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Chapter 13

SEGMENT REPORTING- CORE PRINCIPLE  NOT necessarily a manager with a

specific title.
 Function- allocate resources to the
The core principle of the standard on segment segments and assess their
reporting (PFRS 8) emphasises the importance of performance.
segment disclosures that enables users of the
financial statements to evaluate the nature and IDENTIFYING OPERATING SEGMENT
financial effects of the operations, and the
economic environment in which an entity Management Approach
 Identified through the basis of internal
SEGMENT REPORTING- disclosure of certain reports that are regularly viewed by the
financial information about the products and CODM
services an entity produces and the geographical  For internal management relating
areas in which an entity operates. purposes
 PURPOSE- to enable investors and
users make better assessment of IDENTIFICATION OF REPORTABLE
each business activity leading to the SEGMENTS
understanding of the
PERFORMANCE of the entity as a Once an operating segment has been identified
WHOLE. the entity needs to report segment information if
the segment meets any of the following
quantitative thresholds:
PFRS 8 applies to the separate or individual
1. its reported revenue (external and inter-
financial statements of an entity (and to the
consolidated financial statements of a group with segment) is 10% or more of the combined
a parent): revenue, internal and external, of all
a. Whose debt or equity instruments are operating segments
traded in a public market 2. its reported profit or loss is 10% or more of
b. That files, or is in the process of filing, its the greater, in absolute amount, of
(consolidated) financial statements with a a. the combined profit of all operating
securities commission or other regulatory
segments that did not report a loss
organisation for the purpose of issuing any
class of instruments in a public market. and
b. the combined loss of all operating
IDENTIFICATION OF OPERATING SEGMENTS segments that reported a loss or
3. its assets are 10% or more of the combined
PFRS 8 defines an operating segment as a assets of all operating segments.
component of an entity:
 that engages in business activities OVERALL SIZE TEST- 75% THRESHOLD
from which it may earn revenues
and incur expenses (including PFRS 8 states that if the total external turnover
revenues and expenses relating to reported by the operating segments identified by
transactions with other components the size criteria is less than 75% of total entity
of the same entity) 
revenue then additional segments need to be
 whose operating results are
reviewed regularly by the entity's reported on until the 75% level is reached.
chief operating decision maker to
make decisions about resources to AGGREGATION OF SEGMENTS
be allocated to the segment and
assess its performance and  Two or more operating segments may be
 for which discrete financial combined into a single operating segment if:
information is available Aggregation is consistent with the core
principle of this standard, to allow users of the
financial statements make informed decisions o Measurement of these amounts
based on the financial statements. shall be on the same basis as
The segments have similar economic reported to chief operating decision
characteristics and are similar in each of the maker;
following areas: o On top of the total amounts of profit
 nature of the products and services or loss, assets and liabilities, the
 nature of the production process entity shall present the information
 type or class of customer for their products about specified revenues and
and services expenses (revenues from external
 methods used to distribute their products customers, internal revenues,
or provide their services, and depreciation and others);
 if applicable, the nature of the regulatory o Entity should provide the
environment, for example, banking insurance or explanation of the measurement
public utilities. basis, including the explanation of
nature of differences between the
LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF SEGMENT amounts reported per segments and
total entity's amounts
 if the number of reportable segment 3. Reconciliations
exceeds 10- information become too The entity should reconcile total amount
detailed and consequently lose its per operating segments with total amount
usefulness. reported in the entity's financial
statements for:
o Profit or loss;
 shall continue to be reported separately in o Assets;
the current period even if it no longer o Liabilities;
meets any of the 10% quantitative o Other material information.
threshold for reportability. 4. Entity-wide information- additional
o Information about products and
 segment data for a prior period presented  Revenue from external
for comparative purposes shall be customers for each product
RESTATED to reflect the newly reportable and service
segment even if that segment did not o Information about geographical
satisfy any of the quantitative threshold in areas, namely:
 Revenues from external
the prior period.
customers (in the country of
 NOT BE RESTATED if the necessary domicile and in foreign
information is NOT available and the cost countries;
to develop it would be excessive.  Certain non-current assets(in
the country of domicile and in
SEGMENT o Information about major customers
 Total amount
What information to disclose?  Identity of segment.

Once the segment has been identified as

reportable, the entity must disclose the following

1. General information:
o Factors used to identify reportable
operating segments;
o Judgements used in applying the
aggregation criteria;
o Types of products and services
generating revenues.
2. Information about profit or loss, assets
and liabilities

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