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Factura/Invoice Serie/Series: FABC Numar/Invoice No.

: 102505
Data (Z, L, A)/Date (D, M, Y) 10-05-2019
Furnizor/Supplier: Fabcomarc Cumparator(denumire, forma juridica)/Buyer (name,
Nr. ord.registru com./an/Registration No.: J22/166/2012 legal form)
C.I.F./UIC (Unique Identification Code): 29616000 M3 ConDesign SRL
Cod TVA/VAT No: Nr. ord.registru com./an/Registration No.: J20/175/2012
Capital social subscris si varsat/Subscribed and paid C.I.F./UIC (Unique Identification Code): RO29837566
capital: 200 Tara/Country: RO
Cont/Account: RO77INGB0000999908695769 Adresa/Address: Str. Petofi Sandor, Nr. 15, Hunedoara,
Tara/Country: Romania Cont/Account:
Sediul/Headquarter: Șos. Nicolina 35 Banca/Bank: ING

Nr.crt Produse/Descriere servicii UM Cantitate Valoare per Rata TVA Valoare Valoare TVA
No. Products/Services Description Quantity unitate (fara -%- Value VAT Value
Unit Value -%-
(without VAT)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6(3x4) 7(6x5)
1 Microsoft Windows 10 PRO, RETAIL, 32/64 buc 1 57,99 0 57,99 0,00
bit, All Languages, Licenta Electronica pcs
activare instanta

Conform art. 319 alin. (29) din Legea nr. 227/2015 privind Codul Fiscal, factura este valabila fara semnatura si stampila.
Metoda plata: CARD online
According to art. 319 par. (29) of Law no. 227/2015 regarding the Fiscal Code, the invoice is valid without signature and
stamp. Payment method: Online Card
Semnatura si Date privind expeditia / Delivery data Total din 0% 57,99 RON 0,00 RON
stampila Numele delegatului / Delegate name care accize:
furnizorului / Total of Total 57,99 RON 0,00 RON
Supplier ............................................................................. which
signature and B.I./C.I. seria / ID series ..... nr. / no ................... excises:
stamp eliberat(a) / issued .............................................. Semnatura
Mijlocul de transport / Delivery method ............... de primire
nr / no .................................................................. Receival
Expedierea s-a efectuat in prezenta noastra la
data de / The delivery was made in our presence Total de plata
on ............................ ora / hour ........................... (col 6 + col 7)
Semnaturile / Signatures ..................................... Total
(col 6 + col 7) 57,99 RON


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