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NIM : KHGC18035



Versi Indonesia

Pada saat minggu kemarin saya bersama keluarga pergi berlibur kesuatu tempat yang
dinamakan pantai pangandaran, disana kami bersenang-senang penuh dengan canda tawa serta
gembira sambil kumpul bersama sembari menikmati indahnya ombak dan langit yang sangat
cerah sekali, kemudian saat malam haripun tiba kami masih berada di pantai mendengarkan
musik pantai sambil merasakan tiupan angin di malam hari.

Kemudian pada saat pagi hari kami pergi ke cagar alam sambil melihat- lihat
pemandangan disana terdapat banyak monyet dan saya pun melihat pula ada sebuah gua bekas
peninggalan penjajahan kemudian kamipun masuk kesana dan melihat-lihat dan ada pula
terdapat suatu tempat dimana ada sebuah petilasan saya bertanya kepada juru kunci tersebut
ternyata itu adalah petilasan dari seorang yang bertapa disana kemudian sang istri ke 7 mencari
kesana tetapi tidak ada suaminya.

Dan saat itu saya merasa mungkin momen istimewa seperti ini takan pernah bisa
terulang lagi jadi saya harap momen ini jadilah momen yang paling berharga dihidup saya sebab
amat susahnya bisa berkumpul bersama lagi, setelah itu ashar pun tiba dan kamipun bersiap-
siap untuk pulang ke rumah dan alhamdullilah kamipun tiba dirumah dengan selamat.
Versi Ingggris

Last week I and my family went on vacation somewhere called pangandaran beach,
there we had fun filled with laughter and joy while gathering together while enjoying the
beautiful waves and very clear sky, then at night we arrived at the beach listening to the beach
music while feeling the breeze. evening.

Then in the morning we went to the nature reserve while looking at the scenery there
were a lot of monkeys and I also saw there was a cave from the colonial occupation then we
also went there and looked around and there was also a place where there was a petilasan I
asked to the caretaker it turned out it was a petilasan from a hermit there then the 7th wife
searched there but there was no husband.

And at that time I felt that maybe a special moment like this could never be repeated
again so I hope this moment will be the most precious moment in my life because it is very
difficult to get together again, after that Asr arrived and we also get ready to go home and
Thank God we arrived home safely.

Simple past tense

Last week I and my family went on vacation somewhere

Past continuous

looked around and there was also a place where there was a petilasan

Past perfect

special moment like this could never be repeated again

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