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Arsenal - PL 10

Strength 5, Stamina 4, Agility 6, Dexterity 4, Fighting 12, Intellect 4, Awareness 3, Presence 3

Agile Feint, All-out Attack, Assessment, Attractive, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 15, Fearless,
Improved Aim, Improved Critical 2: Techno Arrows, Improved Critical: Unarmed, Improved
Initiative, Inventor, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 10, Takedown,

Acrobatics 8 (+14), Athletics 8 (+13), Deception 6 (+9), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation 8 (+11),
Investigation 8 (+12), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion 4 (+7), Sleight of Hand 6 (+10), Stealth 6
(+12), Technology 8 (+12), Vehicles 8 (+12)

Bionic Right Arm (Removable)
. . Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 2 (+2 STR; Limited: to right arm)
. . Immunity: Immunity 7 (Disease, Environmental Conditions (All), Poison; Limited 2: to right
. . Metal Arm: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness; Impervious, Sustained)
Bow and Arrows (Easily Removable)
. . Techno Arrows
. . . . Anaesthetic Arrow: Progressive Affliction 6 (1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree:
Exhausted, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Increased Range: ranged,
Progressive; Diminished Range, Resistible: Toughness)
. . . . Bow Fighting Staff
. . . . . . Parry: Enhanced Trait 2 (Traits: Parry +2 (+14))
. . . . . . Strike: Strength-based Damage 2 (DC 22; Reach (melee): 5 ft.)
. . . . Cable Arrow: Movement 1 (Swinging)
. . . . Enhanced Taser Arrow: Cumulative Affliction 6 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree:
Stunned, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 16; Cumulative, Increased
Range: ranged; Diminished Range)
. . . . Override Arrow: Progressive Affliction 3 (1st degree: Entranced, 2nd degree:
Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 13; Affects Objects Only,
Contagious, Increased Range: ranged, Progressive)
. . . . Plastic Foam Arrow: Progressive Affliction 3 (1st degree: Hindered, Impaired, 2nd
degree: Immobile, Defenseless, DC 13; Alternate Resistance (Dodge), Contagious, Extra
Condition, Increased Range: ranged, Progressive; Limited Degree)
. . . . Rocket Assisted Arrow: Damage 6 (DC 21; Extended Range 2, Homing: 1 extra attempt,
Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Shaped Charge Arrow: Damage 6 (DC 21; Increased Range: ranged, Penetrating 6;
Diminished Range)
. . . . Spy Arrow: Remote Sensing 4 (Affects: 3 Types, inc. Visual - Visual, Audio, Radio,
Range: 500 feet)
Light Body Armor: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness; Impervious)
Mask: Senses 7 (Extended: Vision 2: x100, Infravision, Low-light Vision, Tracking: Infravision
2: full speed, Ultravision)

Cell Phone (Smartphone), Commlink, Flash Goggles, Flash Grenade, Flashlight, Fragmentation
Grenade, Gas Mask, Heavy Pistol, Knife, Light Body Armor [Light Body Armor: Protection 2, +2
Toughness; Impervious], Mask [Mask: Senses 7, Extended: Vision 2: x100, Infravision, Low-light
Vision, Tracking: Infravision 2: full speed, Ultravision], Mini-tracer, Rebreather, Restraints,
Smoke Grenade, Stun Ammo, Toolkit (Basic)
Initiative +10
Anaesthetic Arrow: Progressive Affliction 6, +14 (DC Fort/Tou )
Enhanced Taser Arrow: Cumulative Affliction 6, +14 (DC Fort 16)
Flash Grenade, +14 (DC Dog/Fort 14)
Fragmentation Grenade, +14 (DC Dog 15)
Grab, +12 (DC Spec 15)
Heavy Pistol, +14 (DC 19)
Knife, +12 (DC 21)
Override Arrow: Progressive Affliction 3, +14 (DC Will 13)
Plastic Foam Arrow: Progressive Affliction 3, +14 (DC Dog/Fort/Will 13)
Rocket Assisted Arrow: Damage 6, +14 (DC 21)
Shaped Charge Arrow: Damage 6, +14 (DC 21)
Smoke Grenade, +14 (DC 19)
Strike: Strength-based Damage 2, +12 (DC 22)
Throw, +14 (DC 20)
Unarmed, +12 (DC 20)

Native Language

Dodge 12, Parry 12, Fortitude 8, Toughness 8/4, Will 9

Power Points
Abilities 78 + Powers 22 + Advantages 43 + Skills 42 (84 ranks) + Defenses 16 = 201

Roy Harper has had a long and varied career as a superhero. When he split from Green Arrow
and left the Teen Titans he changed his codename to Red Arrow. While he would occasionally
work with the other established superheroes he spent much of his time abroad in exotic
locales, fighting international terrorism and supervillainy. It was during this period that he
got heavily involved with the League of Assassins, having learned about them from his mentor
Green Arrow. Oliver tried to warn him away from those dangerous fanatics but Roy has always
been one of those contrary people who do the opposite of what everyone tells him. The
League quickly appreciated his talents and cultivated him, assigning one of their most
attractive female operatives to him to win him over to their cause. Once they learned just
how deep he was in with the Assassins his old comrades in the Titans largely disowned him,
even Donna Troy breaking off their relationship. In his usual bullish fashion Roy dismissed
them and went his own way.

After Ra'S Al Ghul's death and the massive fallout from that event Roy became disillusioned
with the League. It had become corrupt and violent in its long struggle and was now falling
into the hands of factional crime lords since Batman had declined to take control of it. For a
while he was on a team consisting of his girlfriend Jade 'Cheshire' Nguyen and other League
elite fighters but in the end he fell out with them too as they would not perform altruistic
superheroics, they always wanted an angle. He realized that in his heart he was not an
assassin or a revolutionary but a superhero. After years away he reconnected with his old
friends from his youth and together they formed the adult Titans team, all the old gang back
together. For a while he even rekindled his relationship with Donna Troy. The League
fractured though it was still had a hold on him through his daughter, a child he had had with
Cheshire. He did his best to shield the child from the life he led, but as she got older it was
hard to completely exclude the influence of her mother. Jade is fanatically committed to the
memory of Ra'S Al Ghul and keeps on trying to draw him back to her and the struggle, and she
is shameless enough to use her daughter as a weapon for this. Roy's inability to sever his ties
to Jade and the League once again broke down his relationship with Donna, devoted though
she was to his daughter. To try and distract himself Roy threw himself into a series of ill-
starred affairs with a succession of superheroines. He deliberately went for women not
looking for commitment and family. His teammates were a bit worried about his involvement
with reckless warriors like Hawkgirl, Grace Choi and Power Girl.

Roy's life took a catastrophic turn when he tangled with the highly dangerous supervillain
Prometheus. The Justice League warned him not to go after him alone but you can guess his
reaction to that. When he caught up to the vengeful maniac he didn't wait for backup but
charged straight in against him. Skilled as Roy is though he was outmatched and outgunned.
Prometheus used his energy blade to sever Roy's right arm at the elbow. Even crippled like
this though Roy was able to hold him off by fighting defensively until the approach of other
superheroes prompted Prometheus to teleport away. Despite the Justice League's expertise in
surgery the severed arm could not be reattached, the energy blade seared to ash both sides
of the cut, causing nerve damage that necessitated further amputation work higher up the
arm to prevent necrosis setting in.

Roy refused to believe that his superhero career was over and in the following months worked
with the most advanced technologists of the JLA to fit himself with a bionic arm. With aid
from his old friend Cyborg he received a new arm that was in some ways superior to his old
one. It was just as dexterous while being much stronger and resilient. After a period of
intensive training and practice he announced himself ready for action again. The JLA though
declined to allow him back on operations, they wanted him to undergo more therapy and
counseling for what had happened to him. Psychological profiles showed a dangerous increase
in anger and recklessness in a personality already prone to those things. Rather than accept
their concerned recommendations Roy lost his temper and stormed off. He has gone back to
his old flame Cheshire and together they are seeking out Prometheus to extract revenge.

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