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Long essay : (Topic 2)

Approximately 9 month ago I have visited an amazing event that changed my life forever. It was event
organized by URGE organization to introduce FRC in Ukraine and to open a set of participants of the first
FRC team from Ukraine. They sent me a form that I should fill to make a request for participating. After all
needs that I should do , I was waiting for two month, and only at October I have been invited to the first
meeting of our future team.
At the first meeting of the team in October , i was a little worried, realizing the honor of being there. Of
course, i also felt a duty to the other participants and the whole country, since not everyone was selected
for the team. Also at the first meeting, we played active games in the fresh air, which strongly united us and
helped us learn more about each of us.
Than , for three month we were learning all that can be useful in the competition. We were practicing skill
of public speaking which I really needed. I became more and more courageous in communicating with the
unfamiliar public that really upgraded my communication skill at all.
After building season started , we started to build , code and design our robot. Every day we had a lot of
teamwork and practice in one or another field that each of us have choosen. Step by step everyone in our
team and in particular me, grew as a personality and became a professional in his own field.
After finishing all works with robot, we flew to Istanbul for qualification round of FRC. I spent a lot of time
with other team and I have made a lot of new friends. All time that we were in Turkey we had to use our
communication skills that really improve it and made us more courageous to talk with unfamiliar peoples.
These competitions caused a period of my personal growth and upgraded a lot of my professional skills.
Thanks FRC , I can easily organize my own team with strangers and make with it something incredible.
That period was really in hurry, I haven’t got enough time for another activity and for rest. But I got a lot of
new acquaintances, a lot of new experiences, also, I have upgraded my programming skills.
So , I can say , that sometimes you should forget about all the fun and donate free time to achieve
After all of that , I am looking for peoples that are the same as me year ago, because I want to improve
them and according to phrase – “If you teach – you become a professional in your field”, I want to become
a professional in all of my fields : programming , public speaking and team working.
FRC really changed my life in better way, so now I only to improve myself and people that surround me.

Short Answer 1:
Short Answer 2:
One of my favorite extracurricular activity is visiting some programmer event or competition like
HashCode or FRC , where i can meet some interesting peoples. Also i am interested in every
interesting workshops , regardless of its direction. It could be some programmer workshops and also
bussiness or economics workshops.
Short Answer 3:
Yes of course I could not stand it alone so I volunteered to solve some of the problems in Ukraine.
My first development for the benefit of ukraine was camouflage that protect you from detecting in
thermal imagers and infrared cameras. That development was made for Ministry of Defence Ukraine to
improve Ukrainian protective ability.
Short Answer 4:
I want to study in America because of the fact that American education diplomas are much more quoted
in the world than Ukrainian.
Also i really keen on math and other sciences and i know that american education is much better in this
way than Ukrainian. But in fact, i want to study in America and then return , for the development of

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