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Chapter 1P - Sound synthesis with Max/MSP 1p


Max arithmetic operators

* Mu ltip ly numbers on the inlets of the object
/ Divide numbers on the inlets of the object
+ Sum numbers on the inlets of the object
- Subt ract numb ers on the inlets of the object
For all of these operato rs, t he fi rst operand is the numbe r on the left inlet, whi le
the second operand is the argument (or else the number on the right inlet). These
objects are listed among the math operators in the Math menu of the object list.

MSP arithmetic operators

* - Signal mult iplication
/- Signal division
+- Signal addition
-- Signal subtraction
In all of these operators, the fi rst ope rand is the signal, which enters via t he left
inlet, wh ile the second operand is the argument (or the number o r signal on
t he right inlet). These objects are listed among the math operators in the MSP
Operators menu of the object list.

The append object adds its argument to w hatever message it receives. Its
outlet produces a list composed of a received number or list, followed by its
argument, which is always at the end of the list o n t he out let.

This object allocates memory th at can contain a sound . See also g lossary 2P.

Generates a bang on every click of th e mouse, and transfo rms all messagesthat
it receives into a bang on its own out let, flashing to indicate this.

(comment box)
Al lows the additi on of captions to a patch. The object doesn't carry out any
fu nctions other than comment ing upon the program.

Functions like line-, but requires a t hird paramete r called th e "curve
parameter" wh ich is sent along with a value and a time to be spent reaching
the value, and wh ich varies between -1 and 1. The curve parameter indicates
d ifferent gradations of curvatu re: positive values indicate an exponent ial curve,
negat ive values a logarith mic curve, and the value O w ill generate lines th at are
identical to those produced by 1 ine-.

An oscillator which produces a wave that is by defa ult sinusoidal.

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