence in the garden of Gethsemane. Prayer is the gives us the clue we are looking for; that when satisfaction is reached, impotence follows.
most wonderful experience man can have. Unlike the daily murmurings of the vast majority When the feeling of reality is yours, for the moment at least, you are mentally
of mankind in all lands who by their vain repetitions hope to gain the ear of God, prayer is impotent. The desire to repeat the act of prayer is lost, having been replaced by the
the ecstasy of a spiritual wedding taking place in the deep, silent stillness of consciousness. feeling of accomplishment. You cannot persist in wanting what you already have. If
Praying, then, is recognizing yourself to be that which you desire to be rather than you assume you are what you desire to be to the point of ecstasy, you no longer want
begging God for that which you desire. If your prayer brings no response, there is it. Your imaginal act is as much a creative act as a physical one wherein man halts,
something wrong with it. The fault generally lies in too much effort. Serious confusion shrinks and is blessed, for as man creates his own likeness, so does your imaginal
arises when man identifies the state of prayer with an act of will. The sovereign rule is act transform itself into the likeness of your assumption. If, however, you do not reach
to make no effort. If this is observed, you will intuitively fall into the right attitude. The the point of satisfaction, repeat the action over and over again until you feel as though you
day you fully realize the power of assumption, you discover that it works in complete touched it and virtue went out of you.
conformity with this principle. It works by means of attention, minus effort. Thus, with Question: My husband and I are taking the class together. Should we discuss our desires
least action, through an assumption, you hurry without haste and reach your goal with each other?
without effort. Because creation is finished, what you desire already exists. It is Answer: There are two spiritual sayings which permeate the Bible. One is, “Go tell no man,”
excluded from view because you can see only the contents of your own and the other is “I have told you before it comes to pass that when it does come to pass you
consciousness.” -Neville Goddard may believe.” It takes spiritual boldness to tell another that your desire is fulfilled
Question: Isn’t there a law that says you cannot get something for nothing? Must we not before it is seen on the outside. If you do not have that kind of boldness, then you had
earn what we desire? better keep quiet. I personally enjoy telling my plans to my wife, because we both get such
Answer: “Creation is finished! It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the a thrill when they come into being. The first person a man wants to prove this law to is his
kingdom. The parable of the prodigal son is your answer. In spite of man’s waste, wife. It is said that Mohammad is everlastingly great because his first disciple was his wife.
when he comes to his senses and remembers who he is, he feeds on the fatted calf of
abundance and wears the robe and ring of authority. There is nothing to earn. Question: Do you use affirmations and denials?
Creation was finished in the foundation of time. You, as man, are God made visible for
the purpose of displaying what is, not what is to be. Do not think you must work out your Answer: Let us leave these schools of thought that use affirmations and denials. The best
salvation by the sweat of your brow. It is not four months until the harvest, the fields are affirmation, and the only effective one is an assumption which, in itself implies denial
already white, simply thrust in the sickle.”-Neville Goddard of the former state.The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through
Practical Exercise: indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does
Practice the State Akin To Sleep ONLY for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day for a month. Just enter not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is
and explore the state akin to sleep so it become NATURAL AND EFFORTLESS to you. true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent.
Note: You can still do your regular sessions every day too. This might sound like a lot, but (It is important to notice the things that you give life to. Whether they be good, bad, or
really – if you do 3 “state akin to sleep” practice sessions that are just 5 minutes each – indifferent. Your thoughts, emotions, imaginings, assumptions, and perceptions are
that’s ONLY 15 minutes a day. If you do 3 Feel It Real sessions a day too – 5 minutes each like fuel to the fire of any particular state of consciousness. So get in the habit of
– that’s only 15 more minutes. “Is 30 minutes a day to transform your life worth it?” Spend noticing what you are giving life to, and learn to move in consciousness to states that
the rest of the day, when you are aware of this, walking in the assumption that life IS exactly you desire. And then learn to make your desired states a dwelling place to which you
as you desire it to be, and yield to this new reality. Yield to the power of God. always return.)
"So I bring you a message to make you conscious: man must awake from the
Extra-The art of dying
dream where he is simply an automaton. He moves like a machine, then he begins to “Take what you know of this law, and use it towards your own personal good fortune in the
awake and when he awakes then he is not that man at all that he seemingly in the past world of Caesar. It's simple. Go to the end and assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Don't
played for eternity. He awakes into a new being, a new man. And the new man is ask anyone to help you. Ask no one if it is right. If you like it, assume you have it.
identified with completely new words. He speaks only the kind things; he is incapable of Remain faithful to your assumption, and that Being who is going to erupt in you will

any unlovely thought in the world; he is incapable of even listening to the unlovely for take you to that end. If you find yourself moving from your fulfilled desire, go back to it,
and once more assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Do this and your assumption will
inwardly he speaks only the kind, only the loving things of the world. Then he finds
himself awakening a man within that was asleep; he awakens the second man which is harden into fact.”
called Christ Jesus in the Bible, which I tell you now is your own wonderful, loving In the Bible we are told of a story that involves two sons, named Jacob and Esau.
imagination. When imagination awakes it is incapable of being exercised in any way These children have a blind father named Issac. Esau is a hunter that is really hairy (likened to
outside of the loving way. So every time you use your imagination lovingly, you are literally the outer man, the man of senses and reason). Jacob, is a smooth skinned lad (likened to the
awakening this inner man and you're mediating God to man. inner man, the man of spirit and imagination). In this story, the blind father tells the sons to go
Now what is sin? Sin means "missing the mark," missing the road, "missing hunting, but that when they come back, Esau will receive his blessing. Jacob, wanting to
the goal" in life. If you haven't a mark you can't sin. If you have a goal in this world and receive the blessing, waits for his brother to leave and then puts on the skin of another dead
do not realize it and miss it, then you have sinned. So his purpose is to show man how not animal as to disguise himself as his hairy brother Esau. Then he goes to his father and the
to sin in this world. No condemnation. He has come only to show man how not to miss his father says: "Who are you?" He said: "I am your son, Esau." The father says, "Come closer, I
objective in this world. Listen to these words from the 8th chapter of John carefully: 'If you can't see you, come closer that I may feel you." He persuaded the father he was Esau and the
remain in my word you are my disciples and you will know the truth and the truth will set you father gave him the blessing that belonged to Esau. [This story is showing us how to get out of
free." Questioning this statement, the people said: 'We are sons of Abraham and have never unlovely conditions of life and into the conditions which we desire. When “Esau” (your present
been in bondage to anyone." To this Christ replied: 'He who commits sin is a slave to sin." You reality/the reality of your senses and reason) leaves (Esau leaves by either you ignoring Esau,
were taught to believe that sinning is when you do something wrong, but I say you are sinning or by inducing a state akin to sleep), you supplant Esau with Jacob (your imaginetion) through
when you miss your mark in life by failing to move! If, tonight you find yourself in a state you FEELING. The father says, “come closer that I may feel you.” So God takes what we feel to be
no longer desire to express, you must learn how to move into your desired state. If you true and gives us a blessing according to that. And this is the art of dying. We die to our old
do not move (mentally) you continue to live your undesirable state, thereby sinning and selves and to our old states of life by assuming we are the person we desire to be and
missing your mark in life! Regardless of what you may desire, persist in feeling its that our lives are as we desire them to be. "Walk not according to the flesh but
fulfillment, for if you do, feeling will become believing.  As told in John 8:24: "I told you that according to the Spirit." Romans 8:4 Flesh would be my senses. My senses deny that I
you would die in your sins, for you will die in your sins unless you believe that I am he." This is am what I would like to be. Let us not walk by flesh - let us walk by the Spirit. Spirit is to
not a man talking to me. This is taking place in the depths of the soul of man. If you don't see it in my imagination as though it were true. When you call on the name of God, you
believe now that I AM the one that I would be, then you are missing your goal and you are don't say “in the name of God, so-and-so”; you ask with the name of God, and to ask with the
sinning. So it does not come from without; it is not caused by anything on the outside at all. My name of God you say: "I AM wealthy, healthy, secure" - then you believe it.
health problems are not caused by conditions and by environment, or anything else; it is You don’t think of HOW it will happen. “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it
caused only by sin – and sin is missing the mark. There is only one being – one person in the were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a
world – who can hit that mark, and it is God. God forgives sin, as told us in Isaiah: "I am the place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be
Lord, I am thy Savior, and there is no other savior."(Isaiah 43:3-11) You will be saved from what also.” John 14:2-3 So here, what are these “mansions” spoken of? They are states. All states
you are. There is only one being in the world that can save you, and that Being is "I AM." So, are eternal, and they exist now. Every natural effect in this world has a spiritual cause,
you save yourself. What would it be like were it true – if I were now the man or woman I would and not a natural. So to make a state physically manifest we make the adjustment in our
like to be? Assume it and dare to believe it and walk as though it were true, and no power in imagination, and then the physical will follow. This means that a series of events will take
this world can stop it. How? Don't ask me. But if it took the entire world of three billion to play place in the physical world in terms of actions and events. But it will not feel like we are doing
parts to aid me in the fulfillment of my vision, they would play it without knowing they had it. And we aren’t. And this is why we do not have to think of how it will occur, for it has already
played it. Another word for sin in the Bible is "trespass." In our wonderful Lord's Prayer, occurred. But man is afraid; he dare not so abandon himself to a dream, and so never
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us." It is a minor "dies." So Blake was right when he said: "There is nothing like death: the best thing in
infraction of this principle. "Trespassing" means an individual lapse, a temporary life is death.”  So live in any desired state and then as conflict arises resolve it and die
relapse. We all do it, every day, all day long. If today you and I can say The Lord's Prayer to it and then move into another state. Thus we grow and outgrow; thus man awakes.
– but really say it – and ask forgiveness for our trespasses and let him show mercy for So begin to experience and create new things in your imagination. Break your cycles by
having gotten off the mark as it were, by claiming “My sins are forgiven.”.”-Neville  experiencing in your imagination that which you would like to experience. You are free.

Extra-The Pearl of great price Extra-The Promise

“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who
finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” "I discovered that the one who is the Being of beings, the God of gods, was my
Matthew13:45-46 So great is this pearl, so valuable, it takes everything that you own to very self. Then He began to awaken in me, as I learned to overcome everything external to
buy it. Now you don’t go and liquidate your stocks and bonds… you don’t sell your myself. And as I did, I realized that I was the cause of the phenomena of my life. I accepted
homes; you don’t sell anything in the world of Caesar. But it takes everything that you this fact one-hundred percent and he fulfilled his promise: "To him who conquers I will give
now believe in other than it to pay for it. You believe in astrology? You’ve got to sell it. the Morning Star.” So here is God's promise to man that he will bring forth, out of man,
himself. He is buried in man. We are all destined to be God the Father, and yet individualized.
You believe in numerology, in teacup leaves, and all these things? No matter what you I know I will never lose my individuality and you will never lose yours, and yet we are one. You
believe in as a power to control you, you’ve got to sell it. It takes the belief– all these do not earn the promise; it is a gift, it is all grace. No man is good enough to earn it. The
beliefs– and you’ve got to sell them. No one will buy them from you! But you give promise is unconditional. You will not rise as two, but as one, yet there is no change of
them up as value-less! Therefore, there’s no price attached, no value whatsoever. But you identity, no change of your wonderful individuality. It’s the same self, but now includes a far
can’t hold on to one thing you now believe in as a power that controls your life and still hope greater awareness than before, a self who is none other than God the Father.
to buy the pearl of great price. Everything you now believe in, whether it be even the drugs  I urge you to question everything that I tell you, everything you read in the Bible,
that you take, even the things–the diets, if you’re a vegetarian and you think that’s the way to and everything you hear from some pulpit, ceaselessly. One day you will discover that you are
God… if you’re a meat eater and you think that’s the way to God… if you’re a nonsmoker, the life of the world, that everything you think of as permanent and independent of your
nondrinker, and that’s the way to God… or if you are a smoker and a drinker and that’s the perception is within you. You will know that the world reflects your thoughts.  Question the one
way to God. There is no way to God but Christ. I AM the way. There is no other way. And being who can give you all the answers. He will. Then he will reveal himself to you in the first
here he defines it, that he is the only way in the world to everything in this world that you and person singular in a present tense experience. Everyone is going to have these experiences,
but when I do not know. Don't let anyone tell you that you have so many days, months, years,
I seek. And it takes everything that we own– as to beliefs that we think are powers to guide or lifetimes to come. Challenge it now! Ask yourself to prove it to you now. Then let him unfold
our life– to pay for that pearl of great price. If you think for one moment you can hold on to within you. And it will happen.
one little thing in the event this doesn’t work, you can’t buy the pearl. And so when I buy the
pearl, I go all out and live by it. And there is no other being in this world. And this pearl is your We are told, “He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.” But, in
spite of all the horror of the world, I know from experience that God is love. When you stand in
own wonderful human Imagination. That’s Christ. When I buy the pearl of great price, there is the presence of the Risen Christ you have only one emotion, only one feeling and that is love.
no other pearl like it. I sell all in this world to buy it. I sell all beliefs in powers other than Now that you and God are one, no man, or organization of men can put you asunder. You are
my own wonderful human imagination. But like all the great things of scripture, you one with the body of love. Wearing the Human Form Divine, He embraced me and
can’t buy wine, buy milk, without money, without price. The only price you pay for it. incorporated me into his body of Infinite Love. Wearing his body of love, I stood before
Not dollars and cents; you give up your belief in powers outside of Christ Jesus, and Almighty God who said: "Time to act." Then I was sent back into this world to tell the story of
Christ Jesus is your own wonderful human Imagination. And everyone, because he has God as the infinite power of the human imagination!”-Neville Goddard
imagination and everyone can imagine and everyone can believe in the reality of his imaginal   "And he dreamed, and behold, there was a ladder set up on the earth, and the
act, is free. It sets a man free.For we are told: If you believe my word and abide in my top of it reached to heaven. And behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending
word, then you know the truth, and the truth will set you free.Well, how does he define on it!" -Genesis 28:12 [The promise can be likened to a Kundalini experience, and when you
the truth? He said, “I AM the truth.” He said, “If you know my word, you know the experience it, you have access to both Heaven and Earth, which is why it says “And behold,
truth” and “I am the truth.” If you abide in this, then you’ll be set free. Live this way in the angels of God were ascending and descending on it!” You will take what you
experience in heaven, which is pure love, peace, and joy and you will bring it back to
the world, trusting one hundred percent in the pearl of great price. May I tell you, it will Earth to share with all. The promise is said to be a gift and that you cannot will it into its
not fail you. But you can’t modify it. You can’t hold back one little reserve thing. I’m occurrence. However, if you truly desire it, you can use the Law to experience the promise.
speaking from experience. You’ve got to give up every belief in this world in a power The promise is all love. So assume the feeling of God’s Love until it becomes natural to
outside of Christ to buy Christ. There is nothing but Jesus Christ. You either believe in you. Assume the feeling of God’s Peace until it becomes your natural state. Assume
him or you don’t believe in him.” -Neville Goddard the feeling of God’s joy until it becomes your default emotion. You will know the
Since we are all Men on the path of discovery to our truest selves (God), we will discover a promise then.]
great power with in us, but along the way we will forget that power at times and blame things “I urge you to use your own wonderful creative power and deliberately move into
outside of ourselves as the cause of our misfortunes. As told in scripture, “The stone that the the state of your choice. Make it now by occupying the state long enough so that it feels
builder refused, shall be the head cornerstone.” Learn and practice the master key of natural. The moment the feeling is natural, wealth is yours! Tonight fall in love as God.
awareness. Become aware of when you refuse that great stone (your wonderful human Imitate him as a dear child. Love any state so much you die to any other. Live there, as
imagination), and become aware of when you accept it as your head corner stone. For the God, and you will live there as man also. Fulfill every desire of your heart, for in time it
will all pass away. And always remember who you are, for you are love, the one and
times that you truly accept it, will be the times that your creation and manifestation is only reality of the world, and that, which endureth forever.”-Neville Goddard

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