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The purpose of this book is to describe the external world. Vertebrate eyes have a single
optical structure and optical properties of the aperture to the external world, which is used
human eye. It will be useful to those who have by all the detectors. A number of other
an interest in vision, such as optometrists, animals have simple eyes, which can be
ophthalmologists, vision scientists, optical described as less developed versions of the
physicists, and students of visual optics. An vertebrate eye. All eyes, of whatever type,
understanding of the optics of the human eye involve compromises between the need for
is particularly important to designers of detection (sensitivity), particularly at low
ophthalmic diagnostic equipment and visual light levels, and spatial resolving capability in
optical systems such as telescopes. terms of the direction or form of an object.
Most animals have some sort of eye Although this book is about the optics of
structure or sophisticated light sense. Like the human eye we do not wish to consider the
humans, some rely heavily on vision, includ- optics in complete isolation from the neural
ing predatory birds and insects such as components, as otherwise we cannot appre-
honeybees and dragonflies. However, many ciate what influence changes in the retinal
animals rely much more on other senses, image will have on vision performance. As an
particularly hearing and smell, than on vision. example, altering the optics has considerable
The visual sense is very complex and is able to influence on resolution of objects for central
process huge amounts of information very vision but not for peripheral vision. This is
rapidly. How this is done is not fully under- because the retina's neural structure is fine
stood; it requires greater knowledge of how enough at its centre, but not in the periphery,
the neural components of vision (retina, for large changes in optical quality to be of
visual cortex, and other brain centres) process importance (Chapter 18). Thus, the neural
the retinal image. However, the first stage in components of the visual system, particularly
this complex process is the formation of the the retinal detector, rate some mention in the
retinal image. In this text, we investigate how book. The neural structures of the retina
the image is formed and discuss factors that themselves produce optical effects. As an
affect its quality. example, the photoreceptors exhibit wave-
The majority of animal eyes can be divided guide properties that make light arriving from
into two groups: compound eyes (as pos- some directions more efficient at stimulating
sessed by most insects), and vertebrate eyes vision than light arriving from other direc-
(such as the human eye). Compared with tions. Another example is that the regular
vertebrate eyes, there is considerable variation arrangement of the nerve fibre layers pro-
in the compound eyes. Compound eyes duces polarization effects.
contain a large number of optical elements While image formation in the eye is similar
(ommatidia), each with its own aperture to the to that in man-made optical systems such as
xii Introduction

cameras and must obey the conventional end. Section 1 covers the basic optical
optical laws, there are some interesting structure of the human eye, including the
differences because of the eye's biological refracting components, the pupil, axes and
basis. Perhaps the greatest difference is that, simple models of the eye. Section 2 is about
as a living organ, the eye responds to its image formation and refraction of the eye.
environment, often in an attempt to give the This includes the refractive errors of the eye,
best image under different circumstances. their measurement and correction, and
Also, it grows, ages and suffers disease. paraxial treatments of focused and defocused
Unlike most man-made optical systems, the image sizes and positions. Section 3 deals
eye is not rotationally symmetrical about a with the interactions between light and the
single axis, and different axes must be used to eye, considering transmission, reflection and
define image formation. scatter in the media of the eye and at the
There are many interesting and important fundus. Section 4 deals with aberrations and
optical effects associated with ocular diseases retinal image quality. As well as considering
such as keratoconus (conical cornea) and these for real eyes, it covers the modelling of
cataract. Furthermore, the balance between eyes and the performance of a range of
optical and neural contributions to overall schematic eyes of different levels of
vision performance changes with diseases of sophistication. Section 5 considers the topics
the retina and beyond. Although there are of depth-of-field and age-related changes in
some passing references to cataract, we have the optics of the eye. While depth-of-field
concentrated on the healthy human eye. We effects could possibly have been placed earlier
give some prominence to age-related changes in the book, understanding them well requires
in the optics of the eye throughout the book, some knowledge about aberration and
and devote Chapter 20 to this topic. diffraction. The book concludes with 4
To make the book easy to read it is divided appendices, three of which (Appendices 1, 2
into a number of short chapters, with each and 4) cover some mathematics relating to
chapter dedicated to a single theme. The most paraxial optics, aberrations theory and image
commonly useful topics are at the beginning, quality criteria. Appendix 3 lists construction
and topics with narrower appeal (such as data, optical parameters and the aberrations
ocular aberrations) are placed towards the of a number of schematic eyes.

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