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Vocabulary study practice BLS Groups


Exercise 1: Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

1 The World around Us is a weekly current __________ programme hosted by a different actor each
A cases B affairs C situations D terms

2 I don’t hate classical music. On the __________, I like it very much indeed!
A opposite B contrary C alternative D contrast

3 Although Vicky looked pretty much the same after all those years, I noticed __________ changes
which made her look even more beautiful than I remembered.
A fair B sensitive C subtle D joint

4 After hours of bargaining with the salesman, Jake bought the jacket for a __________ of the
original price.
A fraction B piece C part D spot

5 The football match tomorrow evening will be broadcast __________ on TV and radio.
A simultaneously B communally C uniformly D jointly

6 Please fill in your employment history, including your __________ employer as well as any previous
ones you might have had.
A private B daily C constant D current

7 Most museums in the city __________ Day Passes at special rates for both pupils and students.
A issue B transmit C print D project

8 The woman __________ someone had stolen her purse, but, although they searched everyone in
the shop, it wasn’t found.
A accused B enforced C claimed D warned

9 Did you __________ the Eurovision song contest last night? It was great!
A grab B hold C catch D fetch

10 As I was __________ of the change in the programme, I arrived half an hour late for the
A unaware B unconscious C unable D unreasonable

Exercise 2: Use the word in capitals at the end of each line to form a word which completes the
sentence correctly.

1 Just out of ____________, what were you doing all alone in the street at CURIOUS
2 Our headmaster is certainly the most ____________ presence in our DOMINATE
school. EFFE
3 The ____________ of the drug in curing the disease eventually led to its CTIVE
withdrawal from the market.

Ho Huyen, MA. Med- HUS-VNU Page 1

Vocabulary study practice BLS Groups

4 Most children will listen to you if you try to talk to them ____________. REASON
5 We’ve decided to install a ____________ in our country house as power
cuts have become too frequent.

Exercise 3: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
Use the word given but do not change it. Use between two and five words, including the word

1 We bought this beautiful kitchen table very cheaply because the shop was closing down.
We bought this beautiful kitchen table _____________________ because the shop was closing down.

2 Mr Hayes is a caring teacher who notices his students’ slightest problems and helps them out.
Mr Hayes is a caring teacher who _____________________ slightest problems and helps them out.

3 As soon as Aunt Emily arrives at the house, the children run to greet her.
As soon as Aunt Emily _____________________ the house, the children run to greet her.

4 On Sundays, the whole village woke up early in the morning listening to the church bells ringing.
On Sundays, the whole village woke up early in the morning _____________________ the church bells.

5 Look, you can’t always have things as you want them – sometimes other people’s needs might take priority.
Look, you can’t always _____________________ – sometimes other people’s needs might take priority.

Exercise 4: Choose the preposition that best completes each sentence below.

1 Alice proudly showed on / up / off her engagement ring to everybody in the office.
2 After the accident, more than a year went off / by / over before I found the courage to drive again.
3 Three years later, when we came back to Greece, we tried to track on / down / over our old friends who
we’d lost contact with.
4 Mike was very upset about my decision to change jobs, but when we talked it up / off / over, he calmed
5 It’s no surprise that students don’t go along / over / through with the idea of taking more exams than
they already do.

The End

Ho Huyen, MA. Med- HUS-VNU Page 2

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