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Date: 24th February 2020- 28th February 2020

1. Isu / Perkara yang difokus:

On the first week of internship, I discussed with my mentor teacher about the current
problems which occurring among the pupils in the class that I am taking over throughout
this internship period. One of the issues mentioned which attracted my attention was related
to penmanship problems. I started to find information and look through their worksheet used
in my mentor teacher’s lesson.

2. Analisis isu / perkara yang difokus:

2.1 Kekuatan: In preparation of creating the ideas of the innovation project, I seek advices
from my mentor teacher and my practicum partner. I discuss with my mentor
teacher about issues happening in her classroom and intend to help her to
improve on it.
2.2 Kelemahan: I have not prepared my innovation proposal to be hand in to the headmaster
to be approved. I also still not sure on what project to be done as I am still
reflecting on the issues discussed with my mentor teacher.

3. Cadangan penambahbaikan:

I should decide on the issue as soon as possible as I need to conduct it only in a few weeks’
time and I should refer to the guidelines given by the practicum unit and the senior past
project internship proposal to help me organise my proposal writing better and as
references for the contents of the proposal.


Date: 2nd March 2020- 6th March 2020

1. Isu / Perkara yang difokus:

On the 2nd week of internship, I had decided on my project which is Write it Right Module!
focusing on the pupils’ penmanship. I also gained approval from the Headmaster for my
proposal at the end of the week. I also started to conduct preliminary investigation by
conducting diagnostic test on their handwriting to see what kind of problems do they have.
I also start to collect materials to create my module throughout the week. I also discussed
the contents of the module with my practicum partner and mentor. I get integrate few
worksheets based on my module in the lesson I conducted with them.

3. Analisis isu / perkara yang difokus:

2.1 Kekuatan: I was able to complete my proposal and gained approval from the headmaster
to continue my project. I also had decided roughly on the contents of the
module after having discussion with my mentor teacher.

2.2 Kelemahan: Since the module required me to collect lots of materials, my pace was slow
and its’ hard for me to find suitable exercises. I only managed on completing
some parts of the module for this second week of internship and I haven’t
implemented it yet fully in a lesson.

3. Cadangan penambahbaikan:
I should fasten my pace of findings the information and materials to complete my module.
I also should implement the module as soon as possible to assess the effects of the module
towards my pupils.


Date: 9th March 2020-13th March 2020

1. Isu / Perkara yang difokus:

On the third week of internship, I get to produce full complete materials for topic 4 which enable me
to conduct full lesson using the module. I get to try my module with my pupils and the lesson can
be considered as a success.

4. Analisis isu / perkara yang difokus:

2.1 Kekuatan: Most of the pupils participate actively in the class and they gave me a positive
response toward the implementation of the module. They found that the
module was interesting as it was included with colourful pictures and hands
on activities. Some of the pupils aware of their mistakes as I get to correct
some of their mistake directly in last week classes and they can write it
correctly in this lesson this week.
2.2 Kelemahan: Some of the high proficiency pupils think that the worksheets are too easy
as it related to the contents they learned and involving copying activities as
I want to practice them to learn properly in a proper way according to the
My other topics are still incomplete and under progress to be completed.

3. Cadangan Penambahbaikan:

I should provide extra back up exercises for the pupils who is not having much problems
in the penmanship skills to fill their times and avoid them to be distracted as they complete
the worksheet given.

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