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Boy 15 years old after a blunt abdominal trauma.

He fell in a skate park on the steering

wheel, injuring his left side. Complaints of pain in upper left quadrant.

Objectively: glasgow coma scale 15. Breathes spontaneously. Blood pressure 80/50mmHg,
heart rate 110x/min. On palpation abdomen diffusely painful, muscle resistance in left side
and hypogastrium.

Bloods: Hb 14,3 mg/dL, Lei-13,000/mm3.

FAST- free fluid in abdominal cavity

CT abdomen: III grade spleen rupture. II grade left kidney rupture,without involmemnt of
collection system. Free fluid in abdominal cavity. Retroperitoneal hematoma.

1. What does FAST mean?

2. Does the patient need additional diagnostics such as x-ray or laparocentesis?
3. Do you need to take any immediate action? If so, what and why?
4. What are the indications for surgical treatment? Type and volume of surgery?
5. Principles for conservative treatment?
6. Rehabilitation?

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