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Maddie Cronin

CAT 301, Content and Curriculum

October 17, 2019
My curriculum will be presented to a high school youth group. The youth group is at St. Joan of
Arc parish in Toledo, Ohio. This unit on Jesus will be presented to freshman through seniors in high
The youth group is a pretty diverse group of students, most come from Catholic high schools as
there are many in the area, and also some public-school students. St. Joan of Arc is located in a suburb
area of Toledo. This is a reasonably large parish as it has around 2,000 families, with about 30+ students
coming weekly to youth group nights. This curriculum on Jesus contains 5 weeks of lessons and will be
done towards the beginning of the youth group year in the Fall. The youth group meets on Sunday nights
in the community room. The community room is a good space behind the Church. It will be made into a
room of encounter by eliminating tables and chairs and making it feel homey and welcoming with nice
lighting and food to share.
The youth group just went to a Steubenville conference over the summer and teens have had an
encounter with Jesus there. The goal with this new year at youth group is to bring about a change and
commitment in the teens through the catechesis. For those teens who are older and are going deeper into
their spiritual life, they will be provided with an extra formation once a week and paired with a core team
member to lead a small group on Sundays. 
This unit on Jesus will be important for them because the struggles they are facing are related to
self-worth and perfectionism. Through learning about what Jesus has done and will do for us, they can see
that there is freedom from this. Anxiety and depression are also a wall that is sadly common for teens. In
Jesus’s sacrifice he cast out all darkness such as this. 
In the past youth group nights before I was a youth minister, the catechesis would be applied to
their lives but would not convict the teens to change. This year, the previous lessons before this unit on
Jesus was a catechesis on first, the need for God and his presence in our life and then the Trinity. There
was a big emphasis on the Father after discussion of the Trinity. Now with knowledge of a good Father,
they can know the Son, and through the catechesis on the Son they will learn and grow in relationship
with the Holy Spirit.

Understanding: an overall understanding on the second person of the Trinity, knowledge as to why the
Word became flesh, understand the sacrifice that Jesus did for us that brings about new life, have a
knowledge of the reason for the 2nd coming, learning the devotion of the Sacred Heart, know that Jesus’
mission is our mission. 
Change: A deeper relationship with Jesus through personal prayer and devotions, they are led to the
sacraments out of a hunger for a new life in Christ, find new meaning in the Mass, through encountering
signs and wonders and reading about them they will share and be inspired to a life of mission. The way
they think about service will be different. They will not think of the faith as a mindless obligation but of
something they need for their souls and fills them with good gifts from God. This change will especially
bring about a desire to attend Mass more often, especially outside of just Sundays.
Unit Sketch
Lesson 1: The Incarnation: EmMANuel, God with us
 Incarnation= the Word became flesh. John 1:14
 The four reasons for the incarnation. CCC 457-460, John 3:16
 Hypostatic Union- He is true God and True Man
 Incarnational distinctives
o Eucharist- This is the true presence of God
o The Annunciation and Christmas. Luke 1 - we celebrate this. Jesus came into the
world as light to the darkness. John 1:5

Lesson 2: Paschal Mystery: The Veil is Torn- Stepping into Freedom

 Paschal- Exodus 12. The Passover. 
o Salvation- from slavery to freedom
 What did Jesus do?
o Passion- the stations of the cross.
o Death- the cross makes us free. The reality of crucifixion. He paid for our sins
even when we have hurt him. (CCC 598)
 Acts 9:4-5 “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me.” Jesus saves. 
o Resurrection- New Life! This is a hope for heaven, freed from death.
o Ascension- we get the Church and the Holy Spirit. Mk.16:19
 The Mass- the application of the sacrifice and the victory that was won

Lesson 3: The 2nd Coming: Guess Who’s Back!

 Jesus promises to come again in glory.
 The end + the beginning of the liturgical year- Advent- to come
 He is coming to judge and to compel. CCC 679- we need to live a life of grace
 The 3rd coming- Jesus comes into our lives 
o Application: confession, beatitudes, works of mercy. Matthew 25:40 “as you
did…you did it to me.” 

Lesson 4: The Sacred Heart of Jesus: Happy Homecoming!

 Share the visual image, thorns, fire, blood, etc.
 He has a heart that is human and divine 
o Blood and water
 He loves with a human heart- this is why the Father sent Jesus
 St. Margaret Mary Alacoque- made this devotion popular. Jesus said to make reparations
for the sins that were committed against his heart
 How we can be devoted to his heart- consecration through 9 consecutive Friday Masses.

Lesson 5: The Great Commission. Matthew 28:16-20 : Ready, Set, GO!

 “When they saw him, they worshipped him” we give thanks to all he has done. In this
look back at all the previous lessons. And the importance and beauty of worship
 “Go make disciples of all nations” Teaching them all that I have commanded you… 
o Look at specific works of Jesus- signs and wonders. There is more now.
o The wedding at Cana, Jesus never fails. “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:5
 “Behold I am with you always, to the close of the age” He is still present in many ways
Lesson Outline: The Paschal Mystery: The Veil is Torn- Stepping into Freedom
1) Think about the four seasons. In the Fall and into winter, the plants die down and in spring and
summer there is new life. Explain this analogy.
a) The Paschal mystery is about Jesus dying and rising. A twofold reality of being freed and then
coming into new life. CCC 654
2) Paschal Mystery- Passion, Death, Resurrection, Ascension.
a) Christ’s cross and Resurrection stands at the center of the Good News. CCC 571
b) This mystery is all part of God’s plan and necessary for salvation. Jesus freely accepted this plan.
John 10:18 -Jesus lays down his life in his own accord
3) The Passover- (play Passover clip from the movie Prince of Egypt)
a) Exodus 12- explain how the Israelites went from slavery to freedom, they were saved from death
b) Significance of the lamb- in the Paschal mystery, Jesus is the lamb that was slain
4) Passion
a) Passion means “to suffer”
b) We are passionate about what we are willing to suffer for
c) The stations of the cross- place yourselves on the road to Calvary. In our suffering he carries our
cross alongside us. A story of how Jesus has helped me carry my own cross.
5) Death-- the cross makes us free.
a) The reality of crucifixion. Explanation of what Jesus really went through.
b) He paid for our sins even when we have hurt him. (CCC 598)
i) Acts 9:4-5 “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me.” Jesus pursued even with Paul’s sinful
ways of living. Every saint was once a sinner.
ii) The analogy of chains. When we go through struggles of life such as sins, family struggles,
relationship issues, bullying, etc. Jesus takes all our chains that burden us, and he places them
on his own shoulders. You can use a visual example of someone holding these heavy weights
and then being lifted off.
iii) Matthew 11: 28-30 “my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
6) Resurrection – The Winter is over
a) We are given new life! This is a hope for heaven, freedom from death
b) 2 Cor 5:15 “live no longer for themselves but for him…” He has made us a new creation.
i) How do we do this? Living a life of sacrificial love. We are witnesses. Treat yourselves and
others in this way of love. Example: posting upbuilding things on media
c) The Chronicles of Narnia- Aslan sacrifices himself and then rose- show Resurrection scene
i) In the resurrection we can see how we are sons and daughters of a powerful and loving God
7) Ascension
a) Mk 16:19- explain Ascension: he is taken to heaven and we still have Jesus in the Holy Spirit
b) Holy Spirit- lives within us and brings us closer to Jesus.
c) 2 Cor 3:17 “where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” The veil is removed, and we can
live in freedom which means living in the light of all that Jesus has done. Living for heaven!
8) The Mass – we can literally enter into all of what Jesus has done for us in the Mass!
a) The application of the sacrifice and the victory that was won. – we receive his body and blood
b) Our opportunity to participate in the Paschal Mystery
i) Dying to self and receiving new life. How this has impacted my own life
ii) Through encountering Jesus in the Mass, we are being transformed to be like him! 2 Cor 3:18
iii) We are not boring Catholics! Encouraging the teens to attend Mass often because it is
foretaste of heaven.
iv) You have a seat at the table prepared for you and there is food from heaven being presented
to you—Abundant life is restored.
Lesson Outline: The Sacred Heart of Jesus—Happy Homecoming!
1) The common feeling of wanting to feel accepted and noticed. Example form my own life of wanting
to find a home where I was accepted, leading to the conclusion that nothing can satisfy except the
love of Jesus. A teen can give a small witness to Jesus’ love and this
a) The desire of a home can be satisfied through the Sacred Heart of Jesus
2) Jesus took on human nature, so he has a heart. And it burns for us.
a) CCC 478. He loves with a human heart and in Christ’s death the Sacred Heart was pierced by our
sins and for our salvation.
b) John 19:34 The blood and water came from his heart. The blood is for redemption from our sins
and the water is like a fountain of new life that Jesus offers to us. Shows his humanity/divinity.
3) The Image of the Sacred Heart – show image or pass out prayer cards with the image of the heart
a) It is covered in light: He is the light of that drowns out all darkness of life. John 8:12
b) The Fire- his love is passionate and is a constant flame. We too can have this fire.
c) The Cross- it is rooted in the center; it is a reminder of the redemption he has won for us
d) The wound and blood- Jesus was pierced and the blood that comes forth is given in the Mass.
e) Crown of thorns: Christ’s wounds from the passion cut externally and also internally in is heart.
Jesus took on our sins and experienced the pain of them.
4) St. Margaret Mary Alacoque-- She popularized devotion to his heart.
5) “Behold the heart that loves so much and is loved so little in return” Jesus revealed this to her
a) We are to console and have gratitude toward his Heart that burns so intensely for us.
b) To do this we are recommended to practice this devotion by consecrating ourselves- through 9
consecutive Masses on the first Friday of the month.
c) There are 12 promises to those who practice this devotion.
6) His Mother’s Immaculate Heart is aligned with his.
a) The Blessed Mother was so close to Jesus that her heart is connected with his.
b) Devotion to the Sacred Heart includes His mother’s immaculate heart. She is a model for us
7) We long for a Home
a) “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” St. Augustine
b) Think about the places where you long to feel accepted. You might feel like you can’t measure
up. Jesus wants to bring freedom in these areas and welcome us home.
c) Analogy of Overpacking- I always overpack for trips I go on. I want to bring everything that I
could possibly need for my time. In Jesus’ heart there is no need to pack anything—he provides.
And if you do overpack and bring a mess of things—you are still accepted in that.
i) He will show you there is no need to hold onto the baggage anymore. You can get rid of it.
d) The home where we are longing for is in Heaven. When we are longing for a place to call home,
we are homesick for Heaven.
i) We are meant to be with him- forever in his heart.
8) The Road to Emmaus – Luke 24
a) We experience his heart every time we encounter him in the Eucharist. Our hearts become like
his. We receive his Sacred Heart.
b) In the breaking of the bread, the two disciples’ eyes were opened, and their hearts burned within
them. In the Mass, the bread is broken, and the risen Jesus is completely present.
c) The two disciples were completely open to his presence- they welcomed Jesus into their home
and Jesus moved in their hearts.
9) We encounter the Sacred Heart in Adoration
a) He is present- body, blood, soul and divinity
b) We worship and adore the Eucharist. This is heaven. “Let our adoration never cease” CCC 1380
i) From experiencing his presence, we can say, It is no longer I but Christ…Gal 2:20
c) Read out St. Margaret Mary Alacoque prayer of adoration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

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