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I met them on Pluto

14th November,

“NASA ! ?”

Everybody shouted in surprise. Our class teacher, Vernika Ma’am, had just informed us that we
would bwe going to NASA. I was so thrilled for the visit. NASA really was one of the places I wanted
to visit.

12th January,

Today we were going to visit NASA. When we reached there, we were all at a loss for words. That
place was like a dream. There were computers, spaceships, navigators etc. There were also many

As we were exploring NASA with our teachers, we came across a huge space ship. It was the biggest
of all the ships and I loved it most of all.

After sometime, the scientists allowed us to visit the space-ships except a few. I did not know that
the biggest ship was one of them, so I went in it.

Suddenly the space ship started shaing very hard. I fell down on the floor. I tried to get up but
something fell on my head and my world went black.

When I came to, I saw that I was in a room lying on a bed. Suddenly I realized that I wasn’t alone. I
was surrounded by people. I asked them about where I was and who they were.

They told me, that they were astronauts and that I was in space.

“Space ! I must be dreaming!”, I said, but I wasn’t.

I was in space. We had landed on some planet.

I asked one of the astronauts, which planet it was? And he said that, it was Pluto.

After that they gave me a small spacesuit to wear. I thanked them and wore it, then we all got a GPS
so as not to get lost.

We went to explore the planet on car like vehicles. In one of the vehicles, I was sitting, with a man
named Akhil. He was a nice & jolly fellow.

Suddenly I shouted “look! Look over there.”

And everyone shouted “where? Where?”

“there, behind that rock nearest to us.”

We looked and saw a small figure wearing a hat and looking at us.

Then as suddenly as it had appeared, it vanished in the heavy smoke behind it. We all came back to
the space-ship and took some rest.

The next day we went to the same place where we had seen the alien like thing. After reaching the
place, we got out of our vehicles and suddenly we saw the alien like thing in front of us.

We soon realized that it was not an alien but a small gnome! It came to us and said, “you are
humans. Right ?”
It took us a while to come back to our senses. Akhil was the first to tell the gnome that we were

The gnome was delighted.

“My name is Nymue.”

He said before whistling 2-3 times in a shrill tone.

Soon we saw a whole army of gnomes coming towards us. At once all the gnomes saw us and started
shouting and cheering loudly.

They took us to their village and oh! What a wonderful sight it was. Their village was located right at
the foot of mountain and you wouldn’t believe it! There were plants growing inside and outside
there village.

“how are these plants growing here?”, I asked Nymue.

“Because of oxygen.”, He answered simply.

We were surprised to know of the presence of oxygen on plutio. On learning this we all took of our
space gear.

“will you please tell us about your earth?”, asked Nymue. We said that it would be our pleasure.

So we all took turns and told them all about how beautiful earth was and everything else. After that
they thanked us and we left.

Now I have reached home, but you never know what surprises your life holds for you. This trip was
one such surprise from mine.

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