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The Power of self-love

I am a firm believer in the power of self-love and what it can do to someone’s life.

Practicing self-love helps me get through my day no matter what is going on in my life. Some

days are way harder than others when it comes to loving myself. I am the kind of person who

either is super confidence or I do not want to be seen by anyone if I am having a off day. When I

feel my days with positive thoughts it not only helps my mental health but it helps me be more

productive. On days that I am feeling unconfident, not worthy, or sad it helps me to take a

minute and remind myself that I am enough for myself and that is all that matters. Being able to

loving myself even on the darkest days is the type of love that matters the most to me. I believe

in self-love and all the amazing powers that come along with it.

I have always struggled with my weight which is one of my biggest insecurities. The past

year I have taken up a love for the gym and trying to better myself. Being able to work on myself

at the gym helps me overcome negative thoughts about my body. The gym has turned into a

place that helps bring me so much self-love and makes my mental health so much better. Going

to the gym gives me the ability to work on the things that I consider my biggest flaws. It is one of

the best things that I’ve ever done for myself. I never would have thought that the gym would

better not just my body, but my mental health also.

There are several different ways to practice self-love which is truly an amazing thing.

Being able to accept all the flaws I have is something I work on every day in many different

ways. Putting my own happiness first is a form of self-love that I’ve been working on a lot lately.

I’ve always had a problem with never putting myself first because I am scared of losing the

people who are ruining my happiness. Using the excuse of “loving’ someone is not a good

enough reason to keep them in their life. It has taken me a long time to realize the fact that
putting myself first is more than okay. My biggest flaw in life is keeping people in my life who

only damage my mental health. Once I started realizing that it is okay to ley those people go, I

found myself getting happier every day. Choosing your own self is okay and it should be a

regular thing for every single person.

Something I have realized while practicing self-love is that it is okay to be selfish. I used

to put everyone’s needs before mine which really drained my mental health. I tried for too long

to please everyone when I should have been working on myself that whole time. Not everyone is

going to like me which is okay. Sometimes when I am having a day where I can feel myself

slipping into a dark place, I will just stay away from everyone. My friends that I have now

completely understand when I have days like that because they do to. I would rather cancel my

plans that day to focus on feeling better than going out and ruining the progress I have made. I

am too busy working on my mental health to let anyone ruin that for me. Being selfish when it

comes to choosing yourself is not a bad thing at all.

Waking up every day and reminding myself that I am enough is something beautifully

powerful. When I wake up and tell myself that I end up starting my day feeling good and happy.

I try to start my day in positively and end it in positively. Self-love is the most important thing to

me and I will continue to practice it for the rest of my life. On the days I do not feel worthy I am

taking the time I need to remind myself that I am indeed worthy. I believe strongly that when

you love yourself you will feel like a powerful person who is capable of anything. Believing in

yourself is leads you to amazing experiences in life.

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