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LIMITATIONS: The major limitation of my study is the sample frame as the sample frame in courts, public places that might not
have a very direct connection with labour. The various rules and policies differ from industry to industry and opinion also
differs is another drawback. The restrictive area of sample size is also another major drawback. CONCLUSION: From all the
analysis part from research it found that the discrimination in paying out the wage on basis of gender is not observed
through my results and equal pay is followed whereas workers appear to be satisfied with wages, allowance etc.. in contract
labour also. Results also show that although workers are satisfied with wages, Majority of people appear to be compromised
to work even though paid less due to fear of unemployment. Only a few groups felt the nature of work is the reason why they
still choose to work with the current organisation but the majority appear to have fear of unemployment. Majorly people
appear to believe there is still a requirement or efforts from government or establishments towards providing more facilities
other than better wages.

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