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47 41 5 (By + 2) + (x ~ 8)j + Szlk ft/s, where x, y, and z are in feet. Determine the fluid speed at the origin (x =y = z = 0) and on the y axis (x = 2 = 0). ‘The velocity field of a flow is given by V = U= 3yt2 ,v=x-8, w= SF Thus, at Xzye2<0 Va yurty?+w* = 27400)" = sash and on the line X=2-0, V=yGyt2)+C8)* = Py? t/2y +68 f whore y~ft 42 4.2. A flow can be visualized by plotting the velocity field as velocity vectors at representative locations in the flow as shown in Video V4.1 and Fig. E4.1. Consider the velocity field given in polar coordinates by v, = —10/r and vy = 10/r. This flow approximates a fluid swirling into f'sink as shown in Pig, P42 Plot the velocity field at locations given by r = 1, 2, and 3 with @ = 0, 30, 60, and 90 deg. With yp =-l0/r and mg =10/r then MN FIGURE P4.2 Ve agteag® = Cir + Coir? = The angle & between the radial direction and the velocity vector is given by = Me, Wr. tan & = Tir Tom =! Thus, x= #5° for any 7,8 Ge. the velocity vector is "alway oriented +#8° relative to radial lines) Note: Vis independent of 8. ye7.07 atre2 ° @n0 Vert. atr=1 Ve4natr=3 4-1 [#3 J 4.3 The velocity field of a flow is V = 20yi(x2 + VE -20x/08 + ‘What is the angle between the velocity vector and the x axis at points (x, y) = (5, 0). (5. 5), and where x and y are in feet. Determine the fluid 0,5)? speed at points along the x axis; along the y axis. ys —20¥ 20x (t+ ye? O84 ye Ve [-400x? 400x? +#400y?, toons +00y|* = Oty) Also, -20x y (5,5) 2 yale 2 tan @ == OG ©,5) or OF y% =-% tanO=-¥ Thus, for (x,y)=(S,0) tan0=~-00 or 0=-90° for (%,y) =(5,5) tan 0 = -/ or O= = 45. a for (X,y)=(0,5) tan = 0 or O=0" 4 4.4 The x and y components of a velocity field are given by u = x — yandv = x¥y — 8, Determine the location of any stagnation points in the flow field. That is, at what points) is the velocity zero? V=0 provided that both u=0 and v=0, This, U=X-y=0 or X=y and y =X*y-8 70 or XV = By combining oblain X?=8 or X=2. Since x-y * tolous that y=2also. Thus (x,y) = (2,2) #5 4. ‘The x and y components of velocity for a two-dimen- sional flow are u = 3 fi/s and v = 9x° ft/s, where x is in feet. Determine the equation for the streamlines and graph repre- sentative streamlines in the upper half plane. usa and wr=9x" so that streamlines are given by 4 2 Me 23x or fay = [2x"de Thos, y=Xx?4+C , where C is aconstant. Representative streamlines corresponding to different valves of ¢ are shown below, Streamlines y = x’ + C C150 c=/00 C#s0 a 8 46 4.6 Show that the streamlines for a flow whose velocity components are u = c(x? — y?) and v =| constant, are given by the = constant. At which point « parallel to the y axis? At which point (points) is the fluid stationary? U=C(x*-y*) , y=-2exy Streamlines given by y=f(x) are such that 4 -t Consider the function x*y - ¥ = const, a) Note: H is not easy to write this explicitly as y=ftx) However, we can differentiate Ey, () to give 2xydx +x7dy -y"dy =O , or (x?-y?) dy t2xy d=0 Thus, the lines in the x-y plane given by Fy.) have a slope - wy - EW = ms or for any constant c, = ae et de. the function X*y -¥ =const. represents the ‘streamlines of the given flow. The flow is parallel to the x-axis when 4-0, on v=0. This occurs when either K=O op y=O , ée, the X-axis or the y-axts The flow is parallel to the y-axis when Y= 00, or 0. This occurs when X=*y The fluid has zero velocity at 4 4.7 The velocity field of a fiow is given by u = —Voyl(x? + y2)! and v = Vox/(x? + ¥°)!2, where Vo is a constant. Where in the flow fieldis the speed equal to Vs? Determine equation of the streamlines and discuss the various char- acteristics of this flow. so that a bie Cae ve "ORs ar eee Veyatey’ = Recaro =% Thos, Y=\ throughout the entire flow field Streamlines are given by Babe 5 on -ydy=xdx which can be integrated to give x*+ Thus, the flvid flow with circular streamlines and the speed is constant throoghovt. x const. 4.8 4.8 Water flows from a rotating lawn sprinkler as shown in Video V4.6 and Figure P48. The end of the sprinkler arm moves with a speed of wR, where w = 10 rad/s is the an- gular velocity of the sprinkler arm and R = 0.5 ftis its ra- dius. The water exits the nozzle with a speed of V = 10 fUs mw FIGURE P4.8 (a) Water leaves the nozzle with a velocity of V=10f1/ at an angle of 30° relalive to the radjal direction — for an observer riding on the sprinkler arm, This is the relative velocity, As shown in the sketch, the sprinkler arm has a circomferencial velocity of Rw= 0.54 (lorad/s)= 5 fi/s, The absolvte velocity, Vy, as observed by a person standing on the lawn is the vector sum of relative velocity and the nozzle velocity. From the geometry of the figure’ fan& = 10 sin30’ 5 _ 10 cos30" That is & =O Roos ce, the absolvte water o B10 velocity is in the radial Rw=5 direction. Since there is no force acting on the water after it leaves, the water particles continve to move in the radial direction. Thus, the pathlines are straight radial lines. \0sin30-5 10 cos30 (b) The shape of the water stream at a given instant (¢.e-a ‘snap shot” of the water) can be obtained as follows, Consider the water stream emanating from the end of the nozzle at r=R and 0-0 time &=0 (con't) 4-6 #8 (con'l) A particle in this stream that left fromthe nozzle t seconds ago did so when the nozzle was af 8* Wt. Since {20 to Meo the particles in straight, radial paths with yi speed Vy, (see par), ths particle is YY “E seconds ago ee at adistance of r=R+Vqt from the eat origin. eee ia to Thus, the stream shape is My r=R+\yt and O-wt , or by eliminating t r=R «(Bye For the given data with Vg = Ves30' =(i0 #) coe 30" = 8,66 # (see partal) and w=lorad/s this becomes r= 0.5 +0,8660, where r~ft and O~rad, This stream shage is plotted below. FG 4.9 Consider a ball thrown with intial speed Vp at an angle of 8 as shown in Fig, P4.9a. As discussed in beginning physics, if friction is negligible the path that the ball takes is given by y = (tan @)x ~ [g/(2 Vo?cos* 6)}x? 050 0.16 That is, y = ix + cax?, where cy and cy are constants. The path 0.75.13 is a parabola, The pathline fora stream of water leaving asmall_ 1.0 0.00 nozzle is shown in Fig. P4.9b and Video V4.3. The coordinates 1.25 0.20 for this water stream are given in the following table. (a) Use 1.50 0.53 the given data to determine appropriate values for cy and cy in 1.75 -0.90 the above equation and, thus, show that these water particles 2,00 = 143 also follow a parabolic pathline. (b) Use your values of ¢, and “————* 2 to determine the speed of the water, Vo, leaving the nozzle. o W FIGURE P4.o Ah EXCEL Program was used to plot the x-y data and to fit a second order curve to the data. The results are shown below. y vs x for Water Stream 0.04 0.02 0.02 = 0.04 0.08 0.08 oA 0.12 0 0.05 O14 0.15 02 Thus, wih Y=GX+G,x° if follows that 6, = 0.75 =tan@ or 0 = 35.4" and 6, = 8497 =~ THE o or 32.2 2. : # Vo" aUeHET corse) = 285s Thus, Y= 1.69 410 The x and y components of a velocity field are given by w= xy and v= —xy", Determine the equation for the streamlines of this flow and compare with those in Example 4.2. Is the flow in this problem the same as that in Example 4.2? Explain, P ‘ dy ve xy? iy eee are given by & ets- om =-2+ or g ee a which can be integrated as: fe=-$% Thus, Iny=-Iny + , where & is a constant. This, xy =e Note These streamlines are the same shape (same “flow pattern’) as in Example #2 — but the velocity fields are different. However, the ratias % are the same: d YY. y é ve (WA) 0) 41D 4.12 In addition to the customary horizontal velocity components of the air in the atmosphere (the “wind”), there often are vertical air currents (thermals) caused by buoyant effects due to un- even heating of the air as indicated in Fig. P4.12. Assume that the velocity field in a certain region is approximated by u = ta, v = vp (1 — y/h) for 0 h, Plot the shape of the streamline that passes through FIGURE P4.12 the origin for values of o/vq = 0.5, 1, and 2. * U=Uy ,v=%(I-£) for 0O. At any time, t, Va<\y. Thos, between UW) andt2) ab a 4 Vico Hence, # <0 or the average convective acceleration is negative. 4B 418 [zie J 4.18 Water flows through a constant diameter pipe with a uniform velocity given by V = (8/1 + 5)j m/s, where 1 is in seconds, Determine the acceleration at time r = 1, 2,and 10, a-2+Fv With uno, vB +5)% , woo this becomes a-(¢ tvs -seh=- BIB Thus, @=-8f% af tel s @ =-2.0f-3 af t=2s and che & =-0.00)% at £=10s 4.19 When a valve is opened, the velocity of water in a certain pipe is given by u = 10(1 - ¢~"),v = O,andw = 0, ‘where w is in ft/s and zis in seconds. Determine the maximum, velocity and maximum acceleration of the water. Ve fd? tvt4w® = 10(1-e7*) 50 that 4 ewet>o for all ¢ Thus, Vay = vi feo . “. Also, @ = Qf where ay ib tude with # K Thus, Oy “4 =106* so that = a e yo foo A-lY 4.20% 4.20* Water flows through a pipe with V = u(#)i where the approximate measured values of 1u(0) are shown in the table. Plot the acceleration as a function of time for 0 = 1 = 20s. Plot the acceleration as a function of time if all of the values of u(¢) are increased by a factor of 2; by a factor of 5. a-eePev with ueult) » ¥=0, w=0 this becomes u (Heute itt on a= Ht a The u=Ult) graph and the best fit cubic evation shown below was plotted using an EXCEL Program. Thus with “= ~0.001247 - 0.0//24* +0.97564 if follows that O = ea = -0,0036t7-o,onat +0.9756 LE | where t~s This acceleration is also plotted below, Note that if U increases by a factor of K (i.e, K=2 on K=5), the acceleration, a, =7#, does also, Water Spoed vs Time Acceleration vs Time u=-0.0012#-0.0112¢ + 0.9756 HAS 4.21 4.2. The fluid velocity along the x axis shown jin Fig. P4.21 changes from 6 m/s at point A to Va = 6 mis Vp = 18 mis as 18 m/s at point B. It is also known that the ve- rene locity is a linear function of distance along the A c u streamline. Determine the acceleration at points | 0.05 m—| 7, A, B, and C. Assume steady flow. 0.1 m FIGURE P4.21 a= hsv with u=uer) , y=0, and w=0 this becomes a = (FE tudg)t = udge w Since u isa linear function of X, U= 6X +6, where the constants ¢,,G are given as* Ur 6 =C, and Ug = 1850.16, +6q or O=120 , = 6 Thus, U=(I20x+ 6)% with xem ae From Eg.) a= uth? =(120x +6) (120 me) e or for Xg=O , = 720 tH for Xg=0.05m, Ga= (#4002, and = for X,<0.lm , G,= 2160 thy 4-16 [az 422 When a fluid flows into a round pipe as shown in Fig. 4.22, viscous effects may cause the velocity profile to change from a uniform profile (V = Voi) at the entrance of the pipe to a parabolic profile (V = 2Vg [1 — (r/R) Ii} atx = € Velocity profiles for various values of x are as indicated in the figure. Use this graph to show that a fluid particle moving along the centerline (+ = 0) experiences an acceleration, but a particle close to the edge of the pipe (r = R) experiences a deceleration. Does a particle traveling along the line r = 0.5 R experience an acceleration or deceleration, or both? Explain. FIGURE P4.22 a-% YP With u=uir,x) , v=o, and w=0 we otal in G= a? where a, =4¢+udt = ust a) Along the centerline (r=0) we find u>0 and 3x >0 Thus, ay >9 on r=0. b) Mear the pipe wall (r=R) we find u>0 bi i 0 and % >0 near the pipe entrance , but 3¢<0 elsewhere. This is indicated in the figure below. c) Thus, for r=eR, a,>0 near the entrance and <0 elsewhere @ [aay 4.23 Asavalveisopened, water flows through the diffuser shown in Fig. P4,23 at an increasing flowrate so that the velocity along the centerline is given by V = ui = Vol - e*) (I~ x/C)i, where ud, c, and {are constants. Determine the acceleration as a function of x and f. If Vp = 10 ft/s and { = 5 ft, what value of c (other than c = 0) is needed to make the acceleration zero for any x at ¢ = 1 s? Explain how the acceleration can be zero if the flowrate is increasing with time. FIGURE P4.23 a= ay. w With u=U(x,4) , y=0, and w=0 this a ’ es a oo x a= (rut sae , where u=V(I-e° )U-T) Thus, sety Oy = Vyli- Pee +yUi-e *hi- PEF) or Yl beet ¥UI- ey] — w= Voll - 6-9 Tf a =0 for any x at t=1s we must have [cet-Bcj-eety*]=0 With %=10 andh=5 ce -B(i-e ~©)=0 The solution (roct) of this eqvatjon js C= 0.4904 For the above conditions the local acceleration (4¢ >0) is precisely balanced by the convective deceleration (a <0), The flowrate increases with time, but the fluid flows to an area of lower velocily. po 4-18 ZaH 4.24 A fluid flows along the x axis witha velocity given by V = (2/0), where x is in feet andr in seconds. (a) Plot the speed for 0 = x= 10 ftand 1 = 3s (b) Plot the speed forx = 7 ft and 2 <1 = 4's, (¢) Determine the local and convective acceleration. (d) Show that the acceleration of any fluid particle in the flow is zero. (e) Explain physically how the velocity of 2 particle in this unsteady flow remains constant throughout it ‘motion. a uzkE coal tx3s,u () Por x=7 Ht, u=f # and ud = h(E Fig,2 (d) For any flvid particle ash eVov oo which with v=0, w=0 becomes t,s = ou a=(F tughe = ~4,+4)0 20 (e) The particles flow info areas of higher velocity (see Fig-1), but at any given location the velocity is decreasing in time (see Fig.2). For the given velocity field the local and convective accelerations are equal and mpposite, giving zero acceleration through ovt. Po 4-19 GLE 4.25 A hydraulic jump is a rather sudden change in depth aie tae ‘fa liquid layer as ii flows in an open channel as shown in —_— Fig. P4.25 and Videw VIt6. In a relatively short distance (thickness = €) the liquid depth changes from z; to zp, with a ‘corresponding change in velocity from Vi to V2. If Vj 1.20 ft/s, Vq = 0.30 ft/s, and € = 0.02 ft, estimate the average deceleration of the liquid as it flows across the hydraulic jump. How many g's deceleration does this represent? m FIGURE P4.25 a = +V-0V so with Ve uni , Z=4,0 cuits Without knowing the actval velocity distribution , u = lex), the acceleration can be approximated 4s ~ 1,20) ay = 4 ye 2 2(VieK) (ae = $(120 +o,30f £0, 30- 13.0) ti 0.02 fF = -a3eft lal. 222 _ Thus, * aaa BO 88 4-20 #26 4.26 A fluid particle flowing _along a stagnation stream- line, as shown in Videw V4.5 and Fig. P4.26, slows down as approaches the stagnation point. Measurements of the dye flow in the video indicate that the location of a panicle starting on the stagnation streamline a distance s = 0.6 ft upstream of the stagnation point at = Ois given approximately by s =0.6e"°*, where 1 is in seconds and s is in ft. (a) Determine the speed of BH FIGURE P4.26 a fluid particle as a function of time, Vpysce(). a8 it flows along the steamline. (b) Determine the speed of the fluid as a func- tion of position along the streamline, V = V{s). (c) Determine the fluid acceleration along the streamline as a function of po- sition, a, = a,6). Stegnation point, s =O Fula particle (a) With s=0.6€°* if follows that -0,st wast Voeticte = ds =0b(-05)e°** 2-036 fis (b) From part (a), ) Ve Cas)[06 6°] where 5 =0.6 6° Thus, Ve (os)ls] , or Y=-05S fe where s~ ft # (c) For steady flow, a= V wy Thus, with V= -053 and Heo, 4, = (-0.5s)(-08) = 0.258 f/s* where s~ft Note? For $0, @, is pasitive— the particles acceleration is to the right. Since the particle is moving to the lett, a positive a, for this care implies that the particle is decelerating (as if must be for this stagnation point flow). 4-2 ed to accelerate the fluid from V, 10 a linear fashion. That is, V = ax + 6, where a and 0 and V2 = 25 m/sat x, = I m, determine the local acceleration, the convective acceleration, and the acceleration of the lid at points (1) and 2). With w=ax+b , v=0, and w=0 the acceleration @=9y *V-7V can be written as -a,t where a=ur¥, o Since U=V,=108 af x=0 and u=Vh=252 af x=/ we obtain l0= O+b 25= a+b so that a=/5 and b=10 That is, £=(15X+10)2 | where x~m , so that from Ey.(1) ay = (1Sx+19)-2 (/5¢) = G2sx+iso) Note: The local acceleration is zero, 4¥-0 , and the convective acceleration is use = (225x150) 2 Atx=0, @=lS02-& ; atx=/m , @=3752 4.29 Repeat Problem 4.27 with the assumption that the flow is not steady, but at the time when V; = 10 m/s and V, = 25 m/s, it is known that aV,/at = 20m/s* and aVa/at = 60 m/s*, With U=UOx,t) , v=0, and w= the acceleration a-2iW can be written as Ga, 0 where qy= de tug se , with u=alllx +bi). a At the given time (t-te) w= V,= 10-22 at x=0 and U=\z=252 atX-lm Thus, '0=0 + blte) 25=alt) tbh) so that alt,)=/5 and bt) =!9 Also at tte , Bet = 20% af x0 and 3h =the 60% at X=/m Note? These are local accelerations at time Eto The convective acceleration at x=0 (Ep,(0 is dt = (ax +b) (a) = (15 (0) #10) Bs $)=150% while at X=/ His uit = (5) HO) 2 15 $) = S75R The fluid on at t=to Is G = (3h +udk)é = (204150) =/70l Tat xX=0 ard a=(6o+s7s)¢& =495th at xelm ——= $30 4.30 An incompressible fluid flows past a turbine blade as, v shown in Fig. P4.30a and Video V4.5. Far upstream and down- stream of the blade the velocity is Vo. Measurements show that the velocity of the fluid along streamline A~F near the blade is as indicated in Fig. P4.30b. Sketch the streamwise component of acceleration, a,, as a function of distance, s, along the stream- line, Discuss the important characteristics of your result. ! t i 2 i t NZ — ZE so * FIGURE P4.30 w a,= vt where from the figure of V = Vis) the fonction En has the following shape. The fluid decelerafes from Ato C, accelerates from C to), and the decelerates again trom D #0F. The net acceleration from AtoF is zero (1.0, y= K-Ve), eae 431 ® ee 4.31* Air flows steadily through a variable x(n) _u(ftls) —_x(in.)__u (ft/s) area pipe with a velocity of V = u(x)i ft/s, where . A 0 10.0 7 20.1 the approximate measured values of u(x) are given i a A an in the table. Plot the acceleration as a function A sia 5 nats of x for 0 = x < 12 in, Plot the acceleration if 5 ba fa TiS the flowrate is increased by a factor of N (j.e., : 4 283 ul 103 the values of u are increased by a factor of N), 5 ata is eo for N = 2,4, 10. i al a fo Since u=Ucr) , v=0, and w=0 it follows that @=-3e +000 simplities to &= yl where a= Uy o The values u are given in the table ; the corresponding valves of 24 can be obtained by an approximate numerical differentiation as given in Program P¥#3! shown below, Note that since G%=u 4 i follows that and increase in yelecily from U to Nu increases the acceleration from a to Nay 100 els 110 open "prn" for output as #1 120 dim u(14), n(4) 425 w(1)=10.0': w(2)=10.2 : u(3)=13.0 : ule)=20.1 : ul5 430 u(6)=28.4 ¢ u(7)=25.8 : ulB)=20.1 : u(9)=17.u : ul10)=13.5 135 u(11)=11.9 : u(12)=10.3 : u(13)=10.0 : u(14)=10.0 140 n(1)=1 : n(2)=2 2 n(3 : n(4)=10 Ted Rr inti.1, Ope SRSp GSO EES AG IESE TED ASHI IDOS IDO IASI 0 print#i, "** This program calculates the acceleration **" 170 print#1, "** as a function of position. wen 180 Dnt E71, HESBE SESS RSD EO EU OIRO OE AOE IIE OCT 200 print#1, "" 210 for i = 1 to & 220 print#1, """ 230 print#1, using "For N = ##"in(i) 240 print#1, "x, in. u, ft/s a, ft/s2" 300 for j = 1 to 12 310 a = n(i)72*((u(s+2) + ul5))/2)*C(uCS42) = w65))/(2/12)) 320 uavg = (u(s+1) + u(5))/2 330 x= 3 - 0.5 340 print#1, using "###.# AHHH HERERO OOO" Ex uavge,a 380 next 3 360 next i Nole that although the velocity data, u=Ucx), appears to be quite “smooth”, the acceleration result, a= U Se , is somewhat irregular (especially tor X>7in.). (con't) 4-25 [Ba (con't) ft/s, 10.1 31.6 16.5 24.2 28.3 27.2 23.0 18.8 15.4 12.7 qi.a 10.1 10.0 30 u, fis 20 10 ~1000 ~ 2000 For N a, ft/s2 x, i +2.424E+01 0,5, +3.898E+02 115 #1.G10E#03 215, 42.381Et03 3.5 #3,402E+01 415, -8.455E#02 515, -1,570E#03 6.5 -6.075E+02 715 -7.231E#02 a5 -2.438E#02 9.15 -2.131E+02 10.5 -3.654E+01 1115 +0.000E+00 12:5 ne ROSS B ERIS SEES ERAS S SEIS EIS FIERA IACI IOC %* This program calculates the acceleration ** ** as a function of position. JRO IG SDIS SISOS SI IS SCS SBE IO aI AIO SII IDE EE ee a, ft/s2 +2.424E+03 +3. 898E+04 +1.410E+05 +2.381E+05 +3. 402E+03 -8.455E+04 -1.570E+05 -6.075E404 -7.231E+04 -2.438E+04 -2.131E+04 -3, 654E+03 +0.000E+00 4-26 32 4.32 Assume the temperature of the exhaust in an exhaust pipe can be approximated by T = TA + ae™)[1 + ¢ cos(wt)], where Ty = 100°C, a = 3, b = 0.03 m™', c = 0.05, and = 100 rad/s. If the exhaust speed is a constant 2 m/s, determine the time rate of change of temp- erature of the fluid particles at x = 0 and x = 4m when t = 0. Since u=2% ,v=0, and w=0 it follows that oT _ 47,7. -27 a aT aT _ oT aT BE GE TVVT = op ty tay twas =r ty Thus, Raz (1408) Cow sinlut)+UT, (I+¢ costut)(-ab &**) When t=03 DT. ~ abut (ite) DE , or with the given data, DT « -(3)(0.03;4)(28)(100%) (140.08) 6 * 18.9 e@ 2% “E , where X~m Thus, 2F=-18.9%E at x=0, #0 and 3 at X= 4m, £-0 $33" 4.33* As is indicated in Fig. P4.33, the speed of exhaust in a car’s exhaust pipe varies in time and distance because of the periodic nature of the engine's operation and the damping effect with distance from the engine. Assume that the speed is given by V = V,{1 + ae~™ sin(cof)], where = V, = 8 fps. a = 0.05. b = 0.2 ft"!, and w = 50 rad/s. Calculate and plot the fluid acceleration at en = Voll + ae PF sinist} Since u=Utx,t) , v=0, and w=0 it follows that a= VsiWe-al, where a= $f ud QM Thus, with w= Vell +a€?*sin(wt)] Ep.) gives a= Vo aw & * castut) +Ve[I4a &™*sin(wt)] ab) &”*sin (wt) = ae ™*[w cost) ~%b sin lot) (Itae>*sin(wt))] With V,-8 8 4, = 005 , b=0.2 FF , and w = 50 “ed this becomes dy =O e°*T 0 cos(50t) 1.6 sin(Sot) (140.05 6° "in (sot))| fa ee where t~s and x~ ft Plot ay from Ep.(2) for Ob 0, is the particle at point x = x» > 0 and y = 0 accelerating or decelerating? Explain. Repeat if x5 <0. Since U= CO? -y?) and v= -2exy it follows that B= al taf , where a= ot tug vy = C(x*y*)(2ex) +(-2exy)(-2ey) or Gy = 2C7X(x*+y?) and a= tue ray =¢(x*-y2)(-2cy) t-2exy)E2cx) ay = 2c?y(x*4y4) For X=Xp and y=O we obtain* u=cx2 , v=o an Qy= 20°Xe , ay=O Thus, with C>0 and X»>0 ft follows that U>2, O70; é0,, the fliid is accelerating. With ©>0 and X,<0 it follows that U>O, a<0; ¢.8, the fluid is decelerating. , 4-37 [AeeT 444 Water flows through the curved hose shown in Fig. 4.44 with an increasing speed of V = 10r ft/s, where tis in seconds. For 1 = 2s determine (a) the component of acceler- ation along the streamline, (b) the component of acceleration normal to the streamline, and (e) the net acceleration (magnitude and direction) &= 20% a) a.= Maye, bot 4 =0 | Th, * vit = 10 HE for all t. b aH = Wille. 60 8 or an] = (2h = 208 t*2s _ c) Aba2s G= ah tah = isr20n £ ss Tél iS tar] [2 +207 w 224 and 6 =arctan(3¢) = 63.¥° 4-38 [ae] 4.45 _ Water flows steadily through the funnel shown in Fig. 4.45, Throughout most ofthe funnel the flow is approxi radial (along rays from 0) with a velocity of V = ¢/r? the radial coordinate and c is a constant. Ifthe velocit (0.4 m/s when r = 0.1 m, determine the acceleration at points Aand B. FIGURE P4.45 @=anhta,$, where an= (om) Ou) my A At point B+ 2410 ulm poe Ss = 1.48 9 = (0.1187 y= ve =H =0 since Rem (ce, the streamlines t Also, a=Vit=-V3, — VeS a Since V= 0.42 when r= 0.lm it flows that ws C= Vr? =(0.4.2)(0.1m)? = 4x/0" Bor V= 2 where rm oan a 2 [louPeloas? = 0.1167m 6 4.46 Water flows through the slit at the bottom of a two- dimensional water trough as shown in Fig. P4.46. Throughout most of the trough the flow is approximately radial (along rays from 0) with a velocity of V = ¢/r, where r is the radial co- ordinate and c is a constant. If the velocity is 0.04 m/s when r= 0.1 m, determine the acceleration at points A and B. FIGURE P4.46 D=a,h+a$, where an= x0 since R=* (Le, te steumlne Ir Also, ag=V3¢ =-V3E, where V= = are ira Since V= 0.042 when r=0.lm jit follows that 53 c= Vr = (0.042)(0.1m) = #x107 2 Ale" WD where h~m , or Ve 447 4.47 Air flows from a pipe into the region between two parallel circular disks as shown in Fig. P4.47. The fluid velocity in the gap between the disks is closely approximated by V = V4RIr, where R is the radius of the disk, r is the radial coordinate, and V; is the fluid velocity at the edge of the disk. Determine the acceleration for r = 1, 2, or 3 ft if Vo = 5 ft/s and R = 3 ft FIGURE P4. 47 G=aqa+ as, where are =0 sines Ree (ie the sey Also, as = vitay where i Since Vest and R=3tt, V= F ip where r~ft Pa is £34" or=()¢ 8) = ae = - RT ALrelit, q= 225 & Al r=2ft, as= 281 Atr=3ft, ae= 8.335% 4-41 [ave] 4.48 Air flows from a pipe into the region between a cir- cular disk and a cone as shown in Fig. P4.4B The fluid velocity in the gap between the disk and the cone is closely approximated by V = VoR?/r?, where R is the radius of the disk, r is the radial coordinate, and Vp is the fluid velocity atthe edge of the disk, Determine the acceleration for r = 0.5 and 2 ftif Vo = 5 fi/s and R = 2 fi FIGURE P4.48 Also, a,- V3 =V%, where Ve ¥E AL r=0stt, a= -25,600 4 Al r=2H, a= -254 44D > A 2 . . T=a,h +a,8 where an=%=0 since Ree (és, the streamlines are straight) ue amt) ( aN). ata 2(s2)(28)" __ 900, a, =(5 )(- 7) =~ ps = He r [44] eae ee an ore erent Se Fat in tna nlm ciety a = ead a nce va leans eed ae 1 = 0, Determine the position of these particles, denoted by line A'-B’, when 1 = 0.20 s. Use the volume of fluid in the region ae ee er re an pot tor a pas opal slong Ine C-D; along line E-F. Compare your three answers. FIGURE P4.49 Since V is constant in time and space, all particles on line AB move a distance Q= Vat =(20-£) (0.28) = 4m from t=0 to t= 0.26 Thus, the volume of ABR'B is Yang = (2,.5m)°(4m) = 1.00 m? 7 that Magy! = co a ae as from t=0 tot-0.2s the flvid along lines CD and EF move to CD‘ and EF irgepectively. Also, ne’! = Yere'r’ = Yank’ so that we obtain g-% = 5.0% regardless which line we consider. 4,50 20m _B B’ 4m. 4.50 Repeat Problem 4.49if the velocity pro- , file is linear from{0 to 20 m/s across the duct as shown in Fig. P4.50. / / 2m. nore 4.50 From t0 to + 0.2.5 the particle initially at B trevels a distance Ag = Va at = (20%)(025) =m as shoun while one at A travels a distance Lp = Vq at the channel is 20 ft wide. ia 4 FIGURE P4.51 Q= YA,- VA = (10 #) (1.24081) ~ (3 £)(1.0 H)(20F#) = /32 4,52 |452 At time r= 0 the valve on an ‘as p = pl — e-*), where b is a constant, de- empty (perfect vacuum, p = 0) tank is opened termine the time rate of change of mass within and air rushes in, If the tank has a volume of ¥, the tank. and the density of air within the tank increases For £20, p=@[I-E"] 50 that M= mass of air in tank . = ee [Ie Thus, = egb em ev ate lie] 4-44 4.54 D 454 Air enters an elbow with a uniform speed of 10 m/s Fa as shown in Fig. P4.54. At the exit of the elbow the velocity Poti profile is not uniform. In fact, there is a region of separation or cI | reverse flow. Te fixed contol volume ABCD coincides with Lou the system at time ¢ = 0, Make a sketch to indicate (a) the velome AD system at time r= 0.01 s and (b) the fluid that has entered and Contra volume exited the control volume in that time period. From t=0 to t=0.0ls particles A,B, ,D,and E move the following distances? = Vadt = (102) (0.015) =0.lm = dp 6, = Va t= (5) (0.018) =0,05m Soe VY dt= (5B) (001s) 0.15 , and 6b, =O Thus, tlvid along lines AD and BEC originally moves to lines A'd' and BEC! shown below. system at t=0 -——— system at £0.01 Ld, ‘vid that exited control volume \A\ flvid that entered control volume A-4S, 455 4.58 A layer of oll flows down a vertical plate as shown in Fig. P4.55 with a velocity of V = (Vo/h?) (2hx ~ x2) § where Vo and h are constants. (a) Show that the fluid sticks to the plate and that the shear stress at the edge of the layer (x = h) is zero. (b) Determine the flowrate across surface AB. Assume the width of the plate is 6. (Note: The velocity profile for laminar flow Piste in a pipe has a similar shape, See Video V6.6.) a) we # (2hx -x) Thus, (0-0) =O and a| x=0 | -p Elen bps -2x| <0 xh xeh Xch Hence, the fluid sticks to the plate and there is no shear stress al the free surface. ach h 8) Oy = (ar da = [ar be {% (2hx x2) de or h ° One = YP [hxt-gaxé| = Ebb oo. 4,56 4.56 Water flows in the branching pipe shown in Fig. P4.56 With uniform velocity at each inlet and outlet The fixed control volume indicated coincides with the system at time ¢ = 20 s. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the boundary of the system at time = 20.2, (b) the fluid that left the control volume during that 0.2-8 interval, and (c) the fluid that entered the control volume during that time interval. V, = 2mis === Control volume Vp = 1 mis FIGURE P4.56 Since Vis constant , the flid travels a distance £= V8t in time at. Thus, 4=V, bt = (2-F) (20. -20)s = 0.4m Lz Va & = (1B) (20, -20)8 = 0.2m and J,= Vj dt = (2.54)(20. -20)s = 050m The system at #=20.2s and the tlid that has entered or exited the control volume are indicated in the Figure below. Ul: low into control vol. flow out of contre] vol, Yo oy 4m — — — control volume wees ee system at £=202s we Flow into control vol. 4-47 457 4.57 Two liquids with different densities and viscosities fil the gap between parallel plates as shown in Fig. P4.57. The bot- tom plate is fixed: the top plate moves with a speed of 2 fis. ‘The velocity profile consists of two linear segements as indi- cated. The fixed control volume ABCD coincides with the sys- tem at time 1 = 0, Make a sketch to indicate (a) the system at time 1 = 0.1 s and (b) the fluid that has entered and exited the control volume in that time period. B FIGURE P4.57 The fluid at y=-0.4H (the botiem plate ) remains stationany, At yo the tid speed is 1.5 ¥% so that at time #= 0's has moved to the right a distance X= Vé= 15H (01s) = 0/SH. In the same time period the top plate and the flvid stuck to # has moved a distance x= 2£ (o/s) 0.24. Since the velocity profile is piecewise linear, the ends of the system will move so that lines Ab and BC remain straight, This is indicated in the sketch below. y ott ott a F oe ——— pd fluid that fluid thet | Y/ tied tt o ‘ exited control aunt TY im volume j x ye taistt ive Boge meer nice! — — — contre! volume wo-e------ system at 1*0./s $48 4 SE 4.58 Water is squirted from a syringe with a speed of V = 5 m/s by pushing in the plunger with a speed of V, = 0.03 m/s as shown in Fig, P4.58, The surface of the deforming control volume consists ofthe sides and end of the cylinder and the end of the plunger. The system consists of the water in the syringe at 1 = 0 when the plunger is at section (1) as shown. ‘Make a sketch to indicate the control surface and the system when 1 = 05 5. FIGURE P4.58 During thet =0.5s time interval the plunger moves J,= Vp St =0.015m and the water initially at the exit moves L=Vét =2.5m. The corresponding control surfaces and systems at t=0 and t<0.5s shown in the figure below. —— — control volume at t=0.5s system af f=05s Hy 4ST 4.59 Water enters a 5-ft-wide, 1-ft-deep channel as shown in Fig. P4.59. Across the inlet the water velocity is 6 fi/s in the center portion of the channel and 1 ft/s in the remainder of it. Farther downstream the water flows at a uniform 2 ft/s velocity across the entire channel. The fixed control volume ABCD coincides with the system at time 1 = 0. Make a sketch to indicate (a) the system at time r= 0.5 s and (b) the fluid that has entered and exited the control volume in that time period = ~ Control surface & FIGURE P4.59 During the ¢=0.5s tims interval the fluid that was along line BC at time t=0 has moved to the right a distance BeV 1224 (055) =/#, Similarly, portions of the flvid along line AD have moved L=1# (0.55) = 0s and b= 64 (055) <3, Ths assumes the 1f and 62 flvid streams do not imix or interm/ngle during the ass time interval. See figure below. entered fluid that control Volome prascmecas senna eect ity — — — fixed control volme peceeeeeee- System at #=0.5s5 4.60 4.60 Water flows through the 2-m-wide rectangular channel A > shown in Fig, P4,60 with a uniform velocity of 3 m/s. (a) Di- ——————- rectly integrate Eq, 4.16 with b = 1 to determine the mass flowrate (kg/s) across section CD of the conteol volume. (b) 2! om Repeat par (a) with b = 1/p, where p isthe density, Explain ? the physical interpretation of the answer to part (b) _ By =f ob Vida 7? o out yal = oe on With b=l and VA =Vcosb this becomes A a ” ‘ / of Spvew? dA = cos fa =VcorO Ay , where Ay pe 1-28 osm =(25P) (am) =(xa-)m Thus, with V=3m/s, By = (32) coed (alg) m* (999 $,) = 20002 out b) With b= //e £.l)) becomes Buy =f Vda =(Veos0 di = Voud A, a e ; =(32) cov (ata) 2 = ack With b= Ye = TH) = get it fells thal “B = velme” (é0, b= Goa) so that (VAAA = By represents the volms flowrate (m%) from the control volome. 4-51 4.61 4461 The wind blows across a field with an approximate velocity profile as shown in Fig. P4.61. Use Eq. 4.16 with the parameter b equal to the velocity to determine the momentum flowrate across the vertical surface A~B, which is of unit depth into the paper. ub BD ot = > a S " iH > s <= 210 ft Thus, 0 20 z 7 2. 2 By = fe Ta) dy + fas) |= ¢ =O 00236 S28) 750 ff +2250 55 HY jt = zn sli, ft 1S ts m FIGURE P4.61 ye2oft “AdA = ¢ (vateve-t) (iidy yso , iboet| 0 “e225 71] ° ° oe osyslot(ée, V=0 at yzo, Vers aty=/0) 4-52,

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