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Privileged & Confidential


Study Title: <<Hand Movements>>
Study Lead Researcher: <<Hasan Shibly>>, <<>>

This is a voluntary study undertaken by Lionbridge (“Research Company”) on behalf a consumer technology
company (“Study Sponsor”).

What is the purpose of this Consent?

You are receiving this Informed Consent Form (“Consent”) because you have been asked to participate in a voluntary
research study. This Consent is intended to inform you of:
1. The purpose of this study and what you will be asked to do as part of this study;
2. The information that may be collected from you as part of this study and how your information will be used or
disclosed in the study;
3. The potential risks and discomforts associated with this study; and
4. How you may withdraw from the study and what happens to your information after you withdraw.
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary and you may decline to participate or
stop/withdraw your participation at any time. If you do not take part in the study, you will not lose any benefits to
which you are otherwise entitled. You do not have to sign this Consent, but if you do not, you will not be able to
participate in this study. If you decide to take part, you will receive a signed copy of this Consent.


WHY IS THIS STUDY BEING DONE? The objective of this study is to collect information, including video images
such as video of participants walking, moving their hands and fingers, and clapping, that will enable the Study
Sponsor to better understand how to design and develop its products, technologies, and services.


Intake / Receipt of Instructions (5 – 15 minutes):

• Before you begin your data collection, you will be provided with this Consent), which explains what data you will be
asked to collect and why. Please review this Consent carefully and feel free to ask questions.
• A member of the study team from Research Company will provide you with additional instructions regarding what
activity(ies) to perform and how to capture the video and provide it to Research Company.
• You will be asked to undertake the data collection for the study with another participant who you will designate and
who will also sign a separate but identical Consent (the “Partner Participant”).

Video Capture (1-2 minutes):

• You will be asked to work with your Partner Participant to capture a video while performing particular actions, such
as walking, moving your hands and fingers, clapping, or extending/contracting your arms. Please perform any actions
as naturally as possible.
• You may be asked to capture the video with specific variations, including : different camera angles, in different lighting
scenarios (i.e., indoors/outdoors, night/day, bright light/low light), at various distances from the camera, while moving
your hands and arms at varying speeds (i.e., fast or slow movement), or while interacting with your Partner Participant.
• Each video will be approximately 30 seconds in length.

WHERE WILL THIS STUDY TAKE PLACE? You can record the video in any setting in which you feel comfortable,
and where you can make sure that the video only captures images of you and your Partner Participant, and no one
else, per the directions you receive. You should ensure that no directly identifying features of yourself, and the Partner
Participant, or any other persons (such as images of faces or voice recording that includes you or the Partner Participant
saying things that could identify you, eg, using names) appears or is included in the video. You should also : (i) ensure
that your chosen setting does not include items that could identify you or the Partner Participant (e.g. readable address
or name, photographs of you or family on walls, prescripton medication bottles) and (ii) take care to remove any
personal items from plain view that you do not want recorded (e.g. sensitive photographs).


The overall study is targeting enrollment of at least 2,500 participants.

HOW LONG WILL MY PARTICIPATION IN THIS STUDY TAKE? The actual video capture you will be asked to
undertake for the study will take between 1 and 2 minutes, but the entire time required for you to participate in the task
may take up to 30 minutes or so, depending on how long it takes you to setup to take the videos and upload them.
Privileged & Confidential

WHO CAN PARTICIPATE IN THIS STUDY? You, and the Partner Participant, must be 18 years old or over to
participate in this Study.

WHAT DATA WILL BE COLLECTED? As part of this Study, certain information will be collected from you (we call
this “Study Data”) and used as described in this Consent. Study Data includes the following:
 Contact Information: <<name, email, ethnicity>>)
 Video: Video of your hands, arms, feet, upper body. The video may also include images of your face, if you
weren’t successful in avoiding it or you didn’t realize your face was captured. The Study Sponsor will not use
these images.
 Biometric Data: in certain circumstances, there is the slight possibility that the video images you collect could
incidentally include images of your fingerprints. The Study Sponsor did not intend for these images to be
collected and will not use these images and the Research Company is required to try and blur these images
when they see them on the video.
 Demographic Data: Age, gender, and Race/Ethnicity

Your Study Data will be kept confidential except if disclosure is required by law or as described in this Consent.

Your Contact Information will be held confidentially by the staff of Research Company that is conducting the study
(“Study Staff”) and access to it will be limited to those Study Staff who need access in order to administer and conduct
the study. Your Contact Information and other directly identifying information, if any, will be separated and maintained
securely apart from the rest of your Study Data and replaced with a random code that is unique to you, but which is not
based on any information about you (we call this “Coded Study Data”).

The Study Sponsor will receive the Coded Study Data and will not have access to any of your Contact Information or
other Study Data that may directly identify you, except as stated below.

USE, DISCLOSURE, AND DELETION: In addition to the Study Staff of Research Company and the Study Sponsor,
your Coded Study Data may also be reviewed or used by:
 Third-party service providers of Research Company where such service providers have signed appropriate
contracts to protect the study data and use it only for the purposes of the Study Sponsor;
 Affiliates and third-party service providers of the Study Sponsor, where such service providers have signed
appropriate contracts to protect the study data and use it only for the purposes of the Study Sponsor.

When required by law, legal process, or litigation, Study Data in identifiable form may also be made available to the
Study Sponsor or government authorities, including law enforcement.


By signing this Consent, you agree to allow the Research Company and Study Staff and third parties identified in this
Consent to collect, use, store, analyze, disclose, and otherwise process your Study Data, including Coded Study Data,
for the following purposes:
 To support and carry out the study.
 To verify that the study is done properly.
 For Research Company to contact you about future studies, if you agree to be contacted for such future

In addition, the Study Sponsor may collect, use, store, analyze, disclose, and otherwise process your Coded Study
Data for the following purposes:
 To analyze the Coded Study Data and publish aggregated results
 To design or improve future studies.
 To combine the results of this study with the results of other studies.
 For the Study Sponsor’s development, design, approval (including regulatory approval), improvement,
production, publication, and/or support of products, technologies, processes, and services, including algorithm
development for these purposes.
As stated above, when required by law, legal process, or litigation, Study Sponsor may also have access to Study Data
in identifiable form.


Your Study Data, including your Contact Information, will only be retained for as long as needed for the purposes of
the study, but for no longer than 10 years from the data of this Consent. Coded Study Data that does not contain
Contact Information or other directly identifiable information, including where video images been blurred or similar, may
be retained by Sponsor for as long as needed for the purposes and uses stated in this Consent.
Privileged & Confidential

CONTACTING YOU ABOUT FUTURE STUDIES : As mentioned above, Research Company will maintain your
Contact Information (including name and email address) for use only by Research Company on behalf of Study
Sponsor to contact you about this or future Studies. Research Company will not provide your Contact Information or
this signed Consent to the Study Sponsor, except where legally required as stated above.

risks to you are anticipated by your participation in this study. However, you may experience some discomfort
associated with stretching and manipulating your hands. There may additionally be some unknown and unforeseeable
risks. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, contact the Study Lead. Although we will take the steps above to protect
the confidentiality of the Study Data, there may be privacy risks with participating in the study and total confidentiality
cannot be guaranteed. For instance, there could be a small privacy risk if the video images you submit include incidental
captures of your face, or there could be unauthorized access to, or security breaches of, the systems used to store
your Contact Information and Study Data.


The Study Staff or the Study Sponsor may, at any time, withdraw you from the study and stop your participation for any
of the following reasons:
 If you fail to follow directions for participating in the study;
 If it is discovered that you do not meet the study requirements;
 If the Study Staff finds that it is not in your best interest to continue taking part in the study; or
 If the study is cancelled.


Your decision to participate in this study is voluntary. You may choose to not participate, or you may withdraw from the
study for any reason, without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. If you want to withdraw,
please notify the Study Staff and/or study lead using the information at the top of this Consent.

If you withdraw or are withdrawn from the study, any Coded Study Data previously collected and shared with the Study
Sponsor may continue to be used and disclosed by the Study Sponsor and used and shared with others as described
in this Consent.

You may contact the Study Lead at any time to request that your Study Data be deleted. In some circumstances,
deletion of your data may not be feasible (for example, where the Coded Study Data has already been disclosed to
Study Sponsor, or if your Study Data held by the Study Lead has been de-linked from your contact information and
your unique code number). However, reasonable efforts will be made to delete identifiable data within a reasonable
amount of time.


You will be paid $[20] if you complete [4] videos of sufficient quality. If you withdraw or are withdrawn from the study,
or if you provide less than [4] videos, you will not receive compensation.


This study is for research and development purposes as described in this Consent. There is no direct benefit to you
from your participation in the study.


This study is part of the development of consumer-available devices. Your information collected during this study may
be used for the development, design, possible approval (including marketing approval), production, and support of
products, technologies, processes, and/or services for commercial sale. The Study Sponsor has no plans to offer you
financial compensation or share any profits from the commercialization of any products, technologies, processes, or
services developed from your information. You will not, however, lose any legal rights to which you are entitled by
signing and dating this consent document.

WHAT ARE MY CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS? If you agree to participate in the study, you must also agree to
not disclose any information from or about the study with anyone, without first obtaining approval from the Study Lead.

WHAT IS CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL? The fact that Company and the Study Sponsor are conducting this study,
the types and methods of data collection, and any other detail about the study or how it is conducted are confidential.
Any information that you learn about the study, including technical information and any other information identified as
non-public information is considered confidential and proprietary information that belongs to the Study Sponsor and
must not be disclosed by you.

WHO NEEDS TO KNOW? Do not assume that anyone knows information about the study. Do not talk to anyone about
the study unless you are authorized to do so by the Study Lead.
Privileged & Confidential

NO DISCLOSURES, PHOTOS, VIDEOS OR SOCIAL MEDIA. It is of utmost importance that no confidential

information be communicated to anyone outside of the Study Staff, including friends, family members, and professional
colleagues. You will not be permitted to take any photographs or videotape anything related to the research study.

Failure to maintain the confidentiality of information may seriously harm the research study. If you become aware of
any unauthorized disclosure of confidential information, please report it to a Study Staff or the Study Lead immediately.

If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please discuss with a Study Staff or the Study Lead.

WHO CAN ANSWER MY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE STUDY? If a study-related problem should occur, or if you have
any questions about the study at any time, please contact the Study Lead as set forth at the top of this Consent

You will not lose any of your legal rights to which you are otherwise entitled by signing and dating this Consent.
Privileged & Confidential


By signing this Consent, I acknowledge and agree:

• I have read and understand this Consent and have had an opportunity to ask questions and have received answers
to my questions.
• I am voluntarily signing this Consent indicating that I consent to participate in this study.
• I agree that I will keep confidential all information disclosed to me during the study.
• I grant the Study Staff and Sponsor and other entities as stated in this Consent the right to collect, use, process,
store, and disclose my Study Data, including my Coded Study Data, as described in this Consent.
• I understand that I will receive a copy of this Consent form after I sign it.
• I have read this information, which is printed in English. This is a language that I read and understand.
• I am over the age of 18 years old


You acknowledge that you have read this consent carefully, that you understand and agree to all of its terms.

You understand that you may ask for a copy of this Informed Consent and Release Agreement.

Ryan 05/02/2020
_______________________ _______________________ _______________________
Name Signature Date

Yes, I agree with the above mentioned terms

No, I disagree with the above mentioned terms


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