Paper Bahsa Inggris Lumion - Meliani Ramdhaniati - 1906747

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M Ramdhaniati,
Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jln. Setiabudhi
no 229, Bandung, Indonesia


Abstract: The purpose of this research is to find out how the utilization of Lumion
animation in digital learning in architecture education in junior high school. This research
uses the descriptive qualitative method. The findings show that lumion animation can be
easily implemented to architecture students in an effort to improve their abilities
according to the demands of the workforce. This research is expected to be a reference for
researchers about the use of lumion animation in architecture education

1. Introduction
With the rapid development of computer applications in the architecture profession, it is
necessary to find a framework for integrating computer applications. [1] [2] The feasibility of a
decision can be checked by evaluating the architecture only after it has been made. [3] [4].
Lumion is an application that makes it easy for architects to devote a design and give the best
idea of how a finished product will look like from a 3D model sketch and visualization. Real-
time 3D visualization for architects and real-estate brokers [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
Digital can be used in educational experiences for Architect students. [10] [11] [12].
Architectural depiction has many supporting applications to facilitate the depiction, in some
studies, there is a 2D AUTOCAD application in the title DEVELOPMENT OF A
SOFTWARE [13] Influence of Courtyard Ventilation on Thermal Performance of Office
Building in Hot-Humid Climate: A Case Study [14] Discussion on Teaching Reform of
AutoCAD Courses in Architectural Engineering Specialty Based on the Cultivation of Applied
Innovative Ability, [15]. 3D CAD in the title Development of methods for extracting space
information from 3D CAD [16] Cad Application Patterns Among Architecture and Interior
Design Students in Malaysia, [17] Role of building information modeling (bim) in building
design industry [18]. ArchiCAD under the title Revision of the ArchiCAD Manual for CM 115
[19] Three-Dimensional Landscape Modeling by Means of ArchiCAD Design Software [20]
Green building assessment tool (GBAT) for integrated BIM-based design decisions, [21]. Revit
under the heading Self-organized construction with Revit, [22] Integration of Thermal
Simulations in REVIT for Decision Support and National Building Code Compliance
Department of Engineering [23] Reducing the operational energy demand in buildings using
building information modeling tools and sustainability approaches, [ 24]. SketchUp in Catt-
Acoustic Converter Model 3D Interior Design [25] Using Simulation for Optimized Building
Operations, [26] Method and simulation program informed decisions in the early stages of
building design, [27]. 3DS Max in the title Research on optimization model based on 3DS max
modeling, [28] The utilization of building information modeling at an early design stage, [29]
Lumion with Mastering Lumion research [30]
From the many applications, the researchers took one application that would become
research material, namely the Lumion application in making animations in buildings. It aims to
introduce this application to architecture students to make it easier to describe the process of
pouring ideas of creativity.

2. Method
This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods by observation, interview,
implementation, to the results with a sample of 4 students.
3. Result/Discussion
Based on the analysis of the literature review that has been collected, the researchers found the
application of lumion is the final stage in the description where the application is treated with
many features to facilitate the depiction of giving texture, color, components. Lumion
applications can create buildings more realistic with 3D model sketches and visualization. Real-
time 3D visualization for architects and real-estate brokers [5] [6] [7] [8] [9].
Because this application is the last application, in the beginning, you have to draw a
sketch of the building on the 2d CAD application, followed by drawing 3D shapes with 3D
Sketch Up applications or Bim applications such as ArchiCAD, Revit, 3DS max. Lumion has
several tools that are needed by drawers who help the design development process, consisting of
Picture 1. Color editing, and property
In describing this application we can provide properties such as trees, car people,

Picture 2. Editing material

In this application depiction where we can change the texture as the original state,
editing glass, walls, sills, roofs, floors, asphalt
Picture 3. Making animated videos
In the depiction of this application where we can make conditions as the original
situation conditions can be made.

Picture 4. Making a situation scenario

In describing the application we can create scenarios that we want to show what kind of
area and focus on which side.
Picture 5 Editing effect,
In this application where the manufacture of effects such as walking for people or even
cars. Light editing can also be used in this application

Picture 5. Editing effect on road direction and speed

In this application where the manufacture of effects such as walking for people or even cars.
Light editing can also be used in this application.
Picture 6. Editing efect the atmosphere
In this application where the manufacture of effects such as the condition of the
morning to night, the atmosphere is cloudy or bright clouds.
The sample consisted of 4 students who were taught the learning of lumion
applications, after being tried they were able to portray with the lumion application within a
period of one week already able to operate. When interviewed the researchers found that they
were happier and easier because there were many kinds of complementary accessories and
colors, we could change the texture directly like playing games. Compared to the AutoCAD
SketchUp application, it is more difficult to code

Picture 7. Lumion application learning process

4. Conclusion
Lumion application can facilitate Architects in creating images easily both in the form of 3D
models and visualization of animation, this program is the final stage in several kinds of 3D
programs to visualize it. Lumion application as a learning media for architects in design is easy
to use and needed by the industrial world.

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