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Research Log #6 - Solutionary Project 2020

Date: March 10th, 2020

Name: Kyla Billena
Essential Question: How do stray animals have a negative effect on society?
Three Points to Prove: #1: Stray animals spread diseases/infections to the public.

#2: Stray animals cause traffic accidents.

#3: Stray animals can attack local residents as well as their pets.

Point that this Source Proves: #2: Stray animals cause traffic accidents.

Excerpts (These should provide insight into the Point to Prove):

In the interview portion of the documentary, the interviewee explains, “A lot of these animals that we see
are actually owned by people that are not in compliance and following the laws and they’re just letting
their pets roam”.

She also says, “I think your animals that are very social and want to be with people, it’s going to be a
much harder time being on the streets and a street environment especially if they’re not street savvy”.

In the documentary, she explains “Whereas your truly stray feral dogs and feral cats do very well on their
own, so they’ve survived this long. They know how to get around, they know where their food sources

Analysis (How does this source support the Point to Prove?):

In the interview portion of the documentary, the interviewee explains, “A lot of these animals that
we see are actually owned by people that are not in compliance and following the laws and they’re just
letting their pets roam”. This means that most of the animals that are living on the streets are animals who
have either been abandoned by their owner or have run away from them. Stray animals can range from
lost pets to feral dogs and cats. Any animal that is living on the street is at risk of being hit by oncoming
vehicles as one can hit the animal without even seeing it. Some of these animals don’t know any better,
which is why animals living on the streets are a safety hazard.
She also says, “I think your animals that are very social and want to be with people, it’s going to
be a much harder time being on the streets and a street environment especially if they’re not street savvy”.
Meaning that those animals who depend on being with people are going to struggle by being alone out on
the streets. These animals are usually lost pets or pets that have been abandoned by their owners. They are
used to being taken care of and fed by their owners, which is why living out on their own is scary for
them. Since these animals are living by themselves for the first time, they may not know how to take care
of themselves and that can put their lives in danger.
In the documentary, she explains “Whereas your truly stray feral dogs and feral cats do very well
on their own, so they’ve survived this long. They know how to get around, they know where their food
sources are”. Dogs and cats that have lived on the street for a long period of time know how to take care
of themselves as opposed to animals that are lost pets. These feral dogs and cats are known to be more
independent and street smart. Since feral dogs and cats are living without proper care, they know how to
survive without the help of others. They know where to get their food, how to get around, and what/what
not to do.

Work Cited (correct MLA format):

“Stray Animals Documentary” Youtube, uploaded by Carley Carroll, 19 May 2015,

This is a reputable and reliable article because the interviewee in the interview portion of the
documentary was very knowledgeable as she works in an animal shelter in Dallas.


This week, I have continued to do research as well as put together my outline. One interesting thing that I

learned through research this week is that most of the animals that are living on the streets are lost pets

and animals that have run away from their owners. Now I fully understand why it is so important to

microchip as well as spay or neuter your own pet. Microchipping is extremely helpful as it can help to

reunite these lost pets with their owners. I plan on emailing the Hawaiian Humane Society sometime this

weekend or early next week to schedule the second interview for this Solutionary Project. I want to email

them as soon as possible to get the second interview schedule. I also plan on asking if it is okay to

conduct this interview over the phone or on FaceTime. I also plan on emailing Anne, who is the Youth
Programs Coordinator, at the Hawaiian Humane Society to talk to her about any way we can fulfill the

community service portion of this project. I want to have my outline done soon so that I can begin putting

my essay together since that is going to be due. Finishing my outline and second interview are the two

main things that I want to focus on this weekend and over spring break. I hope to update my website over

spring break as well. I want to update my website and schedule my second interview early next week

because I want to be able to relax over this spring break. I’m excited that we are making progress on this


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