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Pg 91 - Ambition - the biggest poison

Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from

behind their eyes He smiles upon the earth.
These are the highest peaks of consciousness, beauty, love.
Everybody has the potential to become the hands of God, the
eyes of God. And unless you become that, you have missed
the very point of your life.

Almustafa is right when he says that the true giver is not

concerned to attain some joy by giving. His joy is in
searching for someone to whom he can give who is receptive,
who is open, who will not feel offended.
And is there aught you would withhold?
All you have shall some day be given;
Therefore give you now…
Death will take everything away. Hence, never be worried
about giving. Life has given to you, life will take it away.
Why miss the chance of the joy of giving? Why miss the
chance of becoming the hands of God, and the eyes of God?
…that the season of giving may be yours and not your
People collect for their inheritors. This is wrong for two
reasons: one, you miss the chance of giving; secondly,
whoever is going to inherit your money will miss the chance
of earning it himself. You have destroyed two persons –
yourself and your children.

You should love, not because of any reason; you should love
because you are so overflowing with love.

Existence treats everyone equally. The sun does not rise only
for the rich people; neither is the full-moon night dedicated to
the presidents and prime ministers of the world. When the
wind blows and brings fragrance, it does not bother whether
you are a famous man or just a nobody.
Existence is pure communism, it treats everybody equally.
The saint and the sinner are not demarcated. The water will
not say to the sinner, “You cannot quench your thirst because
you are a sinner. I am here for the saints.” Just learn
something from existence, because this is the only holy
scripture. I don’t know any other scripture which is holy – but
nature is innocent, pure, sacred.
If we had listened to nature, man would have been part of this
tremendous equality: respect for all, reverence for life. But
man has forgotten the ways of nature, he has become
absolutely unnatural. His misery is a by-product of his being

History seems to be obsessed with the

murderers, with the powerful, with people who have created
all kinds of nuisance in the world and have not been a help or
a blessing but a curse.

life is
herenow – not after death; don’t wait. And life is in love, life
is in being creative, life is in understanding your innermost
being. Because only then can you become a constantly
overflowing source of beauty, love, and joy.
Who cares about life after death? Life is before death, and if
you can live totally there is no death for you. This is the
experience of all those who have entered into silence. They
have witnessed the greatest miracle: that their innermost core,
their consciousness, is eternal. Life can take away the clothes,
the bodies, but life cannot destroy you. But only the creator –
and a creator out of love – transcends death.

The man who lives in the present, unburdened of past and

future, knows the taste of freedom. He has no chains – chains
of memories, chains of desires. These are the real chains
which bind your soul and never allow you to live the moment
that is yours. As far as I am concerned, I don’t see that
without a meditative mind one can ever be in freedom.

You shall be free indeed when your days are not without a
care nor your nights without a want and a grief…
It seems man has fallen into such a trap. He is not even as free
as the birds of the sky, or the wild animals of the forest. There
are so many fetters around him, and he has accepted them.

When your days are free of care, your nights are bound to be
without grief, because the same day is reflected in your
nights. If the whole day you are disturbed and worried, and
hankering and desiring and feeling frustrated, your nights will
be nightmares. But if you are living each moment in its
totality, with intensity, with your wholeness, your nights will
be calm and quiet, relaxed and peaceful. Not even a dream
can disturb you, because dreams come from unfulfilled life,
from repressed life.

Freud would have been very surprised if he had come to the

East, and gone to see the aboriginals who live deep in the
forests. I have visited them, and the most surprising thing is
that they don’t have any dreams. They know the real depth
and relaxation of life. Naturally, in the morning they are more
alive, younger, more fresh, to face the day and to live it again
totally. The condition of the civilized man is just the opposite.
He not only dreams in the night. Anytime, sit in your chair,
relax and close your eyes, and some dream starts floating by.
You are not living. You only desire to live. You are hoping to
live someday, hoping that this night is not going to be forever,
that sometime there must be dawn. But for the slave there is
no dawn. He has to live in darkness, without even becoming
aware that there is such a thing as light.
Don’t take your so-called life for granted. This is not life at
all. You have to go through a revolution; and that revolution
has nothing to do with any politics, with any economics. It
has something to do with your spirituality and an awareness –
when your innermost core is full of light, your outer light also
starts reflecting it.

Except in man, there exists no slavery in the world. And to

get out of it is not difficult. It is not a question of your slavery
clinging to you. The reality is you are clinging to your

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