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Criterion B:
0 Nothing done
1-2 • Create and table and fill in the values for the minimum number of
moves of the discs for at least 3-7 discs
• Make a prediction for the minimum number of discs for 10 or more
3-4 • State the general pattern of the sequence obtained
• Explain the development of the general rule
• Suggest why the rule works by showing examples
5-6 • State the correct general rule
• Show that it is consistent with findings
• Verify the validity of the general rule obtained
7-8 • Suggest that the general rule has other patterns within it
• Explain with examples (verify) your results
• Provide a proof and justify your findings/general rules

Criterion C:
0 Nothing done
1-2 • Present your findings (discs and minimum number of moves) in an
appropriate manner
• Limited forms of mathematical representation to present information
• Lines of reasoning are difficult to follow
3-4 • Use some appropriate mathematical language
• Use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to present
information adequately
• Communicate through lines of reasoning that are complete
• Adequately organise information using a logical structure
5-6 • Usually use appropriate mathematical language
• Usually use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to
present information correctly
• Usually move between different forms of mathematical representation
• Communicate through lines of reasoning that are complete and
• Present work that is usually organised using a logical structure
7-8 • Consistently use appropriate mathematical language
• Use appropriate forms of mathematical representation to consistently
present information correctly
• Move effectively between different forms of mathematical
• Communicate through lines of reasoning that are complete, coherent
and concise
• Present work that is consistently organised using a logical structure
Coherence – refers to how well different parts of the report link to each other. It also
refers to the overall flow, including between different parts, or from text to
mathematical presentation etc.

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